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从女性主义视角入手分析张玲和孙致礼两位不同性别译者在中译本《傲慢与偏见》中的不同风格和取向,以及通过对《傲慢与偏见》两个译本的前言、脚注等层面进行文本分析和数据统计,探索译者女性主义意识在翻译过程中所起的作用及对译作风格的影响。  相似文献   

孙中山的宪政思想是其三民主义的重要组成部分,主要包括民主共和的政体、主权在民的保障、人人共守的法治、分权制衡的制度。其思想理论内涵丰富,系统完整,具有鲜明的时代特色和卓越的独创性。而且于民国伊始,孙中山即进行了民主立宪,保障民权等伟大宪政实践。作为一个伟大的革命家和思想家,孙中山无论是在理论层面,还是在实践层面,都为中国民主主义革命作出了巨大的贡献。  相似文献   

Mr. Sun Zhenyu has been the Ambassador and Permanent Repre- sentative of China to the WTO since 2002 after China became a Member of the Organization. In June, Ministry of Commerce cnnducted an online interview between Sun and thousands of netizens. Here China's Foreign Trade picked up the most valuable Q&As from it.  相似文献   

免费开放背景下南京中山陵景区旅游业转型发展探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
旅游产业的转型升级是我国旅游产业发展到一定阶段的必然选择。而旅游景区作为旅游产业中重要的一环,其转型升级也势在必行。南京市中山陵景区在免费开放背景下,转型发展的过程中应从加快旅游资源整合,突出餐饮的文化特色,打造特色旅游纪念品,策划举办节庆活动,保护好景区环境和文物,创造发展条件,尽快实现由"门票经济"向"产业经济"的新跨越,从而促进中山陵景区旅游业的持续快速发展。  相似文献   

Numerous studies have investigated the impact of review volume and review variance on product price, but their findings are mixed. The perspective of mismatch cost framework (e.g., Sun 2012) argues that, at the market level, the impact of review variance on product price varies with review valence due to diverse product tastes across individuals. The perspective of classic expected utility framework (e.g., Wu and Ayala Gaytán 2013; Wu et al. 2013) further argues that heterogeneous risk attitudes across individuals directly drives the varying impact of both review volume and variance on willingness-to-pay, regardless of review valence. Although both frameworks have gained good empirical support, neither of them probed whether the impact of review volume or review variance varies within an individual.We extend the current research by focusing on the varying impact of review volume on consumers' willingness-to-pay. Combining economic and behavioral theories of decisions under uncertainty, we argue that consumers' preferences of uncertainty can vary both across and within individuals. The extended framework thus concludes that the impact of review volume on consumers' willingness-to-pay not only varies across individuals with different types of uncertainty preferences, but may also change with review valence within an individual of some types of uncertainty preferences. The framework is tested using an experimental study and an empirical study. Results from both studies provide good support for this broader framework.  相似文献   

Ma and Sun have recently argued that some forms of insider trading are ethically acceptable. We argue that the authors fail to prove three key premises of their argument, which is therefore unsound.  相似文献   

Huaibei Zhongrun Bio-energy Technology Development Co.,Ltd.is a high-tech Sino-US joint venture,also a participator of the 12th CHITEC.Its majority shareholder is Anhui Huaibei Mining Group and it is co-sponsored by Anhui Guohua Group and US Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.  相似文献   

Sun Tzu's text of The Art of War remains a bestsellingand oft-referenced practioner's book. However, its generalizabilityto the current business environment is questionable. This reviewexamines two central tenets of the book – warfare anddeception – and critiques their relevance in lightof current business practice.  相似文献   

鲁晓东  易敏 《财贸经济》2019,40(7):95-109
本文以企业应对外部不确定性的策略选择为切入点,利用2000-2012年中国企业对50个主要贸易伙伴的出口数据以及企业个体特征变量,使用带有随机效应的Probit估计和广义最小二乘估计,研究了踏脚石策略对企业市场进入、出口增长以及市场退出决策的影响。研究发现:(1)企业会从现有的出口市场中学习,并将它们作为进入新市场的踏脚石;对特定市场而言,新出口企业在第三年的出口增长快于同期在位出口企业,同时,前者退出市场的可能性也更高;(2)目的国较高的经济发展水平、较近的地理位置以及较低的进口关税,不仅能够吸引更多的企业进入该市场,而且能够促进已进入企业的出口增长,同时降低企业退出该市场的可能性;(3)外部踏脚石效应对企业的市场进入具有微弱的促进作用,仅市场踏脚石能够促进企业在特定市场的出口增长。  相似文献   

Concerns with improper collection and usage of personal information by businesses or governments have been seen as critical to the success of the emerging electronic commerce. In this regard, computer professionals have the oversight responsibility for information privacy because they have the most extensive knowledge of their organization’s systems and programs, as well as an intimate understanding of the data. Thus, the competence of these professionals in ensuring sound practice of information privacy is of great importance to both researchers and practitioners. This research addresses the question of whether male computer professionals differ from their female counterparts in their self-regulatory efficacy to protect personal information privacy. A total of 103 male and 65 female subjects surveyed in Taiwan responded to a 10-item questionnaire that includes three measures: protection (protecting privacy information), non-distribution (not distributing privacy information to others), and non-acquisition (not acquiring privacy information). The findings show (1) significant gender differences exist in the subjects’ overall self-regulatory efficacy for information privacy, and, in particular, (2) that female subjects in this study exhibited a higher level of self-regulatory efficacy than males for the protection and non-acquisition of personal privacy information. The identification of the factorial structure of the self-regulatory efficacy concerning information privacy may contribute to future research directed to examining the links between privacy efficacy and psychological variables, such as ethical attitude, ethical intention, and self-esteem. Studies can also be extended to investigate how different cultural practices of morality and computer use in men and women may shape the different development patterns of privacy self-efficacy. Understanding the different cultural practices may then shed light on the social sources of privacy competence and the appropriate remedies that can be provided to improve the situation. Feng-Yang Kuo holds a B.S. degree in Management Science from Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan and a Ph.D.degree in Information Systems from University of Arizona. He was a faculty of Information Systems at University of Colorado at Denver from 1985 to 1997 and is currently an associate professor of Information Management in Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan. He has published articles in Communications of ACM, MIS Quarterly, Communications of AIS, Journal of Business Ethics, Information & Management, Journal of Systems and Software, Decision Support Systems, and Sun Yat-Sen Management Review. Among his current interests are information ethics, managerial cognition, and human-computer interfaces. Cathy S.Lin Professor Cathy S.Lin is an assistant professor of Information Management at National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Her Ph.D.is in Management Information Systems from National Sun Yat-Sen University. She has published articles in the Information & Management, Journal of Information Management, and Sun Yat-Sen Management Review. Among her current interests are information ethics, ethical decision making, electronic commerce, and information management. Meng-Hsiang Hsu Professor Meng-Hsiang Hsu is a professor of information management at National Kaohsiung of First University of Science and Technology. His Ph.D. is in Management Information Systems from National Sun Yat-Sen University. He has published articles in the J. of Business Ethics, Behavior & information Technology, Decision Support System, and Industrial Management and Data Systems. Among his current interests are knowledge management, information ethics, strategic information systems, and electronic commerce.  相似文献   

<正>还来不及细数2010年的战果,2011年的新年钟声就已经敲响。新年伊始,破旧迎新,一切都应有个崭新的开始,商家们自然也希望在新年开个好头,于是,抖擞精神,各显神通。元旦刚到,节日气息逐渐浓郁,各行各业的顾客争  相似文献   

The founding conference of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies-Special Committee of Medicated Diet & Dietotherapy (WFCMS-SCMDAD), and the first world medicated diet and life nurturing academic seminar was held in the Great Hall of the People, Beijing, China, on August 11. A total of 400 experts and professors on medicated diet and life nurturing from 17 countries and regions including Japan, ROK, U.S., Canada, U.K., ect. Honorary President Professor Cai Guangxian delivered a welcoming speech to declare the organization's found.  相似文献   

孙思邈是唐代著名道士,医药学家。他主张养生的关键就是养气、养性。养气就是随着四时天地之气的变化,人的五脏六腑之气的盛衰亦随之而变化,根据五行相生相克之理,即时养五脏六腑之气。养性首先是养德性;其次就是修心养志,即控制七情六欲,还要在劳动、行立坐卧等方面亦莫过度。可见养性命之道就是“法则阴阳,和于术数,饮食有节,起居有常。不妄作劳”。  相似文献   

历经30个春秋的改革开放,中国已逐步由高度计划经济模式转向市场经济体制。在纪念改革开放30周年之际,颇有必要回眸那些市场经济理论先驱的探索足迹。而在中国的经济学界,顾准是与孙冶方齐名的经济学大师。顾准20世纪30年代便蜚声上海乃至中国会计学界,是著名的经济学家、会计学家,是“中国经济学界提出在社会主义条件下实行市场经济的第一人”,并被誉为“20世纪下半期中国真正的思想家”,也堪称中国经济学界的亚当&#183;斯密。中国经济学界已设有“孙冶方经济学奖”,建议设立“顾准经济学奖”,不仅实至名归,而且也是众望所归。  相似文献   

Journal of Business Ethics - Klara and the Sun, the latest novel by Nobel-prize winner Kazuo Ishiguro, forces one to reckon with one's own anxieties about the future of emerging technologies...  相似文献   

利益相关者显著性研究经历了“基于身份”静态观到基于“主观感知”和“主体属性”动态观的转变过程。静态观的利益相关者显著性研究已不能帮助焦点企业管理者在一个动态复杂环境中有效识别出显著的利益相关者,但动态观在“谁是显著的利益相关者”问题上仍争议颇多。鉴于此,以动态观为切入点,把利益相关者显著性的影响因素分为焦点企业的主观感知和利益相关者的主体属性这两大研究视角,提炼出一个识别利益相关者显著性的整合研究框架。  相似文献   

This article clarifies the relationship between profits and principles by distinguishing four alternative perspectives: the win-win perspective in which ethical behaviour generates the highest profits; a licence-to-operate perspective in which a minimum ethical performance is required to receive legitimation from the society; an acceptable profits perspective, in which an acceptable profitability is required to assure the financial continuity; and an integrated perspective. These four perspectives are illustrated by statements from Shell reports and from interviews with managers of a large European retail company.  相似文献   

《Journal of Global Marketing》2013,26(1-2):165-186
Advertisers grappling with the vagaries of a global marketplace require a perspective that is comprehensive of the issues affecting their craft. The trade press is one information source that is commonly mined by agency researchers seeking to remain current on the international front. This article attempts to transform impressions gained from such casual reading into a more systematic and useful framework for interpreting the global marketplace. Drawing on a content analysis of information presented in the pages of the "International" section of the trade paper Advertising Age, a perspective of international marketing is advanced, the utility of that perspective to advertising researchers is explored, and the implications of that perspective for international advertising strategy are examined.  相似文献   

The 21st International China Harbin Fair for Trade and Economic Cooperation will be held in Harbin International Conference and Exhibition Center from June 15 to 19, 2010. At this edition of China Harbin Trade Fair, there will be 3000 international standard booths available, with a total indoor and outdoor exhibition area of 86,000 Uare meters, according to the announcement from Mr. Sun o, Vice governor of Heilongjiang Province on March 26, 2010 in Beijing.  相似文献   

For every franchise system, making the leap from the unknown to the common place requires a strategic plan for growth. The exogenous market perspective holds that evaluating market conditions is central to defining promising outlet locations as there are direct economic effects on performance. The endogenous firm perspective and the social network approach together provide an inner strength perspective on interconnected firms; this perspective holds that access to resources offered at a certain spot determines site attractiveness, rather than location-specific market factors. Using a sample of 201 German franchisees, this study tests hypotheses that explore which perspective dominates location decisions in practice and clarify the relevance of the decisive criteria for outlet performance. Results show that location decisions rely on both perspectives, yet franchisee performance depends more on inner strength factors. We also find that expansion is better served by following a geographically dispersed cluster approach than by growing steadily from a baseline site.  相似文献   

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