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Food stamp recipients may lack access to larger stores, reducing the availability of nutritious food. Reliance on smaller stores may have undesirable impacts. Policy alternatives include limiting food stamp redemption to larger stores and subsidizing store development. I estimate that limiting redemption to supermarkets and grocery stores, or supermarkets alone, results in losses ranging from $499.2 million to $1.05 billion, or $1.17 billion to $2.44 billion (respectively) annual loss in food stamp recipient welfare nationwide. The impact of improving access is also significant, ranging from $333.6 million to $931.2 million.  相似文献   

Challenges in policy development for novel foods arise from information asymmetry associated with these credence goods. Policy development reflects pressures by firms and investors to apply health claims in marketing functional food, nutraceuticals and natural health products, which are growing market segments, relative to mature food markets. However, the wordings on health claims are often misinterpreted by consumers. Despite tendencies for some convergence in approaches to health claim policies, policy differs internationally. Related issues considered include factors influencing consumer preferences for these products and uncertainties in the markets for them.  相似文献   

Food Stamp Benefits and Child Poverty   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In 2000, 8.8 million children lived in households participating in the Food Stamp Program, making this assistance program a crucial component of the social safety net. Despite its importance, little research has examined food stamps' effect on children's overall well-being. Using the Current Population Survey from 1989 to 2001, we consider the impact of food stamps on three measures of poverty—the headcount, the poverty gap, and the squared poverty gap. We find that in comparison to the headcount measure, food stamp benefits lead to large reductions in the poverty gap and squared poverty gap measures.  相似文献   

Valuing the outputs of multifunctional agriculture   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

The River Murray and the Coorong in Australia have been in a state of decline. With the prospect of extended droughts and shifts in inflows due to climate change, difficult choices loom. The options include halting the decline, triage of some assets along the River or staying with the declining river system. To support decision‐making, a survey was designed to elicit willingness to pay for improvements in environmental quality. Over 3000 Australians responded to this survey. The study focuses on key River Murray environmental quality indicators: the frequency of bird breeding along the River Murray, increasing native fish populations in the River Murray, increasing the area of healthy vegetation along the River Murray, and restoring water bird habitat in the Coorong. State/Territory models were jointly estimated using a panel multinomial logit error‐components model. Willingness to pay estimates for improvements in environmental quality were calculated for the River Murray and the Coorong. Respondents were found to be willing to pay most for the Coorong and to improve waterbird breeding frequency. Respondents from the Australian Capital Territory were found to have significantly higher willingness to pay whereas those in Victoria had a significantly lower willingness to pay than respondents in other states.  相似文献   

海藻中的活性物质种类繁多,如多糖类、萜类、多酚类等,可以被当今的诸多领域如食品、医药、动物饲料、食物添加剂等加以应用。本文简要介绍了海藻中活性物质的成分及其特殊的生理功能,分析了当前海藻活性物质在功能性食品中应用的研究价值,阐述了海藻活性物质在功能性食品中的运用,以及在开发海藻活性物质中存在的问题。  相似文献   

保健食品剂型多样,生产工艺多元,先进的生产技术对于保证保健食品质量,提高生产效率具有重要意义。随着科学技术的进步,新的生产工艺、剂型、技术不断应用在保健食品工业中,为了更好地开展保健食品审评检查工作,本文从生物技术、微胶囊技术、膜分离技术、超临界流体(SCF)萃取技术、冷冻干燥技术、冷杀菌技术6个方面分析了新技术在保健食品原料生产、提取纯化、浓缩、干燥、杀菌包装等生产工艺中的应用,以指导保健食品审评检查工作。  相似文献   

Interest in functional foods has been growing as consumers become increasingly concerned with diet and nutrition. This article measures consumers' responses to apples enriched with an antioxidant coating. Antioxidant‐enriched apples are believed to provide additional health benefits reducing the risk of cancer and heart diseases. We discuss the consumer's benefit‐risk trade‐offs. Although functional food products provide health benefits beyond basic nutrition, some consumers may reject them because they utilize new technology. Face‐to‐face consumer surveys with contingent valuation questions were conducted in Seattle and Spokane, Washington in 2006. Consumers who choose where to shop based on organic availability are less likely to pay a premium for apples enriched with antioxidants. Also, there is evidence that consumers in Spokane are more likely to pay a premium for the product than consumers in supermarkets in Seattle. Information regarding the potential health benefits of antioxidants has a positive significant effect on consumers' willingness to pay (WTP). The estimated mean WTP suggests that there is a small premium associated with this product in the mind of an average consumer. L'intérêt pour les aliments fonctionnels ne cesse de croître étant donné que les consommateurs s'intéressent de plus en plus au régime alimentaire et à la nutrition. Le présent article évalue la réaction des consommateurs à la vente de pommes enrobées d'antioxydants. On croit que les pommes enrichies d'antioxydants procureraient des bienfaits supplémentaires pour la santé en diminuant le risque de cancer et de cardiopathies. Nous avons examiné les avantages et les risques pour le consommateur. Bien que les aliments fonctionnels apportent des bienfaits pour la santé en plus d'une nutrition de base, certains consommateurs peuvent les refuser parce qu'ils ont nécessité l'utilisation de nouvelles technologies. En 2006, nous avons effectué, à Seattle et à Spokane dans l'État de Washington, des sondages en personne à l'aide de l'approche des préférences exprimées. Les consommateurs qui choisissaient un magasin d'alimentation en fonction de la disponibilité de produits biologiques étaient moins enclins à payer une prime pour obtenir des pommes enrichies d'antioxydants. Les consommateurs de Spokane ont semblé plus enclins à payer une prime pour ce produit que les consommateurs qui fréquentaient les supermarchés de Seattle. L'information sur les bienfaits potentiels des antioxydants sur la santé a des répercussions positives considérables sur la volonté de payer des consommateurs. La volonté de payer moyenne estimative laisse supposer que, dans l'esprit du consommateur moyen, ce produit procure un certain avantage.  相似文献   

This study investigates possible marketing strategies for biotechnology (biotech) functional foods in the U.S. market. Means‐end chain theory is used to translate consumer product knowledge into self‐knowledge, where knowledge is presumed to be organized in a hierarchy with concrete thoughts linked to more abstract thoughts in a sequence progressing from means to ends. A sample of 60 households was randomly drawn from the population of a Midwest town. The random sample was drawn from a population of females aged 20 to 50 with children and who regularly purchase yogurt products. Eight products with various attributes and production technologies were ranked by the participants prior to a hard laddering interview. The study found that biotech functional foods were generally acceptable to the participants. Functional attributes, such as higher protein, increased calcium, and lower cholesterol, were valued by the consumers. Soy was considered inferior on the basis of taste for some segments of consumers unfamiliar with soymilk. On the other hand, consumers already purchasing soymilk were more willing to purchase functional soy attributes and have more complex purchasing decisions (cognitive maps). These consumers associate soy with attaining values of “better health,”“taking care of family,”“happiness,” and “more choice.” La présente étude a examiné les stratégies de marketing possibles pour les aliments fonctionnels issus de la biotechnologie sur le marchéétatsunien. La méthode de la chaîne moyens‐fins a été utilisée pour traduire la connaissance du consommateur sur le produit en connaissance de soi, où la connaissance est présumée être structurée en hiérarchie d'idées concrètes liées à des idées plus abstraites dans un ordre progressant des moyens vers les fins. Nous avons formé un échantillon aléatoire de soixante ménages d'une ville du Midwest. L'échantillon aléatoire a été sélectionné parmi une population de femmes âgées de 20 à 50 ans qui avaient des enfants et qui achetaient régulièrement du yogourt. Huit produits renfermant des attributs variés et issus de technologies de production variées ont d'abord été classés par les participants avant de procéder aux entrevues effectuées selon la technique du laddering. Les résultats ont montré que les aliments fonctionnels issus de la biotechnologie convenaient généralement aux participants. Les attributs des aliments fonctionnels tels que plus élevé en protéines, les plus élevé en calcium et faible en cholestérol étaient valorisés par les consommateurs. Le soja est arrivé en dernier pour le goût chez certains consommateurs qui connaissaient mal le lait de soja. Par contre, consommateurs qui achetaient déjà du lait de soja étaient plus enclins à acheter les attributs fonctionnels du soja et avaient des décisions d'achats plus complexes (cartes cognitives). Ces consommateurs associaient le soja à des valeurs telles que ? meilleure santé?, ? s'occuper de la famille ?, ? bonheur ? et ? choix élargi ?.  相似文献   

Valuing Water Quality as a Function of Water Quality Measures   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Employing a unique and rich data set of water quality attributes in conjunction with detailed household characteristics and trip information, we develop a mixed logit model of recreational lake usage and undertake thorough model specification and fitting procedures to identify the best set of explanatory variables, and their functional form for the estimated model. Our empirical analysis shows that individuals are responsive to the full set of water quality measures used by biologists to identify the impaired status of lakes. Thus, changes in these quality measures are not simply a scientific exercise, but they also translate into changes in the recreational usage patterns and well-being of individual households. Willingness-to-pay (WTP) estimates are reported based on improvements in these physical measures.  相似文献   

许婧 《现代食品》2022,28(4):70-73
随着科技的进步,许多新技术在茶叶中得到了广泛应用,使茶叶突破了传统饮料的概念.茶叶生产从单纯的农副产品加工向现代化新型食品工业转变,其中茶叶深加工向保健食品方向发展成为茶叶发展的必然趋势.本文重点对茶叶保健食品的加工技术进行分析,以期能够有效推动茶叶深加工,进而促进茶产业高效发展.  相似文献   

Worldwide, obesity almost tripled between 1975 and 2016 and is now prevalent in both rich and poor countries. Using annual food availability data produced by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) covering half a century in 118 countries, this article explores the diets that are central to the problem of obesity, identifying groups of countries with similar consumption patterns. Applying algorithms from the fuzzy clustering literature, five distinct consumption patterns are revealed whose dietary composition broadly corresponds to diets that we label ‘Western’, ‘Traditional’, ‘Mediterranean’, ‘Tropical’ and ‘Vegetarian’. Despite differences in dietary characteristics, all five share two common themes: rising total calories and declining healthiness, both of which are linked to the substitution of plant-based foods with food derived from animals. That the evidence points to a convergence on the ‘Western’ diet, the most obesogenic and least healthy of all the diets we consider, is a cause for concern. The key message is that in a future where people are predicted to live longer – but not necessarily healthier – lives, recent efforts to address the challenge are prescient, and as the results in the article imply, need to be heeded globally.  相似文献   

王志兴 《现代食品》2022,28(1):105-107
目前我国正处于大健康的背景下,人们的生活观念、就餐方式出现了新的变化,对食品的安全性、功能性提出了更高的要求。在这一现实背景下,我国应该提高食品科技创新的水平。本文对大健康的现实背景进行了界定,并探讨了目前我国食品科技创新中存在的问题,并在此基础上提出了相应的改善对策。  相似文献   

We applied state‐contingent theory to climate uncertainty at a farm level to assess the value of seasonal climate forecasts in the Central West region of NSW. We find that modelling uncertainty in a state‐contingent manner results in a lower estimate of forecast value than the typical expected value approach. We attribute this finding to a more conservative long‐term farm plan in the discrete stochastic programming (DSP) model, which is better balanced for climate uncertainty. Hence, a climate forecast, even though it still revises probabilities held by farmers, does not call forth such large changes in farm plans and associated farm incomes. We then use the DSP model to assess how attributes of a hypothetical forecasting system, particularly its skill and timeliness, as well as attributes of the decision environment, influence its value. Lastly, we assess the value of current operational forecast systems and show that the value derived from seasonal climate forecasts is relatively limited in the case study region largely because of low skill embodied in forecasts at the time when major farm decisions are being made.  相似文献   


Based on the existing marketing concept on relational and functional benefits and on the retailing management of customer value, the present research empirically tests the influence of these customer benefits by providing a comparative analysis for different retailing formats, such as supermarkets and hypermarkets. Using questionnaire data for a sample of customers (N = 362), the authors developed structural equation modeling. This study identifies the factors influencing customer value, as well as the key to understand the relationships of customer benefits, customer value, loyalty, and purchase intention in the retailing service context. The contribution of the present research includes empirically testing a conceptual model, by developing a comparative analysis, along with providing some meaningful insights to retailing managers on how to strategically manage customer value variables to increase and enhance customer retention and purchase intent.  相似文献   

We measure the relationship between clean prices of individual lots of wool sold at auction and a range of characteristics of the raw wool. Based on the data for 111,440 fleece lots sold in the 2008–2009 auction season, five hedonic models are estimated to determine the premiums and discounts associated with each wool characteristic in five micron categories. Several wool characteristics exhibited significant nonlinear relationships, and therefore, joint density functions were assessed where appropriate. The results indicate that fibre diameter has the greatest influence on price in all markets. Brand contamination, higher levels of unscourable colour and vegetable matter contamination were found to negatively influence price.  相似文献   

Nowadays, while the authenticity of agri-food products becomes a major concern for consumers, given the increasing rate of food fraud reports across the world, olive oil records the highest adulterations. The high selling price of olive oil is the main reason for conducting adulteration, which is often caused through false indications on the packaging (mislabeling). On the other hand, consumers are well aware of the alteration, and they are looking for authenticity signals during the purchase process. Authenticity, therefore, becomes an evaluation and decision-making criterion that guides consumer choices. The aim of this paper was twofold: to highlight the attributes in which Greek consumers attach great importance during the evaluation of olive oil’s authenticity, and second, through consumers’ demographic segmentation, to gain more detailed knowledge about the attributes that consumers evaluate in olive oil authenticity. CUB (Covariates in a mixture of Uniform and Binomial random variables) models are employed for the interpretation of ordinal data due to the ability of comparing and clustering the rating distributions consumers express about olive oil features, and due to the ability of detecting significant similarities and differences in consumer responses. Moreover, with the introduction of respondents’ social, demographic, and financial characteristics, CUB models allow the measurement of the influence that the consumers’ profile has upon the attributes of olive oil authenticity. The results showed that consumers attached great importance to taste, acidity, country and region of origin, olive variety, color, organic production, and regional certification in the evaluation of olive oil authenticity. In addition, secondary school graduates tend to use taste and olive variety, also indicating confidence in the authenticity of organic olive oil.  相似文献   

Consumers face an increasing availability of information on health and nutritional aspects of foods, especially on food package labels. Previous research has identified that this information is positively valued, but the effect of presenting several items of information simultaneously is not well understood. We conduct a choice experiment to identify the effects of multiple health and nutrition information labels for two products representing a healthy and less healthy food choice. Although our consumers attach positive utility to most of the individual labels evaluated here, the simultaneous presence of more than one label only has positive impact on utility in one of nine possible cases. Therefore, promotion of multiple labels should not be considered beneficial a priori either from a regulatory or business perspective. In addition, results show that consumers show a higher willingness to pay for nutrition and health labels for less healthy products.  相似文献   

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