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1934年,美国的一位会计师拉尔夫·纳尔逊·艾略特(R.N.Elliott)创建了举世闻名的波浪理论(WavePrinciple)。显然它不是华尔街出现的第一套试图分析股票价格波动规律和投资技术的理论,然而却是影响最广泛的一种理论。艾略特认为不管是股票或商品价格的波动,与大自然的潮汐一样,具有相当程度的规律性。价格的波动,如同潮汐一样,一波跟着一波,而且周而复始,展现出周期循环的必然性,任何的波动,均是有迹可循的。因此,可以根据这些规律性的波动,来预测价格未来的走势。从更广泛的社会学角度来看,艾略特波浪理论的提出理由是——社会、人类的行为在某种意义上呈可认知的型态(Patterns)。顺着这一思路,我们不妨把视角聚焦在同样千姿百态、规律难寻的投资者关系(InvestorRelationship,简称IR)领域,来观察和研究国内外成功与失败的IR案例,并尝试着用波浪理论的主要思想来总结出IR的运行轨迹,为本土CFO更好地应对“投资人资本主义”带来的一系列投资者关系的挑战进行技术支撑。  相似文献   

本文通过引入Fibonacci数列及艾略特波浪理论,取艾略特波浪理论中的黄金系数运用的思想,寻找出一种更为简便实用的算法--赋值比率算法,并实现了很大程度上有效地运用于外汇交易预测分析中.  相似文献   

中国证券市场历经二十余年发展,其所处周期众说纷纭。本文独辟蹊径,借鉴美国证券市场发展经验,利用艾略特波浪理论,在去除一定干扰因素的基础上,提出了认识中国证券市场周期的全新视角,并从市盈率的统计数据中予以佐证,对于规范证券市场发展和投资者教育具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

龚慧明 《时代金融》2014,(7X):150-151
中国证券市场历经二十余年发展,其所处周期众说纷纭。本文独辟蹊径,借鉴美国证券市场发展经验,利用艾略特波浪理论,在去除一定干扰因素的基础上,提出了认识中国证券市场周期的全新视角,并从市盈率的统计数据中予以佐证,对于规范证券市场发展和投资者教育具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

波浪理论 美国证券分析家拉尔夫·纳尔逊·艾略特利用道琼斯工业指数平均作为研究工具,发现不断变化的股价结构性形态反映了自然和谐之美。根据这一发现他提出了一套相关的市场分析理论,精炼出市场的13种型态(Pattern),或称为波(Waves),在市场上这些型态重复出现,但是出现的时间间隔及幅度大小并不一定具有再现性。在此基础上,艾略特提出了一系列权威性的演译法则用来解释市场的行为,并特别强调波动原理的预测价值,  相似文献   

郭帝 《中国证券期货》2013,(8X):265-266
波浪理论的应用在股票市场取得巨大的成功,但是其隐晦生涩的概念使得大多数人也是望其项背。本文通过总结实战交易中的波浪规律,结合波浪理论的核心、精髓,总结三浪结构应用于现货电子市场分析,根本性地扩充了波浪理论的应用领域。  相似文献   

本文应用MCMC方法估计了上证综指的MS-TGARCH模型,并得出中国股市的波动率存在双重不对称性。其一,每个波动状态中,中国股市的波动率都存在不对称性,其中高波动状态的波动率对好消息的反应显著大于坏消息,而低波动状态则刚好相反;其二,不同状态之间,中国股市波动率的不对称性刚好相反,并且高波动状态伴随着显著大于0的平均收益率。最后,本文从投资者心理、行为以及中国经济大环境等角度进行了解释。  相似文献   

中国股市自1990年成立以来运行一直很不稳定、波动剧烈,特别是至今仍未走出股价指数和个股价格暴涨暴跌、新股发行开开停停的恶性循环,严重影响了股市的健康持续发展。中国股市运行波动剧烈的成因多种多样,主要有股市功能定位存在严重偏差、证券市场制度存在重大缺陷、上市公司整体质量不断下降、股票资金供给关系严重失衡、股市参与主体运作行为失范等。监管部门应该采取相应对策抑制股市运行剧烈波动,促进股市稳定健康持续发展。  相似文献   

股票价格包括连续和跳跃两个部分,本文基于股市高频数据将中国股市的已实现波动分解为连续性波动和跳跃性波动,通过建立多元线性回归模型和Tobit模型,研究了存款准备金政策和利率政策对不同类型股市波动的影响。研究表明,存款准备金率调整的信息发布对连续性波动没有显著影响,但对跳跃性波动存在显著的影响;存款准备金率的实际调整对连续性波动、跳跃性波动均存在显著影响,但跳跃性波动更多地受到了信息发布时的影响;利率政策的调整对连续性波动和跳跃性波动存在显著影响,中国股市对利率政策变化提前作出反应。  相似文献   

俞立群  王文涛  贾柯 《云南金融》2012,(5X):256-257
非对称性是股市波动的主要特征,而杠杆效应是非对称性产生的重要机制之一。研究开放经济下中国股市波动的杠杆效应具有积极的现实意义,然而国内学者对中国股市是否存在杠杆效应尚无定论。文章试图运用TARCH模型和EGARCH模型对中国"入世"十年的股市波动进行实证研究,发现中国股市具有显著的杠杆效应。基于此实证结论,文章最后提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

本文采用系统性风险度量新指标LASSO-ΔCoVaR,构建全样本时期及各极端时期全球股票市场系统性风险传递网络,考察全球股票市场系统性风险传递水平及结构特征,并着重对极端状态下的风险传递进行分析。研究发现:第一,无论风险输入水平还是风险输出水平,不同股市的动态变化趋势大体一致,但波动幅度迥然不同,且单个股市风险输出水平的波动幅度远大于风险输入水平;第二,成熟经济体经济基本面恶化往往会增强其股市的系统性风险贡献,而新兴经济体则不同;第三,法国、荷兰、中国香港、德国和英国股市的风险溢出水平较高,同其他股市间的风险传递途径较多,是系统性风险传递网络中的核心节点;第四,我国股市与全球股市间的风险关联较弱,但我国股市潜在风险来源面广,同区域股市及金砖国家股市在我国股市与全球股市间的风险传递发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

This study investigates returns and volatilities transmission across Greater China’s four emerging stock markets and three developed international markets, Tokyo, London, and New York. Using daily open and close price data from 1994 to 2001, we provide empirical evidence that the overnight returns on all the Greater China stock indices can be estimated by using information from at least one of the three developed markets’ daytime returns. The contemporaneous return spillovers are in general unidirectional from more advanced major international markets to the Chinese markets. However, split-sample analysis suggests that there is also evidence of bi-directional return spillovers after the 1997 Asian financial crisis. We also find that there are no one-period lagged return spillover effects from the three advanced markets to the Chinese markets, except for Taiwan. Finally, Mainland China’s two stock markets are not affected by contemporaneous nor delayed “bad news”.  相似文献   

《Global Finance Journal》1999,10(1):93-105
This paper investigates seasonal patterns in stock returns on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets. The paper documents several interesting findings. First, unlike studies for other stock markets, the highest daily returns on both exchanges occur on Thursday rather than Friday. Second, price change limits exert an effect on the observed daily pattern of returns. Third, daily stock returns appear to be positively correlated with risk. This result is at odds with the majority of findings for other stock exchanges around the world. Finally, the paper documents other differences in seasonal patterns on the two exchanges.  相似文献   

在行为金融学理论中,投资者心态模型将投资者的心理偏差当作反应偏差的源泉,但这些投资者心态模型对于发展时间较短、具有区别于成熟市场的独特市场制度和社会环境的中国股票市场而言,存在适用度问题。分析中国股票市场投资者普遍的投机心理等要素,运用改进了的HS模型,根据股票市场的习惯,分别对一个牛市周期和熊市周期进行验证得出,投机心理支配下的机构投资者和个人投资者的相互作用是导致反应偏差的主要原因。  相似文献   

为防范股票市场上的不确定性和风险,有效地度量股票指数收益率的波动性显得尤为重要。本文运用GARCH族模型,拟合了股票指数收益率的波动性方程,并实证研究了亚洲地区四个最具代表性国家:日本、中国、印度和韩国的股票指数收益率的波动性。结果表明:亚洲地区股票指数收益率的波动呈现出聚集性和持续性,股票市场存在着冲击的非对称性;中国和印度的股票市场抗风险能力比日本和韩国弱,股票指数收益率的波动性带来的负面影响更大。  相似文献   

This paper subjects the newly established stock markets in Shanghai and Shenzhen to tests of market efficiency, utilizing daily stock price data. Using a battery of tests, the study concludes that there are significant inefficiencies present on both exchanges. These can be traced to the unique structural and institutional problems that plague both exchanges. The study also tests for the presence of seasonal anomalies on both exchanges. The results show that there are significant negative weekend and positive holiday effects, but there is no evidence of a January effect or early January effect.  相似文献   

This study explores time‐varying extreme correlation of stock–bond futures markets in three major developed countries. In the United States and the United Kingdom, there is evidence of positive extreme stock–bond correlation when both futures markets are extremely bullish or bearish. In Germany, stock–bond futures extreme correlation is negative, suggesting the most diversification potentials of bond futures when German stock index futures market plunges. Macroeconomic news, the business cycle, and the stock market uncertainty all significantly affect the median stock–bond futures correlation. However, only the stock market uncertainty still significantly affects the extreme stock–bond futures correlation when the stock market is extremely bearish.  相似文献   


This article intensively studies the stock market volatility spillover effects between China and the countries along the Belt and Road (B&R) based on the covered selection of Morgan Stanley Capital International Inc (MSCI) index by using multiplicative error model to measure stock market volatility with daily price range. The results show that during the whole sample period, there are bilateral linkages of volatility between the stock markets of China and all of B&R countries. Most of B&R and China’s markets are sensitive to positive news but the asymmetry is trivial. Financial crisis intensified the volatility spillover effects across countries while the markets’ volatilities tend to be influenced by the negative shocks from foreign markets. The B&R markets as risk absorbers exhibit significant sensitivities to the negative news from Chinese market during the crisis period.  相似文献   

This paper examines the daily stock market returns for four foreign countries. We find a so-called “week-end effect” in each country. In addition, the lowest mean returns for the Japanese and Australian stock markets occur on Tuesday. The remainder of the paper answers four questions. Are seasonal patterns in foreign stock markets independent of those previously reported in the U.S.? Do Japan and Australia exhibit a seasonal one day out of phase due to different time zones? Do settlement procedures across countries bias week-end effects? Does the seasonal pattern in foreign exchange offset the week-end effect in stocks for Americans investing overseas?  相似文献   

This paper empirically studies the predictability of emerging markets’ stock returns by business cycle variables and the role of developed markets’ business cycle dynamics in this respect. The evidence shows that the link between business cycles and future stock market returns among emerging markets is considerably weaker than among developed markets. By contrast, I find strong evidence of stock return predictability by the respective country’s dividend-price ratio. This latter finding could reflect that variation in dividend-price ratios potentially reflects both the temporary impact of “hot money” inflows on emerging markets’ asset prices and rational expectations of future returns.  相似文献   

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