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地域品牌是指在某个地域范畴内,其生产经营者共同使用的公共品牌标志.地域品牌形象是农业龙头企业发展的基础,它是区域农业产业化经营效益的加速器,能够使区域内生产经营者获取协同效应.地域品牌的形象建设是推动农业产业化发展的基础.  相似文献   

地域品牌是一定地域内众多企业品牌精华的浓缩和提炼,是一个地域内一群生产者所用的公共品牌标志,它可以有效地提升本地域企业的竞争优势,促进区域经济的发展。文章分析了地域品牌的培育机制,并从地域品牌产权保护、产品质量控制、产业环境营造等方面研究了地域品牌的培育保护对策。  相似文献   

原产地域品牌株连危机的对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈玉清 《商场现代化》2005,(12):241-243
近年来,由于某些企业伪劣产品“寄生”知名地域品牌。使一些知名地域品牌受到株连,整体地域品牌的形象、声誉、可信度受到严重影响,广大消费者对这些本来享有很高声誉的商品产生了信任危机。本文从原产地域品牌的现状,原产地域品牌自己的特性分析,阐述原产地域品牌株连危机的对策。  相似文献   

原产地域品牌株连危机的对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈玉清 《商场现代化》2005,(34):241-243
近年来,由于某些企业伪劣产品"寄生"知名地域品牌.使一些知名地域品牌受到株连,整体地域品牌的形象、声誉、可信度受到严重影响,广大消费者对这些本来享有很高声誉的商品产生了信任危机.本文从原产地域品牌的现状,原产地域品牌自己的特性分析,阐述原产地域品牌株连危机的对策.  相似文献   

近年来,由于某些企业伪劣产品“寄生”知名地域品牌。使一些知名地域品牌受到株连,整体地域品牌的形象、声誉、可信度受到严重影响,广大消费者对这些本来享有很高声誉的商品产生了信任危机。本文从原产地域品牌的现状,原产地域品牌自己的特性分析,阐述原产地域品牌株连危机的对策。  相似文献   

农产品区域品牌具有能提升地区农业竞争力的内部和外部效应。然而农产品区域品牌的公共物品属性、农产品经营主体的行为外部性和农产品质量隐蔽性导致的柠檬市场效应使其品牌创建面临着主体缺失、品牌维护与提升困难等一系列的问题。文章分析了构建农产品区域品牌带来的效应,并对存在的突出问题进行了较为深入的经济学分析,最后提出了我国农产品区域品牌创建和维护的可行性措施。  相似文献   

区域品牌作为某一区域中某类产品或产业的品牌,它不为某个企业所专有,而是为众多的生产经营同类产品的企业所共同拥有的无形资产。区域品牌具有公共物品的非竞争性和非排他性特征。本文通过对区域品牌的建设与保护进行的经济学分析,确定政府对建设区域品牌的推动作用及对区域品牌进行产权制度的设置对其以后的维护至关重要。本文利用产权理论,对区域品牌这种公共资源的产权制度进行了设定,即通过注册商标确定其产权归属,并确定其收费权。  相似文献   

近几年来,知名品牌屡屡受到株连,致使整体知名品牌的形象、声誉、可信度受到严重影响,知名地域品牌也没有逃脱这种厄运,如太仓肉松、重庆火锅、北京全聚德烤鸭、龙口粉丝,金华火腿等都不例外地受到了株连,其影响之大,危害之严重是前所未有的。需要企业、行业协会、政府等共同构建地域品牌株连危机的预警机制。  相似文献   

名山县蒙顶山做为世界茶文明的发祥地,茶文化历史悠久、底蕴深厚。为进一步提高蒙顶山茶的市场知名度和美誉度,创造更多经济效益,名山县茶叶品牌创建工作的重点应集中在提高茶叶品质,结合蒙顶山茶文化创建品牌个性,加大品牌宣传力度和改良手工茶艺等方面。  相似文献   

品牌全球化是全球经济一体化过程中的重要组成部分。改革开放30年的中国市场及其本土品牌就在这个过程中深刻体验了它所带来的冲击。众多外来品牌成为中国市场的宠儿甚至主角。发展到21世纪初的这几年,中国企业逐渐意识到本土品牌不仅在国内与对手们竞争,而且要走上世界舞台,参与国际竞争,在全球市场上打造自己的品牌,实现由本土品牌到国际品牌的跨升!那么,究竟中国企业在品牌全球化的道路上已经走了多远,哪些企业做得更好呢?为了解这些问题,益普索(Ipsos)-全球著名市场研究集团与FT中文网携手开展了FT中国品牌全球化调研。  相似文献   

Advertising alliances are an effective shortcut to increase brand awareness and improve brand image. However, few studies have compared the effectiveness of advertising alliances with traditional (single-brand) advertising. Thus, this study focuses on a specific type of brand beliefs – namely, brand personality – and compares the ability of advertising alliances and traditional advertising to strengthen positive traits and downplay negative traits for a real brand in need of image repair. The results show that the advertising alliance is considerably more effective in upgrading positive brand personality traits than single-brand advertising. Importantly, this superior effect remained one week after exposure. The choice of advertising strategy had no effect on negative brand personality traits. Implications for advertising management are discussed.  相似文献   


Global brands often attempt to increase their sales through the launch of brand extensions. Such a strategy may, however, dilute existing brand beliefs at an international level, as two sets of data from Norway and Spain indicate. This paper illuminates how the attitude towards a brand extension affects the image of a parent brand. The extension attitude is mainly determined by the degree of perceived fit between the extension and the parent brand image. In the Spanish sample, it is also determined by the degree of familiarity with the parent brand and the perceived fit at the product category level. After analysing these relationships, the paper focuses on the moderating role of two dimensions of consumer innovativeness: hedonist innovativeness (tied to need for stimulation) and social innovativeness (tied to need for uniqueness). Finally, the cultural orientation of the origin country is analysed as a moderating factor.  相似文献   

The antecedents of brand equity are considered to be brand attitude and brand image, and the consequences of brand equity are considered to be brand preference and purchase intentions. This study concentrates on service brands, selecting 18 from 3 service categories. A structural equation model is presented. Not only does it show a good fit with the research constructs but also the relationships between brand image and brand equity, and brand attitude and brand equity. The impact of brand equity on customer preference and purchase intentions is confirmed as well, which tends to validate the proposed research framework.  相似文献   

Retailer brand collaborations are an underexploited way for retailers to expand product lines and target new segments relatively quickly and cheaply, yet little work has explored the area and the influence of important factors in the image inheritance process remains unknown. Using data from two experiments involving 240 subjects, we examine the role of brand type, brand strength and the fit between parent and brand collaboration product categories to show that a new retail product's image inherits more characteristics from a symbolic parent brand (even when the brand is weak) and when there are higher degrees of parent retailer-image fit. However, fit between the new retail collaboration's product category and that of the parent brands is only important for functional brands. The results help retailers decide which partner to choose to maximize image inheritance.  相似文献   

Recent changes in deregulation and technology have made banking one of the most competitive sectors in the global economy. Within this background, corporate image management has gained importance as a way of differentiating companies. This paper aims to develop a scale to analyse the corporate image in banking. Derived from a review of the literature, a scale with the most cited dimensions of analysis is developed. This scale is then tested by means of an empirical study of 450 individuals, where dimensionality, reliability and validity requirements are confirmed. Both theoretical and managerial implications are presented.  相似文献   

Store managers tend to select odors based upon their pleasing nature without taking into account the notion of congruence between the odor and the brand image. Studies have explored the effects of odors, but little attention has been paid to olfactory congruence, and even less to olfactory congruence with the brand image. This study investigates the impact of olfactory congruence with the brand image upon consumers. The results show the positive effect of olfactory congruence upon spending, attitude, pleasure, arousal, and perception of the store atmosphere. In the strong olfactory congruence condition being tested, these reactions are more positive than in the weak congruence and control conditions.  相似文献   

This research introduces the concept of brand association centrality and distinguishes central brand associations (CBAs) and peripheral brand associations (PBAs). Study 1 shows that the consistency with CBAs and PBAs influences perceived brand extension fit. However, the brand extension consistency with CBAs positively affects consumer–brand extension evaluations, while the brand extension consistency with PBAs does not have a significant effect. Study 2 demonstrates the mediating role of perceived fit between brand extension consistency with CBAs and brand extension evaluations. The study shows that the more inconsistent the product extension is with CBAs, the more the brand's image is altered and the faster brand evaluations deteriorate. In contrast, the brand extension inconsistency with PBAs does not affect brand evaluations.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the perceptions of franchisees and analyzes the influence of brand equity on franchisee performance. The factors that constitute brand equity are also assessed. Factor analysis was used to generate valid and reliable scales based on a sample of 205 Portuguese franchisee firms, and structural equation modeling methodology was then employed in the analysis. The results show franchisee-based brand equity (FBBE) to be a multivariate factor with strong influence on performance. This study contributes significantly to the literature by showing the perspective of franchisees toward franchising. It also has implications on the adequacy of corporate strategy in achieving performance.  相似文献   

Brand-extension strategies enhance success chances of new products, even though they expose brand image to dilution risks. The present work analyzes how brand-extension evaluation can affect the current brand image and proposes a theoretical model formed by five main factors related to brand associations, extension congruency and extension attitude. The model estimation includes structural equation analysis using data from 699 surveys developed under market conditions. The results verify that extension attitude influences brand image, whereas initial brand associations and perceived fit between the new product and either the remaining products (category fit) or the brand image (image fit) are able to strengthen consumer attitude. The study also explains the role of consumer innovativeness as a moderating factor, suggesting that the characteristics of consumer personality could be more important than expected.  相似文献   

品牌形象必须具有相对的一致性 ,这是品牌经营和品牌资产积累的内在要求。但是 ,企业经营所面临的外部环境每时每刻都在发生着急剧的变化 ,品牌形象必须对外部环境的变化做出积极的回应。当品牌形象无法反映外部环境的变化时 ,就必须对进行变革与创新。通过对品牌形象一致性的重要性和变革之必要性的分析 ,对品牌形象创新的方法及时机选择进行了有益的探讨。  相似文献   

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