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A bstract . The impact of race on college and university admission and award decisions is examined using data from the National Longitudinal Study of the High School Class of 1972. The effects of race and other factors on the choice of an individual's educational attainment are also studied. Financial aid award equations are estimated. The results indicate that college and university admissions departments have actively worked to encourage the enrollment of African-American students. It appears that the lower average educational attainment of African-Americans is the result of differences in parental income, education , and geographical location.  相似文献   

A bstract .   Growing up in a family that lacks a biological father is correlated with a number of poor outcomes for youths. This study uses the National Educational Longitudinal Survey of 1988 to examine the extent to which differences in income or parental involvement can explain the effects of family structure on youth outcomes. We find that measurement error in income from single-parent homes has a large effect on the results because of the variability in income earned over a youth's teen years. Overall, we find that lower income explains most of the disadvantages of youths in single-parent homes, but neither gaps in income nor in parental involvement explain the disadvantages of families with stepfathers.  相似文献   

This paper uses NCDS data on individual characteristics to distinguish determinants of entrepreneurial choice, income and job generation. A new model of utility from self-employment shows that relaxing liquidity constraints could inhibit performance. Empirically, we find that a range of inheritance enhances the performance of the self-employed and increases self-employment; while higher education also increases self-employment income and job creation, but reduces the probability of self-employment. Combining these choice and performance effects, we find that education has a positive net effect on job creation, as does inheritance up to a certain threshold.  相似文献   

刘建文 《价值工程》2011,30(3):191-192
针对高校扩招后高职高专生源质量呈下降趋势的新情况,为全面提高办学水平,采取"三管齐下"的管理措施来提高办学水平,即对教师实行教学督导管理、对学生加强学籍管理、对行政管理工勤技能人员强化岗位考核管理。  相似文献   

段玉玲  宋红娜 《价值工程》2012,31(26):243-245
1993年起,开始进行招生并轨和缴费上学,几十年间学费上涨了25倍还多。学费的增长远超出城镇居民和农民的收入增速,学费占城镇居民可支配收入和农民人均纯收入的比例非常高,家庭教育负担过重。  相似文献   

We use survey data on high school graduates before and after the Italian reform of tertiary education implementing the “Bologna Process” to estimate its impact on college enrollment. Individuals leaving school after the reform have a probability of enrollment that is 15% higher compared to otherwise identical individuals. This increase is concentrated among individuals with good school performance and low parental background. We interpret this result as an indication of the existence of constraints – for good students from less advantaged households – on the optimal schooling decision. We also find a small negative impact of the reform on university drop-out.  相似文献   

Despite a rising career orientation among females and growing efforts of firms to alleviate work–family conflicts, female employees often find it difficult to combine career development with having children. Female careers appear more boundaryless than male careers, and gender differences in the sociological role model persist. Using exceptional longitudinal company data, this paper studies the return-to-job of female employees after first birth in the case of Germany with long Parental Leave coverage. Parental Leave durations often last for 3 years or longer. Our results show that more than 50% of those in Parental Leave do not return to their job afterwards. About 31% of female employees return to part-time work during Parental Leave, and among these, only 57% continue working in their job after the end of Parental Leave. And, having returned to their job after the end of Parental Leave, only 81% continue to work in their job one year after return. Furthermore, female employees have their first child, when their careers have been particularly successful. Overall, the evidence is consistent with the view that the birth of the first child and the experience of the subsequent work–life conflict can lead to a major reassessment of work preferences among female employees. Although a higher career orientation before birth is positively associated with a return-to-job, management must be aware that a sizeable share of female employees, even among the most career oriented and the most successful, may not return to their job after first birth.  相似文献   

Utilizing a job search framework and survey data on both completed and uncompleted spells of unemployment we present in this paper maximum likelihood estimates of the determinants of re-employment probabilities of young workers in Britain. The model used allows us to examine the importance of state dependency in youth unemployment as well as ethnicity, educational qualifications, and unemployment income. Results suggest that there is strong evidence of negative duration dependence in the transition from unemployment to employment for young workers in Britain.  相似文献   

Using data from the 2006 Survey of Recent College Graduates, this study examines how education–job match and salary may explain recent college graduates’ job satisfaction in the public, non-profit, and for-profit sectors. The results imply that while education–job match increases job satisfaction in all three sectors, for-profit workers may compensate the loss in job satisfaction due to poor match with increased satisfaction from higher salary. The findings suggest that, in the public and non-profit sectors, increased salary cannot make up the loss in job satisfaction from poor education–job match as much as it does in the for-profit sector.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the impact of the education vouchers scheme in low‐income urban areas of Lahore, Pakistan. The research suggests that if poor children from illiterate families are supported to get good quality education, their performance is comparable with students from richer and educated backgrounds. The findings support the contention that vouchers expand access, increase parental choice and improve the quality of schooling.  相似文献   

The main aims of this study is to explain the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment and to investigate the effects of gender, education level, age, monthly income, ownership type of the employed hospital, length of employment in the hospital, job and marital status on organizational commitment and job satisfaction. The research was carried out in three hospitals in Turkey. The research population includes 872 people: 677 nurses and 195 medical secretaries. All the questions on the research instruments were answered by 55.4% of the population. A significant and positive relationship was found between job satisfaction and organizational commitment.  相似文献   

The impact of selected policy and market factors upon high-school leavers' decisions regarding three competing alternatives—labor-force entry, university education, non-university education—is examined using Ontario data on grade 13 students covering 1965–1978.The specific policy and market factors selected include tuition fees, student-aid, family income, graduates' wages, youth unemployment. Based upon economic-related theories of investor and consumer behaviour, predictions regarding how these factors influence students' choices are presented. Empirical tests of these predictions are then obtained by computing transition-rate elasticities estimated from a multinomial logistic model using maximum-likelihood techniques.The results suggest that both policy and market factors influence students' choices on the margin, and therefore exercise control over the flows from high-school to various competing destinations. The implications of these results are examined for policy-making and planning at the post-secondary level.  相似文献   

Despite national differences in youth employment, many countries share striking similarities in the uneven sectoral distribution of job opportunities for young women and men in Europe. A shift‐share analysis of European Labour Force data identifies “youth‐friendly” sectors, how this varies between countries, and how this changed during the Great Recession. This reveals how youth job opportunities were lost because the sector shrank or because employers were less likely to offer full‐time, permanent contracts. New jobs for youth were more likely to be in part‐time and temporary employment. Youth vulnerability to unemployment is contingent not only on employers' engagement with institutions shaping school‐to‐work transitions but also on gender segregation and to the fact that some sectors have been particularly fragile during the economic crisis. Future research needs to link institutional effects with employers' business strategies to understand how these shape job opportunities for young women and men.  相似文献   

A national household income survey and census data are used to examine the determinants of educational attainment in China. Rural and urban areas are analysed separately, and contrasted, owing to the sharp economic and institutional divide between them. The roles of income, age, gender, ethnicity, region and family background are explored. An attempt is made to distinguish between demand- and supply-constraints. The opportunity and other costs of rural schooling, and the reasons for leaving school, are examined. Income levels and incentives are important in explaining rural dropping out, and parental education is a powerful influence on enrolment and achievement. The considerable inequality of educational opportunity in China requires corrective policies.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an implementation evaluation of a Benefits-to-Wages (BtW) program operated in Perm, Russia. In part because of the low level of support for Active Labor Market Programs (ALPs) by Russian national and regional governments, municipalities have begun implementing ALPs of their own. Participation in the BtW program is limited to an unemployed adult in very low income family where at least one child is present. The program appears to be highly successful, with 74% of applicants finding jobs while still participating in the program. The assessment found that participation in the program, and job acquisition in particular, were important in raising participant families' incomes. Nevertheless, only about 10% of participants with jobs were lifted out of poverty. Receipt of certain social services and Employment Services, including training, had little impact on which participants succeeded in finding a job. Similarly, person attributes, such as education and prior work experience paid no statistically significant role. This pattern is consistent with a situation in which job requirements are modest and are met by most program participants. Various patterns indicate the program did have a positive effect on job acquisition, although the absence of a control group prevents any stronger statement.  相似文献   

对高校成人教育而言,在招生计划制定的过程中与普通高校是不同的。而在当前的形势下,高校成人教育在招生计划制定的方面仍然存在一定的问题,例如招生计划制定的不符合需求,在招生计划制定中没有考虑到学校问题等情况。这些问题直接导致了高校成人教育在招生过程中得不到很大进展。因此,针对高校成人教育的招生工作特点以及社会情况,对招生计划的制定进行研究并且提出解决办法很有必要。  相似文献   

祖一康  徐妙婧 《价值工程》2013,(35):238-239
高职院校中,共青团是先进青年的组织,而团总支的学生干部作为共青团工作的主要协作者,是共青团的骨干力量。因此,团总支学生干部的教育与管理工作十分重要,如果做好了团总支学生干部的教育与管理工作,团总支的氛围就会积极向上,努力进取,对团总支的工作有着重要的作用。在本文中,笔者就自己的工作经验,谈一谈关于高职团总支学生干部的教育与管理的一点看法。  相似文献   

The effectiveness of the European Union's Cohesion Policy in reducing regional socio-economic gaps remains an open empirical issue, while evidence as to how the policy is affected by specific territorial factors and which social groups benefit most from it remains sparse. This article seeks to address this gap by disentangling the impact of the European Social Fund (ESF) on youth education and employment prospects. Drawing on macro-level data for the European NUTS-2 regions, we assess the impact that this fund has on different education-specific youth population shares and employment rates. In the case of education, we find that the receipt of funding is associated with a human capital polarization of regional populations. Specifically, we identify a positive impact of the ESF on population shares with lower-secondary and tertiary education, and a simultaneous negative impact on the share of those with upper-secondary education. In the case of employment, we find a positive response for youth of all education levels. A heterogeneity analysis indicates that both the education and employment responses of the youth population to the receipt of the ESF are strongly influenced by local specialization in high-skilled activities.  相似文献   

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