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每个人都有一个思维定势,以为自己懂的人人都懂,自己会的人人都会。但事实并不是这样的。有一次我参加一个会,旁边有位女士打开笔记本电脑,她用的是360安全桌面。我看她用的是360的产品,就问她有什么需要帮忙?她回答说桌面上文件太多,找起来麻烦。我说,360安全桌面就有“桌面整理”功能啊,并在她电脑上一点.文件即井井有条。她很惊讶。我问她:你从来没点击过这个?她说,因为不熟悉,所以从来不点击。  相似文献   

有一位美丽的模特,她有一头如绸缎般的长发,在几次大赛上,她利用这头美发演绎中国古典服装,大获成功,夺得了不少金奖。又一个大赛来了,这次是国际性的大赛,如果能在大赛上取胜,那么她将与模特公司签约,跨入名模行列。比赛前,她围绕自己的头发和设计师设计了多种时装,进行了上千次的台步训练,她自感完美无缺了。  相似文献   

他和她结婚已有了半个世纪,头20年磨蹭着为了孩子,第二个20年又磨蹭着为了孩子的孩子。到60多岁以后,他们才开始有了空闲为自己而活,可是到了这个时候,他却偏偏伤心地发现,她一身都是病。她有过一段长长的心脏病史,要命的是今年春天她在一阵昏厥之后又查出自己患有严重的低血糖  相似文献   

她在天狮的大舞台上是一只海燕,从中国飞向世界。当她站在欧洲、非洲、东南亚各国的演讲台上接受不同肤色的外国人的鲜花掌声时,她为自己是中国人、是天狮人而骄傲。她就是阮海燕,一个拥有“爱心小水珠”的普通医生,因为融入到天狮这个“爱的海洋”,使她的爱心放大、责任心增强,使她感受到付出爱和拥有爱的美好生活。  相似文献   

下岗后为了圆自己的创业梦想,她曾经过多次改换职业,最终却欠下了巨额债务。亲戚朋友的不理解,丈夫的埋怨使她意志一度消沉。然而不服输的她在一次偶然的机遇中,对依靠虫子创业再次发生了极大兴趣,她偷偷地隐瞒着家人与虫子结下了深厚的渊源,默默地为自己所钟爱的事业付出着、努力着……经过艰辛的拼搏,她最终赢得了自己的第一桶金100万元。  相似文献   

“你曾失去过身边的人吗?” “我母亲。” “我很遗憾!还记得她最后一次在房子里的神情吗?最后一次理发的样子?人总有最后一次,不是吗?但我们自己通常不知道。所以每做一件事都要把它当成是最后一次。比如,也许,今天此刻是我最后一次牧羊的清晨,而你是我最后遇见的陌生人,你刚才的泪是我最后一次看到的眼泪。”  相似文献   

这是一个真实的故事:一个女性在经历几次婚姻失败之后,终于遇到一位意中人。对方认为她一切都好,却不能接受她有一个孩子。那人对她说:如果不是因为这个孩子,我们就可以生活在一起。这句话进入了这个女性的心。于是,这个女性,作为一个母亲,把她的孩子带到一个湖边,推到湖水中淹死了。结果,她没有跟意中人走进婚姻的殿堂,而是自己走进了监狱,因为她过不了自己良心这一关。  相似文献   

在大多数人的印象中,尹建华是个女能人,因为她35岁才开始经营餐饮服务业,短短12年时间,先后办过陵华酒店、福运大酒店、公安招待所、阳光大酒店,而且每办一处都有一定的影响,如今的阳光宾馆,又被她经营得红红火火。她所以能在餐饮行业创造一定的业绩,固然有她自身能力和水平等客观因素,更主要的是她对事业的执著追求——在为社会不断创造价值中实现自我。磨难是一种人生经历,经历是一笔宝贵的财富。尹建华中学毕业时,正逢知识青年上山下乡。她在一个农场  相似文献   

我丈夫的祖母玛丽简直是一位农艺学家,在她美丽的花园里,她收获了那么多辛勤耕耘的快乐,园子里的每一寸土地都生动展示了她对种植的热情。当她和祖父把家搬到加利福尼亚州时,她将营造自己的新花园视作一次激动人心的全新冒险。  相似文献   

岑大明 《大众商务》2003,(12):10-11
她是我国西部边远贫困山区的一个贫穷苗家妇女,35岁的她仅揣着10多元钱就勇敢地走出去打工,她所有赖以创业的资本仅仅是:初中文化,一双勤劳的手。她一次次超越自身的极限,用自己脆弱的生命改写了命运本该界定她的人生,10年后她居然从赤贫打工苗家女变成了企业家、西部领带大王,为中国西部的妇女树起了一面旗!  相似文献   

通过解读李清照的作品,不难看出她颇具男性意识。其男性意识不只流露在作品中,更多地体现在日常行事中。一个人的性格往往决定于遗传、家庭、社会以及时代的影响,李清照亦如此,其男性意识的形成主要取决于父母的遗传与熏陶、丈夫赵明诚的激发、苏轼以及苏门弟子陈师道、晁补之等人的影响,当然也离不开那个特殊时代的裹挟。  相似文献   

《哈姆雷特》中的女配角乔特鲁德历来被认为是一个善变轻浮、不忠贞甚至淫荡的人物形象,这种看法把她的性格特征简单化了。其实,她受克劳狄斯蒙蔽利用又遭哈姆雷特拒绝、排斥,是个悲剧性人物。她是自身性格和社会环境的受害者,是被男性主宰的社会所吞噬。在她身上体现了莎士比亚悲剧的现实性思考。  相似文献   

萧红是20世纪中国最有才华和独创性的作家之一,也是最善于建立自己独特艺术风格的小说家,她的小说所达到的精神、思想和艺术高度至今没有多少中国作家可以企及。她对人与自然关系的描绘与思考,显得独特、深邃而发人深省。她启迪人们从大自然中去领悟世界和人生的真谛,促使人们去寻求一种更符合人性也更能与大自然和谐相处的生存方式。她期望人与大自然都能自由自在、充满灵性充满旺盛蓬勃的生命活力,她对生命表现出由衷的呼唤与赞美。  相似文献   

The authors describe the development and validation of multiple-item self-report scales to measure opinion leadership and opinion seeking for specific product or service domains. The concepts of opinion leadership and opinion seeking are defined, previous attempts to measure them are critiqued, and the scale development process is described. Five separate studies using data from 1,128 student and adult respondents provide ample evidence for the unidimensionality, the reliability, and the construct and criterion-related validity of the resulting scales. Finally, implications for consumer theory and marketing practice are discussed. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Alabama. Her research focuses on methodological issues in consumer research. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Alabama. His chief interest is in scaling consumer characteristics. where she directs the MBA program. She received her Ph.D. from Florida State University. Her research includes business ethics, scale development, and marketing to children.  相似文献   

The management of buyers’ perceptions of waiting time by service businesses may be critical to customer satisfaction. Although reducing actual waiting time is important, what managers view as a short time to wait may feel too long to customers. Relevant literature from architecture, environmental psychology, psychology, physiology, operations management, sociology, and marketing is integrated to build a conceptual model of how the service environment may influence affect and, in turn, waiting time perception. Based on this model, propositions about how specific service environment elements (e.g., lighting, color, temperature) may influence affect and time perception are presented. Finally, a research agenda and implications for service facility design are proposed. She received her Ph.D. from Texas A&M University. Her areas of interest include the retail/service environment, internal marketing, and service quality. She has published articles in theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Retailing, andInternational Journal of Research in Marketing, among others. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Arlington. She formerly was in sales and marketing planning at IBM, where she was involved in bringing numerous products to market.  相似文献   

Delivering quality products requires an understanding of the critical dimensions and cues that consumers use to judge quality. To that end, this article addresses two fundamental research issues. Using a qualitative study, the authors first develop a generalizable typology of quality dimensions for durable goods that includes ease of use, versatility, durability, serviceability, performance, and prestige. Second, the authors conduct a process-tracing laboratory experiment to examine how key marketing variables—price, brand name, and product attributes—affect consumers’ judgment processes and inferences about how products perform on the six quality dimensions. Results of the experiment indicate that consumers use price and brand name differently to judge the quality dimensions, searching for price and brand name much more frequently when evaluating prestige than when evaluating any other quality dimension. Results suggest that managers must determine the relevant quality dimensions for a product category and the cues that are salient for judging those dimensions. Merrie Brucks is a professor of marketing at the University of Arizona, where she also holds a joint appointment in the Department of Psychology. She received her Ph. D. in marketing from Carnegie Mellon University. Her research first received scholarly recognition in 1984, when she won the Robert Ferber Award for the best doctoral dissertation in the field of consumer behavior. Since that time, she has published extensively in consumer psychology, focusing on memory, information search, judgment, and decision-making processes. In other research she has examined a variety of public policy issues related to advertising. Valarie A. Zeithaml is a professor and area chair at the Kenan-Flagler Business School of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. She is also a Sarah Graham Kenan Distinguished Scholar at that institution. She obtained an MBA and doctorate from the University of Maryland and has devoted the past 20 years to researching and teaching the topics of service quality and services management. She is the author ofDelivery Quality Service: Balancing Customer Perceptions and Expectations and ofServices Marketing, a textbook now in its second edition. She has won numerous teaching and research awards, including the Ferber Award from theJournal of Consumer Research, the Maynard Award from theJournal of Marketing, the Jagdish Sheth Award from theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and the O’Dell Award from theJournal of Marketing Research. Gillian Naylor is an assistant professor of marketing at the University of Nevada Las Vegas. She obtained a doctorate from the University of Arizona in 1996. Her research interests are within the consumer judgment and decision-making domain, with specific interest in postpurchase processes and services marketing.  相似文献   

铁凝《大浴女》中女主人公尹小跳因童年时妹妹尹小荃的死带上原罪的枷锁,失去乐园。本文通过对尹小跳在亲情、爱情、友情各个方面倍尝艰辛但最终回归灵魂的安宁,实现自我救赎历程的剖析,看作者是如何再现了女性在自我救赎过程中主体性确立的艰难性。  相似文献   

萧红作品中绝大多数篇章是写自己的回忆,回忆美丽的呼兰河,回忆自己挚爱的亲人,回忆记忆中痛苦得如草芥一般活着的乡亲.她的回忆是悲伤的,痛苦的,但坚强的萧红勇敢地将回忆转化为文字.她的文字在带给千千万万的读者力量的同时也使她自己获得了力量.  相似文献   

19世纪美国著名女作家凯特.肖班的代表作《觉醒》备受评论界关注。主人公爱德娜在身边关系密切的男性视野下呈现出不同的形象:她是丈夫的玛丽亚、爱人的夏娃和情人的尤物。但她拒绝被完全言说,不囿于任何一种角色,以实际行动寻求精神和人格的独立。  相似文献   

New product launch strategy for network effects products   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the link between launch strategy decisions and new product performance. Much of that research focuses on investigating successful launch strategies for innovative, high-tech-nology products. With the rapid growth of information technology as one high-technology sector, in certain industries,network effects occur, which change the competitive game. The existing literature offers little decisionmaking guidance to managers on how to successfully introduce a product that exhibits network effects. The authors discuss the influence of network effects on the dynamics of market competition and on consumers' consumption behaviors. They argue that, because of these changes, the priority of particular performance objectives and the impact of specific launch strategies differ for products that exhibit network effects from what current wisdom and empirical results prescribe. These ideas are formalized in a conceptual framework and a series of research propositions. Yikuan Lee is an assistant professor in the International Business Department at San Francisco State University (SFSU). Before joining SFSU, she held a visiting position in the Marketing & Supply Chain Department at Michigan State University. Her research interests include commercialization of innovative products, network effects, new product development, and strategic marketing management in high-technology arenas. Much of her work focuses on how firms integrate marketing and technology competences. She received the Best Dissertation Award and the Best Paper Award at the 1999 Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) International Conference. She also won the 2000 Edl and Edith Darger Dissertation Prize in Management in recognition of outstanding academic achievement. She has published in theJournal of Product Innovation Management. Gina Colarelli O'Connor is an assistant professor in the Lally School of Management and Technology at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Her fields of interest include new product development, radical innovation, and strategic marketing management in high-technology arenas. The majority of her research efforts forcus on how firms link advanced technology development to market opportunities. She has articles published in numerous academic journals, including theJournal of Product Innovation Management, Organization Science, California Management Review, Academy of Management Executive, theJournal of Strategic Marketing, theEuropean Journal of Marketing, Psychology and Marketing, among others, and is coauthor of the bookRadical Innovation, How Mature Firms Can Outsmart Upstarts (HBS Press, 2000).  相似文献   

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