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首先,本文对铁基催化剂的研究进行了讨论,主要包括铁一钻型催化剂、稀土型催化剂以及亚铁型催化剂,对其研究发展历程进行了较为详尽的论述,并对其优点和应用范围进行了分析;接下来,又对钉基催化剂的研究进行论述,指出我国在这方面的相对不足,并对钉基催化剂研究结果与铁基催化剂的研究结果进行了比较。  相似文献   

某石油化工厂设有两台WGZ75-3.82-19型锅炉,氮氧化物排放超过环保要求,采用"低氮燃烧器系统+烟气再循环"技术进行了改造。文章对改造方案进行了简述,对改造效果进行了说明,对存在的问题进行了分析和总结,并提出了优化建议。  相似文献   

对福建省钢铁工业现状进行了概述,对其周边地区钢材市场潜力进行了分析,并对新建钢厂的优势及产品定位进行了探讨.  相似文献   

2009年一季度全国电力需求分析   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:0  
分析了2009年一季度全国经济运行与电力需求的变化,对近期影响电力需求的主要因素进行了分析,对二季度及全年电力需求走势进行了分析判断,并分产业、分地区对电力需求进行了分析。  相似文献   

离心式压缩机是在工业上应用非常广泛的一种动力机械,随着科学技术的进步,离心式压缩机的制造和设计水平都有了非常大的提高.本文对离心式压缩机进行了简单介绍,对其发展历史进行了回顾,在对现状进行分析的基础上对其未来的发展趋势进行了分析.  相似文献   

本文对秦山三核的生产工艺数据的加工与利用现状进行了回顾和总结,对电站生产工艺数据应用系统进行了详细介绍,对平台建设过程中的经验进行了总结,并对如何继续挖掘生产工艺数据提出了一些设想。  相似文献   

文章分析了天然气场站露天管道产生腐蚀现象的原因,并对化学腐蚀和电化学腐蚀的特点进行了分析。对露天管道防腐措施进行了研究,并对管道防腐措施的方式方法进行了详细介绍;对管材出厂防腐措施和法兰处腐蚀特点和原因进行了总结,并给出了防护方法;分别对三种阴极保护方法的特点和原理进行了探究。最后推荐了天然气场站露天管道防腐控制的主要方法。  相似文献   

正确认识乳化油   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
简单回顾了乳化油的发展史,对乳化油的燃烧机理进行了分析,对乳化油制取的方法进行了介绍,展示了乳化油的发展前景  相似文献   

阔幅真丝织物的出现,对真丝织物的传统练染工艺技术提出了挑战。采用卷染机对真丝织物进行练染加工,对卷染机进行了必要的改造,对练染工艺进行了探讨,在现有设备条件的基础上对后整理工艺进行了探索,使真丝阔幅织物染整加工工艺在现有的设备技术条件下可行。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国越来越重视对环境的保护,在对污水处理过程中也加入了更多的环保性装置。当前,我国大多都使用单塔加压气提装置对鲁奇炉污水进行处理,这种方法主要是对污水中的某些液态分子而进行一定程度上的分离,以达到对污水进行处理的目的。随着我国对单塔加压气提装置进行鲁奇炉污水处理的使用力度不断加大,我国已经在对污水处理这方面取得了进一步的进展,也对环境进行了更大强度上的保护。为了更好的对我国鲁奇炉污水进行处理,文章主要对单塔加压气提装置在鲁奇炉污水处理中的应用进行了简要的分析。  相似文献   

Advocates of the market for corporate control argue that takeover bids should be accepted because unsuccessful targets tend to lose market value. Other researchers argue that takeover bids should be rejected because the combined firms often perform poorly. However, missing in this debate is the influence of the source of takeover gains on the decision to reject or accept takeover bids. This study posits that value from takeovers can be created by synergy or restructuring. The study suggests that only if the synergy component is dominant should the target firm agree to be taken over. The study then tests the dominance of the source of value in takeovers by examining takeovers that were unsuccessful. The study concludes that, first, restructuring, not synergy, motivated the sample studied and target firms can create the same value independently. Second the need for restructuring was industry-wide. However, even if restructuring is the motive behind a takeover, the target firm has to carry out the restructuring, failing which it does not create any value. The study also suggests reasons for the ambiguous findings in the strategic management merger literature.  相似文献   

工程招投标中法律问题的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
工程招投标活动中存在许多违法及违规行为,原因在于有关工程招投标方面立法不够完善,执法力度不够,并且没有建立起比较彻底的工程招投标市场体制。在分析了产生违法行为的原因之后,提出了解决中国工程招投标活动中存在的违法及违规行为的主要途径。  相似文献   

We analyze the “roundness level” of bids—defined as the number of zeros at the end of the bid—in public procurement auctions for construction works in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan, where a bid-rigging case was filed. We hypothesize that bid rigging increases the roundness of bids through the bid coordination process. Specifically, winners choose round numbers to avoid any miscommunication when they announce their planned bids to other ring members, and losers prefer round numbers when they arbitrarily bid above the winning bid. We find that (1) there is a positive relationship between the roundness of a bid and its relative value as a fraction of the reserve price, (2) the roundness of bids is higher when collusion is active than when it is inactive, (3) among the ring bids, the roundness of the lowest bids is even higher than that of the other bids, and (4) bids by non-ring members are also round when collusion is active.  相似文献   

State agencies in infant-formula procurement auctions receive lower bids when they are in buyer alliances than when they are unallied. The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) uses an auction to procure infant formula. Manufacturers bid on the right to be an agency’s sole supplier by offering a rebate on formula sold through WIC. Agencies frequently join together in buyer alliances. An empirical estimation shows that bids are lower to alliances and that lower prices result because alliances are heterogeneous. Results suggest that when heterogeneity is not controlled, bids decline with alliance size, which has policy implications because Congress recently limited alliance size.  相似文献   

The fluctuations in fuel prices over the past decade led a number of government agencies to introduce price adjustment clauses in procurement contracting. Those clauses were primarily designed to reduce contractors’ uncertainty without considering the impact of such initiatives on bidding and the budget. We analyze a newly constructed, detailed panel of observations on bids for construction contracts and compare bidding behavior across periods and projects, and across items within projects. Estimates from a difference‐in‐differences approach, indicate that bidding becomes more aggressive and less dispersed after the implementation of this policy. The difference is more pronounced when we consider itemized bids than overall project bids. Alternative techniques of regression discontinuity and nonparametric estimation are applied and yield consistent results.  相似文献   

评标是招标工作全过程中重要一环,而评标方法的制定则是评标工作的中心环节,现行的综合评标法和合理低价法在实际运用中都存在着一定的缺陷。结合国内外的评标实践,提出了考虑建设成本+时间成本+绩效偏差值+奖惩金额的一种新评标方法,并对该方法的应用进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

Ireland's national broadband plan (NBP), announced in 2012, aimed to provide access to a minimum of 30 Mbps download speed to all households in the country ahead of the EU's Digital Agenda for Europe 2020 target for such speeds. The projected cost of the government subsidy was originally €175 million. However, when the contract for the procurement of the NBP was eventually signed in 2019 the estimated subsidy had risen to between €2.2 and €2.9 billion. Using a path dependency framework, this paper finds that the escalation in the cost of subsidy was driven by two main factors. First, the decision to roll out fibre-to-the-premises (FTTP) technology was inconsistent with the geographic/legacy path dependencies related to Ireland's low-density rural population. Second, the gap-funding/PPP procurement model adopted for the intervention failed to attract competitive bids and was at odds with the competitive path dependency and the dominant role of the incumbent operator.  相似文献   

We study an auction where two licenses to operate on a new market are sold and winning bidders finance their bids on the debt market. Higher bids imply higher debts which affects product market competition. When debt induces firms to compete more aggressively, retail prices are lower than in a model without debt, as are auction revenues. When debt induces firms to compete less aggressively, retail prices are higher than in a model without debt, and the effect on auction revenues is ambiguous. Net firm profits are always higher than in a model without debt due to endogenous credit rationing.  相似文献   

Bid delegation to specialized intermediaries is common in internet ad auctions. When the same intermediary bids for competing advertisers, its incentive to coordinate client bids might alter the functioning of the auctions. This study develops a methodology to detect bid coordination and presents a strategy to estimate a bound on the search engine revenue losses imposed by bid coordination. When the method is applied to data from auctions held on a major search engine, coordination is detected in 55% of the cases of delegated bidding and the search engine's revenue loss ranges between 5.3% and 10.4%.  相似文献   

全员创新已经成为企业创新的主题。要实施全员创新,需要企业在战略、文化、制度、组织四个方面进行创新。学习型组织、员工建议系统、创造性解决问题会议、全面质量管理等工具有利于全员创新的实施。  相似文献   

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