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中国管理会计研究述评   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
本文对1997—2005年间在中国18种主要学术期刊上发表的283篇管理会计研究方面的文章进行了述评。我们发现在1997—2001年和2002—2005年之间研究的重心有所变化。1997—2001年文章多关注目标成本及责任会计,而在2002—2005年间研究侧重于经营预算、业绩计量、绩效评价系统、价值链分析及基于价值的管理。约有80%的文章没有或未被发现有理论依据。在有理论依据的文章中,金融及经济理论是最常见的。在研究方法方面,规范分析/概念性研究的论文在这两个时期都占绝大多数,其次是案例研究、调查研究、以数据库为基础的实证研究。分析性模型研究极少,而实验研究则是空白。总体上看,样本文章为研究中国管理会计实务的历史及现状提供了有价值的视角,但由于其理论上及方法论上的局限性,不能为了解及引导中国管理会计的发展提供一个可靠的依据。令人鼓舞的是,以理论为基础的研究无论从数量上还是比例上都有逐渐增加的趋势,研究方法也愈来愈多样化。本文通过对这些问题的讨论,试图为中国管理会计研究的发展方向提供一些建议。  相似文献   

This note serves three purposes. First, it responds to Professor Stark's comments on our earlier article, “A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Accounting for Inflation.” Second, the discussion in our earlier article is expanded to explore alternative assumptions and procedures that should be considered in future research on cost-benefit analysis of accounting policy decisions; in particular, we encourage future research to consider both inter- and intra-industry resource allocation, a short-run approach to resource allocation, and alternative reallocation bases. Third, we comment on Professor Stark's extensive discussion on the merger implications of our resource allocation assumption.  相似文献   

This study reports the results of an investigation into the learning approaches of undergraduate accounting and business students from three universities in Ireland who were exposed to a learning environment, namely the case study method, which aimed to encourage a deep approach to learning. In order to assess the effectiveness of the intervention, the ASSIST research instrument was used to investigate changes in students’ approaches to learning over time. Consistent with previous research, this study considers whether gender is related to students’ approaches to learning over time and if there are differences between students majoring in accounting or business in their approaches to learning. The results of the study indicate that the case study intervention was successful in some respects. However, contrary to expectations, an overall statistically significant increase in students’ surface approach to learning was found. Additionally, it is reported that changes in students’ approaches to learning over time are not associated with gender or degree program. The results of this study offer insights to accounting educators developing educational interventions to encourage deep approaches to learning.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the range of risk-related problems that have arisen over the introduction of genetically modified (GM) crops and food products in the context of the adoption of the precautionary principle (PP) in Europe. Adoption of the PP was intended to avoid some of the environmental problems that arose from the earlier reactive/preventive regulatory system developed for pesticides and also to encourage public acceptance of the new technology but is failing to achieve either of these aims. It is argued that a distinction needs to be made between interest-based and ethical or valuebased responses to risk issues and different approaches to conflict resolution are needed in each case. The PP can be seen as having allowed ethical and value-based concerns to have a new role in risk debates in contexts where they were previously excluded. Despite journalistic references to 'Frankenstein foods' the major protagonists in the debate about GM crops and foods are more concerned about the Faustian bargain which puts science, technology and the industries that increasingly control them in charge of world food production systems. Rather than abandoning the PP, as has been suggested by some risk analysts, a more balanced approach to incorporating it into risk regulation, coupled to balanced skepticism about the motivations of stakeholders, is outlined as a starting point to break into the current escalating cycle of conflict while also meeting the needs of modern industrial societies.  相似文献   

This article reviews family firm studies in the finance and accounting literature,primarily those conducted using data from the United States and China. Family owners have unique features such as concentrated ownership, long investment horizon, and reputation concerns. Given the distinguishing features of family ownership and control, family firms face unique agency conflicts. We discuss the agency problems in family firms and review the findings of recent family firm studies. We call for more research to understand the unique family effects and encourage more research on Chinese family firms.Part I of the article discusses the fundaments of family firms: the prevalence of and the agency conflicts within family firms. Part II summarizes the findings of recent U.S. family firm studies. It reviews the evidence on the family firm premium(how, which, and when family firms are associated with a valuation premium), the manifestation of the agency conflict between majority and minority shareholders in family firms, earnings quality and corporate disclosure, and the determinants of family ownership and control. Part III discusses the prevalence and characteristics of Chinese family firms and reviews the findings of related studies. The article concludes with some suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

Gray et al. (2014) examined the productivity of expert systems/artificial intelligence research in accounting and came to the conclusion that both research on and practice use of expert systems/artificial intelligence had waned since the late 1990s. In our study, we reconsider these findings based on a broader view that is ‘artificial intelligence’ centric versus ‘expert systems’ centric. The results show that while there was a bit of a lull in the late 1990s, artificial intelligence research in accounting has continued to steadily increase over the past 30 years. Further consideration of artificial intelligence techniques as embedded modules in integrated audit support systems also suggest that use by practice continues to be robust. Based on these findings, we make a call for much more research on the usability, and use, of artificial intelligence techniques in accounting domains. Contrary to earlier perceptions, the research domain remains vibrant and holds great potential for AIS researchers to take a leadership role in advancing the field.  相似文献   

An extensive research tradition in economics considers the degree to which leading firms of dominant proportions use the advantages of large relative firm size to earn above normal or monopoly profits. To date, the findings of this research remain inconclusive and controversial. This study considers the hypothesis that accounting method selection bias may be responsible, at least in part, for confounding the results of empirical research on the issue. Using a general framework featuring alternate accounting and nonaccounting market value-based measures of profitability, we find consistent and robust evidence rejecting a monopoly-based explanation of leading firm profits. The consistency of results across profit measures is important from an accounting and public policy perspective because, at least in terms of the monopoly profits issue, accounting method selection bias does not emerge as an important factor limiting the usefulness of accounting data.  相似文献   


Millions of Americans retire while they are still productive. Of these, many will have the resources to enjoy all of their golden years. Unfortunately, many others will face economic hardships after they have exhausted their own resources but have become too frail to return to work. Part of the problem is that the current pension system is fraught with financial incentives that push ablebodied elderly workers into retirement just when they should instead be encouraged to remain in the workforce to accumulate additional retirement assets. This paper recommends a number of ways to change federal pension laws in order to encourage elderly workers to remain in the workforce. For example, this paper recommends toughening the penalty on premature distributions, repealing the minimum distribution rules, and repealing the exceptions to the Age Discrimination in Employment Act that permit retirement plans to provide early retirement incentives and subsidies.

This paper also considers whether the government should require that all retirement plans be neutral as to the timing of retirement. In an age-neutral world, workers would always accrue more benefits if they kept working. Consequently, more workers would remain in the workforce, accumulating additional assets for their eventual retirement.

Finally, this paper also considers how federal pension policy could help counteract the tendency of Americans to retire too early because they underestimate their life expectancies, overestimate their financial resources, and fail to understand the deleterious effects of inflation. In particular, this paper recommends that the government require that virtually all retirement plans pay at least a portion of their benefits in the form of an inflation-adjusted annuity.  相似文献   

Drawing on extensive archival research, this article analyses the ‘soft systems’, such as logic and thinking, inherent in the Dundee jute industry post its world domination in the 1880s into its final demise and eventual reduction to a fringe competitor in the 1970s. Evidence for the existence of powerful individual firm and collective industry recipes that resulted in “cognitive freezing” is provided and, drawing on the earlier work of MacKay and McKiernan [The role of hindsight in foresight: refining strategic reasoning, Futures (2004) (3) 161-179], a theoretical framework that explains the formulation of these recipes is posited. The article argues that cognitive freezing on past recipes within the individual firm soft systems and the collective soft systems of the industry resulted in the industries’ managers missing existing strategy options that could have triggered industry renewal.  相似文献   

Danny J. Boggs 《Futures》1985,17(5):435-439
This article looks at the forecasting industry as turning out products of more interest to museum curators than corporate executives, policymakers etc. It is generally skeptical of most attempts to divine the future —skepticism turning to deep concern when a particular forecast is used to justify government in making a decision better left to the discretion of free, rational citizens. The article looks at the problems of forecasting, the risks involved and, remarkably, how little the reputations of global forecasters seem to be affected by past statements. Finally, it discusses the effectiveness of a separate forecasting body, apart from government which would have power without responsibility. It considers The Resourceful Earth as a sound and cautious analysis, representing itself as a private effort by private individuals, which does not encourage unwarranted emphasis to its conclusions.  相似文献   

Recent rapid progress in machine learning (ML), particularly so‐called ‘deep learning’, has led to a resurgence in interest in explainability of artificial intelligence (AI) systems, reviving an area of research dating back to the 1970s. The aim of this article is to view current issues concerning ML‐based AI systems from the perspective of classical AI, showing that the fundamental problems are far from new, and arguing that elements of that earlier work offer routes to making progress towards explainable AI today.  相似文献   

It is unnecessary to encourage operational research (OR) workers to become involved in problems of major world impact; this is why OR was born in wartime. Then it could be assumed that an entity existed (the decision maker) with sufficient problem awareness, clear objectives and adequate intelligence to decide between presented options. Not until peacetime was it recognized that today's problems affect our future rather than our present. It became necessary to invent futures studies, and from that point there can be no all-wise decision maker. Consequently there are gaps in futures methodology. Problems can be identified and their impact analysed, but there is no direct road towards implementation. There are many decision makers but no common approach or goal. Opinion pools have not been an adequate substitute for informed decision making. New methodology is needed. This article considers the difficulties and makes suggestions for changes in approach.  相似文献   

This paper (Part 1), and two related papers (Part 2: The ‘modern business enterprise’, America's transition to capitalism, and the genesis of management accounting; and Part 3: Adam Smith, the rise and fall of socialism, and Irving Fisher's theory of accounting), explore historical links between American ideology and Irving Fisher's theory of accounting. They explain Fisher's theory as the product of America's exceptional transition to capitalism and the ideological consequences. Part 1 uses Marx's theories of the transition in England, of colonisation, and of ideology, to construct an accounting history model of America's transition to capitalism that identifies the dominant social relations of production and calculative mentalities, and uses them to predict the accounting signatures and political ideologies we should observe if the theories are correct. Parts 1 and 2 test the model. Part 3 explores the ideological consequences of America's transition, for America and financial accounting. Scholars generally assume that America was ‘born capitalist’; historians argue it became capitalist sometime from the late 18th to early 19th centuries. The model, however, identifies early farmers as ‘simple commodity producers’ who, it predicts, kept only single entry accounts of debt, and had a ‘producer’ ideology of ‘equality’ and ‘freedom’. It identifies planters and manufacturers as ‘semi-capitalists’ – part merchant capitalist and part simple commodity producer – who it predicts calculated ‘profit’ as consumable surplus, pursued the ‘simple rate of profit’, controlled only prime costs, and had an ideology of ‘individualism’ that combined the producers’ ideology with the merchants’ ‘laissez-faire’. Part 1 re-examines evidence from accounts to around the mid-19th century, which confirms that farmers were not capitalists and that even the most advanced merchants, manufacturers and planters were semi-capitalists. Part 2 searches for capitalists in the second half of the 19th century. It re-examines evidence from the accounts of the Boston Associates who historians have seen as ‘proto-industrial capitalists’; from the railroads heralded by Chandler as the beginning of ‘managerial capitalism’; and from ‘entrepreneurial capitalists’ like Andrew Carnegie who created the large corporations that conquered America from the 1880s. Their financial accounts and cost management systems reveal the same semi-capitalist mentality found in the early 19th century. Re-examination of the ‘costing renaissance’ in the 1890s and evidence from the DuPont Powder Company and General Motors from 1900 to 1920, suggests that only from around 1900, after escalating conflict between ‘capital and labour’, did the capitalist mentality appear in new management accounting systems focused on ‘return on investment’. Part 3 shows that the accounting evidence closely correlates with the history of American political ideology. It argues that Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations dominated American politics until the late 19th century because it theorised a nation of simple commodity producers and semi-capitalists. It explains the delay in America's transition compared to Britain's, and the decline in the popularity of laissez-faire from the 1880s, as consequences of this exceptional starting point. ‘Big business’ capitalism created an ideological problem for America's ruling elite, particularly the threat of socialism from around 1900 to 1920. Part 3 argues that Fisher's neoclassical theory of ‘capital’ and ‘income’, designed as a critique of Marx, responded to this problem and played an important role in undermining middle class support for socialism. Fisher said he based his theory on accounting practice, particularly double entry bookkeeping, but Part 3 shows he did not use or understand it, which divorced his accounting from reality. American history's legacy to the world, the papers therefore conclude, is a pathological theory of financial accounting.  相似文献   

This article provides a discussion of the Hamrick, Schafer, and DeZoort (2023) study published in Advances in Accounting. The discussion first provides an overview of the study and strengths of the article. Constructive commentary follows, centered on understanding the theoretical underpinnings of the study's findings and the measurement of process variables to deepen our understanding of why these findings occurred. Additionally, I encourage expanded research using alternative methodologies to increase external validity of the study's findings. The commentary concludes with a discussion of future research opportunities to extend the study's compelling results, highlighting the importance of expanding our understanding of social stereotypes and gender dynamics in the auditor-client negotiations process.  相似文献   

The tax systems of socialist economies in transition will distortresource allocation, create inequities, and cause administrativeheadaches if not reformed. These countries have weak tax administrations,lack experience with mass taxes based on voluntary compliance,and need to encourage domestic saving and foreign investment.This article suggests an alternative to the conventional incometax that is more suited to these conditions. Attempting to tax real economic income raises complicated timingissues (when to recognize income and allow deductions) and mayrequire complex adjustments for inflation. The simplified alternativetax (SAT) avoids these complications and provides a generalincentive for saving and investment less subject to abuse ordistortions than tax holidays and other tax gimmicks in voguein countries emerging from socialism. The key elements of the SAT are separate taxes on income fromlabor and capital, immediate deduction for all business expenditures,no deduction for interest, and no taxation of interest or dividends.(Interest could be treated as under an income tax, at some cost.)Although the marginal effective tax rate is zero, the governmentshares in extraordinary returns to investment. The article discussespotential problems (including distributional implications, taxlosses, and foreign tax credits) as well as advantages of theSAT.   相似文献   

Visual images are integral elements within corporate annual reports. Yet, these visual images have been largely ignored in accounting research. We begin to explore the significance of selected visual images appearing in U.S. annual reports during the late 1980s and early 1990s. Our intent is not to produce a general survey of images, but rather to offer different “ways of seeing” images and through these “ways of seeing” to encourage a critical dialogue that focuses upon the representational, ideological and constitutive role of images in annual reports. Our first way of seeing views the image as transparently conveying an intended corporate message. The second way of seeing draws upon neo-Marxist aesthetic literature and considers the ways in which images in annual reports may be mined for their ideological content and may also reveal society's deep structures of social classification, institutional forms and relationships. Finally, we employ critical postmodernist art theory to see images in terms of their constitutive role in creating different types of human subjectivities and realities. We argue that this way of seeing creates the potential for new voices to be heard and the possibility to subvert the dualisms typical of the totalizing theories of modernity.  相似文献   

关于公允价值本质的思考   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目前会计界关于公允价值本质有"独立计量属性观"、"复合计量属性观"、"计量目标观"和"检验尺度观"等多种不同的观点,这些观点的形成与不同时期各国会计准则对公允价值的不同理解和规定密切相关。公允价值是在传统的"基于交易会计"逐步转向"基于价值会计"过程中形成的,公允价值的本质应放在"基于价值会计"体系中进行定位。"基于价值会计"在会计目标定位、会计信息质量要求、会计确认、会计计量以及财务报告等各个方面都与传统的"基于交易会计"有一定区别。在"基于价值会计"体系中,公允价值是会计计量力图实现的一种理想目标,各种计量属性是实现这一目标的具体手段,公允价值体现了"真实与公允"会计理念对采用各种计量属性进行价值计量的一种约束和要求。将公允价值狭义地定位成一种具体计量属性,不仅与公允价值在"基于价值会计"体系中的层次地位不符,也与各国会计准则关于公允价值计量的整体精神相违背,还与实务界常用的计量属性之一——"现行市价"有重复之嫌。  相似文献   

Investment banks imitate other bank’s innovative corporatesecurities and compete with the innovator to underwrite newissues. This article uses data of all the corporate offeringsof equity-linked and derivative securities in the SecuritiesData Company (SDC) to estimate the issuer’s demand ofunderwriting services provided by investment banks across differentvarieties of securities. It finds that the demand for the innovator’svariety is larger than the imitators’. This demand advantagedecreases with time and faster for securities that appear laterin a sequence of innovations. Imitation becomes less attractivelater in the sequence as information from earlier deals spills-overto all banks.  相似文献   

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