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本文回顾影响出口业绩的一种或另一种因素,总结引导政府实现本国人民愿望的具体思想.我们将特别关注被称作新贸易理论中的关键元素的贸易经济.  相似文献   

好力 《大众商务》2010,(4):48-48
本文回顾影响出口业绩的一种或另一种因素,总结引导政府实现本国人民愿望的具体思想。我们将特别关注被称作新贸易理论中的关键元素的贸易经济。  相似文献   

企业资源是企业存在和发展的必要条件,不同经济时代人们对资源有不同的认知.总体经历了从单一到多个,从有形到无形,从简单到复杂,从具体到抽象的发展过程.企业资源的变迁主要由经济技术发展水平、市场状况、企业组织形式及人们对企业发展规律的认识水平等因素决定.  相似文献   

吸引外商直接投资决定因素的实证研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将学者最常使用的几个决定因素——市场规模和经济增长、东道国工资成本、基础设施、政治稳定性、投资鼓励政策、腐败以及知识产权保护等进行了分类,并对学者的各种观点进行了疏理。目前关于FDI决定因素所得结论存在矛盾主要是由于学者运用的方法、变量的选择、时间范围的选取、国别样本的覆盖面以及FDI本身度量的问题产生的。另外,针对具体两个国家吸引FDI的决定因素进行对比分析的研究比较少。  相似文献   

本文重点对企业孵化器的一般理论进行了系统的阐述,指出了下一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

文章首先扼要地梳理了"硬币—流动"机制、弹性分析理论、乘数分析理论、吸收分析法、结构分析法、经常项目跨期均衡理论以及两部门资本增长理论的学术观点;然后,综述了不同条件下汇率、财政赤字以及资本项目等不同因素对经常项目影响的实证研究;最后在上述理论与实证研究进行简要评价的基础上对中国经常项目未来研究重点进行了展望。  相似文献   

随着企业生产规模的改变 ,与之相适应的产权制度必须随之改变。企业生产规模大小决定了企业所采取的具体产权形式。不能以某一种固定的模式去判断其它产权模式的优劣。改变企业财产制度 ,只有在对出资者有利的情况下才能顺利进行。另外 ,社会环境对企业财产制度的形成也产生重要的影响。  相似文献   

朱明礼 《全国商情》2007,(1):61-62,60
本文基于我国企业集群技术含量低、企业数量众多、极易出现过度竞争的特点,结合布坎南的俱乐部理论,研究了企业集群最优规模的决定因素和最佳均衡点,指出集群的最优规模应该在集群所产生的边际成本(拥护成本)正好等于由于新成员加入集群所带来的边际节约这点上。  相似文献   

本文回顾影响出口业绩的一种或另一种因素,总结引导政府实现本国人民愿望的具体思想。我们将特别关注被称作新贸易理论中的关键元素的贸易经济。  相似文献   

我国区域营销研究综述   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目前我国基本处于区域营销理论和方法的引进和应用阶段。文章论述了国内研究者从不同角度对区域营销的概念、定位、战略与策略三个层面提出的看法。各类观点既有相似之处,也有相互差别和各有侧重的地方。  相似文献   

It is becoming increasingly apparent from the literature that marketers need to consider customer-level information when they generate a marketing strategy for the firm. In this article, the authors develop a customer-focused framework that uses a marketing strategy with an overall objective of maximized financial performance. This strategy is driven by seven customer-level marketing tactics and shows how actual customer data can be used to generate an actionable marketing strategy leading to optimal levels of profitability, customer equity, and shareholder value. In addition, the authors discuss a successful implementation of this strategy for several business-to-business and business-to-consumer firms and offer insights as to how to customize an implementation strategy for any firm, along with presenting potential challenges a firm may encounter during the implementation process. Several suggestions for future research are offered to explore and harness this newly available evidence. V. Kumar (VK) (vk@business.uconn.edu) is the ING Chair Professor of Marketing and the executive director of the ING Center for Financial Services at the University of Connecticut. He spends his time by transferring his knowledge (however little it may be) to his two daughters about customer lifetime value, diffusion models, forecasting sales and market share, retailing, and marketing strategy. J. Andrew Petersen (apetersen@business.uconn.edu) is a doctoral candidate in marketing at the University of Connecticut. His research interests include customer lifetime value, word-of-mouth effects, and customer-level marketing strategy. His research has been published inMarketing Research Magazine and theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science.  相似文献   

关于"资源诅咒"的文献综述   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
经验研究表明,丰富的自然资源可能是经济发展的诅咒而不是祝福.大多数自然资源丰富的国家比那些资源稀缺的国家增长的更慢.经济学家将原因归结为贸易条件的恶化、荷兰病或人力资本的投资不足等.同时,经济学家还就如何避免资源诅咒总结了若干政策性建议,它们对我国建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会仍不乏可借鉴之处.  相似文献   

调查了1995年到2004年十年间中国学者在国内中文核心期刊上发表的185篇关于英语阅读研究的文章,对其研究范围、研究对象及研究方法进行了归类分析,归纳总结了近十年来英语阅读研究的状况与变迁,指出了该研究领域的不足之处,为未来二语阅读研究提供一定的参考.  相似文献   

Export researchers have generally interpreted small enterprise export behavior as either being exclusively dependent on firm factors or specific characteristics of decision-makers. These approaches are inadequate for explaining what is obvious managerial activity resulting from strategic choices among alternate foreign market expansion paths for the firm. This study empirically examines the interaction of decision maker and firm factors on intended export behaviors among eighty-nine Canadian manufacturing firms and finds that they explain a significant and substantive part of the variance in export entry behavior, but have limited success in accounting for variances in export performance. The author acknowledges assistance from the American Marketing Association doctoral dissertation grant (1979) and the Canadian Federation of Independent Business Fellowship Award (1979) for funding the study from which this data was drawn.  相似文献   

This study represents the beginning of an exploration of the internal constraints and barriers that stand in the way of successful strategy implementation within service organizations. A determination will be made if one of the internal constraints is perhaps the lack of consistency among employees regarding marketing practices, attitudes, values, norms, and ideals. Specifically, service firm employees’ attitudes toward their actual and ideal marketing culture were measured. Attitudinal differences were examined between ground-level, middle-, and top-management employees from a cross-section of service industries. Significant differences were found for a variety of marketing culture components. Many of the differences remained even after removing possible effects of number of employees in the firm and age of the firm. Managerial implications are given.  相似文献   

Developing a customer value-based theory of the firm   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Conclusion Just as it was inappropriate to characterize this as the development of a new theory of the firm, it also is premature to suggest that this commentary articulates a comprehensive customer value-based theory of the firm. The foundation for this theory was laid decades ago, and the ideas presented in this commentary must be more thoroughly developed before it can appropriately deemed a “theory of the firm.” However, as marketers, we should be committed to the proposition that the creation of customer value must be the reason for the firm’s existence and certainly for its success. Thus developing this theory further and testing the propositions that comprise it should be a high priority for marketing scholars. His research is focused on the nature and benefits of a market orientation and of being a learning organization, as well as on issues concerned with developing and implementing a market-focused strategy. His work has been published in theJournal of Marketing, theEuropean Journal of Marketing, theJournal of Strategic Marketing, theInternational Marketing Review, theJournal of Market-Focused Management, andBusiness Horizons, among others.  相似文献   

家族企业需要社会化,应在社会化过程中走出家族的封闭与局限,这是理论界的一个主流看法,但是对其社会化的模式、社会化的动力、社会化的对象、社会化的途径,则因为各位学者思考问题的角度不同而大相径庭.本文通过对国内外有关家族企业社会化研究的现有文献进行归纳、梳理,以求得出家族企业起源、社会化进程模式、社会化驱动机理、社会化内涵、社会化障碍和条件等方面的研究成果和不足,为理论界深入研究提供帮助,为政府决策提供依据.  相似文献   

企业社会责任研究的前沿评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着企业内部与企业外部相关各方对企业履行社会责任的日益重视,学术界对于企业社会责任的研究也在不同的方向展开。第一个阶段主要讨论了企业是否应该承担社会责任和企业应该承担什么样的社会责任,第二个阶段主要讨论CSR对企业的作用,包括企业承担社会责任的效果和企业应该如何承担社会责任。  相似文献   

我国区域(城市)品牌研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区域品牌是一个地方经济社会发展的必然产物,往往代表着一个地方产业产品的主体和形象,对本地区的经济发展起着举足轻重的作用。因此,研究区域品牌问题成为一个强烈的客观需求。文章从区域品牌的概念、特性和相关关系、区域品牌建设这几个角度对我国的区域品牌研究作一综述。  相似文献   

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