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除保护技术输出的传统职能外,专利在企业和利益相关者沟通中也发挥着重要的信号传递职能。其中,专利在资本市场上的信号价值近年来备受关注,已有研究指出专利作为质量信号有助于企业获得投资者认可,并且专利信号效果依赖于投资者获得企业信息的多少。在此基础上,进一步讨论了投资者获得企业信息的内容对信号价值的影响。具体地,在负面信号情境下(企业过去的财务绩效差、收益波动性大、未来不确定性高),专利的信号价值更强,而在正面信号情境专利信号效果减弱。利用来自深沪两市1 787家上市公司2000-2011年面板数据验证了以上假设,专利数量和外部融资之间存在正向关系,并且在负面信号情境下二者正向关系更强。稳健性检验进一步表明,发明专利的信号效应比非发明专利更强,而私企的专利信号效应比国企更强。  相似文献   

张楠 《时代经贸》2020,(3):48-49
在我国市场快速发展的过程中,资本市场的关系构建与维护对上市公司股东利益会产生非常重要的影响,必须要积极加强对负面事件投资者关系管理的价值效应进行深入的探究。通过对负面事件市场效应考察能够总结发现企业的前期投资者关系管理质量越高,则表明企业在负面事件影响下的市场效应越高,说明投资者关系管理可以有效保护股东的利益,避免股东的权益受到损失。投资者关系管理的保险效应仅存在于规模比较大的公司之中,对规模比较小的公司并不发生关系,大多数的公司违规事件会导致投资者权益受损,高管违规事件却并不存在此类关系,在违规事件下投资者关系管理的保险效应会更加明显,通过对负面事件进行关系管理,也能够提高公司应对危机的整体水平。  相似文献   

梅丹 《现代财经》2023,(10):90-109
基于迎合专利带来的投资者信息需求增长和规避信息披露成本及风险的权衡,选择既受投资者关注又能反映专利转化应用结果的盈利预测信息,考察获得的专利是否影响公司盈利预测信息披露决策。以我国上市公司2012—2021年数据进行的实证检验发现,随着专利数量的增加,公司进行了数量更多、质量更好的自愿盈利预测信息披露;且其中代表实质性创新和探索式创新的高质量专利的数量对自愿盈利预测披露的积极影响更大。此外,在创新型公司、机构投资者持股比例高的公司、面临相对弱的市场竞争的公司,专利数量对自愿盈利预测披露的积极影响作用更强,显示了公司以盈利预测披露去迎合投资者信息需求、传递专利价值信号的作用。  相似文献   

本文通过引入存续期未终止的专利,改进了传统以存续期为基础的专利价值模型,并使用该模型计算了我国1985—2009年间企业和研究机构的发明专利价值。通过对比发现,我国研究机构的平均专利价值显著低于企业。进一步回归分析发现,研究机构的研发资源占有量对专利价值并没有显著的正向作用,相反,企业占有较多的研发资源则有助于提高专利价值。在研发资源的联合配置方面,研究机构间合作研发下的专利价值也低于企业间的合作。  相似文献   

运用关键词频统计法,构建中国1999-2013年节能节电专利面板数据,以能效标识制度为切入点,从专利数量、相对专利产出和技术重心等指标分析能效标识制度对技术创新的影响,进而考察产品信息标签对技术创新的诱导机制。研究发现:(1)能效等级信号是能效标识制度能否诱导技术创新的关键;(2)能效标识制度对节能节电类专利具有显著正向影响,即能效标识制度对技术创新具有显著诱导效应;(3)能效标识制度不仅能够提升节能节电专利与节水专利之间的比值,而且能够显著提高节能节电专利占所有专利的比例,即该政策导致偏向性技术进步;(4)相对而言,能效标识制度对创新程度较高的发明专利具有更强的诱导效应。为此,完善能效标识制度、推广产品信息标签,有助于引导技术进步,促进社会可持续发展。  相似文献   

以我国2007-2019年A股上市公司为对象,实证研究政府补助对机构投资者与企业创新产出关系的调节效应,并深入探讨政府补助这一调节效应在不同区域环境、不同产业环境和不同内部控制环境下的差异性表现。结果发现:机构投资者不仅有助于促进企业创新产出,而且有助于促进具有战略发展意义的突破式创新产出;政府补助对机构投资者与企业创新产出及突破式创新产出间的关系存在显著正向调节效应。进一步研究发现,相较于东部地区、非先进制造业和内部控制质量较低的企业,政府补助在中西部地区、先进制造业和内部控制质量较高的企业中对机构投资者与企业创新产出及突破式创新产出的正向调节效应更显著。研究结论为进一步优化政府补助政策,提升政府补助利用效率,增加企业创新产出具有重要意义。  相似文献   

以2009-2018年中国创业板公司为样本,考察公司上市前的专利突击现象,检验专利突击行为对专利质量和经营业绩的影响.研究发现:第一,创业板上市公司IPO前存在明显的专利突击现象,具体表现为专利申请数量在上市前激增,在上市后增长停滞;第二,创业板公司专利突击行为降低了专利质量和上市后的长期经营业绩;第三,相较于发明专利,非发明专利的上市前突击现象更明显;第四,2014年证监会关于创业板上市公司在招股说明书中对专利信息披露的有关规定改变了公司专利申请策略,申请时间前移,上市前已申请但未授权的专利占比降低.最后,企业突击申请专利会使投资者高估公司价值,从而损害投资者利益.研究结论有利于理解我国"专利泡沫"现象的制度诱因,对完善创业板制度和实现注册制转型具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

基于企业财务决策与资本市场之间的联动性关系,研究投资者意见分歧对企业创新的影响,以及包含传统新闻媒体和网络新闻媒体在内的多源媒体对企业的报道态度异质性对二者关系的影响。结果表明,投资者意见分歧通过管理层情绪效应抑制了企业创新。相比传统新闻媒体,网络新闻媒体报道态度异质性更能强化投资者意见分歧对企业创新的抑制作用。进一步研究发现,投资者意见分歧激发管理层悲观情绪效应,并受到股权分散程度的正向影响和高管异质性的负向影响。投资者意见分歧通过管理层情绪效应对探索式创新影响更大,最终降低企业价值。  相似文献   

奚宾  张威威 《技术经济》2022,41(5):85-96
经济高质量发展背景下,企业环境信息披露已经引起全社会的普遍重视。本文基于沪深A股上市公司2007—2019年样本企业面板数据,以投资者关注为中介变量,揭示环境信息披露对企业经营绩效的作用机制。结果显示,环境信息披露对企业经营绩效具有显著的正向激励作用,投资者关注发挥部分中介效用。进一步的研究表明,将机构投资者持股比例作为门槛变量时,存在显著的单一门槛效应,当企业引入机构投资者持股比例高于一定门槛值时,环境信息披露能显著提升企业经营绩效,否则激励效果不显著;同时异质性分析发现,重污染行业及2015年后环境信息披露对企业经营绩效激励效果更为显著。本文研究结论有助于企业更理性地认识环境信息披露的经济效益,为政府、企业和投资者共同构建高质量环境信息披露体系提供思路。  相似文献   

“大众创业、万众创新”背景下,研究风险投资介入对企业创新绩效的影响具有重要理论与现实意义。以2010-2017年创业板公司为样本,采用倾向得分匹配法(PSM)模型,实证分析风险投资介入对企业创新绩效的影响,发现风险投资介入显著促进专利申请量,且对发明专利申请量和实用新型专利申请量有显著正向作用,而对外观设计专利影响并不显著。进一步考察不同背景和投资策略的风险投资对创新绩效的潜在影响,结果显示:与单独投资相比,联合投资对专利总申请量和发明专利申请量增加的促进作用更显著;与私营风险投资和外资风险投资相比,国有风险投资具有更强的发明取向和更长的投资时间,能显著促进发明专利等创新绩效提升,而私营和外资风险投资对公司创新绩效的影响不显著。  相似文献   

Globalization, high growth rates in high-tech industries, growing emerging markets and harmonization of patent institutions across countries have stimulated patenting in foreign markets. We use a simple model of international patenting, where the decision to patent in a foreign country depends on country characteristics and the quality of the patented invention. With access to a detailed database on individual patents owned by small Swedish firms and inventors, we are able to estimate some of these relationships and test their validity. Our results indicate that the propensity to apply for international patent protection increases with indicators of the quality of the invention, technological rivalry and market size in the host market.  相似文献   

Empirical findings state that the disclosure requirement might be a reason for firms to rely on secrecy rather than patents to protect their inventions. We choose a dynamic framework in which we can explicitly analyze the patenting decision reflecting the tradeoff between a positive protective effect and a negative effect due to the required disclosure of the protected invention. In spite of a patent, the inventor's rival may still enter the market with a non-infringing product. Measuring the technological lead of the inventor by a time advantage he has compared with his rival, we show that if his headstart exceeds a critical threshold, he will not patent and rather rely on secrecy.  相似文献   

近年来,中国专利申请量与授权量得到了快速飞跃,然而“专利泡沫”“专利沉睡”等问题也日益凸显,如何有效促进专利数量到专利质量的转变是实现专利强国的关键。本文基于信号传递理论,构建了市场信号与技术特征共同影响国际高质量专利形成的理论模型,并利用中国在美国专利与商标局(USPTO)申请的专利数据进行了实证检验。研究结果表明:市场信号有助于传递积极的专利信号与打破信息不对称,推动形成国际高质量专利;技术特征能够扩大专利自身的技术范围与技术合作空间,与国际高质量专利也存在显著正向关系;此外,技术特征能够产生技术噪音与技术竞争压力,弱化信号传递效率,从而负向调节市场信号对国际高质量专利的促进效应。本文认为与市场上的普通商品一样,专利存在“酒香也怕巷子深”问题,一方面企业应该加强专利国际推广;另一方面政府需要进一步完善市场机制与减弱信息不对称,共同塑造中国国际高质量专利。  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of corporate diversification on the value creation of patent grants. We find that focussed firms experience significantly greater market reactions to patent announcements than diversified firms. Diversification into related industries has little effect on the wealth gains of granted patents, while diversification into unrelated industries significantly reduces the wealth gains. We further find that post-announcement operating performance is significantly associated with the degree of diversification. Overall, our findings suggest that the selection of diversification as a firm's organisational structure has a negative influence on the value creation of innovation, and this influence is exacerbated when this diversification involves unrelated industries.  相似文献   

Given the growing size of patent databases and portfolios, scholars and practitioners alike need metrics to help them in weighting patent counts or in ranking patents to focus on the most important ones. The main objective of this paper is to help them in this task with a practical and replicable approach. The discriminating criterion chosen is the potential market for the patented invention and the approach uses five different patent features (forward citations, grant decisions, families, renewals, and oppositions) that (1) have been found positively correlated with the value of patents in the literature, (2) can be extracted from patent databases, and (3) could inform on the existence of a potential market for the invention. The paper therefore discusses the main methodological issues in measuring and interpreting these metrics over a large international dataset and proposes one approach to extract from the different measures a consistent score that can be used to weight or rank patents.  相似文献   

当前,人工智能发明对专利客体范围、专利“三性”审查标准及专利权属制度造成巨大冲击。就专利客体而言,在“算法+技术”规则的指引下,可将人工智能生成的技术方案明确为方法类专利客体;在专利“三性”审查方面,借鉴人工智能技术中立优势对相关发明进行“新式审查”,可以化解对传统审查方式的冲击;在专利权属制度设计上,基于产业政策和利益平衡考量,构建以人工智能投资者为核心、辅之以意思自治原则的专利权属制度成为必然。  相似文献   

基于湖北省1993—2018年相关数据,运用VAR模型对绿色创新与经济增长的动态关系进行实证研究,同时将绿色创新分为发明专利授权和实用新型专利授权两个要素。研究发现,经济增长与发明专利授权、实用新型专利授权存在长期协整关系;发明专利授权对经济增长存在“扩散效应”,实用新型专利授权对经济增长先体现“扩散效应”,后体现“挤出效应”,而经济增长对两者均具有“扩散效应”;发明专利授权对经济增长的促进作用明显大于实用新型专利授权对经济增长的促进作用。因此,应积极构建绿色创新与经济增长的长效互动机制;加大绿色创新开发投入,完善绿色创新相关制度;提升绿色创新的投入效率,加速绿色创新成果转化率。  相似文献   

One of the major reasons why inventors are awarded patents by governments is they encourage R&D investments and commercialization of inventions. If the patent holder commercializes his/her invention, he/she has stronger incentives to retain the patent. The purpose here is to empirically analyze the relationship between commercialization and the renewal of patents. At the same time, I take into account defensive patent strategies (e.g. deterring competitors from utilizing the patent) and pointedly ask if there are any third factors (quality of the patent) that affect the commercialization and renewal decisions. Using a detailed database of Swedish patents, I utilize a survival model to estimate how commercialization influences the patent renewal decision. Basic results show not only that commercialization and defensive strategies increase the probability a patent will be renewed, but also that quality influences commercialization and renewal decisions. When controlling for the endogenous commercialization decision, there is still a strong positive relationship between commercialization and renewal of patents. Thus, given the quality of the patent, if the owner decides to commercialize the patent on the margin, this leads to longer survival of the patent. With regard to commercialization modes, there is some evidence that licensed patents and patents commercialized in original and new firms – but not acquired patents – survive longer than non-commercialized patents. Looking more closely at the contracts of acquired and licensed patents, contracts with both variable and fixed fees – but not contracts with either variable or fixed fees – survive longer than non-commercialized patents. However, the analysis about modes and contract terms does not take into account the endogeneity problem.  相似文献   


The inventive process creates knowledge asymmetries between research-intensive firms and external investors, making it difficult for firms to obtain funding for inventive activities. Consequently, most research-intensive firms face financial constraints (FC). Some suggest patents act as signals to reduce asymmetries, attracting external financing. Yet, prior findings are mixed. We integrate literature on FC with signaling to explore these inconsistent conclusions. We argue ambiguity in previous studies results from examining patents as sending a single signal. We examine impacts of three firm-level attributes on FC – use of emergent technology inputs, firm age, and repeat alliance partners. We demonstrate consideration of multiple simultaneous signals provides better insights into the patenting-FC relationship.  相似文献   

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