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The relationship between exchange-rate volatility and aggregate export volumes is examined using a model that includes real export earnings of oil-exporting economies as a determinant of export volumes of a sample of 12 industrial countries. Four fixed-coefficient panel-data estimation techniques, including a generalized method of moments (GMM) and random coefficient (RC) estimation, are employed on panel data covering the estimation period 1977:1–2003:4 using three measures of exchange-rate volatility. Our aim is to provide a theoretically and empirically justifiable specification that can guide researchers. In contrast to recent studies employing panel data, we find little evidence that volatility has a negative and significant impact on trade. We use second-generation RC estimation, which corrects for biases arising from incorrect functional forms, omitted variables, and measurement errors. Our results suggest that the finding of a significant and negative impact of volatility is attributable to specification biases. JEL no. C23, F3, F31  相似文献   


This paper investigates empirically the effect of corruption on countries' economic efficiency. By using a sample of 79 countries for the time period 2000–2006 the paper applies DEA window analysis and econometric panel data techniques. The results reveal that there is a U-shaped relationship between countries' corruption perception levels and economic efficiency. Furthermore, it appears that corruption has a negative effect on countries' economic efficiency. For the first time the turning points of such a relationship are being produced indicating that on average terms and regardless of countries' economic structure, Corruption Perception Index (CPI) above five initiate a positive effect on a countries' economic efficiency.  相似文献   

A Panel Data Analysis of the Brain Gain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

银行业结构与经济增长——来自中国省级面板数据的证据   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
内容本文利用样本期为1987-2004年的省级面板数据对中国各省区银行业结构与经济增长的关系进行了计量分析。结果表明,中国各省区银行业结构对经济增长存在着显著为负的影响,这与一般均衡模型的理论预测相一致;中国各省区银行业结构与经济增长的关系表现出了明显的区域差异,即与东部区域相比,中西部区域银行集中度降低的益处更大,更能促进经济增长;在非国有化进程较快和市场化程度较高的省区,银行集中度的降低对经济增长的积极影响更为明显。在此基础上,本文提出了一些政策建议。  相似文献   


This paper investigates the effect of electricity generation on countries’ economic efficiency. By using a sample of 42 World and East Asian countries for the time period 1996–2006 the paper employs Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) window analysis and econometric panel techniques. The results reveal that there is an inverted U-shape relationship between electricity generation and countries’ economic efficiency. Finally, the turning point for the European countries is much smaller compared to the one of East Asian countries indicating that the European countries shift in energy use from electricity to other sources of energy. In addition the electricity generation–economic efficiency relationship depends also on the structure of the economy.  相似文献   

This paper uses provincial panel data to examine club convergence in China during 1981–2004. We estimate the province‐specific initial technology level, A(0), and classify the Chinese economy into “developed club” and “underdeveloped club” based on the economic characteristics of A(0), instead of on geographical location. We find significant evidence of conditional convergence across provinces, and that the convergence speed in the developed club is faster than that in the underdeveloped club. We also find that: (i) human capital accumulation contributes more than physical capital does to club convergence; (ii) there is a positive correlation between infrastructure and growth convergence at the national level and within the developed club, while the spillover effect of infrastructure has not been developed in the developing club; and (iii) the effect of economic openness on convergence is tiny, and insignificant across and within clubs.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the formation of convergence clubs and examines the drivers of growth convergence in Africa by accounting for individual heterogenous effects and establishing transitional paths. We particularly employ the sophisticated log t test to identify underlying convergence clubs and use LSDVC as a benchmark model for analysing the drivers of convergence. We also apply the System Generalized method of moments (GMM) model for sensitivity purposes. Our results reveal four core convergence clubs; seemingly characterised by the measures of institutional stability with distinct transitional paths. We consequently highlight the importance of initial conditions, human capital and institutions in the formation of convergence clubs. Thus, the paper provides insights into the adoption of differentiated development policies consistent with the specific conditions of African countries with the integration agenda driven by accelerated levels of human capital development and technological progress.  相似文献   

According to the 'convergence hypothesis' multinational companies will tend to displace national firms and trade as total market size increases and as countries converge in relative size, factor endowments, and production costs. Using a recent model developed by Markusen and Venables (1998) as a theoretical framework, we explicitly develop, and address the properties of, empirical measures to proxy displacement of national firms by multinationals. These measures are then used to test the convergence hypothesis for a panel of data of country pairs over the years 1985–1996. Our results based on aggregate country level data provide some empirical support for the convergence hypothesis.  相似文献   

本文以工业废水排放量作为度量环境污染程度的指标,利用我国30个省份1992~2007年的年度数据,采用动态面板数据模型,实证分析了外商直接投资对我国环境的影响及其区域差异,结果表明,外商直接投资流入确实对我国环境具有明显的负面作用,"污染避难所"假说在我国成立。通过对我国东、中、西三大区域的进一步考察,本文发现,外商直接投资对我国各区域环境的负面影响程度与其在我国的分布情况完全一致,都呈现出"东高西低"的梯度特征。最后,本文提出相关政策建议,以期我国能够更为合理地引进和利用外资。  相似文献   

We investigate the budgetary effects of project and program financing on the behavior of recipient governments. For this purpose, we developed a simple fiscal response model. The solution of the model is then tested using panel data techniques for a relatively large sample of 106 aid-recipient countries spanning the period 1970–2001. With respect to public expenditure, our results suggest that the impacts of project aid and financial program aid on total expenditure are positive and statistically significant. In terms of the composition of total expenditure, we find that project aid flows are associated with increases in capital expenditure while financial program aid is associated with an increase in government consumption. Turning to the revenue side we found no evidence that aid flows, project or financial program aid, are associated with a reduction in taxation effort. The evidence also shows that project aid flows are associated with an increase in trade tax. JEL no. F35, H2, H5  相似文献   

文章以城镇化、贸易开放和经济增长为研究对象,运用协整检验和完全修正的最小二乘法(FMOLS)对我国省际面板数据进行实证分析,表明:我国的城镇化、贸易开放与经济增长之间存在着长期稳定的面板协整关系;城镇化和贸易开放对经济增长都有促进作用,但作用力度有差异;城镇化是经济增长的Granger原因,而贸易开放不是经济增长的Granger原因。  相似文献   

郑琼洁 《南方经济》2014,(12):66-81
本文基于随机前沿方法( SFA)对1999-2011年中国37个工业行业的技术创新效率进行测量,并首次尝试从行业要素禀赋的分析视角,利用面板数据的系统广义矩估计( SYS-GMM),实证检验了中国政府在技术创新投入和产出方面的行为在整体上和分行业两个方面对技术创新效率的影响。结果表明,中国工业行业技术创新效率整体较低,政府对企业技术创新效率的科技激励作用存在明显的行业差异。从整体看,政府的直接资金支持并不利于整体行业的技术创新效率;从分行业看,政府科技投入只对高技术制造行业有效,对其他行业却带来了技术创新效率的“损失”。政府对知识产权的保护,不论是对整体行业还是分行业,均表现为正向影响,但是影响作用有限。  相似文献   

张浩  陈昭 《南方经济》2008,(1):61-75
本文运用非稳定的分省面板计量方法,对1949—2005年我国农业增长进行了分析。分析结果表明:我国农业发展和农业生产力受政策影响严重,有效的政策措施对于农业生产力的提高有极大的促进作用;农业生产物质投入因素中化肥和农机的使用对产值的贡献度最大;我国农业发展以粗放型为主,某些时间段集约化较高;合理的农村经济制度是我国农业可持续发展前提和保证。  相似文献   

This paper uses multi-country data for the period 1973–1994 to investigate five key equilibrium conditions in international finance—purchasing power parity, the Fisher equation, uncovered interest parity, and the equity-return analogues of the latter two. The results are largely consistent with theoretical expectations. Over the long run, purchasing power parity, uncovered interest parity and the Fisher effect prove to be rather good first approximations. The equity-return relations, though somewhat less so are nevertheless much better behaved than past studies would lead one to expect. Average rates of equity returns keep pace with inflation within countries in almost all instances; across countries, they are positively correlated with average rates of inflation. This is particularly the case when the data period is extended to include earlier decades.  相似文献   

本文采用中国1999--2003年间30个省市(不包括西藏)及25个产业的面板数据,对各省区经济结构与产业发展关系作实证研究。结果表明,在考察期中无论从全国还是分东、中、西部三个经济带,产业发展均不存在MAR溢出效应及Jacobs溢出效应,但在全国及东部地区存在显著的Porter溢出效应。此外,本研究还发现外生技术溢出对区域产业发展起正向作用,地理因素在产业的发展中起着重要角色。  相似文献   

动态劳动需求描述了劳动力应对外部冲击的调整过程,是劳动力市场灵活性的重要体现,本文首次使用动态面板数据,对我国的动态劳动需求进行了研究,并检验了就业保护制度对动态劳动需求的影响。结果发现,我国国有及具有规模以上非国有工业企业的就业调整存在明显的刚性,遇到外部冲击时,企业需要2.56年时间完成劳动力调整的50%,对雇佣和解雇行为进行管制的就业保护制度显著减缓了劳动力调整速度。当经济环境变好时,就业保护制度减缓了企业劳动力投入的增长速度;当经济环境恶化时,就业保护制度减缓了企业裁减劳动力的速度。总体来说,就业保护有利于维护已经就业的劳动者的利益,但会使失业劳动者和新进入劳动力市场的劳动者寻找工作更加困难。  相似文献   

This paper empirically investigates the effect of income inequality on economic growth using extended panel data covering a broad range of developing and developed countries. We use system generalized method of moments (GMM) techniques in a dynamic panel analysis, which alleviates the possible positive bias in difference GMM due to the persistence of lagged dependent variables as instruments. We find strong evidence of a negative effect on growth from income inequality, which contradicts the findings of Forbes [2000, September. A reassessment of the relationship between inequality and growth, American Economic Review, 90(4), pp. 869–887] and Li and Zou [1998, October. Income inequality is not harmful for growth: Theory and evidence, Review of Development Economics, 2(3), pp. 318–34]. Further analyses using combined Gini coefficients show that the difference can be overall attributed to the problem of omitted control variables and the differences in how the variations in inequality across countries are reflected. We also find that the negative effects of inequality on economic growth can be of great significance when using a sample of less developed countries or more recent inequality data set.  相似文献   

A household survey and a census can be combined to estimate a poverty map for small areas. Ideally, the survey and the census should be conducted in the same year. In several empirical applications, however, survey and census years can be different, which might make poverty estimates biased. Using data from the Vietnam Household Living Standard Survey 2002 and the 1999 Population and Housing Census, the present paper produces a 2002 poverty map for Vietnam and describes the biases when the survey and census years are not coincident. It is found that poverty estimates from the poverty mapping method taking into account the time difference between the survey and the census are quite close to survey‐based estimates, at least at the regional level.  相似文献   

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