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外部股权融资已逐渐成为我国家族企业跨代创业的一种重要的新兴融资渠道。本文基于创业家族接班人的外部股权融资视角,应用PLS-SEM路径建模方法,构建了一个激励外部股权投资者进行股权投资的层次构念评估指数系统。应用Smartpls2.0M软件进行PLS-SEM路径建模分析,结构模型的统计结果表明:外部股权投资者投资意愿程度依次受接班人能力与市场前景;家族凝聚力与支持程度;投资者预期投资回报与项目前景以及投资者新企业涉入程度等4类指数显著性的正向影响。而构成型测量模型的统计结果表明:除了观测指标“新企业战略规划”显著性地负向影响其潜变量外,其他12个观测指标都综合构成并显著性地正向影响其潜变量。本研究构建了一个不同于西方的,反映我国家族企业跨代创业中的外部股权投资者投资激励程度的四分类层次构念模型,为我国创业家族接班人如何能够成功地进行过渡期和成长期外部股权融资,提供了有效的理论指导和实践启示。  相似文献   

绿色创业导向转化为组织绩效的路径一直是国内外学术界关注的焦点。本研究提出绿色动态能力构念,并将绿色动态能力作为中介变量,环境不确定性作为调节变量,构建了新服务企业绿色创业导向对企业成长影响的概念模型,以国内215家企业为样本对其进行实证检验。研究发现,绿色动态能力在新服务企业绿色创业导向与企业成长之间发挥着部分中介作用,环境不确定性发挥着正向调节作用,同时,环境不确定性还在绿色创业导向与绿色动态能力之间发挥着正向调节作用。  相似文献   

在日益动荡和复杂的市场环境中,家族企业如何通过创业导向来构建和保持竞争优势,是当前备受理论界和实践界关注的重点议题之一。文章在梳理大量相关文献的基础上,从个体、组织(企业)、家族和外部环境四个方面较为系统地归纳和总结了影响家族企业创业导向的因素,并对该领域的未来研究进行了展望,以供学术研究和企业管理实践参考。  相似文献   

移动网络技术推动了金融服务业的发展变革,顾客的移动金融服务需求增长迅速.研究以智能手机银行服务为实证,剖析顾客价值需求维度及反映变量,探索银行业基于顾客导向的价值创新空间.通过探索性和验证性因子分析方法,论证手机银行用户的顾客价值需求维度及其结构,构建二阶因子模型,开发各维度的测评体系.研究发现,移动金融服务顾客价值作为一个潜因子型多维构念,包括服务效能价值、安全保证价值、信息智慧价值、道德信誉价值和虚拟体验价值等五项维度,二阶因子模型得到证实,各维度的测评体系量表具有测量的适用性和可靠性.  相似文献   

本文以浙江省357家中小型制造业企业为研究对象,实证探讨了创业导向、小微金融支持与企业技术创新绩效之间的关系。数据分析结果表明:创业导向及其创新性、前瞻性和风险承担性三个构成维度均正向影响企业创新;小微金融的可获性及支持力度都正向调节创业导向与企业技术创新绩效之间的关系。  相似文献   

文章试图探究大学生的创业动机,研究方法采用市场营销学者Zaltman于20世纪90年代所发明的隐喻抽取技术(Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique,ZMET),通过图片为中介进行访谈,来抽取人们内心深层想法的共识构念(Key Constructs),进而建构共识地图(Consensus Map),抽取的共识构念代表大学生的主要创业动机。  相似文献   

中国企业的国际化战略,已逐渐聚焦于"在全球范围创造新的价值",其实质正是一种跨国创业行为,传统的围绕动机、阶段、模式展开的国际化理论已不足以解释及指导中国企业的国际化实践。本文从"创业导向的定义和维度"、创业导向维度和组织绩效的测度方法,创业导向与组织绩效的关系、"跨国创业导向"等四方面对国内外相关研究进行了综述。并指出现有跨国创业导向研究存在"套用封闭环境下的创业导向研究框架"、"未区分不同规模、不同发展阶段国际化企业的跨国创业导向差异"、"对时滞因素和前因变量等缺乏关注"等不足之处。  相似文献   

复杂多变的市场环境促使越来越多的公司采取创业导向战略.本文在总结影响公司创业导向因素的基础上.结合公司所具备的创业导向的水平及维度,考察创业导向、环境动态性和创业者特质的关系,探索创业导向如何影响绩效这一复杂的动态过程,以期更有效地提高组织绩效.  相似文献   

以渠道行为理论、中国本土社会心理学理论和家长式领导理论为基础,从中国传统文化的视角提出供应商家长式行为导向这一构念,将其细分为立威行为导向和施恩行为导向两个维度,并在供应商经销商关系中实证检验供应商家长式行为导向对经销商建言行为的影响以及人情的调节作用。以327份来自经销商的调查问卷为基础,研究结果显示:供应商家长式行为导向对经销商建言行为具有显著影响,立威行为导向会抑制经销商的建言行为,人情会削弱立威行为导向的抑制作用;而施恩行为导向会促进经销商的建言行为,人情会强化这一影响。  相似文献   

家族涉入是家族企业的基本特征,它影响了家族社会资本的结构分布,进而决定了家族理性的效用构成,并通过对家族企业二元目标的不同偏好表现出来。其中,家族理性反映为家族企业对家族整体责任的兼顾,二元目标指的是对企业即期利润的追求以及对家族非货币化利益的追求。这种家族涉入决定家族理性,家族理性体现家族企业目标偏好的理论构念,通过一项比较案例分析得以验证。案例中的两家家族企业背景相似,但由于企业传承上的不同选择影响了家族涉入情况,进而两家企业表现出显著的经营目标差异。  相似文献   

创业意愿转化为创业行为才具有重要的现实意义。文章以大学生为对象,在理论研究的基础上,构建行动-状态导向调节创业意愿与创业行为关系的理论模型,运用滚雪球式非随机便利抽样法进行间隔1年时间的两个阶段调查,通过分层回归分析法等进行数据分析和假设检验。研究发现,创业意愿对创业行为具有显著正向预测作用,行动导向的“脱离”“主动”和“持续”维度分别强化创业意愿与创业行为的正向关系;而状态导向的“执着”“犹豫”和“短暂”维度分别弱化创业意愿与创业行为的正向关系。研究结果表明,在个人具有行动导向时创业意愿更能转化为创业行为,行动导向这种个人特质为创业意愿转化为创业行为提供了充分条件。以此为基础,对公共部门和大学生个人提出了策略建议。  相似文献   

Entrepreneurial orientation and international commitment   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
This paper contributes to the development of the field of international corporate entrepreneurship (ICE) by examining the influences that the time lapse between foundation and first international market entry may have on the development of an entrepreneurial orientation (EO). Moreover, the paper highlights the existence of a positive relationship between the development of an entrepreneurial orientation and both internationalization decision and dimensions (degree, scope) in established companies. Based on a sample of 155 Spanish firms, our findings suggest that an entrepreneurial orientation positively influences a firm’s propensity to internationalize activities. The results obtained confirm the idea that fast entry into foreign markets is positively related to the development of an entrepreneurial orientation in established firms, and that firms with a marked entrepreneurial orientation have higher relative international sales and operate in a greater number of foreign countries.  相似文献   

利用中国创业动态跟踪项目(CPSED)的调查数据,本文实证考察了反应性角色行为、工作〖CD*2〗家庭双向冲突与创业导向之间的作用关系,研究发现反应性角色行为对化解冲突的作用并不显著,创业干涉家庭冲突则对创新性、风险承担性和先动性创业导向产生了正向影响。研究结论丰富了工作〖CD*2〗家庭冲突理论,深化了创业导向的研究成果,对我国新生创业者在开展创业实践中理性应对工作〖CD*2〗家庭冲突进而提升企业成长质量也具有重要的管理实践启示。  相似文献   

In this paper, we argue that national culture is important in interpreting the differences of entrepreneurial activities between countries. Furthermore, national wealth plays a moderating role between national culture and entrepreneurial activities. Datasets from the Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) project and Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) study were analyzed. We find that there are interaction effects between GDP, a proxy for national wealth, and several cultural dimensions on entrepreneurial activities. More traditional cultural variables (in-group collectivism, humane orientation, and power distance) enhance early-stage and established entrepreneurship in low- and medium-GDP countries, but hinder early-stage and established entrepreneurship in high-GDP countries. More modernistic cultural variables (performance orientation, future orientation, and uncertainty avoidance) promote high-growth and high-innovation entrepreneurship in some situations, especially in high-GDP countries. Implications and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of a study, which employed a contingency, export-entrepreneurial approach to investigate the critical influences on export venture creation among a sample of Nigerian small firms. Responding to the repeated calls in the literature for multi-disciplinary research frameworks, the paper draws on perspectives from entrepreneurship, exporting, and contingency literatures to examine the antecedent and moderating influences on the export behavior of small firms. It explores, in particular, the effect of entrepreneurial orientation and external environmental moderators in the export venture creation process of small firms. The findings suggest that an entrepreneurial orientation is associated with better export venturing, and is the appropriate strategic posture for small firms operating in hostile environments. It would appear, also, that this orientation is associated with certain decision-maker characteristics (including international orientation and contacts and previous business experience) and firm-level competencies. By thus highlighting the entrepreneurial dimensions of export venturing, this paper makes the case for greater policy focus on strengthening the entrepreneurial foundations/capacities of small firms.  相似文献   

This paper uses a comparative study to explore entrepreneurial marketing orientation in small software technology firms, in relation to firm growth. Entrepreneurial Marketing (EM) acknowledges the interface between entrepreneurship, marketing and innovation and, pursuance of customer value. Researchers acknowledge that firms adopting other strategic orientations combined with a market orientation are more likely to outperform their competitors. Currently, there are few comparative studies of knowledge-intensive technology firms and no comparative cross-country studies, which consider firm growth and orientation from the EM perspective. This paper addresses these issues by using an entrepreneurial marketing orientation qualitative framework that consists of 15 dimensions, which allow investigation of entrepreneur and employee activities, attitudes and behaviors in such firms. Using a UK and US sample of firms, this research enables assessment of how and why entrepreneurial marketing orientation may lead to sustainable growth for firms in challenging markets and provides a comparison in two different country contexts.  相似文献   

The constructs of social capital, entrepreneurial orientation, and performance have been widely researched over the last decade. There is, however, limited evidence of the interrelation between these constructs in a knowledge-based environment. This research investigated such relationships in academic institutions in Metropolitan Melbourne. As a motive to improve performance of academic staff within universities, we examined the role of social capital in fostering entrepreneurial activities. A quantitative survey methodology is implemented via electronic media, facilitated by empirical analysis using correlation and multiple regression. While it can be concluded that the constructs are all multidimensional, varying relationships were identified when statistically examining the interrelations. Overall, there is a significant relationship between the dimensions of social capital and performance, albeit varying between structural, relational, and cognitive dimensions. Entrepreneurial orientation also portrays such significance, albeit varying between dimensions of autonomy, innovativeness, risk taking, proactiveness, and competitive aggressiveness. Limitations and further research are cited to enhance the understanding of the interrelation of the constructs.  相似文献   

This research provides new knowledge on the development of marketing strategies in international new ventures (INVs) by applying the concept of entrepreneurial marketing to these early internationalizing firms. Using a qualitative approach, the authors identify the key dimensions of this concept in INVs, namely innovativeness and adaptation, and elaborate on both the defining elements and the development of these dimensions. They suggest that the innovativeness and adaptation of marketing strategies decrease during the global growth of INVs. Other contextual issues also underlie the development of international entrepreneurial marketing strategies; in particular, they appear to reflect the turbulence and global diversity of the environment and the market orientation of the INV. The marketing performance of INVs is determined by the fit between international entrepreneurial marketing strategies and the internal and external contingencies of the firm. Propositions for future research and managerial implications are provided.  相似文献   

The term “entrepreneurial orientation” has been used to refer to the strategy-making processes and styles of firms that engage in entrepreneurial activities. A popular model of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) suggests that there are five dimensions of EO—autonomy, innovativeness, risk taking, proactiveness, and competitive aggressiveness (Lumpkin and Dess 1996). This paper reports on two of those dimensions—proactiveness and competitive aggressiveness. Proactiveness refers to how firms relate to market opportunities by seizing initiative in the marketplace; competitive aggressiveness refers to how firms react to competitive trends and demands that already exist in the marketplace. Despite these distinctions, prior research has tended to equate these two concepts and argued that they have a similar effect on firm performance. This paper investigates how these two approaches are related to each other, how they are related to performance, and how their function differs in the environments in which firms exhibit these approaches to strategy making. These distinctions are important because proactiveness and competitive aggressiveness represent distinctly different avenues to entrepreneurial success.A field study was conducted in which 124 executives from 94 firms were surveyed. These were executives from non-affiliated, non-diversified firms who were actively involved in strategic decision making at the top level of the firm. All firms reporting had at least one respondent who was an owner. Analysis of the data was conducted in two phases. In phase 1, factor analysis was used to examine the distinctions between different dimensions of EO. Proactiveness and competitive aggressiveness emerged as two separate factors indicating that these two strategy-making modes were perceived differently by the executives in the study. In the second phase, the relationship of these two dimensions to performance was analyzed in various contexts. Initial tests found that proactiveness was positively related to performance but competitive aggressiveness tended to be poorly associated with performance.Subsequent tests of the EO-performance relationship indicated that the stage of industry life cycle tended to favor one entrepreneurial orientation over another. The performance of firms in the early stages of industry development was stronger when their strategy making was proactively oriented. In contrast, a competitively aggressive frame of mind was helpful to firms in more mature stages of industry development. These findings were supported by other tests of the business environment. In dynamic environments, characterized by rapid change and uncertainty, proactive firms had higher performance relative to competitively aggressive firms. In hostile environments, where competition is intense and resources are constrained, competitively aggressive firms had stronger performance.The findings suggest that these two different approaches to entrepreneurial decision making may have different effects on firm performance. The differences were particularly apparent in the way firms relate to their external environment. Proactiveness—a response to opportunities—is an appropriate mode for firms in dynamic environments or in growth stage industries where conditions are rapidly changing and opportunities for advancement are numerous. But such environments may not favor the kind of combative posturing typical of competitive aggressiveness. Firms in hostile environments, or in mature industries where competition for customers and resources is intense, are more likely to benefit from competitive aggressiveness—a response to threats. A further implication of this research is that the dimensions of an entrepreneurial orientation, often considered to be positively related to performance under all conditions, may not always be associated with successful outcomes. This study indicates that the dimensions of EO often vary independently rather than covary, suggesting that the extent to which an entrepreneurial approach to strategy making is useful will frequently depend on the organizational or environmental conditions under which such decisions are made.  相似文献   

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