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陈秘书长指出,内部控制审计制度是推进内部控制实施的关键环节和重要的监督、保障机制。实施内部控制审计制度是服务国家建设的新任务,是市场监管的新抓手,是提高财务报表审计质量的新支撑,是拓展注册会计师服务领域的新机遇。要充分认识实施内部控制审计制度的挑战,推动内部控制审计的实施,把内部控制审计业务切实做实做好做到位。  相似文献   

Michael E. Doron 《Abacus》2023,59(3):847-871
While the role of lobbying in the US public accounting profession has been the subject of several studies, what has not been addressed is the profession's historic reluctance to lobby and the impact this may have had on the profession. This paper provides a case study of public accounting's interaction with government and the need for the profession to articulate the impact of government policies on the practice of accounting. It reviews and assesses the antitrust investigations by the US Justice Department and Federal Trade Commission that led to the repeal of the profession's anticompetitive ethics rules, rules that had governed American public accounting for most of the 20th century. These investigations are often blamed for an increased competitive atmosphere in public accounting that prioritized growth and profitability over quality in attest services. Using records obtained from Freedom of Information Act requests and archival sources, I attempt to reconstruct the US Government's motivations and the efforts of the American Institute of CPAs. I find a troubling lack of understanding of the audit profession by executive branch regulators and Congress and a reticence by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants to advocate for the profession that led to what many observers see as a profound misapplication of the antitrust laws. While this study deals only with the US, similar regulatory changes took place in Canada, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand.  相似文献   

一、考试现状 注册会计师考试如今已成为国内声誉最高的执业资格考试之一.为更好、更快、更广泛地选拔、培养能够在英语环境中从事注册会计师业务的国际化人才,为使中国注册会计师考试制度与国际普遍认可的注册会计师考试制度相趋同,将中国注册会计师考试打造成中国注册会计师走向国际的"通行证",注册会计师全国统一考试英语测试(以下简称"注会英语测试")于2006年开始实施.  相似文献   

A 2001 law converted Minnesota's licensed public accountants (LPAs) to certified public accountants (CPAs). LPAs were individuals licensed to practice public accounting, including attestation, without having passed the CPA examination. Following the conversion, a fierce resistance arose from a small segment of Minnesota's CPA community. This paper used institutional theory to analyze the legitimation strategies and actions of the institutional agents as well as the resistance.The history and institutionalization of the CPA examination suggested that its cognitive legitimacy was a significant factor in the resistance. The analysis of the resistance reflected back upon the pragmatic approach taken by the proponents. The case demonstrated the importance of controlling communication resources in building legitimacy. Finally, it considered how the diversity of interests in a segmented professional association shaped legitimation and resistance.  相似文献   

In an effort to contribute to improved audit efficiency and quality, an experiment was administered to 596 CPAs to study the potential effects on materiality judgments of auditors' personal characteristics. A multivariate analysis indicates that age and place of employment can affect materiality decisions, while years of external auditing experience, place of employment, frequency of materiality decisions, and gender may affect confidence in materiality decisions.  相似文献   

注册会计师审计质量控制的博弈分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
注册会计师审计质量优劣直接影响证券市场的有效程度,而审计质量实际状况一定程度上是注册会计师与上市公司管理当局及监管机构、上市公司管理当局与监管机构及股东之间互相博弈的结果。业界对审计质量博弈论研究主要集中于两个局中人的单阶段静态分析。本文构建了四个局中人的多阶段动态博弈模型,对注册会计师审计质量控制的行为选择及其影响因素进行了分析,其结论是:注册会计师审计策略与审计成本和审计风险高度相关,公司管理当局委托注册会计师的行为与审计报告意见紧密联系,独立董事行为影响注册会计师审计质量,管理当局的披露策略与期望收益和风险损失高度相关。  相似文献   

This paper empirically investigates the factors affecting auditors in evaluating information technology (IT) control structures by employing the COBIT framework, a popular IT internal control with integrated platform, and examines the relationship between monitoring function and other COBIT dimensions. The results of our empirical analysis indicate that key factors of IT governance endorsed by certified public accountants (CPAs) in Taiwan match fairly well with those prescribed in the COBIT framework. CPAs can utilize COBIT as a guideline for developing their approach to internal control structure and further limiting their audit liabilities.  相似文献   

Implementation of Florida's five-year education requirement for the CPA examination may have had a profound effect on the number of candidates who will be sitting for future CPA examinations in Florida. Movement away from public accounting in Florida is evident. The implications of the Florida experience may be important to other states considering implementation of a fifth-year requirement. Potential CPAs are taking advantage of inconsistent state requirements to circumvent the objective of the fifth year. With a nationwide fifth-year requirement, such manipulation would stop.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that when the variables comprising a firm's investment opportunity set depend on their past values then the present value of the cash flows the firm expects to earn will be stated in terms of the levels and the momentum of the affected variables. It is also shown that the market value of a firm's equity is comprised of the present value of the cash flows it expects to earn from operating under its existing investment opportunity set plus the value of the real options the firm possesses to modify or even completely change its existing investment opportunity set. Our empirical analysis, based on both Chinese and US data, shows that earnings momentum and the adaptation and growth options typically available to firms all appear to have a significant impact on equity prices.  相似文献   

This article documents recent trends in government wage andemployment levels for a number of African countries and challengesthe conventional wisdom that public wages are too high in Africa.Although most countries have significantly adjusted the realwages of government workers over the past decade, considerablevariance in cross-country experience with regard to governmentwage levels, wage structures, and employment growth is evident.On the basis of the observed trends, the article calls for amore microeconomic focus on the relationship between governmentpay and employment policies and on the real consequences ofsuch policies on the government's ability to provide goods andservices.   相似文献   

As member-owned, not-for-profit financial institutions, credit unions are an important instrument of public policy, particularly in pushing forward measures to tackle financial and social exclusion. Historically, the credit union movement in Great Britain has been hampered by a number of factors, including a lack of leadership, a cohesive identity and regulatory impediments. Recent legislative review and change has provided credit unions with the opportunity to grow and extend the scale and scope of services they can offer to their members. However, policy-makers should be aware that funding initiatives to support credit union development might undermine their self-help cornerstone and weaken the future development of the movement.  相似文献   

As member-owned, not-for-profit financial institutions, credit unions are an important instrument of public policy, particularly in pushing forward measures to tackle financial and social exclusion. Historically, the credit union movement in Great Britain has been hampered by a number of factors, including a lack of leadership, a cohesive identity and regulatory impediments. Recent legislative review and change has provided credit unions with the opportunity to grow and extend the scale and scope of services they can offer to their members. However, policy-makers should be aware that funding initiatives to support credit union development might undermine their self-help cornerstone and weaken the future development of the movement.  相似文献   

本文首先构建了注册会计师行政管理的理论框架,然后结合问卷调查的结果,分析我国注册会计师行政管理中存在各种问题,提出了加强注册会计师行政管理的若干措施。  相似文献   

Crowding out arises in many economic contexts, from the macro concern that deficit spending might crowd out investment to the micro concern that increased employment of women might result in fewer jobs for men. Here I ask whether subsidized housing crowds out unsubsidized housing in the United States, applying the econometric tools of cointegration analysis. Such crowding out proves to require stringent restrictions on the coefficients of the cointegrating relationships that link housing stocks with one another and with other economic variables. These restrictions also apply to testing for other crowding out phenomena.I find that public housing has steadily added to the total stock of housing since its inception in 1935. In contrast, I find that moderate-income, conventionally financed, subsidized housing, such as the Section 235 and 236 programs that accounted for more than 1.5 million new units between 1960 and 1987, most likely adds little or nothing to the total housing stock. These findings speak against recent proposals to provide subsidies to developers who build dwellings for moderate income Americans but offer qualified encouragement to those who advocate expansion of the conventional public housing program.  相似文献   

Complete membership records of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Israel are analysed to determine the level of concentration and growth of the accounting profession. This study differs from previous studies in that it concentrates on the supply side of the market. Previously, because of the unique characteristics of auditing services, they were assumed to have no substitute. An analysis of firm switching by CPAs in Israel indicates the existence of substitutes in production. Low levels of overall concentration were found, although large clients are generally audited by large public accounting firms. The profession appears to be competitive as entry is quite easy and switching between firms by CPAs is common.  相似文献   


This article traces the history of the public responsibility of actuaries concerning American pension plans. It includes both defined-benefit and defined-contribution plans for employees of both private and public employers. It does not include Social Security. Actuaries have provided innovative approaches to plan design, funding, funding instruments, accounting, and legal and regulatory requirements. Actuaries have made substantial contributions that have enabled pension plans, together with Social Security, to provide economic security for millions of workers and their dependents when employment ends. However, many Americans still lack assurance of a retirement income that is initially adequate, continues for life, and keeps pace with inflation. Thus, challenges will continue to face pension actuaries in the years ahead.  相似文献   

Data from the AICPA (2009b) show that African–Americans comprise only 1% of CPAs and were only 4% of new hires by CPA firms in academic year 2007–2008. The current study uses social cognitive career theory to examine whether this shortage of diversity may be caused by differences between African–American and Caucasian students in factors that lead to career interest in accounting. Students were surveyed on two key personal variables: self-efficacy and outcome expectations. Results suggest that African–American students are more likely than Caucasian students to perceive accounting as providing outcomes that match their values. However, favorable perceptions may be countered by differences in self-efficacy. African–American students value outcomes provided by accounting, but they may have less confidence, compared to Caucasian students, that they can successfully complete the course of action necessary to enter the profession.  相似文献   

公共管理类专业的人才培养模式及与之相关的学生就业问题,直接影响着该学科及专业的持续生存和进一步发展。本文认为我校现行公共管理类专业人才培养模式存在的主要问题是教育提供者的人才培养预期、学生的从业发展意愿和社会需求主体吸纳毕业生的条件要求三者之间不相调适,并从中国现实情境下学生就业前景分析视角提出了解决此类问题的我校公共管理类专业人才培养模式改革的基本思路和路径。  相似文献   

随着数字化转型浪潮的勃发,以信息技术为代表的新一轮科技革命和产业变革不断迭代发展.互联网、大数据、人工智能、云计算等新技术同各产业深度融合,将构建一批各具特色、优势互补、结构合理的战略性新兴产业增长引擎,实现数字化转型已经成为经济社会发展的重要推动力.加快数字化转型发展,推进数字产业化和产业数字化,推动数字经济和实体经...  相似文献   

We exploit the staggered introduction of CPA Mobility provisions in the United States to study the effects of spatial licensing requirements on the labor market for accounting professionals. Specifically, we examine whether the removal of licensing‐induced geographic barriers affects CPA wages and employment levels, as well as the pricing and quality of professional services. We find that, subsequent to the adoption of CPA Mobility provisions, wages of accounting professionals decrease, whereas employment levels are unaffected. The documented wage effect stems from smaller CPA firms, is more pronounced for CPAs holding senior positions, and persists over time. We also find that service prices decline and that this effect is concentrated in local CPA firms. Moreover, we document that the increased wage and price pressure is not associated with deteriorating service quality. Collectively, our results suggest that the removal of occupational licensing barriers has sizable effects on labor supply and service prices. Our findings inform the current regulatory debate on occupational licensing.  相似文献   

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