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蔡荣  刘婷 《财贸研究》2019,30(1):74-86
利用合作社社员微观调查数据,对合作社社员资本供给意愿及其影响因素进行实证分析。结果显示:第一,社员生产规模越大,向合作社进行资本供给的意愿越强。第二,风险厌恶对社员资本供给意愿存在制约作用。第三,合作社领办主体身份和合作社声誉等级对社员资本供给意愿具有显著影响。生产大户领办合作社有助于吸引社员资本供给;组织声誉等级越高,社员资本供给意愿也越强。第四,能够参与合作社重要事务决策的社员相对更愿意向合作社进行资本供给。第五,对所在合作社发展前景及社长能力持正面评价有助于提升社员资本供给意愿。第六,政府扶持不会削弱社员资本供给激励,相反具有促进作用。  相似文献   

石旭斋 《财贸研究》2006,17(4):135-141
合作经济组织的根本宗旨和最终追求在于市场经济体制中处于不利竞争地位的弱势群体,通过充分合作实现自助、自立与自我服务,最终实现自身权益的有效保护与扩大。因而,充分保障合作社社员的民主政治权利,将有利于促进合作经济组织的发展,从而直接服务于构建和谐社会和建设小康社会这一经济社会发展目标;有效保障合作社社员的经济权利,正是充分发挥现代法的保护社会弱势群体利益等利益调整功能的具体内涵;广泛保障合作社社员的社会权利,实现合作经济组织的独立社会团体地位,也是实现国家权力的社会回归的必然要求。  相似文献   

陈岷 《财贸研究》2007,18(6):132-135
从民商法视角看,作为市场经济的参与者,合作社是人们自愿联合的组织,是平等的自然人、法人等主体之间的联合;合作社的内部制度设计以法人治理结构为基准,但与一般公司法人治理结构并不完全相同;合作社的经营活动具有两重性,合作社与社员之间的交易具有非营利性,而与其他非社员利益主体之间的交易则具有营利性,因此在对外交易活动中必然要受价值规律和市场竞争规律的约束。  相似文献   

山东省邹平县亿农家园植林专业合作社为当地农户承担起机械化植保重担。除了为社员和农户服务,还与植保面积500亩以上的企业客户进行合作全年机械化植保面积达到十多万亩,为合作社社员带去了可观的增收。  相似文献   

我社积极办好专业合作,开辟了助农增收的新途径。目前,专业合作社社员有194户,成为全镇最大的农民合作经济组织,特别是蔬菜专业合作社,为当地农村经济的发展起到了重要作用.  相似文献   

专业合作社的性质有别于其他集体所有制企业,也有别于一般的盈利组织,主要体现自我服务的公益性。专业合作社是农民在某一产品的生产、某一行业的经营或某一服务领域共同组织成的合作经济组织,完全按照合作制原则结成的经济利益共同体,以形成共同生产或经营,抵御市场风险,取得规模效益。一、财务管理体制专业合作社遵循自愿、互利、民主、平等的合作制原则,实行独立核算、自主经营、自负盈亏、自我服务、自我发展、自我约束的财务管理体制。其最高权力机构为社员(代表)大会,依据社章设立理事会、监事会。各类专业合作社应依据现行…  相似文献   

朱月娟  李勇军 《商业时代》2012,(29):101-102
明确合作社的基本属性是贯彻落实法律和政策的前提。人合性、非营利性、互助性、法人性是合作社的四大基本属性,其确立将增进社会和社员对合作社的认识并形成共识,消除合作社"鱼目混珠"的现象,使实质意义上的合作社得到鼓励,并由此形成制度构建与完善的基础。  相似文献   

股份合作社具有合作制和股份制的双重特征,是集合作制与股份制于一身的一种企业形式.明确的股份合作社产权制度,对我国股份合作社的健全发展具有非常重要的意义.实践中,我国股份合作社企业产权界定存在诸多缺陷,为促进我国股份合作社制度的完善,笔者从明确集体产权的性质,限定社员出资,明确公有资本的范围,规范股权交易,明确清算的规则等几个方面提出了合理化建议.  相似文献   

随着合作社规模的扩大,逐渐出现社员参与管理的能力低下和积极性减弱的问题,使得合作社交易成本上升,进而影响其达到规模最优,发展遭遇瓶颈。运用交易成本理论,对合作社最优的规模探究进行案例实证分析,构建超越对数函数模型,并得出针对两种不同规模合作社规模优化的建议。  相似文献   

蔡荣  韩洪云 《财贸研究》2012,23(1):53-61
合作社内部交易的价格风险配置不仅影响风险性农产品的市场供给,而且关系到合作社能否持续和健康发展。利用山东省苹果种植户的调查数据,实证分析合作社内部交易的价格风险配置及其影响因素。实地调查发现,约有45.4%的样本农户与合作社交易时能够在一定程度上降低价格风险。进一步研究显示,合作社内部交易的价格风险配置主要受到种植规模、距市场距离、产品质量、社会资本、合作社类型、年末返利和技术服务等因素的影响,而销售难度、入社时间和结算方式等因素则不具有统计显著性。  相似文献   

We extend a model developed by Evans and Jovanovic (1989) to explain when start-ups are credit constrained. We show that the magnitude of the credit constraint is conditioned by the relative productivity of human capital in both wage work and self-employment. The effect of predicted household income on start-up capital is used to indicate the existence of financial constraint. Empirical analysis reveals that entrepreneurs with high human capital have both greater financial wealth and greater levels of start-up capital pointing to the endogenous nature of credit constraints. High human capital relaxes financial constraints, apparently due to greater productivity of human capital in wage work than in self-employment. Those who are the least likely to be credit constrained in self-employment are those that are least likely to switch into self-employment,and vice versa.  相似文献   

This paper studies under which conditions the share of profit in value‐added, financial constraints on investment and capital shortage may foster unemployment and may limit the growth of capital and/or the growth of aggregate demand, in a stock‐flow consistent model. The efficiency of demand‐side versus supply‐side economic policies (decrease of the real interest rate and/or of the real wage, increase of the leverage ceiling constraint) depends on capital shortage and credit rationing, which are not necessarily simultaneous due to the effects of investment on aggregate demand and supply.  相似文献   

This paper shows that endogenous adjustments in the composition of labour supplies magnify the effects of changes in commodity prices on the measured skill premium under quite plausible conditions. These composition effects arise from decisions of individuals with heterogeneous inherent abilities about acquiring human capital. They reinforce the well-known Stolper?–?Samuelson effect on the measured skill premium in countries with a sufficiently high relative supply of skilled labour, but compensate them otherwise. As a result, the model can account for the observation of a worldwide increase in the skill premium during the last two decades.  相似文献   

中国人力资本、物质资本供给的联合内生结构表现为,人力资本积累对物质资本积累有正的外部性,但物质资本积累当期对人力资本积累的外部性为负,这制约了人力资本积累增长。在此基础上对产出增长过程的分析表明,物质资本积累对中国经济增长的推动作用远大于人力资本,而中国物质资本积累过度扩张引致的人力资本、物质资本积累非均衡是导致这一结果的根本原因。因此,优化物质资本、人力资本积累结构是今后实现中国经济持续、稳定增长的重要途径。  相似文献   

Evidence on international capital flows suggests that foreign direct investment (FDI) is less volatile than other financial flows. To explain this finding I model international capital flows under the assumptions of imperfect enforcement of financial contracts and inalienability of FDI. Imperfect enforcement of contracts leads to endogenous financing constraints and the pricing of default risk. Inalienability implies that it is not as advantageous to expropriate FDI relative to other flows. These features combine to give a risk sharing advantage to FDI over other capital flows. This risk sharing advantage of FDI translates into a lower default premium and lower sensitivity to changes in a country’s financing constraint.The model offers the new implication that financially constrained countries should borrow relatively more through FDI. This is because FDI is harder to expropriate and not because FDI is more productive or less volatile. Using several creditworthiness and country risk ratings to measure financing constraints, I present new evidence linking FDI and financing constraints. Moreover, numerical simulations of the model generate stronger serial correlation for FDI than for other flows into developing countries. This corroborates the view that non-FDI flows are more short-term and more likely to change direction.  相似文献   

针对多异构机载平台对不同类型的地面目标执行攻击任务的协同任务分配问题,以平台载弹量以及摧毁任务目标的需弹量建立平台与任务之间的关系,以各平台的任务序列以及执行任务时的武器使用量序列作为决策变量,在基地-任务航路矩阵和任务-任务航路矩阵的基础上,综合考虑平台武器约束、平台航程约束、任务需弹量等约束,建立多机协同任务分配模型。设计了两步分布协同拍卖算法,通过多次生成任务的拍卖招标顺序和基地的拍卖竞标顺序,实现了多机协同任务分配问题的优化求解。仿真结果表明,所建模型和求解算法能够有效合理地解决多机协同对地攻击的任务分配问题。  相似文献   

Chinese high growth has been accompanied by government restrictions on international borrowing (capital controls). In this paper, we ask: are such restrictions a useful policy tool to facilitate growth? We provide a theory of borrowing constraints on households as a tool to correct a learning-by-doing externality. Borrowing constraints operate as a policy tool through two channels: (i) increasing labor supply and (ii) reallocating labor towards traded goods. We find that welfare gains are closest to that of the First-Best Planner allocation when the externality is not too large. We compute the sequence of optimal constraints along the growth path and show how the use of this policy tool contributes to repressed wages, current account balance, and slow real exchange rate appreciation.  相似文献   

Chinese high growth has been accompanied by government restrictions on international borrowing (capital controls). In this paper, we ask: are such restrictions a useful policy tool to facilitate growth? We provide a theory of borrowing constraints on households as a tool to correct a learning-by-doing externality. Borrowing constraints operate as a policy tool through two channels: (i) increasing labor supply and (ii) reallocating labor towards traded goods. We find that welfare gains are closest to that of the First-Best Planner allocation when the externality is not too large. We compute the sequence of optimal constraints along the growth path and show how the use of this policy tool contributes to repressed wages, current account balance, and slow real exchange rate appreciation.  相似文献   

生态合作关系的建立与良性运转能够有效调动各方资源解决行业发展困境、共同互助提升。基于社会资本理论,研究探索了平台企业与合作伙伴如何识别不同阶段发展瓶颈、应对措施、产生结果等生态合作演化过程。以菜鸟平台作为案例研究对象,解锁了生态合作不同阶段的动态合作演化路径与规律。研究发现:(1)平台企业与合作伙伴共经历基于需求与供给的绑定、基于价值获取与能力提升、基于共生共赢的合作三个阶段;(2)三阶段分别着重于建立伙伴间连接与信任、提升伙伴能力与协同配合、增强伙伴责任共担、贡献自身的意识;(3)各阶段均形成以“瓶颈—策略—结果”为内在逻辑的合作演化路径,最终建立生态合作演化整合模型。研究通过拓展对社会资本理论的认知,深化了对平台生态系统领域内合作演化过程的理解。  相似文献   

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