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1.调整国家的宏观经济政策和收入分配政策。将目前实行的重点扶持东部沿海地区经济发展的宏观经济政策,逐步调整为重点支持中西部地区经济发展的政策,以逐渐缩小地区经济发展差距,为更快提高中西部地区人民的收入水平、缩小与东部地区居民收入差距创造条件;要大力发展农业和农村经济,切实减轻农民的税费负担,采取有效措施提高农民的收入,以缩小城乡居民的收入差距;要建立适合我国国情的社会收入转移支付政策,既要重视调节高收入者,又要保障低收入者的生活,通过提高就业率和增加社会保障支出提高低收入者的收入和生活水平。2.进一步深化分配…  相似文献   

正1.增强加快推进收入分配改革的意识。在20世纪90年代初期出现贫富差距的时候,人们一直相信只要经济快速增长,把国民经济的这块"蛋糕"做大,贫富差距一定会缩小,但中国的国民经济这块大"蛋糕"已经居全球第二位,但是贫富差距不但没有缩小,反而越拉越大。这说明,经济增长并不能自动实现收入的公平分配。低收入者承担了改革的巨大成本,而没有公平分  相似文献   

当前我国贫富差距问题的现状、原因及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贫富差距扩大是当前我国经济转轨、社会转型过程中面临的突出的社会问题.缩小贫富差距,关键在于探寻到我国贫富差距扩大的成因及症结,通过提高低收入者收入水平,扩大中等收入者比重,调节过高收入,完善个人收入分配制度,缓解和抑制地区之间和部分社会成员之间收入分配继续扩大的趋势,从而缩小贫富差距.  相似文献   

城乡收入差距的金融结构影响实证分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
金融发展促进经济增长,其不均衡发展势必会影响城乡经济发展的不均衡,城乡经济发展的不均衡最终会导致城乡居民收入不均衡。选择1978—2008年全国农村金融发展指标、城市化率、城乡就业差异以及城乡收入差距指标等经济和社会因素指标共同构建VAR计量模型进行的分析表明:农村金融规模的扩大有利于城乡差距的缩小,说明农村金融规模的总量对农村经济有一定的推动作用。农村金融发展效率指标与城乡收入差距正相关,金融效率拉大了城乡收入差距。金融对于乡镇中小企业的金融支持能够有效地缩小城乡收入差距,长期以来,乡镇企业没有能够得到金融的有效支持,这在一定程度上也限制了农民的增收,也就限制了乡镇企业在缩小城乡收入差距的过程作用的发挥。  相似文献   

我国成为全球贫富差距较大的国家之一,这既是市场经济发展的必然结果,同时也与收入分配不均、财税制度不完善、腐败突出等原因密切相关。文章从改进现有财税制度的角度建议通过强化税收对贫富差距的调节作用、合理安排地方财政预算,减少财政对土地的依赖、大力增加公共支出,完善社会保障合理安排转移支付、提高低收入者的福利、提高最低工资标准,增加贫民可支配收入几方面来缩小贫富差距。  相似文献   

农民收入分配对农村经济增长作用分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
白菊红 《经济经纬》2003,(5):93-95,121
改革开放20年的实践表明,农民收入分配与农村经济增长之问是互相影响的。即在经济发展早期,收入分配不均等对经济增长具有促进作用;当经济发展进入后期,收入分配不均等就会对经济增长产生抑制作用,此时收入分配不均等的缩小可以促进经济增长。  相似文献   

本文利用我国19782012年的时间序列数据,研究了经济增长和腐败对收入不平等的影响。研究发现,腐败扩大了居民收入差距,而经济增长则有利于缩小收入分配差距。因此,通过预防和惩治腐败,减少行政权力对经济和社会资源的垄断,降低行政权力对市场的干预力度,稳步推进政治体制改革,加强对行政权力的民主监督;同时,继续深化市场化改革,加快经济发展,提高居民收入占国民收入的比重,是缩小收入分配差距的关键。  相似文献   

解萧语 《经济师》2014,(6):59-60
结构转变、提速了经济增长,而经济增长使城乡收入出现了差距。文章通过综合分析城乡结构转变及经济增长对城乡收入差距的影响,基于相关实证分析,结果显示:国内经济增长扩大城乡收入差距存在库兹涅茨倒U型关系;城乡经济结构的转变能助于缩小城乡收入的差距;城市化发展覆盖农业化发展,实现农业现代化,提高农业收入,倡导农村剩余劳动力进城务工,缩小城乡收入差距。注重产业结构合理配置、转变经济发展方式、逐步缩小城乡收入差距。  相似文献   

周文  赵方 《当代经济研究》2013,(3):23-29,93
库兹涅茨假说指出,在经济发展的初始阶段,收入分配差距扩大与经济增长相伴随;当经济发展到人均收入4000~11000美元的阶段时,经济增长与收入分配差距缩小相伴随。我国2011年的人均收入为4382美元,标志我国已进入中等收入阶段;但是,自1982年以来,我国基尼系数高企,收入分配呈现出明显的不平等趋势,使我国有落入"中等收入陷阱"的风险。因此,为跨越"中等收入陷阱",实现我国经济长期稳定持续发展,必须缩小贫富差距,降低收入不平等程度。  相似文献   

学者们在分析贫富差距的时候,把它和收入差距混为一谈。不但造成分析上的困难,而且还带来许多有害的后果。主要是夸大社会的贫富差距、强化社会上的仇富心理、得出杀富济贫是缩小贫富差距的结论及共同富裕永远都不会实现等。其实,收入和支出的比值表示了居民的社会系数。居民的社会系数是居民生活系数的社会化发展的结果,它是居民社会贡献的指数和居民社会区位的指数。贫富差距是居民社会系数的比值。经数学变化后,贫富差距=收入差距*支出差距。由于支出差距1,所以贫富差距总是小于收入差距。收入差距体现的是效率公平,贫富差距体现的是社会公平。贫富差距的社会性质表现了它的政治经济学性质。缩小贫富差距的政策选择包括:大力建设廉租房;对低收入家庭逐步实施免费教育;实施阶梯式的医疗报销;对于低收入者的交通费用、用水用电、通讯费用、日常生活费用等方面支出都可以探索社会部替代分支出或全部替代支出的政策措施;征收高收入税、财产税、遗产税等。  相似文献   

经济增长体现为一个结构转变的过程,并通过结构转变影响城乡收入差距。综合分析产业结构、城乡结构转变,以及经济增长对城乡收入差距的作用机理,并基于1978—2011年的相关统计数据进行实证检验。结果显示:中国的经济增长与城乡收入差距存在库兹涅茨倒u型关系;城乡二元经济结构的转变有助于缩小城乡收入差距;城市化对城乡收入差距的影响则出现阶段性特征,城乡收入差距随城市化水平的提高呈现出先扩大后缩小的特征。应注重经济增长、转变经济发展方式、以科学发展观推进城市化发展。  相似文献   

Foreign direct investment and China's regional income inequality   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
China's widening regional income inequality coupled with its pronounced regional disparity in foreign direct investment stock since 1990 has claimed the attention of many scholars. While some researchers confirm regional disparity in China's foreign direct investment, others attribute the widening regional income inequality to this regional disparity. This paper thus assesses the impacts of China's stock of foreign direct investment on its regional income inequality using simultaneous equation model and the Shapley value regression-based decomposition approach. Our results suggest that China's stock of foreign direct investment has accounted for merely 2% of its regional income inequality. Furthermore, the contribution ratio of per capita foreign direct investment stock to China's regional income inequality has relatively been on a steady decline since 2002. The decomposition results also reveal that provincial per capita physical assets account for over 50% of the nation's income inequality and 65% of the increases in income inequality since 1990. The other two important determinants of regional income inequality are province location and educational level. However, educational level is found to have a decreasing effect on regional income inequality.  相似文献   

财政分权、城乡收入差距与经济增长   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用1994年分税制后的经验数据,本文估计了一个包含增长方程、城乡收入差距方程和财政支出方程的联立方程模型,来估算财政分权对经济增长和城乡收入差距的影响。研究结果表明,财政分权使地方政府的财政支出显著增加,但财政支出的增加并不必然有利于经济增长和拉大城乡收入差距。如果在地方财政支出水平上升的同时,使科学教育和农业支出,特别是科学教育支出在总支出中的比重得以增加,将有可能在保持经济高增长的同时,使城乡收入差距得以缩小。  相似文献   

收入差距对我国经济增长的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
经济增长和收入差距之间的相互影响,值得深入研究。伴随着我国的改革开放和经济的快速增长,居民收入差距日益拉大。如果说改革开放的早期,“允许一部分人先富起来”的政策推动了经济增长的话,那么,收入差距的进一步扩大对后来的经济增长却产生了一些不容忽视的负面影响。把收入差距控制在一个合理的范图之内应成为我国经济持续发展过程中一个重要课题。  相似文献   

本文利用安徽省城镇住户调查数据探讨了二次分配对城镇居民收入差距的调节效果。研究表明,个人所得税和最低生活保障制度对收入差距的调节效果微乎其微;社会保障支出在一定程度上缩小了可支配收入的基尼系数,但是考虑到单位对住房公积金、养老保险、医疗保险的配套支出,最终的结果扩大了城镇居民的收入差距;目前,养老金和退休金对调节收入差距的效果最为显著,但是养老金和退休金的收入差距也比较大。  相似文献   

This article analyzes household income mobility in rural China between 1989 and 2006. The results indicate that incomes in rural China are highly mobile. The high degree of rank and quantity mobility implies re-ranking and mean convergence in income distribution, but the disparity between them also enlarged with leveling-up and Gini divergence brought about by economic growth. In addition, there exists considerable transitorily poor and rich in positional mobility. Though, transitory movement provides an opportunity for both poor and rich and decreases long-term inequality, it also causes considerable income fluctuations and economic insecurity. Moreover, the equalizing effect of income mobility on income inequality is weakening.  相似文献   

Satis Devkota 《Applied economics》2013,45(52):5583-5599
Using household survey data from four countries ? Albania, Nepal, Tajikistan and Tanzania ? this article calculates income-related inequality in health care utilization. We measure health disparity separately for generally and chronically ill individuals by constructing two models: one for the probability of a visit to a physician and another for the number of visits. Following model-based measurements, we decompose inequality into two major parts: one accounted for by identity-related factors and another by socioeconomic and other factors such as education, geography and distance to a clinic. We propose a new method to quantify the effect of changes in income and education on health disparity. One of our important findings suggests that health disparity is pro-rich in all our sample countries. The pro-rich disparity is prevalent among generally ill as well as chronically ill patients, in both visit probability and visit frequency models. Health inequality seems primarily driven by income differences followed by nonidentity factors. Further, the principle of equal treatment for equal need is not fulfilled in any of our countries. Among policy implications, increasing average income and education in a way that also reduces disparity in income and education, respectively, will substantially shrink inequality in health care utilization.  相似文献   

Andrew Hussey 《Applied economics》2017,49(12):1147-1163
This article analyses the microeconomic sources of wage inequality in the United States from 1967–2012. Decomposing inequality into factors categorized by degree of personal responsibility, education explains over twice as much of inequality today as 45 years ago. However, neither hours worked nor education, industry, marital status, or geographical location can explain the rise in income inequality. In fact, ‘unfair’ inequality (income disparity derived from non-responsibility factors) has risen faster than ‘fair’ inequality (income disparity derived from responsibility factors), regardless of the set of variables chosen as fair sources of inequality. We further examine income inequalities within gender and racial groups, finding substantial heterogeneity. Overall, using micro data to understand the sources of inequality and how these changes over time can provide better information for policymakers motivated to combat rising inequality.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to gain new insights into the generation process of personal income in France and Italy, two countries that are in close geographical proximity but have a large disparity in terms of income growth and distribution. In the first step, the potential of EU-SILC balanced panel (2004–2007) is exploited by random effects models, which also make it possible to explore the primary factors that are likely to explain differences in generating personal labour earnings. In the second step, the ANOGI (Analysis of Gini) decomposition enables one to assess the contribution of each sub-population to overall income inequality and the degree to which each subgroup is stratified. A joint evaluation of income determinants gives evidence of the high complexity of inequality process and throws light on the role of gender, skill levels and job characteristics in determining different degrees of income stratification. Indeed, although the high heterogeneity among members of a same subgroup (within-group inequality) explains a large share of overall income inequality, the between-group inequality becomes significant in explaining the income differentials between employment status and occupation types.  相似文献   

Inclusive economic development has become a pressing goal of government policy in India in the face of rising regional inequality. This paper examines the role of targeted development policy action in inducing economic growth and also in reducing regional income inequality during the last two decades (since the beginning of the 1990s)—a period marked by increasing trade openness. In our disaggregated analysis of the states, we find that while the government capital expenditure policy has had significant positive impact on output growth of the poorer states, it failed to break the trend of escalating regional inequality. The policy has been significantly more effective in enhancing manufacturing sector output in the poorer states compared with the richer states. On the trade front, while the poorer states gained somewhat in income growth from greater openness, the gains were not large enough to offset the increasing regional disparity.  相似文献   

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