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徐英吉  吕良鹏 《价值工程》2004,24(3):109-112
本文首先时西方信贷传导机制作了简要描述,后对我国的信贷传导机制进行分析,得出①金融机构对外贷款量以及各类经济主体的固定资产投资额,全社会零售总额基本上不受利率的影响;金融机构对外贷款量受货币供应量的影响较大;②固定资产投资额,全社会零售总额,国内生产总值受金融机构对外贷款量的影响很大,表明了信贷传导机制是我国日前主要传导渠道.为提高信贷传导的效力,需要①推进金融机构改革;②发展消费信贷;③建立健全中小企业信用担保体系;④加强社会信用体系建设⑤解决国有企业资金来源单一的局面;⑥促进利率市场化.  相似文献   

蔡勇 《上海房地》2007,(10):55-56
一、宏观调控的大背景房地产业在我国经济发展中起着重要作用。2006年,我国房地产开发投资额为19382亿元,占全社会固定资产投资额的17.64%。到2006年底,中国商业性个人住房贷款余额已超过22500亿元,占金融机构  相似文献   

利率市场化是建设社会主义市场经济体制的内在要求.构建一个信用扩张结构与利率传导机制一致性的理论框架进行分析,发现利率双轨制与银行贷款为主、直接融资为辅的信用扩张结构相适应,完全的利率市场化传导与直接融资为主、银行信贷为辅的信用扩张结构相适应.现阶段的LPR改革存在一定局限性,可以看作是利率市场进程中的一个"过渡",LPR改革仍未从本质上打破利率双轨制.从我国信用扩张结构的发展趋势来看,直接融资将会占据主导地位,LPR改革后的利率传导机制存在错配.基于我国利率市场化面临的现实困境,未来的改革方向是:完善市场基准利率建设,确定主要的货币政策操作目标和政策利率,加强市场互联互通,完善多层次资本市场,提升商业银行科学定价水平和现代化管理能力,减少对信贷货币规模不必要的行政干预.  相似文献   

本文根据协整理论建立VECM模型与格兰杰因果检验,研究中长期贷款利率,M1,银行房地产贷款投资额对二线城市武汉房价的影响。结果表明,武汉地区房价受中长期贷款利率影响比较明显,而货币供给和银行对于房地产贷款的投资额对于调控房价作用不大。  相似文献   

本文根据协整理论建立VECM模型与格兰杰因果检验,研究中长期贷款利率,M1,银行房地产贷款投资额对二线城市武汉房价的影响。结果表明,武汉地区房价受中长期贷款利率影响比较明显,而货币供给和银行对于房地产贷款的投资额对于调控房价作用不大。  相似文献   

西方的货币政策传导机制理论可以分为两大流派:货币观和信用观,其中货币观包括纯利率传导渠道理论、资产价格传导渠道理论、汇率传导渠道理论;信用观由信用可得性理论派生而来,具体又可以分为银行借贷渠道理论和资产负债表理论.尽管近些年来信用观得到了不少的实证支持,但货币观尤其是利率传导渠道理论仍然处于主流地位.那么在我国的特定金融环境下,利率传导渠道是否一样的有效呢?  相似文献   

利率改革影响不大留"尾巴"为调控房产让路央行日前宣布,自2013年7月20日起全面放开金融机构贷款利率管制。本次措施共有四条:一是取消金融机构贷款利率0.7倍的下限,由金融机构根据商业原则自主确定贷款利率水平;二是取消票据贴现利率管制,由金融机构自主确定;三是对农村信用社贷款利率不再设立上限;四是为继续严格执行差别化的住房信贷政策,个人住房贷款利率浮动区间暂不作调整。。  相似文献   

陈艳平  高娟 《价值工程》2004,23(8):97-99
文章从目前中小企业贷款融资现状出发,对国有商业银行、地方金融机构、担保机构三方面信贷支持进行分析,从而提出构建以地方金融机构为主体、国家政策性银行为补充、信用担保机构为辅助的贷款支持体系,以期从根本上解决中小企业贷款支持问题.  相似文献   

中国人民银行宣布,自2013年7月20日起全面放开金融机构贷款利率管制,取消金融机构贷款利率0.7倍的下限,由金融机构根据商业原则自主确定贷款利率水平,这意味着我国的利率市场化改革又迈出了重要的一步。本文主要阐述贷款利率市场化对商业银行的影响,以及商业银行应该如何应对贷款利率市场化。  相似文献   

陈艳平  高娟 《价值工程》2004,23(5):97-99
文章从目前中小企业贷款融资现状出发,对国有商业银行、地方金融机构、担保机构三方面信贷支持进行分析,从而提出构建以地方金融机构为主体、国家政策性银行为补充、信用担保机构为辅助的贷款支持体系,以期从根本上解决中小企业贷款支持问题。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a simple finance innovation with an income‐contingent repayment system to supplement our current fixed‐interest rate student loan system. Income‐contingent repayments could be pooled and securitised while lenders could sell these lifetime equity‐like human capital securities to investors who seek to diversify their existing portfolios. Without increasing the government's fiscal burden, this innovation would significantly reduce entry barriers facing finance‐constrained college students in a continually rising cost environment.  相似文献   

Problems in the US mortgage industry have shown weaknesses in the standard regulatory and economic capital approaches. Although a significant amount of discussion is occurring around how to segment portfolios or predict key variables in order to better fit the existing formulas, we believe that a re-examination of existing capital formulas with respect to credit risk is required.In this paper we develop a formula which is specifically tuned to the dynamics of retail loan portfolios and which could be employed for either regulatory capital or economic capital. The key advantages of this approach are that it is based upon a much more accurate model of retail loan defaults, does not require any new data feeds, is based upon readily available modeling frameworks, and can adapt to portfolio changes such as those observed in the US mortgage crisis.  相似文献   

农业和农村经济发展面临巨大的信贷约束,究其原因,信用资源的匮乏是影响农村经济组织信贷融资的重要因素。而农村社会资本具有经济担保作用,从社会资本视角,对农村信贷融资的信用保障机制进行深入研究,探究农村社会资本的资金调配功能,通过农村社会资本的信用价值及其局限性分析,寻求农村金融体系重构的有效路径。  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2023,47(1):101051
While MSMEs form the backbone of many countries, most of them suffer from limited access to finance. We extend the literature by examining whether Islamic banks, compared to their conventional peers, favor more the MSMEs credit market segment in Turkey. We do this by considering various aspects of the lending behavior towards MSMEs (total lending, foreign currency lending, loan commitments, loan quality, and revenues) across different MSMEs size categories (micro, small and medium-sized firms). Our results show that once we control for bank-specific characteristics, we find that Islamic banks are more engaged with MSME financing and generate more revenues from servicing MSMEs. Concerning the quality of the MSME lending portfolio, no distinguishable patterns were observed between Islamic and conventional banks.  相似文献   

Observers routinely claim that the Japanese government of the high-growth 1960s and 1970s rationed and ultimately directed credit. It barred domestic competitors to banks, insulated the domestic capital market from international competitive pressure, and capped loan interest rates. In the resulting credit shortage, it promoted industrial policy by rationing credit.
As much as the government purported to ration and to direct credit, it apparently accomplished nothing of the sort. It did not block domestic rivals to banks successfully, did not insulate the market from international forces, and did not set maximum interest rates that bound. Using evidence on loans to all 1,000-odd firms listed on Section 1 of the Tokyo Stock Exchange from 1968 to 1982, we find that observed interest rates reflected borrower risk and mortgageable assets and that banks did not use low-interest deposits to circumvent any interest caps. Instead, the loan market seems to have cleared at the nominal rates.
We follow our empirical inquiry with a case study of the industry to which the government tried hardest to direct credit: ocean shipping. We find no evidence of credit rationing. Despite the government programs to allocate capital, nonconformist firms funded their projects readily outside authorized avenues. Indeed, they funded them so readily that the nonconformists grew with spectacular speed and earned their investors enormous returns.  相似文献   

文章从最优贷款利率与非市场出清视角分析了信贷配给的内生逻辑,建立了信贷效用熵理论,在此基础上,运用信贷效用熵理论揭示了银保协作改进商业银行信贷效率的机理,并以此为依据,设计了银保协作下商业银行信贷效率改进的科学路径.文章认为,信息不对称促使商业银行实施信贷配给,使得商业银行信贷资金的市场化出清程度较低,大量信贷资金被低效占用,导致信贷效率缺失.对此,建立银保协作机制,可以有效缓解银企之间的信息不对称性,促使商业银行信贷资金的市场化出清意愿及能力上升,从而降低信贷配给幅度,提升信贷效率.  相似文献   

Since the end of the fixed rates in 1973 and after the European Monetary System (EMS) sterling dismissal in 1992, the value of the pound has undergone large cyclical fluctuations on average. Of particular interest to policy makers is the understanding of whether such movements are consistent with the lack or not of a correction mechanism to some long-run equilibrium. The purpose of the present study is to understand those dynamics, how the external value of the British sterling (GBP) relative to the US dollar (USD) evolved during the recent floating experiences, and what have been the driving forces. In this paper we assume the real exchange rate to be determined by forces relating to the goods and capital market in a general equilibrium framework. This entails testing the purchasing power parity (PPP) and the uncovered interest parity (UIP) together. In doing so, we model inflation expectations explicitly. Our findings have two important implications, both for monetary policy. First, we show that some of the observed changes in the bilateral real exchange rate cannot be solely attributed to changes in inflation rates, but, also to capital markets. Secondly, we find a weaker behavior of the US bond rate on international markets, possibly explained by the special US dollar status of World reserve currency.  相似文献   

通过对浙江省农户金融需求状况调查发现,农户的借贷需求呈现多样化特征,生活性资金需求比例较高;农户对信用社的了解和认知程度不高,民间借贷是农户融资的主要渠道;农户对其它金融需求的了解意愿比较强烈。因此,地方政府和金融监管部门对民间金融应积极引导,加强监管,使其成为正规金融的有益补充。而作为担当支农主力军角色的农村信用社应深化改革,开发多样性信贷产品,满足农户多样化的金融需求。最后还要通过金融知识下乡等方式,让农户了解金融常识。  相似文献   

证券市场的货币政策传导功能实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
货币政策是货币当局对经济进行宏观调控的重要工具,政策的有效性首先取决于金融领域的传导机制。长期以来我国的货币政策一直以银行信贷为主要传导枢纽,但随着资本市场的发展,其传导功能将日益强化。本文通过实证分析,建议实施货币政策时应充分考虑资本市场对货币政策传导功能的影响。  相似文献   

由于物流金融业务参与者投资的性质不同,其风险管理措施也有所不同。其措施是:运用MONTE CARLO模拟计算市场风险敞口的VAR并结合压力测试,分配物流金融业务所占资金比率及其每个领域的资金比例;运用信用风险模型分析风险敞口面临的潜在损失;通过改善物流金融业务参与者的业务流程、管理水平及定期和不定期内部检查等措施,降低操作风险带来的损失;通过控制不同信用等级的交易对家的不同资金配额、贷款及还款要求和衍生品交易限制等措施,降低因流动性风险产生的经济损失。  相似文献   

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