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The data issued by the National Bureau of Statistics indicate that in 2009 China's GDP was increased by 8.7% year on year, for which the investment, consumption and export respectively contributed 30.1 percentage points, 15.5 percentage points and minus 16 percentage points. It is obviously the growth of China's economy last year was mainly attributed to the expansion of domestic demand, and the export actually dragged backward the uneasy growth. But would it be the same old story in 2010?  相似文献   

China's economy in 2002 developed so well that was beyond many people's expectation. In the very beginning, many departments and economists did not expect so much result would be made in economic development in the year, believing it might grow in the early stage of the year and then decline at last. But in fact, the economy kept growing step by step in the whole year. And the economic operation was also successful. Then, how to assess the correctness of the estimate of the economy?  相似文献   

Despite China's auto market is till immersed in the afterglow of its "great eruption of oil well," as if every model of cars, costing a high price or low price, would all sell well on the market, yet it can be predicted that the year 2003 will, no doubt, be a year of price for China's auto industry. As soon as a big equivalent "bomb of price" would blow off in the beginning of the year, the pricing in China's auto market is sure to go through a sweeping reshuffle, and an effect of the theory of domino is inevitable to follow. No wonder, the market will be shaken by a price downslide of some key model of car produced by a solid-founded enterprise, with a drastic price down of RMB50000 for each car!  相似文献   

At the beginning of 2007, both foreign investment banks and domestic commercial banks all thought that last year's RMB appreciation would grow between 4 to 5 percent; however the realization of a 6.77 percent increase has surprised everyone. The RMB has appreciated much faster than expected, keeping pace with the rise of China's foreign trade surplus and foreign exchange reserves. China's foreign trade surplus totaled US$ 177.5 billion in 2006,and this year's surplus already reached US$ 238 billion during the first 11 months of 2007,far exceeding the total from the previous year.……  相似文献   

Industrial output:11%↑in 2009 China's industrial output is expected to post an annual 11- percent rise this year,buoyed by the governmen's stimulus packages, Minister of Industry and Information Technology(MIIT)Li Yizhong said on December 21. Li said at a two-day conference starting in Beijing that industrial output development would ensure the 8-percent growth of the country's GDP the government had projected for this year.  相似文献   

By the year 2010,China's auto after-sales service market will attain RMB 300 billion. The first vehicle was sold out due to its look or function, while the second and the third vehicles would be easily sold out due to the sound after-sales service.From this old saying,we can see the importance of the after-sales  相似文献   

By the year 2010,China's auto after-sales service market will attain RMB 300 billion. The first vehicle was sold out due to its look or function, while the second and the third vehicles would be easily sold out due to the sound after-sales service.From this old saying,we can see the importance of the after-sales  相似文献   

On November 10,2010,General Administration ofCustoms of the People's Republic of China(GAC)released the profile of China's import and export in October and the first ten months of this year.China's foreign trade in the first ten months totaled US$2.39 trillion,a yearon-year increase of 36.3 percent,according to the GAC.Trade surplus for the first ten months of the year totaled US$144.77billion,down 6.7% compared with the same period last year.  相似文献   

China's foreign trade in January and February 2012 According to statistics of the Customs,China's exports and imports in the first two months of 2012 reached $533.03 billion,up by 7.3% over the same period of last year.Specifically,exports stood at $264.39 billion,up by 6.9% year on year;imports  相似文献   

China allocates US$512 mln to support small enterprises China's Ministry of Finance (MOF) announced the country would earmark RMB 3.51 billion (US$511.6 million) this year to support the development of domestic small- and medium-sized enterprises. Financing difficulty had long been a bottleneck for domestic small- and medium-sized enterprises since China started provid- ing small mortgage loans in 2002.  相似文献   

China's foreign trade in the first eteven months of 2011 According to statistics of the Customs,China's exports and imports in the first eleven months of the year reached S3.30962 trillion,up 23.6% over the same period last year.Specifically,exports stood at S1.72401 trillion,up 21.1% vear on year,imports S1.58561 billion,up 26.9% The first eleven months of the year saw a trade deficit of S138.4 billion,a decline of 18.2% from the previous year.  相似文献   

China's Central Bank announced on the night of April 5 that it would raise RMB's benchmark interest rates from April 6,the second time for it to raise interest rates this year and the fourth time since last October when this round of rate hike was launched. After adjustment,financial institutions' one-year deposit rate and oneyear lending rate will both see a rise of 0.25%to 3.25%and 6.31%respectively. Besides,benchmark deposits and lend- ing rates for other grades as well as lending rate for individual ...  相似文献   

In the year 1994, China's new policies and measures for taxation, finance, invcstment and foreign system reform came into being respectively and enjoyed steady progress. At an international meeting not long ago, Vice-Governor Zhou Zhenqin of the People's Bank of China talked about the targets, measures and headway for China's financial system reform to domestic and forcign people from economic circles who attended the meeting. When talking about the financial reform carried out this year, he focused on the introduction of the following five  相似文献   

Recently the newly-appointed Director-General Zhang Renwei, Bureau of the China Building-Material Industry, introduced to reporters the situation and development of China's building-materials industry. He said, "China's building materials have developed rapidly since the policy of reform and opening was implemented. Cement increasd 50 million tons a year  相似文献   

China's foreign trade in the first quarter of 2012 According to statistics of the Customs,China's exports and imports in the first quarter of 2012 reached $859.37 billion,up by 7.3% over the same period of last year.Specifically,exports stood at $430.02 billion,up by 7.6%year on year;imports $429.35 billion,up by 6.9%.The three months saw a trade surplus of $670 million,compared with a deficit of $2.22 billion at the same period of last year.  相似文献   

As 2007 comes to an end,China's housing market is preparing for another controversial year. Increasingly restrictive macro-control policies and growing public concern have pushed China's housing market through the initial rise in price over the last couple years,a price blowout at the middle of this year,and finally the  相似文献   

All the indicators of China's economic data in the first half of 2008 have shown that the fast growth is not going to translate into overheating.But given the complicated economic situation now,it remains a headache to maintain a steady economic growth.What challenges will there be in China's economic development in the second halfofthis year?And what policy would be the key to the problems?  相似文献   

China's foreign trade in the first four months of 2012 According to statistics of the Customs,China's exports and imports in the first four months of 2012 reached $1.16718 trillion,up by 6.0% over the same period of last year.Specifically,exports stood at $593.24 billion,up by 6.9% year on year;imports $573.94billion,up by 5.1%.The four months saw a trade surplus of $1.93 million.  相似文献   

China's FDI suffered a downturn again this March,with actual use of foreign capital of US$11.757 billion,6.1% decrease year on year.It was the fifth continuous month that China suffered a fall in absorbing foreign investment.In the first quarter of 2012,China's FDI dropped by 2.8% to US$29.48 billion,according to the Ministry of Commerce at its regular press conference on April 17. However,we found another interesting comparison figure,in the same first quarter of this year China's overseas investment witnessed an impressive growth of 94.5% and reached US$16.55 billion.  相似文献   

A new set of policies for processing trade were jointly imple mented by China's Ministry of Commerce and General Customs Office last year,with the goal of promoting trade balance,relieving the sharp contrast in China's huge trade surplus,as well as pushing forward with the improvement and transformation of the industry.  相似文献   

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