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邓峰 《新疆金融》2004,(12):9-11
关于风险的基本概念:在金融领域,风险管理一直占有重要的位置。所谓风险是指未来结果的不确定性或波动性,如未来收益、资产或债务价值的波动性或不确定性。现代企业经营中一般面临三类风险,即战略风险、业务风险和金融风险。  相似文献   

尽管汽车分期付款成为银行中间业务收入的新增长点,但在其快速发展的同时,也存在一定的潜在风险,需加强防范。信用卡汽车分期付款业务是一种新型的、具有个性化服务的信用卡创新品种,一经推出,便备受购车人青睐。以中国工商银行为例,有统计显示,今年前5个月。  相似文献   

高强  吴韶琳  陈铁 《浙江金融》2005,(11):51-52
目前我国征信体系的缺失已经成为商业银行提高风险管理能力和拓展业务最大的外部环境障碍之一,不论从自身经营利益出发,还是从诚信环境建设的社会效益出发,商业银行都应该成为我国企业和个人征信体系的倡导者、推动者和建设者.  相似文献   

风险一直是众多管理者及研究者最关注的话题之一,也越来越被企业所重视。然而,还是有不少企业为此付出了惨重的代价。在层出不穷的案例背后,我们究竟该如何反思?  相似文献   

一是银行、证券、期货公司必须加强网上信息系统的安全保护,向投资者提供安全性更高的网上交易身份认证方式。二是客户要不断增强安全保护意识,尤其注意保护好账号和  相似文献   

随着信息技术的飞速发展与经营环境的变化,银行间竞争的加剧.银行业风险的对样化已对商业银行的风险管理提出了严峻挑战。近年来,浙江省分行紧紧围绕省分行党委提出的“全面赢得价值创造力的比较优势的发展使命.着力提升风险与回报平衡能力”.不断更新风险管理理念.推进风险管理体制改革.构建全过程风险管理流程.寻求风险与收益的平衡,着力建立风险管理的长效机制。截止2006年9月底.全分行不良贷教率1.93%.比年初下降了0.05个百分点,实现拨备前利润505亿元.创历史最好水平。[编者按]  相似文献   

财务风险的控制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴景杰  施绍梅 《理财》2005,(6):32-33
财务风险即筹资风险,也就是指企业用现金偿还到期债务的不确定性。企业财务风险管理的目标是:了解风险的来源和特征,争取预测、衡量财务风险,进行适当的控制和防范,为企业创造最大的收益。企业对财务风险的防范和控制的方法有:  相似文献   

孔彦 《中国外汇》2014,(23):82-84
内保外贷业务对于商业银行来说既是机遇,也是挑战;商业银行既要以此促进业务发展,也要适当控制风险。  相似文献   

华雅琴 《时代金融》2009,(6X):40-40
<正>一、为什么要打造商业银行的核心竞争力随着金融业开放过渡期的结束,中国的金融业进入了崭新的时代。在这个全球化的竞争时代,企业要获得持续、稳定的生存与发展不是靠资本、规模与技术,也不是靠一群特定的优秀员工。而是  相似文献   

如今,信用卡的风险管理已经进入信息化、数字化、智能化时代,通过健全的系统工具和策略模型实现更加精准的准入风险平衡判断、更加敏锐的潜在风险预警筛查、更加高效的逾期风险化解处置,已成为信用卡全流程风险管理的重中之重。长安银行自2019年推出信用卡业务以来。  相似文献   

2020年初暴发的新冠肺炎疫情至今已蔓延至逾200个国家和地区,强烈冲击全球经济。美联储预测,美国二季度将裁员4700万人,失业率可达32%,为1948年以来最高。法国经济学家预测,法国封城1个月,GDP损失3%,若再延长1个月,GDP将损失6%。日本野村银行预计,今年英国的经济跌幅将达13.5%。德国联邦政府经济顾问委员会预测,最坏情况下,德国全年GDP可能衰退5.4%,疫情过后,德国将有1/10的中小企业宣告破产。摩根斯坦利在3月17日发布的报告中测算,欧元区二季度GDP下降率将达到12%;日本经济一季度收缩2%,二季度再收缩2%。大部分分析师认为2020年上半年全球GDP萎缩已成定局,2020年全年无增长,预计成为继2007~2009年金融危机后经济表现最差年度。各国政府以及金融业纷纷支招,缓和疫情对社会经济带来的冲击。  相似文献   

Social science research in the field of risk analysis has emphasised evaluating the magnitude of individuals’ reactions to risks (e.g. strength and salience of concerns, frequency and forcefulness of behaviours that respond to risks). Fewer studies assess the factors that contribute to risk reactions or the types of risks to which reactions are directed (e.g. human health, wildlife health or ecosystem health risks; economic or aesthetic concerns). Theoretical and empirical research on amplification and attenuation of risk (e.g. the Social Amplification of Risk Framework) reveals that the strength of people’s reaction to risks can change markedly over time, as a function of new stimuli. We expand on this foundation to consider here how the types of risks members of the public react to may also shift over the course of their exposure to a hazard, particularly as more information about the hazard becomes available. This case study of risk reactions related to an outbreak of type E botulism in north-western Michigan, USA, demonstrates that the types of risks people react to can change substantially over time. We identify factors that contributed to changes in types of risk reactions, and then consider how these factors potentially distinguish the botulism outbreak from other outbreaks. This case study suggests that, under certain conditions, risk communication can meaningfully alter the types of risks that people react to in response to an environmental hazard. We discuss implications of these findings for risk research, risk communication and environmental conservation.  相似文献   

现代国际贸易中,通过电子邮件进行沟通极大地节省了沟通成本,提高了沟通效率,但网络技术中的安全漏洞也给不法分子利用高科技手段进行诈骗提供了可能。请看中国信保专家的分析自2011年以来,仅中国信保浙江分公司就已累计收到数十宗因第三方利用信息技术恶意介入贸易过程的案件(以下简称黑客案件),且目前此类案件仍愈演愈烈。本文通过对两宗典型黑客案件的介绍分析,希望为广大出口企业规避此类交易风险提供参考。  相似文献   

We estimate a small-scale, structural general equilibrium model of a small open economy using Bayesian methods. Our main focus is the conduct of monetary policy in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the UK. We consider generic Taylor-type rules, where the monetary authority reacts in response to output, inflation, and exchange-rate movements. We perform posterior odds tests to investigate the hypothesis whether central banks do target exchange rates. The main result of this paper is that the central banks of Australia and New Zealand do not, whereas the Bank of Canada and the Bank of England do include the nominal exchange rate in its policy rule. This result is robust for various specification of the policy rule. We also find that terms-of-trade movements do not contribute significantly to domestic business cycles.  相似文献   

I study how consumers respond to competing pieces of information that differ in their degree of complexity and informativeness. In particular, I study the choice of refrigerators in the United States, where a mandatory disclosure labelling program provides detailed information about energy cost, and a certification labelling program provides a simple binary‐star rating related to energy use. I find that the coarse certification may help some consumers to pay attention to energy information, but for others, it may crowd out efforts to process more accurate, but complex, energy information. The effect of the certification on overall energy use is thus ambiguous.  相似文献   

Migration is a risky behaviour because of the uncertainty about future wages, living conditions, changing relationships with family and friends and cultural adjustment. While there has been some research on risk and uncertainty in migration, this has mostly been approached as a form of ‘rational’ decision-making: such approaches explain why some groups of individuals are more likely than others to migrate, but are limited in explaining individual variations in behaviour within these groups. Individual migrants vs. non-migrants are self-selected in terms of tolerance of risk and uncertainty but, with very few exceptions, there has been no research on migration within the framework of risk tolerance/aversion and competence to manage risk. Moreover, existing research is based on, and constrained by the limitations of, incumbent data-sets. Drawing on a specially commissioned large-scale survey of the UK population, this paper uses principal component analysis and logistic regression to analyse the extent to which risk and risk-related measures can be used to predict four different types of mobility profiles. There are significant associations between these individual mobility characteristics and general risk/uncertainty tolerance, and competence-based tolerance. These are strongest in terms of the two most polarised mobility types: the least mobile, the Stayers, and the most mobile, the Roamers. Recognising that previous migration is exogenous, a further analysis of migration intentions, with previous migration included as an independent variable, finds the propensity for future migration is, in fact, negatively associated with previous migration, probably due to the importance of ‘pure risk’ as opposed to acquired competence via migration experience, and to life cycle considerations.  相似文献   

结构贸易融资:名为融资实为控制贸易风险   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
齐芳 《国际融资》2007,(1):54-56
记者:能不能简单介绍一下结构贸易融资以及与传统的贸易融资的区别? 李依群:传统贸易融资的做法就是在贸易过程中分段融资,银行并不能控制整个贸易流程中的全部风险,而像应收账款风险、提货风险等就只能由企业自己承担.所谓结构性贸易融资就是通过银行把贸易过程中所有的环节都串起来,银行除了提供贸易融资外,还对贸易流程中的每一个环节提供风险控制服务,例如,应收账款管理,进口方的资信调查.因此,通过结构贸易融资,企业贸易流程中每一段价值得到提升.从增加企业贸易附加值的角度,结构贸易融资与传统贸易融资有很大的不同,结构贸易融资的技术含量非常大.只要有贸易流在,就存在风险,就有结构性贸易融资.我们在实际操作过程中是这样理解的.  相似文献   

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