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This article discusses how additional inquiries can enhance Delphi findings. We argue that inquiries aimed at supporting and refining Delphi findings is both theoretically and practically meaningful. We illustrate our argument on the basis of a framework for family-focused prevention that was developed through a Delphi study. The results of individual and group interviews conducted as a follow-up to the implementation of the framework provided us with effective ways to support and refine it. We draw the conclusion that adequate follow-up inquiries can enhance Delphi findings, from theoretical and application perspectives.  相似文献   

采取有效措施 搞好馆藏建设 适应高职发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在科学技术飞速发展的今天,学校由中专升格为大专,在新的形势下,作为图书文献的信息中心,要充分发挥就有的作用,当好领导的“耳目”、教师的助手、学生的向导,为领导决策、教学科研服务,就必须加强图书馆自身建设,首先是藏书建设,使之真正成为学院的三大支柱之一。图书馆作为学院的三大支柱之一,在学院的建设和发展中起着举足轻重的作用,图书馆藏建设任重而道远。从基础工作做起,把图书馆的藏书建设抓好,使学院尽快驶入高速发展的快车道。  相似文献   

The Delphi method has been used widely in clarifying decision-making based on the opinions of experts in all research areas. This study focuses on Information Systems and Information Technology (IS/IT) research area. Its aim is to explore the use of the Delphi method in topics related to IS/IT as a forecasting tool. A sizeable amount of research has been examined about IS/IT using the Delphi method. This work proposes a guideline for applying the Delphi method in IS/IT studies based on a literature review of high impact IS/IT papers that apply Delphi with a view to answering forecasting questions. This guideline defines the most relevant aspects which should be considered when applying this method. Previously, the authors conducted a literature review of 2502 articles from different research topics to obtain evidence about the diffusion of the Delphi method in IS/IT compared to other areas.  相似文献   

课程教学模式改革以及教学方法的探索一向是教育工作者最关注的问题。因此,就高职教育中公共关系学课程的开设情况、学生的学习特征、教学方法进行分析、研究,总结出适用于高职层次学生的、在公共关系课程领域的教学方法,旨在就高职教育公共关系学的教学方法引发进一步的深入探讨。  相似文献   

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