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服装专业要发挥自身专业优势,在新课改中走在前列,就需要专业教师给自己重新定位,以适应新课改对服装专业教师提出的新要求。本文从我校服装专业的发展现状出发,提出新课改对教师角色的期待,并就教师如何转变角色提出一定的建议。  相似文献   

低碳经济不仅是经济发展方式转变,也是价值观念、消费方式和生活方式的变革。商业作为链接生产者与消费者的纽带,在低碳时代中作用将逐步提升。文章从历史角度对商业角色做了回顾,对低碳时代商业角色转变的必然,新角色几种表现进行了阐述。进而,从商业企业自身素质、商业网点科学布局和政府支持引导方面探讨了商业低碳转变的保障条件。  相似文献   

彼得·圣吉在《第五项修炼——学习型组织的艺术与实务》中提到:企业的员工多半聪明、受过良好教育、充满活力、全心全力地渴望出人头地。但他们到了三十多岁时,通常只有少数人平步青云,其余大多数人都失掉了开始时所有的企图心、使命感与兴奋感,对于工作,他们只投入些许精力,心灵几乎完全不在工作上。  相似文献   

“角色身份的转变不可怕,怕就怕思想观念不转变,江总书记倡导与时俱进,就是要我们转变观念,适应形势的变化,从而谋求自身的生存与发展。无论是国家还是企业,无论是团体还是个人,都要具备这种使命感和责任感。”  相似文献   

明茨伯格认为,经理们并没有按照职能来工作,而是进行别的很多工作。他将经理们的工作分为10种角色,这10种角色又分为3类。人际关系方面的角色代表人角色:作为组织的首脑,管理者有责任履行许多法律性的或社会性的例行义务。比如接待重要的访客、签署法律文件等。很多职责有时可能  相似文献   

组织价值观对当前企业的成功十分重要。面对这一情形,企业领导者有必要扮演塑造组织价值观的角色。本文在论述领导者塑造价值观的必要性的基础上,进一步阐明了领导者如何扮演这个角色,即塑造什么价值观和如何塑造价值观的问题。  相似文献   

我是国投塔山煤矿机运区皮带队队长。我们皮带队在搞"人人都是班组长"管理模式之初,我没有感觉到这项工作对自己身上所承担的责任有帮助,认为还像以前那样分配工作、安排工作程序和各种日常管理事项。但随着班组建设工作的有序开展和深入了解,我逐  相似文献   

企业个性也可以称企业性格,它是指一个组织群体,为实现所从事的活动与目标的需要,在生存和发展过程中不断迎接自然与社会的挑战,使自身逐渐成长与完善,而形成的具备自身特色的传统、作风、习俗、价值观的共同心理。它构成了鲜明的企业形象,属于企业文化的范畴。企业...  相似文献   

20世纪50年代之前,以"七姊妹"为主的国际大石油公司几乎垄断了世界石油工业,国家石油公司显得无足轻重.70年代,在石油资源国有化浪潮中,一批实力雄厚的国家石油公司登上世界石油舞台,北海石油的兴起和两次石油危机,也使一批发达国家的国家石油公司应运而生.然而,80-90年代,兴起于英国并席卷世界许多地方的私有化风潮,使一部分国家石油公司转入了私(民)营"阵营",实力大为削弱.此后至今,世界政治经济形势发生了很大变化,国家石油公司的角色也发生了转变:资源丰富的国家石油公司作为资源提供者,其地位进一步加强;一些本国资源不足的国家石油公司成为活跃的资源寻求者;国家石油公司开始扮演技术提供者的角色,并迅速进军下游领域;一批国家石油公司进入国际市场,采取兼并、收购等手段,实力迅速壮大.随着经济全球化进程的加快,国家石油公司和国际大石油公司之间的合作将更加广泛和多样化,合作共赢将成为主旋律.  相似文献   

仲继银 《董事会》2005,(10):100-101
根据日本学者青木昌彦的理论模型,日本企业是股东和员工之间的一种联盟,而经理人居间协调和整合以尽可能平衡二者之间的利益。经理人位居日本公司治理的中心,这源起于日本二战时期,政府废除了股东的权力,将公司置于政府计划的控制之下。战后,这一状态又通过交叉和稳定的持股结构与终身雇佣制而得到强化。  相似文献   

A key challenge for organizations seeking to improve the management of innovation lies in determining when to lend direct managerial support, and how much support, to those championing such projects. This research provides insights into the connection between project characteristics and the type and frequency of direct manager involvement. As such, it addresses the following research question: how does the level of project innovativeness, strategic relatedness, and resource requirements impact the level of empowerment of innovation champions and the sponsor or supervisor role played by managers? The research method involves a survey of 89 project champions from four divisions of large, multinational Korean companies. The results show that when innovativeness was high but projects were strategically related, there was greater project champion empowerment but also a more frequent managerial sponsor role. This suggests it may be best to allow innovators, who are close to the project's markets, technologies, and industry conditions, to have greater freedom over objectives and decisions. Yet they may also need the advice and support of their managers to function optimally under the highly uncertain conditions that characterize innovative projects. This combination of empowerment and a sponsor role, though appropriate for highly innovative projects, may also require high strategic relatedness, however. On the other hand, when projects are less strategically related and when resource requirements are high, the analysis suggests managers are more likely to exert control. Managers may therefore need to become more closely involved in decision making for costly ventures representing new strategic directions for their organizations. Overall, this research suggests that both empowerment and manager roles are relevant to the management of innovation. These results offer academic value in recognizing the nature of the direct manager role under different innovation project conditions. It further reveals a need for academics to recognize both the supervisor and sponsor roles in the management of innovation. For managers, the findings suggest that for organizations to effectively develop and commercialize innovations managers need to recognize when certain projects call for different levels and types of involvement.  相似文献   

我是2000年4月担任上海申威达机械有限公司常务副总经理的。当经理,对我来说是一种新的尝试,新的挑战,既有压力,也有动力。当经理,说难也不难,无非是要抓好三件事:市场是否抓牢,人是否用好,管理是否到位。但要当一名好经理并且是工作出色的经理,并非是一件轻易举的事。 有的人说,当经理很忙,我  相似文献   

The article examines the impact of executive ownership and other ownership and governance factors on employment change after takeovers. Drawing on a dataset of 235 takeovers, the results show that there is a reduction in employment in just over 50 per cent of the sample. Higher levels of executive share ownership are associated with lower probabilities of employee layoffs post‐takeover, and there is a positive relationship between executive ownership and employment growth. The effect of executive options on employment change is generally insignificant, as are the effects of other features of ownership and governance. The evidence suggests that executives with higher levels of ownership tend to mount takeovers of better‐performing firms and to implement takeovers aimed at growth.  相似文献   

本文论述了企业基层管理人员应具备的能力,并就对企业基层管理人员实施再培训进行了探讨。  相似文献   

This paper makes two contributions. First, an internally consistent annual data set is constructed for the housing-units identity. For the 1961–85 period, data are computed for completions, mobile home placements, the change in households, the change in vacancies, and, residually, net other additions (non-new construction additions less losses). Our computed net other additions data for 1974 to 1980 are shown to be comparable to those implicit in the Annual Housing Survey data. Second, evidence is provided that net other additions play a major role in the short-run equilibration of the demand and supply for housing units. Our evidence suggests that, on average, a surge in household formations is half satisfied by reduced losses or non-new construction additions during the concurrent year.  相似文献   

企业中层管理人员的素质与选拔   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业中层管理人员是介于企业决策层领导和具体操作层员工之间的管理团体,在上级和下级之间起到承上启下的桥梁连接作用,是企业的中流砥柱。提高中层管理者的素质,选拔出优秀的中层管理人员,对企业的发展显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

The American Federation of Labor–Congress of Industrial Organizations has been implicated in political interference and/or regime change in many countries, including the Dominican Republic, Chile, South Africa and Nicaragua. While its espoused objective has been to promote democracy and workers' rights, the results in some cases have been the opposite. This study focuses on one such case, Guyana, a small country in South America, which was perceived as a threat to US and British national interests in the 1950s and 1960s. Using archival data and interviews, we trace the nature and consequences of this intervention and discuss lessons for the future.  相似文献   

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