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Light industry in China,as an important part of national economy,is mainly referred to consumer goods industry. After three decades' rapid economic growth, China has grown into a country of abundant light industry production,supplying inexpensive and diversified light industry goods of high quality. In 2007, scaled enterprises in light industry have accomplished the output value to approximately RMB 7604.1 billion and the export value to USS270.3 billion.  相似文献   

Established in 1988,CCPIT Subcouncil of Auto, under the leadership of National Machinery Bureau,with the guidance of CCPIT,is a professional platform for auto industry, bridging over national and international auto enterprises, to promote the trade communication,  相似文献   

On March 18, China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC) held press conference in Beijing, releasing that International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Banking Commission Global Conference (Spring) 2010 be held from April 20 to April 23 at International Convention Center in Financial Street, Beijing.  相似文献   

On the topic of fair trade, economic and trade outlook in 2010, Wan Jifei, President of the China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC) had an interview with China's Foreign Trade.  相似文献   

On August 26, China-Ukraine Local Cooperation Forum, jointly sponsored by CCPIT and Ukraine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (UCCI) was held in Kiev, Ukraine. The subject of this forum was strengthening the cooperation and coordination between the sub-councils of CCPIT and local branches of U-CCI to promote the economic and wade cooperation of the SMEs in the two countries." More than 200 delegates from the governments, business associa- tions and enterprises of the countries attended the forum.  相似文献   

"In the last Winter Davos, when it was the most pessimistic period for the economy in North America and West Europe, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao declared China's economic growth this year was targeted at 8 percent. That firm tone encouraged the whole world. And 8 months have been past, and we just see that China is exactly on the track to achieve this goal. We have confidence in China's economy. No doubtedly." Jeremy Jurgens, Senior Director at the World Economic Forum and Head of the Annual Meeting of the New Champions and Community of Global Growth Companies expressed so in a World Economic Forum press conference in Beijing, September 3.  相似文献   

On December 24, 2007, the first Member Congress of !China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC) was held in the Great Hall of the People, Beijing China,which marked the successful turning point of CCOIC into an entity, Chinese Vice Premier Wu Yi has delivered keynote speech at the congress. Gu Xiulian. VP of the NPC Standing Committee, has attended the ceremony following the congress. Over 500 people attended the congress, representing CCOIC members from business sectors.  相似文献   

对2010年国际贸易术语解释通则若干问题的质疑   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
2010年国际贸易术语解释通则(INCOTERMS 2010)是国际商会对于国际贸易术语解释通则(INCOTERMS)的又一次重要修订。但本次修订存在一些不明确之处和值得商榷的问题。本文通过对《2010年国际贸易术语解释通则》中部分修订内容的分析,结合我国对外贸易实践,阐述了《2010年国际贸易术语解释通则》在修订中的一些令人质疑之处,其目的是探讨国际贸易术语解释通则尚存的修订空间,为外经贸教学和研究提供参考,同时为我国外贸企业提示在实际操作中的注意事项和潜在风险。  相似文献   

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China launched a new study examining the impact and influence of industrial overcapacity in China on November 26, 2009. Entitled Overcapacity in China: Causes, Impacts and Recommendations.  相似文献   

Incoterms是国际商会有关贸易术语的重要国际惯例。本文主要探讨 Incoterms.2010所规范的国际贷物买卖合同当事人的主要责任,分析其修改的主要特点,以期更全面准确地把握Incoterms.2010及其贸易术语内涵。  相似文献   

Old name,new born As a matter of fact,Shanghai Pudong Chamber of International Commerce(Shanghai Pudong CCOIC) is very young,as young as we could call it a new born. In the aim of serving for member enterprises,Pudong CCOIC was founded on April 28 last year.However,the name of Pudong CCOIC is as long as Pudong CCPIT."In the past years,the Pudong CCOIC was just a name. We mixed the function of CCOIC and CCPIT together. But the world develops so rapidly that it requires us to head for a professional servic...  相似文献   

China enjoyed an estimated 20% rise in revenue, profits and exports in 2005 despite trade rows with the US and the EU, according to a report from the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Textiles.  相似文献   

Previously founded as CCPIT Machinery and Electronics Subcouncil and CCOIC Machinery and Electronics Chamber of Cornmerce in June,1988,CCPIT Electronics Sub-Council and CCOIC Electronics Chamber of Commerce were established in May, 1993, and then renamed as CCPIT Electronics and Information Industry Subcouncil and CCOIC Electronics and Information Industry Chamber of Commerce (CCPITECC) in September 1999.  相似文献   

CCPIT will organize a business delegation consisting of over one hundred entrepreneurs to visit U.S. and Canada in June 2009, which are invited by US Chamber of Commerce, the U.S. Western Gover-nors Association and the China-Canada Trade Council. Mr. Han Meiqing, vice minister of International Liaison Department of CCPIT, announced this news on April 16, 2009 at a press conference. And they will launch a series of economic and trade exchanges. “Forum on Sino-US trade and investment cooperation” will be held in the U.S, and it will be the largest scale economic and trade exchange by China and U.S business communities since Obama took office.  相似文献   

On November 2, China-Esthonia Economic and Trade Coopera- tion Forum was held in Talinn, capital of Esthonia. Ansip,Premier of Esthonia, Zhang Dejiang, Vice Premier of China, Yu Ping, Vice Presidefft of CCPIT and Ruman, Chairman of the Esthonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry attended and addressed the forum.  相似文献   

On February 29th.the 6th China.ASEAN Business Council meeting was held in Beijing.Some 50 deputies attended the meeting,including top officialsCCPITVPYuPing andthe president of the ASEAN Chamber of Commerce and Industry,as well as business and industrial representatives from Thailand,Myanmar,the Philippines and Singapore.Also present at the meeting were representatives from the Secretariat in China of the China-ASEAN Business Council,the Guangxi Branch of the CCPIT,as well as industrial branches and media.  相似文献   

古润金,1959年出生于马来西亚吉隆坡,祖籍中国中山市,系马来西亚杰出华裔企业家,也是马、中两国颇具知名度的慈善家,现任马来西亚中山会馆联合会会长、广肇联合总会副会长、华人剧艺研究会副会长、华人艺人公会荣誉会长、中国香港中山社团联合会荣誉会长、中国中山侨资企业协会会长、中山市总商会副会长等多个华人社团领袖职务。  相似文献   

Extortion and bribery are regularly identified as well–nigh insoluble ethical problems for business, especially on an international scale, yet there are many initiatives being steadily pursued to combat them. One of the most impressive is the work of the International Chamber of Commerce, which published an important Report on the subject in 1977, the first such document prepared by the business community. Now that Report has undergone an in-depth revision which was published last year and is the subject of this study. Professor Argandoña is Secretary General of IESE [the International Graduate School of Management of the University of Navarre], Av. Pearson 21, E–Barcelona, Spain (email: argandona@iese.es), and an Associate Editor of this Review. The article is a revised version of the presentation made to the Nineth EBEN Annual Conference held in Frankfurt in September last year.  相似文献   

This paper extends the discussion of business ethics by examining the issue of corruption, its definition, the solutions being proposed for dealing with it, and the ethical perspectives underpinning these proposals. The paper’s findings are based on a review of association, think-tank, and academic reports, books, and papers dealing with the topic of corruption, as well as the pronouncements, websites, and position papers of a number of important global organizations active in the fight. These organizations include the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Transparency International, USAID, the United Nations, the International Chamber of Commerce, the Organization of American States, and the Council of Europe. Our discussion departs from prior analyses by adopting a Foucaultian theoretical framing and by incorporating insights found in the virtue ethics literature. Implications are provided for international business organizations.  相似文献   

On August 26,China—Ukraine Local Cooperation Forum,jointly sponsored by CCPIT and Ukraine Chamber of Commerce and Industry(UCCI)was held in Kiev,Ukraine.The subject of this forum was strengthening the cooperation and coordination between the sub—councils of CCPIT and local branches of UCCI to promote the economic and wade cooperation of the SMEs in the two countries."More than 200 delegates from the governments,business associations and enterprises of the countries attended the forum.  相似文献   

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