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赵红丹  江苇 《财经论丛》2018,(2):95-103
随着越来越多的企业要求员工主动承担更多的职责外活动,由此带来的公民行为压力愈益成为职场中的普遍问题.然而,学界对于公民行为压力究竟是好是坏仍阐释不清,使得现有理论模型无法很好地解释现象,削弱了实践指导性.整合工作要求-资源模型,本文探讨了公民行为压力对员工创造力的影响,尤其是自我效能感在其中的情境机制.基于本土企业297份直接上司-目标员工配对样本的实证研究表明:公民行为压力与员工创造力之间存在倒U型关系,但是这一倒U关系取决于员工自我效能感水平的高低,即自我效能感水平越高的情况下,公民行为压力与员工创造力之间的倒U型关系越不明显.  相似文献   

现有文献探讨了包容型领导对员工创造力的直接影响,但其内在的作用机制尚未得到系统阐释.基于257份领导-员工配对问卷调查,整合社会学习和社会交换理论,以创造自我效能感和领导-成员交换为中介变量,构建并验证包容型领导影响员工创造力的双路径模型.实证结果表明,包容型领导对员工创造力有显著的正向影响,创造自我效能感和领导-成员交换在包容型领导影响员工创造力的过程中发挥中介作用,且领导-成员交换的中介效应显著强于创造自我效能感的中介效应.  相似文献   

心理授权的四个维度对个体创新行为具有直接显著的正向影响,其影响程度从大到小依次为自我效能、工作意义、工作影响和自主性.自我效能感高的员工更有信心面对不确定性并用新的方法解决问题,从而产生创新行为;从事有价值、有意义或对组织战略和政策具有较强影响力工作的员工,工作热情和创新积极性高;在工作上有充分自主权的员工,从工作中获得的内在激励程度更高,因而会产生更多的创新行为.同事支持对心理授权与个体创新行为之间的关系具有正向调节作用,即同事支持感越强,心理授权对个体创新行为影响越大.  相似文献   

本文基于个体-组织交互视角,通过对233名企业知识员工的问卷调查,探讨员工创造力人格、工作特征与个人创新绩效的关系,并考察了工作特征在员工创造力人格与个人创新绩效关系中的调节作用。研究结果表明:员工创造力人格对个人创新绩效发挥显著正向影响;工作特征各维度均对个人创新绩效发挥显著正向影响;工作特征中的技能多样性、工作自主性分别对员工创造力人格与个人创新绩效之间的关系发挥显著的正向调节作用。  相似文献   

工作场所中的员工前摄行为研究已经成为组织行为学领域的研究热点.本文探讨任务自主性、 超角色自我效能与支持性组织氛围影响员工前摄行为的作用机制,通过层级回归与bootstrap分析,研究结果发现:超角色自我效能在任务自主性与员工前摄行为之间具有部分中介作用.支持性组织氛围对超角色自我效能的中介作用具有调节效应,超角色自我效能对员工前摄行为的影响随着支持性组织氛围的增加而增加.  相似文献   

在区分个体创造力和创新的基础上,文章考察了225名企业员工的核心自我评价、集体主义导向与上司评定的创新行为的关系.结果表明个体创新过程中的创意产生和创意实施行为正相关;核心自我评价与创意产生正相关,但与创意实施无显著相关关系;集体主义导向在核心自我评价与创意产生和实施行为关系中均起调节作用:对集体主义导向较强的员工来说,核心自我评价对创新行为的影响反而较弱,对低集体主义导向的员工来说,核心自我评价对创新行为的影响则相对较强.文章最后对研究结果进行了讨论,并指出了研究的贡献与不足.  相似文献   

以往对离职意图影响因素的研究主要集中于各种情景变量,文章以412名餐饮业员工作为被试样本,采用分层回归方法检验了心理契约和自我效能感与员工满意和离职意图的关系.研究结果表明:交易契约对员工满意产生负影响,对离职意图产生正影响,而关系契约的作用截然相反;自我效能感只对员工满意有主效应,并且调节两种心理契约对员工满意和离职意图的影响.研究结果进一步证实个体特质对工作态度有重要影响.  相似文献   

以40多家中国IT企业员工为对象,对员工工作家庭冲突与该领域的自我效能感进行研究。结果表明IT员工工作-家庭冲突与管理工作-家庭冲突的自我效能感负相关,家庭-工作冲突与管理家庭-工作冲突的自我效能感负相关;自我效能感对IT员工工作家庭冲突具有重要的调节作用。  相似文献   

张方方 《商场现代化》2014,(14):104-105
本文首先总结了在竞争日益激烈的情况下,提高员工创造力对于企业的重要意义,然后从工作特征模型及其发展的角度探讨提高员工创造力的问题,本文在原有的研究的基础上综合社会认知理论同时加入了自我效能和心理资本等因素使得工作特征模型更好的解决提高员工创造力的方法,最后文章提出了提高员工创造力的方法。  相似文献   

员工的创新行为对一个发展来说至关重要,而增加员工的工作自主性是提高其创新行为的重要途径之一。以合肥市6家公司的员工为调查对象,通过发放问卷获得相关数据。并通过相关的实证分析得出了以下结论:工作自主性对员工创新行为有显著的正向影响,创新自我效能感在工作自主性和员工创新行为间起中介作用。  相似文献   

This study draws on resource allocation theory to examine the relationship between job control and two kinds of job performance, namely employee creativity and in-role performance, as well as to investigate whether supervisor encouragement of creativity moderates these two potentially nonlinear relationships. To test the proposed model, we collected data from 234 employees in Indonesia. The results show that job control has an inverted U-shaped relationship with employee creativity, but a U-shaped relationship with in-role performance. Supervisor encouragement of creativity moderates both relationships, such that the control–creativity relationship becomes U-shaped, while the control–in-role performance relationship becomes inverted U-shaped when supervisor encouragement of creativity is high. Implications for managers on how to provide resources to employees are discussed.  相似文献   

Researchers establish that rewards play an important role in shaping employees' creative behaviors. However, little is known about the underlying mechanisms that transmit the effects of rewards for creativity on different types of creative behaviors. Drawing on the sense making perspective, this study identifies unique mediators and moderators of reward—creativity relationship. The results of this survey-based study, comprising of 220 independent employee - supervisor dyads, suggested that enjoyment in the activity mediated the relationship between intrinsic rewards and radical creative behaviors. Moreover, the interactional effects of extrinsic rewards and their perceived importance on creative behaviors were mediated through perceptions of climate for innovation. These results provide important insights and guide managers in promoting distinct types of creative behaviors.  相似文献   

A corporate culture strengthened by ethical values and other positive business practices likely yields more favorable employee work responses. Thus, the purpose of this study was to assess the degree to which perceived corporate ethical values work in concert with group creativity to influence both job satisfaction and turnover intention. Using a self-report questionnaire, information was collected from 781 healthcare and administrative employees working at a multi-campus education-based healthcare organization. Additional survey data was collected from a comparative convenience sample of 127 sales and marketing employees working for a variety of firms operating in the south-central United States. The results indicated that group creativity and corporate ethical values were positively related, and that both variables were associated with increased job satisfaction. Conversely, corporate ethical values and job satisfaction were associated with decreased turnover intention. Sales managers should create work cultures that precipitate increased ethical values and group creativity, and suggestions about how they may institutionalize these factors are provided.  相似文献   

Based on ideology-infused psychological contract theory and cognitive evaluation theory, this study investigated the curvilinear relationship between ethical leadership and employee creativity. A curvilinear mediation model was proposed to explain the impact of ethical leadership on creativity, using employee intrinsic motivation as the mediator. Applying a two wave sampling design that consist 258 employees and their leaders, we found that employee creativity improved as ethical leadership increased from low to moderate levels. However, the employee creativity improvement was attenuated when ethical leadership increased from moderate to high levels. Furthermore, the study also revealed that employee intrinsic motivation partially mediated this curvilinear relationship. The theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Our study aims to revisit the challenge-hindrance stressor framework among customer-contact employees. Specifically, our study links challenge and hindrance stressors to four critical employee outcomes via work engagement (WE). These outcomes are quitting intentions, service recovery performance, creative performance, and job performance. Data came from hotel employees in customer-contact positions in three waves and their direct supervisors in Nigeria. As hypothesised, WE fosters service recovery, creative, and job performances, while it mitigates quitting intentions. Inconsistent with our predictions, hindrance stressors boost WE and challenge stressors exert detrimental effects on WE. Although WE links challenge and hindrance stressors to the aforementioned outcomes, the signs of the mediating effects are not congruent with what is hypothesised in the study. These unexpected findings agree with Bakker and Sanz-Vergel’s [2013] proposition that categorisation of job demands as challenge or hindrance stressors may not always be straightforward.  相似文献   

In the present study, we examine the process through which abusive supervision impacts employee creativity. Specifically, we test whether abusive supervision is associated with lower levels of employee creativity and if this effect is mediated by employee sleep deprivation and emotional exhaustion. Results showed that abusive supervision had an indirect negative relationship with employee creativity via its impact on employee sleep deprivation and emotional exhaustion. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the negative effects of abusive supervision on employee creativity and the processes by which they occur.  相似文献   

情感是员工创造力的重要前因,而已有文献结论存在不一致,且未深入地探讨影响员工情绪的组织情境因素。文章依据情感事件理论,分析和检验了领导成员交换、积极/消极情感与创造力的关系,以及组织创造力支持感的调节作用。通过分析442对主管〖CD*2〗下属配对样本,结果表明:积极情感和消极情感在领导成员交换与创造力关系之间起部分中介作用;组织创造力支持感正向调节积极情感与创造力的关系,而对消极情感与创造力关系的负向调节作用不显著;最后,高的组织创造力支持感还调节积极/消极情感在领导成员交换与员工创造力关系间的中介作用。  相似文献   

越来越多企业实施弹性工作来提升工作与家庭之间的边界弹性,以期减少工作家庭冲突并进而保证员工的工作绩效。然而,有些企业却认为坚持严明的工作与家庭边界并严加监管,防止家庭事务向工作领域的渗透,才能保证员工工作绩效。对此争议,文章基于工作-家庭边界理论分析了工作弹性程度对员工工作绩效产生影响的路径,提出心理渗透在这一路径中起中介作用、工作创造性起调节作用的研究模型,通过调查数据证实,工作弹性程度对员工绩效的正面影响是通过减弱员工的心理渗透而发生作用,工作创造性对心理渗透与工作绩效之间关系有调节影响。本文研究表明,工作弹性程度能够帮助员工减少心理渗透,尤其有利于从事创造性工作的员工提升工作绩效。  相似文献   

Innovation—the implementation of creative ideas—is one of the most important factors of competitive advantage in 21st century organizations. Yet, leaders do not always encourage employee behaviors that are critical for innovation. We integrate existing literature on the critical factors that serve as antecedents of innovation, including employee voice and knowledge sharing, which in turn lead to creativity and innovation. Based on existing empirical research, we offer evidence-based recommendations for managers to become innovation leaders by: (1) developing the right group norms, (2) designing teams strategically, (3) managing interactions with those outside the team, (4) showing support as a leader, (5) displaying organizational support, and (6) using performance management effectively.  相似文献   

“人力资源管理系统能否促进创新”是目前的研究热点,但却未获一致研究结论。人力资源管理系统内部不同性质的人力资源实践能满足员工不同类型的需求及其综合效果,因此可能会催生不同的员工创造力。根据绩效导向和维持导向两维度,本文将人力资源管理系统分成四类:高绩效高维持、低绩效高维持、高绩效低维持、低绩效低维持。选取江苏、安徽企业中的362个员工样本,结果表明:与其它三种类型的人力资源管理系统相比,高绩效高维持型人力资源管理系统员工的组织心理所有权最高,从而员工创造力最高。研究结果不仅进一步拓展了人力资源管理系统对员工创造力的影响研究,而且揭示了人力资源管理系统影响员工创造力的机制。  相似文献   

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