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1月31日,中央纪委监察部发布《中共黑龙江省委关于巡视整改情况的通报》。《通报》指出,经调查核实,对黑河市2013年项目投资统计数据中虚报的19亿元水分进行了核减。这则消息一出,立刻成为网络媒体讨论的热点。2014年7月28日至9月27日,中央第八巡视组对黑龙江进行了巡视。同年10月28日,中央巡视组向黑龙江省委反馈了巡视意见。为此,黑龙江省委成立了以省委书记王宪魁为组长的整改工作领导小组,把中央巡视组反馈意见整改落实作为重大政治任务  相似文献   

2月18日,春节后上班第一天,市委理论学习中心组(扩大)举行学习会,专题学习习近平总书记在中央政治局第二十七次集体学习时的重要讲话精神。市委书记陈敏尔主持会议并讲话。他强调,要深入学习贯彻习近平总书记重要讲话精神,完整、准确、全面贯彻新发展理念,更加注重从全局谋划一域、以一域服务全局,深入抓好中央巡视反馈意见整改落实,推动我市"十四五"时期发展开好局、起好步。  相似文献   

中共中国企业国有产权交易机构协会临时委员会: 2017年6月5日至7月18日,国资委党委第一巡视组对中国企业国有产权交易机构协会临时党委进行了巡视.按照国资委党委巡视工作领导小组要求,现将巡视组的反馈意见印发给你们.请认真分析研究,抓紧制定整改措施,落实整改责任,切实推进,并于签收之日起两个月内将整改报告( 含电子版)、三个月内将整改情况统计表( 含电子版) 通过我办报送国资委党委巡视工作领导小组.我们将按照领导小组要求,适时组织对整改落实情况进行监督检查.  相似文献   

4月24日,市委书记陈敏尔赴石柱县中益乡的学校、扶贫车间,实地调研中央脱贫攻坚专项巡视"回头看"反馈意见整改和我市定点攻坚工作,听取基层干部群众意见建议。他强调,要深学笃用习近平总书记扶贫重要论述和在决战决胜脱贫攻坚座谈会上的重要讲话精神,保持不停顿、不大意、不放松状态,统筹抓好"战疫"和"战贫",深入推进问题整改和工作落实,确保如期高质量打赢脱贫攻坚战。市领导王赋、李明清参加。暮春的大山深处,万物焕发出勃勃生机。山坳里的中益乡小学,开学复课准备工作正有条不紊推进。  相似文献   

中纪委真的拼了。这是马不停蹄的节奏啊。前一天(2月10日)才刚刚宣布完2014年中央第三轮巡视的反馈意见,第二天(2月11日),中纪委书记王岐山召开中央巡视工作动员部署会宣布:2015年中央第一轮巡视13个巡视组将一口气对中国核工业集团、中石油、中海油、中国电信、中国移动等26家央企进行专项巡视。就在当天,国务院国资委主任张毅在《中国纪检监察报》上发表署名  相似文献   

2015年11月至2016年7月,江苏省委巡视组对淮安市5区县和5高校进行了巡视,这是一次紧扣六项纪律,对10个单位领导班子和领导干部进行的政治体检.通过对省纪委《清风扬帆》网站的"巡视反馈"巡视整改"栏目对上述10个单位的通报资料进行深入研读和梳理,总结巡视特点,概述执行六项纪律存在的主要问题,提出放大巡视整改效应,扩大巡视成果运用的措施.  相似文献   

各常务理事单位: 2017年6月5日至7月18日,国务院国资委党委第一巡视组对中国企业国有产权交易机构协会临时党委进行了巡视.8月11日,巡视组向协会临时党委进行了巡视情况反馈.根据党中央和国务院国资委党委关于被巡视单位配合巡视工作的有关要求,现将《关于对中国企业国有产权交易机构协会临时党委巡视情况的反馈意见》、协会临时党委书记夏忠仁在反馈巡视情况会上的表态发言印发给你们,以接受监督.  相似文献   

根据国资委党委统一部署,2017年6月5日至7月18日,国资委党委第一巡视组对中国企业国有产权交易机构协会进行了巡视.8月10日,国资委党委巡视组向中共中国企业国有产权交易机构协会临时委员会反馈了巡视意见.  相似文献   

3月26日,省委书记刘奇主持召开座谈会,征求贫困户、龙头企业、致富带头人和扶贫一线干部对脱贫攻坚巡视整改的意见建议,为开好省委专题民主生活会奠定坚实的基础。他强调,我们要深入贯彻习近平总书记关于扶贫工作的重要论述,以高度的政治自觉和行动自觉,以问题为导向,强化立行立改、标本兼治,切实抓好巡视整改和工作落实,确保坚决如期打赢脱贫攻坚战。  相似文献   

党的十八大以来,中央对巡视工作作出了一系列重大部署,这些新部署新要求,充分体现了中央从严治党、反对腐败的坚定态度,体现了对反腐败斗争形势的科学判断,体现了对巡视工作的信任和期待. 为认真贯彻落实中央对巡视工作的新部署新要求,省委常委会做出安排部署.之后,省委办公厅转发了《省纪委、省委组织部关于进一步加强巡视工作的意见》.9月18日,省委书记赵正永在听取巡视工作汇报时强调,要认真学习贯彻中央关于巡视工作的新部署新要求,结合实际创新方式方法,敢于和善于发现问题,重视和运用好巡视成果,努力开创全省巡视工作新局面.  相似文献   

The paper describes new approaches to the prediction of integration processes in the post-Soviet space and to the macroeconomic evaluation of the integration effect with the use of a cross-country model of structural interactions.  相似文献   

Regulation, competition, and the structure of prices   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Many competition policy issues in regulated industries concernthe structure of prices charged by multi-product firms - forexample price discrimination, non-linear pricing, cross-subsidies,and network access pricing. This article first sets out the(Ramsey) principles of optimal pricing to recover fixed costs.The sometimes conflicting aims of promoting competition andpursuing social objectives are brought into the analysis. Questionsof whether to allow pricing structure discretion to the firm,and how much, are considered next. With asymmetric information,some discretion is often desirable, but its optimal form ishard to characterize. The article then turns to the controversialnetwork access pricing problem - on what terms should an integrateddominant firm be required to supply inputs required by its rivals?Finally, there is discussion of pricing structure regulationin the transition from more to less regulation, which, it isto be hoped, is in prospect in parts of the regulated industriesas effective competition develops.  相似文献   

Safeguards, China, and the Price of Steel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The economic health of the US steel industry has fluctuated enormously over the last ten years. The implementation of steel safeguard tariffs in 2002 brought intense scrutiny by academics and industry observers, but little empirical work has focused on the factors that led to the industry’s dramatic reversal of fortune in the period that followed. We use a panel data set of product-level monthly price observations between 1997 and March 2005 to test the importance of the safeguards compared to other possible determinants. We find little evidence that the safeguards affected steel prices in the United States. Instead, results indicate that declining production capacity, improved macroeconomic conditions, and a falling dollar helped return prices to healthier levels. Finally, China’s demand for imported steel, which has not been included in previous empirical studies on the US steel industry, also appears to impact prices, but only after a lag of more than six months. JEL no. F13  相似文献   

This paper examines how group-based assessments concerning employee ability impact employee compensation. The employer learns about worker ability through Bayesian updating, creating an additional channel for wage growth that is not available to those workers with only general labor market experience. Consistent with the model's predictions, results from National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY) indicate that black workers fare much better relative to white workers in returns to tenure than in returns to experience. Finally, parameter estimates in the structural model suggest that employers initially undervalue black males but that their wages rise with learning by employers over time.  相似文献   

Stabilization, adjustment, and the poor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper attempts to survey the recent literature on the impact of stabilization and adjustment programs upon the poor and to consider some of the key issues in the context of a particular equity-oriented low-income country. Tanzania. After looking at some of the approaches of earlier studies, this paper analyzes the effects of restructuring policies, macroeconomic restraint, and strategic policy change. The author then reviews available evidence on the recent experience of Tanzania with external shock, efforts at stabilization, and relations with the IMF.In conclusion, the author argues that in order to better understand their impact on poverty we need more detailed analyses of specific countries' experience with different kinds of macroeconomic imbalance and different short- to medium-term policy responses. However, he does indicate with some certainty that when equivalent external blows impact upon very low-income countries, there must be a presumption that, other things being equal (including the distribution of income), the proportion of households and people pushed over the line into “absolute poverty” will be greater than in middle-income countries. The international community should provide external finance to aid these low-income countries in limiting the negative impact on the poorest.  相似文献   

Are command systems that rest on coercion inherently unstable, and did the Soviet economy collapse for this reason? Until it collapsed, the Soviet economy did not appear unstable. Why, then, did it collapse? A game between a dictator and a producer shows that a high level of coercion may yield a stable high–output equilibrium, that stability may rest in part on the dictator's reputation, and that a collapse may be brought about by adverse trends in the dictator's costs and a loss of reputation. The facts of the Soviet case are consistent with a collapse that was triggered by the strike movement of 1989.  相似文献   

Energy, the Environment, and Innovation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we review the theoretical and empirical literatureon the role of policies in stimulating innovation that is designedto produce greener and more energy-efficient technologies. Firstwe review the theoretical literature on the role of purely environmentalpolicies in inducing firms to undertake environmental innovation.The conclusion is that for a wide range of policies and in awide range of circumstances one cannot prove that these policiesnecessarily induce greater innovation. We then consider theempirical evidence, which suggests that the effect of thesepolicies is weak but that the largest effects come in the longrun when, through learning-by-doing, firms better understandthe scope and potential for new energy-efficient technologies.Finally we consider the design of both environmental and technologypolicies, and show that the interaction of these policies iscomplex and warrants considerable further research.  相似文献   

Globalization, Growth, and the Poor   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
This paper discusses the possible causal relationships and empirical associations between globalization and growth, growth and poverty reduction, and, finally, globalization and poverty reduction. We argue that globalization can contribute much to poverty reduction both directly and by accelerating growth. Second, the contributions of redistributive policies are very likely to be less than the contribution of greater access to markets, more competitive insurance and financial markets, and improved institutions to poverty reduction. The potential effect of greater international integration on poverty reduction, however, is limited by domestic policy failures in developing countries and also by continued protectionism, particularly in developed countries.  相似文献   

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