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本文首先从供给和需求的角度构建了注册会计师执业环境的分析框架,并分别对供给环境与需求环境对审计质量的影响进行了分析,然后结合广东省的问卷调查结果对我国注册会计师执业环境存在的问题——“供给规范不够,需求引导不足”做了系统研究,在此基础上提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

四、改善注册会计师审计执业环境的途径我国注册会计师制度恢复只有十多年的时间,建立我国社会主义市场经济体制又是一项庞大的系统工程,由于缺乏经验,工作中出现这样那样问题是可以理解的。因此,对注册会计师执业环境,需要有一个正确的理解,我们应当把审计执业环境放到建立社会主义市场经济体制的大环境中来认识,大环境改善了,审计执业环境也能随之改善。注册会计师审计执业环境是诸多矛盾的综合体。如前所述,影响审计执业环境的,有客观因素,也有主观因素;有社会大环境因素,也有内部小环境因素;有体制、机制因素,也有人的思…  相似文献   

张恩虎 《财会学习》2022,(11):111-113
要有效防范执业风险,就必须要提高审计质量,而要提高审计质量,就需要有良好的项目管理作为支持.文中,从审计项目管理角度出发,对如何提高审计质量防范职业风险进行了探讨,希望可以为职业风险防范提供支持.  相似文献   

二、完善的独立审计必须要有一个良好的执业环境我国的独立审计,随着社会主义市场经济体制不断完善,会计师事务所(以下均包括审计师事务所)的日益发展,独立审计的业务不断扩大,独立审计准则的颁布施行和审计工作质量的进一步提高,独立审计的社会地位和信誉正在迅速上升。然而,也必须看到,独立审计在完善和发展过程中,存在着不少困难和问题。其中的一个重要方面,就是还缺乏一个良好的执业环境。所谓审计执业环境是指注册会计师及其所在的会计师事务所在依法执行独立审计业务时所处的内外、上下、左右之间相互关系的情况和工作条件…  相似文献   

从根本上来说,审计市场是服务市场。注册会计师提供审计服务,企业购买审计服务,双方的关系同普通商品市场上的买者和卖者的关系并没有本质上的差异。普通商品市场出现买方市场一般有助于改善商品生产者的经营管理提高商品质量,然而审计市场出现买方市场后可能会极大的危害审计质量,原因何在?民间审计质量的影响因素又有哪些?下面,我将试着从不同方向分析影响审计质量的因素,并提出改进方法和建议。  相似文献   

今年是对会计师事务所执业质量直接检查试点工作的开年。为做好这项工作,我办领导明确指出,要转变思路,抓住重点,讲究方法,以审计责任为中心,做好对会计师事务所执业质量的检查工作。一、转变思路自1999年以来,财政部门开展会计信息质量检查,一直是先检查企业的会计责任,再检查会计师事务所的审计责任。检查的顺序是先查企业,再查事务所。对会计师事务所执业质量直接检查,目前没有规范的检查方法供参考,这就要求检查人员要与时俱进地进行探索,研究对注册会计师执业质量检查的重点、检查工作的切入点、检查工作的步骤。二、抓住重点在总结过去4年开展会计信息质量检查工作经验和归纳以往会计师事务所执业质量存在问题的基础上,明确了对会计师事务所执业质量检查的重点内容。1.一个中心——审计责任。以审计责任为中心,是做好检查工作的关键,是检  相似文献   

作为我国社会审计主要力量的注册会计师执业审计,突出存在风险控制不力、审计重心偏位等问题,注册会计师执业质量问题受到社会普遍关注。本文通过对注册会计师执业质量问题产生原因的剖析,提出了提高注册会计师执业质量的建议和加强注册会计师行政监管的措施。  相似文献   

从信息不对称原理及契乡钚完备理论出发,阐述了风险环境下实施内部审计职业道德规范的必要性。从内部审计基本原则、职业谨慎、审计技术规范、专业胜任能力规范、后续教育规范等方面论述了我国内部审计职业道德与政府审计职业道德规范、社会审计职业道德规范的相似性,进一步从审计人员的任职条件、违反职业道德规范、职业责任、外聘专家协助等方面比较了三者存在的差异。从而提出把内部审计人员职业道德规范纳入我国内部审计准则框架,制定对违反职业道德规范的内部审计人员作出相应处罚的规定,并合理借鉴其他相关的职业技术规范以完善我国的内部审计职业道德规范。  相似文献   

制约我国政府绩效审计发展的环境研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从审计环境的功能出发,探讨了政治环境、法律环境、科研环境、文化环境、社会信用环境、技术环境等审计环境对政府绩效审计发展的影响和制约。  相似文献   

中国上市公司是否成功地通过许以更高的审计收费购买审计意见呢?本文以2001--2002年上市公司作为研究样本,考察了这些上市公司随后年度审计意见的改善情况与异常审计收费的关联关系,结果发现:异常审计收费与上市公司不利审计意见的改善显著正相关,不过,与预期相反,在上市公司提高审计收费的情况下,内资会计师事务所相比外资会计师事务所更少的允许上市公司改善审计意见。同时,异常审计收费的存在显著损害了会计盈余的价值相关性,上述证据意味着中国上市公司成功的通过审计收费的提升购买了审计意见。  相似文献   

内部审计在高校的经济管理活动中的作用越来越重要,内部审计质量是内部审计的生命线。内部审计质量的优劣很大程度上影响高校内部审计效用的发挥。因而加强高校内部审计质量控制,是提高高校内部审计质量的关键。文章首先对国内外关于内部审计质量控制的文献进行了回顾。之后系统性的综述了针对高校的内部审计质量控制文献,进行总结并指出其未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

In this study, we examine whether highly ranked audit firms in Iran, as determined by the Securities and Exchange Organization (SEO), earn a fee premium, firstly, by providing superior quality audit services or, secondly, due to reputation created by the ranking system implemented by the SEO. We employ price discrimination theory, and we test quality discrimination versus brand reputation explanations in the context of a unique institutional setting (where international audit firms are not allowed to operate). The data are derived from firms listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) for the period 2006 to 2015. Our results show that the quality of audit services (using all of our measures) provided by the highest ranked audit firms is not superior to that of the non-highest ranked firms. In addition, the audit fee models suggest that the highest ranked firms charge significantly more audit fees compared to lower ranked firms. We employ several sensitivity tests and the results do not change materially. Such findings go against the “quality-based price discrimination” view but support the reputation-based view, and make a significant contribution towards understanding the economic consequences of state-determined ranking of audit firms rather than allowing the market to determine quality differentiation.  相似文献   

In the context of austerity-inspired reforms to public audit in England we investigate the extent to which audit firms mitigate management bias in public sector financial reports. A substantial body of literature finds that both public and not-for-profit managers manage ‘earnings’ to report small surpluses close to zero by managing deficits upwards and surpluses downwards. Under agency theory, auditors acting in the interests of their principal(s) would tend to reverse this bias. We exploit privileged access to pre-audit financial statements in the setting of the English National Health Service (NHS) to investigate the impact of audit adjustments on the pre-audit financial statements of English NHS Foundation Trusts over the period 2010–2011 to 2014–2015. We find evidence that auditors act to reverse management bias in the case of Trusts with a pre-audit deficit, but find no evidence that this is the case for Trusts with a pre-audit surplus. In the case of Trusts in surplus, these findings are consistent with auditors’ interests being aligned with management, rather than principals.  相似文献   

We examine the relation between audit quality and audit firm tenure in the Iranian audit market, which is constrained by government policies that create intense competition for clients among many small audit firms. We develop arguments that these circumstances create cost pressures that entrench low audit quality and render auditors' plans more predictable to managers wishing to misstate their accounts. Using publicly available data for the audits of listed companies in Iran prior to mandatory audit firm rotation and the incidence of misstated financial reports identified by the Iranian Association of Certified Public Accountants Inspection Office, we find that the likelihood of a misstatement is lowest in the first two years of audit firm tenure. We also find that the likelihood of misstatement is not associated with the year preceding a mandatory audit firm rotation, suggesting outgoing auditor effort is not sensitive to the prospect of subsequent revelations of deficiencies. Although our results from a pre-mandatory rotation period show that frequent rotations appear to improve the financial reporting quality in our sample, we are wary of interpreting these results as support for the mandatory audit firm rotation policy in Iran. Rather, we suggest this is a peculiar consequence of deficiencies in audit quality inherent in the Iranian market.  相似文献   

Lijing Tong  Bin Wu  Min Zhang 《Abacus》2023,59(1):381-410
This study examines the influence of local gambling attitudes on audit quality. As a preference for gambling correlates to a greater tendency to take risks, we hypothesize that auditors make a greater magnitude of audit adjustments for clients headquartered in gambling-prone areas to reduce heightened audit risk. Consistent with our hypothesis, the empirical results show a positive relation between local gambling attitudes and the magnitude of audit adjustments. Further analyses show that this association is more pronounced when the regulatory cost is higher, and when the board chair or CEO comes from a gambling-prone area. We also find evidence that gambling culture results in greater magnitudes of both upward and downward audit adjustments, audit firms appoint more experienced audit partners to gambling-prone clients, and there is a fee premium for gambling-prone clients.  相似文献   

审计意见的决定因素:来自中国上市公司的证据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用中国上市公司和相应会计师事务所2001—2003年的综列数据,本文研究了审计意见和会计师事务所规模、上市公司的风险和盈余管理等因素之间的关系。本文发现有破产风险的、进行盈余管理的或小规模的上市公司更可能得到非标准审计意见。如果它们又是大会计师事务所的客户,则得到非标意见的概率更大。本文不支持合资会计师事务所的审计质量更高的结论。  相似文献   

通过建立和求解一种基于审计质量和注册会计师行为的委托代理模型,探讨了注册会计师的收入水平、政府监管的力度、法律的有效性及经济业务的复杂性等对审计质量的影响.结果表明,提高注册会计师收入、完善监管是提高审计质量的主要途径.  相似文献   

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