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“我想学刷单,有老师在吗?” “招聘,网上兼职:专业为淘宝卖家、天猫商城、京东商城,提升销量,提升人气,打造爆款.工资日结,多劳多得,只要你有空闲时间,均可前来应聘.如有意者请QQ与我私聊.” 类似这样的发言,在残疾人网络就业培训QQ群里,每天都有十几条. “我是一级肢体残疾人,非常希望有人能帮我找一份工作.但是我从没上过学,认识的字也都是父母和姐姐教的.上哪里去找工作呢?只能刷刷单,但终究不是长久之计.”家住河南省新乡市长垣县魏庄镇后刘口村的麻海超患有成骨不全症,“从小到大,骨折的次数数不胜数”,现年25岁的他已经全身变形,胳膊腿都是扁的.所幸的是,他的双手还算灵活,这才加入了一家“刷单公会”,偶尔赚几块零花钱.  相似文献   

根据上级部署要求,“三讲”教育正自上而下逐步展开。如何把“三讲”教育落到实处,抓出成效,我认为要注意处理好几个关系。 一、在内容设置上,防止“重整改,轻学习”的倾向,把解决理论武装问题作为落实“三讲”教育的根本 “三讲”教育,首先是要讲学习,讲学习是讲政治、讲正气的前提和基础。从目前大家对开展“三讲”教育的认识着,普遍偏重于对照检查和整改,很容易产生“重整改、轻学习”的倾向。因此,在教育过程中,既要把学习理论作为整改的思想准备,又要把学习理论情况作为整改的重要内容。一是从认识上把“讲学习”作为解决…  相似文献   

每当人们谈起日本的汽车,就必然首先说到丰田.早在十几年前,日本就流行着这样一句话:“如果没有了丰田,就没有了日本.”这句话的真正含义是:如果丰田垮台了,日本政府的财政也就垮台了.由此可见,丰田汽车公司在日本国民经济中占有着何等重要的地位.说到丰田汽车,笔者不仅多次参观过它的总部所在的丰田城和工厂、车间,而且与它的销售点及售后服务打过许多交道,更驾驶着丰田车跑遍了日本列岛,体验了丰田汽车以它的优质而誉满世界的道理.丰田汽车公司有着许多不可思议的情况.它发展迅速;它能征服汽车王国美国;它在很短的时间内就击败了日本国内历史悠久而财力雄厚的新日铁等大企  相似文献   

一、“毛”与“皮”—论文与专业的关系 1.专业是论文写作的基础与前提。所谓专业,从广义讲,就是分类指定的学业、职业、业务等。从狭义讲就是指人们专门从事的某一工作领域或某一业务专长领域。当我们把论文与专业联系起来时,一般谈的是为了工作职务、专业职称发展的专业选择。要写好论文,首先要选好专业,并把专业做扎实。  相似文献   

在党内开展以“讲学习、讲政治、讲正气”为主要内容的党性党风教育,解决领导班子和领导干部中存在的突出问题,批评与自我批评非常重要。它既是“三讲”教育的重要内容,也是“三讲”教育必须遵循的重要原则,更是“三讲”教育富有成效的重要保证。必须把批评与自我批评作为“三讲”教育的关键环节,贯穿于整个教育活动的全过程。在批评与自我批评方面,当前有必要重申和强调以下几个方面的问题: 一、提高认识,认清批评与自我批评的重要性。批评与自我批评是我们党在长期革命实践中培育起来的优良传统,是解决党内自身矛盾和问题、抵制“政治灰尘”和“政治微生物”侵蚀的有力武器,是衡量和检验一个干部党性强弱的重要标志。党的发展与壮大,正是经受住各种矛盾和斗争考验,与各种错误思潮针锋相对、反复较量和角逐的结果。正如毛泽东同志所说的那样:“党内如果没有矛盾和解决矛盾的思想武器,党的生命就停止了。”现在,中央反复强调要用整风精神开展“三讲”教育,这本身就意味着有一部  相似文献   

既然中国的多边贸易顺差是一个经济问题,许多国家也对此表示担忧,那么美国应该寻求一个多边的、有规则可依的方案。如果单边地把中国列为“贷币操纵国”后又强制实行单边税收,不仅多边机制受到损害,美国也无利可图。  相似文献   

侯玉良 《江南论坛》2004,(12):63-63
近来,随着我国反腐败工作力度的加大,一批身居部委级的贪官如成克杰、胡长清、王怀忠、刘方仁等纷纷落马,受到党纪国法的严厉惩罚。可笑的是这些贪官在谈到落马的教训时,几乎无一例外的言道:“由于放松了思想政治学习,把自己混同于一个普通老百姓,才使自己贪欲膨胀……”云云。  相似文献   

吴伯根 《经贸实践》2004,(11):24-26
从能源的角度讲.绍兴县具有“三县合一”的特征。一个是经济强县,去年全县实现国内生产总值272亿元,工业总产值882.93亿元,财政总收入3083亿元:一个“能源小县”,煤炭、石油、天然气等一次能源自给率为零.电力主要是从大电网输入,煤炭供应主要集中在徐州、山东、河南、淮北和西北的山西、陕西,运输方式主要是铁路和水路:  相似文献   

面对市场经济发展中出现的丑恶现象,有的人认为,发展市场经济与道德建设是相悖的,因为两者的价值取向是截然相反的。市场经济讲“挣钱”,讲利己;而道德建设讲“奉献”,讲利他。由于人们习惯于在绝对不相容的对立中思维,很容易把发展市场经济与道德建设绝对对立起来,把道德“滑坡”的根本原因归罪于市场经济的发展。的确,目前道德“滑坡”现象是在发展市场经济的过程中产生的,但不能只看到这一方面就得出这样的结论。经济与道德的关系是多方面的、复杂的,必须进行全方位分析。  相似文献   

培训课上:20位学员被分成4个职能小组:时间小组拿着一个小铃铛,管理着所有学员、也包括老师的时间。有违规者,马上惩罚,比如做俯卧撑;服务小组做全部后勤工作;调动气氛小组负责活跃课堂气氛,比如讲笑话等。助教小组帮老师做总结、给其他小组做点评等。常常是老师的一个问题,十几个学员举手,争先恐后回答问题,积极性非常高昂。  相似文献   

《商业周刊》2009年1月12日全球经济衰退能够暴露出贸易伙伴最糟糕的一面。由于国内需求疲软,中国和美国的制造商纷纷遭遇产能过剩的问题。  相似文献   

Gould WS 《Medical economics》2001,78(16):74, 77-74, 78

No trade     
We investigate a common value bilateral bargaining model with two-sided private information and no aggregate uncertainty. A seller owns an asset whose common valuation is a deterministic function of the two traders' private signals. We first establish a no-trade theorem for this environment, and proceed to study the effect of the asset valuation structure and the trading mechanism on extent to which asymmetric information induces individuals to engage in mutually unprofitable exchange. A laboratory experiment is conducted, where trade is found to occur between 19% and 35% of the time, and this depends in systematic ways on both the asset valuation function and the trading mechanism. Both buyers and sellers adapt their strategy to changes in the asset valuation function and to changes in the trading mechanism in clearly identifiable ways. An equilibrium model with naïve belief formation accounts for some of the behavioral findings, but open questions remain.  相似文献   

This paper reflects upon the boom and bust of the telecommunications industry from the late 1990s to the early 2000s. Unlike the conspicuous burst of the dotcom bubble, the telecoms crash came quietly, but turned out to be bigger and more catastrophic. This paper argues that bounded rationality, decision making under uncertainty and the focus on short-term individual interest all played a significant role in the telecoms crash. However, this painful crash also had its positive effects. Executives, specialists, regulators and government policy makers should pay more attention to the fundamentals and balance the need for both short-term and long-term interests in approaching the coming challenges in the fast-changing telecoms industry.  相似文献   

This paper reflects upon the boom and bust of the telecommunications industry from the late 1990s to the early 2000s. Unlike the conspicuous burst of the dotcom bubble, the telecoms crash came quietly, but turned out to be bigger and more catastrophic. This paper argues that bounded rationality, decision making under uncertainty and the focus on short-term individual interest all played a significant role in the telecoms crash. However, this painful crash also had its positive effects. Executives, specialists, regulators and government policy makers should pay more attention to the fundamentals and balance the need for both short-term and long-term interests in approaching the coming challenges in the fast-changing telecoms industry.  相似文献   

Serafini MW 《National journal》1995,27(20):1230-1234
Many governors want to convert medicaid to a block grant and do away with the myriad federal rules that have vastly expanded the program's reach in recent years. Congress may oblige them. But groups that fought for the rules aren't going to sit still.  相似文献   

There has been much discussion about what issues should be included in international “trade” negotiations. Different countries, firms, and activist groups have quite different views regarding which items should (or should not) be negotiated together. Proposals run the gamut from no linking to linking trade with investment, the environment, labor, and human rights codes. This paper provides a formal framework for analyzing this question. It employs a two‐country, two‐issue bargaining model and contrasts outcomes when issues are negotiated separately and when they are linked in some form. A key concept is “comparative interest,” analogous to Ricardian comparative advantage. We provide general results and note, in particular, where a country can benefit by agreeing to include an agenda item for which, when viewed by itself, the country does not receive a positive payoff. We also provide an application of our analysis to negotiations on trade liberalization and environmental protection.  相似文献   

<正> 当前市场人士对今年股市行情如何演绎,众说纷纭,比较混乱,有说再创新高或新低的,有说箱体整理的,具体到预测高低点点位,从1200~2300不等。我们根据市场结构与市场周期理论分析认为,今年股市整体处于筑底阶段,股指将在市场平均持筹成本(目前上证指数的平均持筹成本为1509.155点)的1.0倍~1.25倍之间运行,如果股指突破这个区间,也只是暂时的。股市运行的规律股市运行是有周期的,但这个周期并不表现为固定的天数,而是表现为筑底(建仓,底部震荡)-拉升(含洗盘,跌幅达20%左右)-出货(顶部震荡)-快速下跌这四个周而复始的过程。即使是在成熟市场经济国家,股市中复杂的投资者结构,  相似文献   

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