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In this paper we propose a new method for approximating the price of arithmetic Asian options in a Variance-Gamma (VG) economy, which is then applied to the problem of pricing equityindexed annuity contracts. The proposed procedure is an extension to the case of a VG-based model of the moment-matching method developed by Turnbull and Wakeman and Levy for the pricing of this class of path-dependent options in the traditional Black-Scholes setting. The accuracy of the approximation is analyzed against RQMC estimates for the case of ratchet equityindexed annuities with index averaging.  相似文献   


This paper adopts an incomplete market pricing model–the indifference pricing approach–to analyze valuation of weather derivatives and the viability of the weather derivatives market in a hedging context. It incorporates price risk, weather/quantity risk, and other risks in the financial market. In a mean-variance framework, the relationship between the actuarial price and the indifference price of weather derivatives is analyzed, and conditions are obtained concerning when the actuarial price does not provide an appropriate valuation for weather derivatives. Conditions for the viability of the weather derivatives market are examined. This paper also analyzes the effects of partial hedging, natural hedges, basis risk, quantity risk, and price risk on investors’ indifference prices by examining the distributional impacts of the stochastic variables involved.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze a nonlinear Black–Scholes model for option pricing under variable transaction costs. The diffusion coefficient of the nonlinear parabolic equation for the price V is assumed to be a function of the underlying asset price and the Gamma of the option. We show that the generalizations of the classical Black–Scholes model can be analyzed by means of transformation of the fully nonlinear parabolic equation into a quasilinear parabolic equation for the second derivative of the option price. We show existence of a classical smooth solution and prove useful bounds on the option prices. Furthermore, we construct an effective numerical scheme for approximation of the solution. The solutions are obtained by means of the efficient numerical discretization scheme of the Gamma equation. Several computational examples are presented.  相似文献   

In this article we propose a lattice algorithm for pricing simple Ratchet equity-indexed annuities (EIAs) with early surrender risk and global minimum contract value when the asset value depends on the CIR++ stochastic interest rates. In addition we present an asymptotic expansion technique that permits us to obtain a first-order approximation formula for the price of simple Ratchet EIAs without early surrender risk and without a global minimum contract value. Numerical comparisons show the reliability of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to compare the Perrakis and Ryan bounds of option prices in a single-period model with option bounds derived using linear programming. It is shown that the upper bounds are identical but that the lower bounds are different. A comparison of these bounds, together with Merton's bounds and the Black-Scholes prices in a lognormal securities market, is presented.  相似文献   

An economy with agents having constant yetheterogeneous degrees of relative risk aversion prices assetsas though there were a single decreasing relative risk aversion``pricing representative' agent. The pricing kernel has fattails, and option prices do not conform to the Black-Scholesformula. Implied volatility exhibits a ``smile.' Heterogeneityas the source of non-stationary pricing fits Rubenstein's (1994)interpretation of the ``over-pricing' as an indication of ``crash-o-phobia'.Rubinstein's term suggests that those who hold out-of-the moneyput options have relatively high risk aversion (or relativelyhigh subjective probability assessments of low market outcomes).The essence of this explanation is investor heterogeneity.  相似文献   

This paper develops a new option pricing formula that pushes the underlying source of risk back to the risk of individual assets of the firm. The formula simultaneously encompasses differential riskiness of the assets of the firm, their relative weights in determining the value of the firm, the effects of firm debt, and the effects of a dividend policy with both constant and random components. Although this setting considerably generalizes the Black-Scholes [1] analysis, it nonetheless produces a formula via riskless arbitrage arguments that, given estimated inputs, is as easy to use as the Black-Scholes formula.  相似文献   

The Chicago Board of Options Exchange (CBOE) advocates linking variable annuity (VA) fees to its trademark VIX index in a recent white paper. It claims that the VIX-linked fee structure has several advantages over the traditional fixed percentage fee structure. However, the evidence presented is largely based on nonparametric extrapolation of historical data on market prices. Our work lays out a theoretical basis with a parametric model to analyze the impact of the VIX-linked fee structure and to verify some claims from the CBOE. In a Heston-type stochastic volatility setting, we jointly model the dynamics of an equity index (underlying the value of VA policyholders’ accounts) and the VIX index. In this framework, we price a guaranteed minimum maturity benefit with VIX-linked fees. Through numerical examples, we show that the VIX-linked fee reduces the sensitivity of the insurer's liability to market volatility when compared to a VA with the traditional fixed fee rate.  相似文献   

Upper and lower bounds are derived for call options traded at discrete intervals. These bounds are independent of assumptions on the stock price distribution other than a restriction satisfied by the stock being “non-negative beta.” The development of the bounds relies on the single-price law and arbitrage arguments. Both single-period and multiperiod results are produced, and put option bounds follow by extension. The bounds exist as equilibrium values given a consensus on stock price distribution; they are also valid for empirical studies, being adjustable for dividends and commissions.  相似文献   

This paper re-derives the finite mixture option pricing model of Ritchey (1990), based on the assumption that the option investors hold heterogeneous expectations about the parameters of the lognormal process of the underlying asset price. By proving that the model admits no riskless arbitrage, this paper justifies that the entire family of finite mixture of lognormal distributions is a desirable candidate set for recovering the risk-neutral probability distributions from contemporaneous options quotes. The parametric method derived from the model is significantly simpler than the nonparametric method of Rubinstein (1994) for recovering the risk-neutral probability distributions from contemporaneous option prices.  相似文献   

VIX期权作为波动率衍生品能为金融机构提供有效的市场风险对冲工具。文献中对VIX期权定价的实证分析误差都很大,原因在于模型的选取误差以及校正方法和样本选取不妥。通过在VIX模型中加入均值回复因素和跳因素,可以使VIX过程更加合理,也可以使VIX期权定价精度更高。通过对VIX期权市场中间报价进行校正,得到了4个文献模型的参数估计,并比较4个模型的定价精度和正向隐含波动率偏斜拟合效果。  相似文献   

Options on stocks are priced using information on index options and viewing stocks in a factor model as indirectly holding index risk. The method is particularly suited to developing quotations on stock options when these markets are relatively illiquid and one has a liquid index options market to judge the index risk. The pricing strategy is illustrated on IBM and Sony options viewed as holding SPX and Nikkei risk respectively.  相似文献   

In this paper we use power functions as pricing kernels to derive option-pricing bounds. We derive option pricing bounds given the bounds of the elasticity of the true pricing kernel. The bounds of the elasticity of the true pricing kernel are closely related to the bounds of the representative investor's coefficient of relative risk aversion. This methodology produces a tighter upper call option bound than traditional approaches. As a special case we show how to use the Black–Scholes formula to obtain option pricing bounds under the assumption of lognormality.  相似文献   

In this paper analytical solutions for European option prices are derived for a class of rather general asset specific pricing kernels (ASPKs) and distributions of the underlying asset. Special cases include underlying assets that are lognormally or log-gamma distributed at expiration date T. These special cases are generalizations of the Black and Scholes (1973) option pricing formula and the Heston (1993) option pricing formula for non-constant elasticity of the ASPK. Analytical solutions for a normally distributed and a uniformly distributed underlying are also derived for the class of general ASPKs. The shape of the implied volatility is analyzed to provide further understanding of the relationship between the shape of the ASPK, the underlying subjective distribution and option prices. The properties of this class of ASPKs are also compared to approaches used in previous empirical studies. JEL Classification: G12, G13, C65 Erik Lüders is an assistant professor at Laval University and a visiting scholar at the Stern School of Business, New York University.  相似文献   

卢卡斯(1978)的模型表现出了许多资本资产定价模型的共有特征。它们应用各种形式的随机最优增长模型以产生消费的最优随机过程。这一随机过程可被重新解释为具有相同的偏好和技术的动态随机竞争经济的均衡消费过程。这种均衡消费过程与以下将要提到的欧拉方程(文中(3)式)的某种形式结合起来,以计算所分析的资产的价格。  相似文献   

This article shows how the market coskewness model of Rubinstein(1973) and Kraus and Litzenberger (1976) is altered when a nonredundantcall option is optimally traded. Owing to the option’snonredundancy, the economy’s stochastic discount factor(SDF) depends not only on the market return and the square ofthe market return but also on the option return, the squareof the option return, and the product of the market and optionreturns. This leads to an asset pricing model in which the expectedreturn on any risky asset depends explicitly on the asset’scoskewness with option returns. The empirical results show thatthe option coskewness model outperforms several competing benchmarkmodels. Furthermore, option coskewness captures some of thesame risks as the Fama–French factors small minus big(SMB) and high minus low (HML). These results suggest that thefactors that drive the pricing of nonredundant options are alsoimportant for pricing risky equities.(JEL G11, G12, D61)  相似文献   

Swap spreads predicted by the traditional risk-neutral valuation models are much lower than the quoted market spreads for property index linked swaps (Patel and Pereira, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 36:5–21, 2008). This paper attempts to develop a utility indifference-based model for evaluating the reservation spreads of swap receivers and payers based on the principle of expected wealth utility equivalence rather than the traditional risk-neutral argument. Under the proposed model framework, this paper addresses the determination of the swap spreads. When the incompleteness of real estate markets and heterogeneity of representative agents are taken into consideration, it is shown that the agents’ risk preferences and heterogeneous beliefs about expected future property returns are the remarkable determinants for the swap spreads. Our model also identifies market power and the settlement rules in the event of counterparty default as important factors in determining the swap spreads. Our model provides a possible interpretation for the difference between the spreads predicted by the traditional models and the actual market spreads.  相似文献   

The threshold diffusion (TD) model assumes a piecewise linear drift term and piecewise smooth diffusion term, which can capture many nonlinear features and volatility clustering often observed in financial time series data. We solve the problem of option pricing with a TD asset pricing process by deriving the minimum entropy martingale measure, which is the risk-neutral measure closest to the underlying TD probability measure in terms of Kullback-Leibler divergence, given the historical regime-switching pattern. The proposed valuation model is illustrated with a numerical example.  相似文献   

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