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美国放松银行业地域管制后出现大规模的银行并购,但银行业的并购和跨区域扩张并没有使美国银行业市场过度集中和对中小企业贷款造成明显冲击。中国银行业可以从中得到有益启示:放开中小银行跨区域限制的同时必须保证足够数量的中小银行业机构,使银行市场保持适度的竞争;中小银行应更多立足本地,积极发挥对中小企业关系型贷款优势;大型银行发展中小企业贷款必须进行贷款技术创新,以降低对中小企业交易型贷款成本。  相似文献   

Economic growth in the United States has historically bypassed many minorities and low‐income communities. Some researchers and community advocates assert that the deterioration of these communities is in part caused by financial institutions' redlining and neglect. To rectify the situation, the government introduced the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) for the purpose of encouraging banks and saving institutions to become more socially responsible and help meet the credit needs of communities in which they are located. The CRA was the government's response to bank lending discrimination. However, when passing the Act, Congress was equally concerned with reversing or at least halting disinvestment from inner‐city communities and in turn revitalizing local economies. Many believe that the availability of credit to establish, refinance, and improve small businesses is critical to the well‐being of local communities. Therefore, through the provision of small business loans, the CRA could be envisioned as a catalyst toward achieving that goal. Thus the aim of this paper is to investigate potential relationship between banks' CRA lending activities, and new business start‐ups and economic growth in local markets. The paper proposes that new start‐ups will have spillover effects that will consequently contribute to community development. After controlling for several potential variables that could have an impact on business start‐ups and community developments, the study found a strong positive effect. Beside its social and economic implications, the study also considered policy implications associated with the CRA regulation as a welfare improving initiative in low‐income communities. It offers ground for certain government intervention in the loan market.  相似文献   

We analyse equilibrium borrowers’ effort and the cost of microcredit loans in the presence of moral hazard, project correlation and subsidies under group lending conditions. Our results show that under the assumption of endogenous effort, project correlation has significant effects on borrowers’ effort only when it is determined by asymmetric (positive or negative) shocks. These findings indicate that the well-known negative effect of within-group (symmetric) project correlation on group lending with joint liability disappears once endogenous effort is taken into account. We also analyse the effects of subsidised lending (and asymmetric correlation) on the relative convenience (in terms of borrowers’ effort) of the alternative (1) between group lending and individual lending with notional collateral and (2) among three different market structures of the microfinance industry.  相似文献   

Capital Subsidies and the Performance of Firms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In many countries, governments grant different capital subsidies to the business sector in order to promote growth. Also the EU, provides this type of subsidies. As De Long and Summers (1991) suggest there may be market failure justifications for public subsidisation of firms. However, because the use of subsidies may cause problems, it is far from clear how they affect long-run economic growth. This study examines the effects on total factor productivity of public capital subsidies to firms in Sweden between 1987 and 1993. Panel data which distinguish between subsidised and unsubsidised firms in the manufacturing industry are used. The results suggest that subsidisation can influence growth, but there seems to be little evidence that the subsidies have affected productivity.  相似文献   

We empirically examine whether a major government intervention in the small firm credit market yields significantly better results in markets that are less financially developed. The government intervention that we investigate is Small Business Administration (SBA) guaranteed lending. After controlling for the appropriate cross‐sectional market characteristics, we find that SBA guaranteed lending has a significantly more positive impact on the average annual level of employment when the local market is relatively less financially developed. This result has important implications for public policy directives concerning where SBA guaranteed lending should be directed.  相似文献   

This study contributes to the empirical literature concerning the role of business subsidies in job creation. Our empirical analysis, using an extensive firm-level data, suggests that the impact of business subsidies on employment growth differs more between high-growth start-ups and other firms than between start-ups and incumbents. On average, all subsidies relate positively to the contemporary employment growth for both start-ups and incumbents. Furthermore, after subsidy reception, the employment of both start-ups and older incumbents receiving employment or other subsidies grows more than that of non-subsidized firms. However, we find that business subsidies do not provide a significant additional boost to either contemporary or after-subsidy growth for young high-growth companies. There are apparently some other factors that promote growth in young high-growth firms; these factors help foster strong growth in many cases with or without subsidies.  相似文献   

民间借贷作为正规金融的补充,对解决中小微企业的资金短缺起到了积极作用。由于立法滞后,法律依据不足,逐利、欺诈、违约、无序充斥着本不成熟的民间借贷市场,给金融稳定和经济安全带来了一系列负面效应,亟需法律规范和引导。当务之急是要构建法律体系,净化营业环境,完善准入标准,建立预警机制,尽快将民间借贷导入法制化轨道。  相似文献   

This paper studies the Japanese credit scoring market using data on 2,000 small and medium‐sized enterprises and a small business credit scoring (SBCS) model widely used in the market. After constructing a model for determining a bank's profit maximization, some simulation exercises are conducted, and pitfalls of lending based on SBCS are indicated. The simulation results suggest that the reason why SBCS loan losses occur would be the combination of adverse selection and window‐dressing problems. In addition, omitted variable bias and transparency of financial statements are important.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the interface between organizational learning capability, entrepreneurial orientation (EO), and small business performance. It reports on the findings from 350 small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in North Cyprus operating in the services and retailing sectors. The findings indicate a positive relationship between EO and sales and market share growth, but not between EO and employment growth. There is also a positive relationship between organizational learning capability and EO. This paper contributes to the small business management literature by providing a holistic analysis of the interface between organizational learning capability, EO, and growth.  相似文献   

Interstate banking,bank consolidation,and bank lending to small business   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Proponents and critics of interstate banking argue over the implications of nationwide banking for bank lending to small business. This study explores the patterns of (1) bank consolidation at the national level and (2) the share of domestic-bank commercial lending extended to small firms, specifically, small manufacturing firms, over the period 1976–90. The evidence indicates that despite the trend toward fewer banking organizations and increased aggregate bank concentration due largely to cross-state expansion by superregional banking organizations, no significant downtrend is observed in the share of domestic-bank credit extended to small manufacturing firms. Nor is there any discernible downtrend in banks' share of borrowing by small manufacturing firms. These results are consistent with the thesis that banking industry consolidation hasnot led to a reduction in the supply of bank credit to small firms, at least within the manufacturing sector.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship of bank participation in SBA guaranteed lending programs to bank characteristics and market demographic characteristics. Band SBA lending is related to per capita income in the bank's market area, membership in a bank holding company, the loan-deposit ratio of the bank, the percent business loans of the bank, and the total assets of the bank. In markets of 50,000 or less, greater SBA lending is associated with lower per capita income levels. Accordingly, it appears that the economic development function of bank SBA lending is linked to a greater extent with market areas of less than 50,000.  相似文献   

我国开展融资融券业务的必要性及其对策   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
王敏玉 《商业研究》2008,(6):141-143
融资融券交易是世界股票市场广泛流行的交易方式之一,比较成熟的证券市场都允许股票信用交易,如美国、日本、韩国、西欧等国的证券交易法律都有信用交易的规定。融资融券交易之所以广泛流行,是因为这种交易对证券市场及其参与者都具有其积极的作用。尤其在中国更有其必要性。我国证券市场即将开展融资融券业务,在此情况下,研究和探讨开展融资融券业务的必要性及其对策极具现实意义。  相似文献   

This study employs a growth options perspective to examine how multinational corporations (MNCs) design their investment attributes under the influence of host market uncertainty and growth rates. It specifically examines MNCs’ decisions on investment size and local embeddedness under host market conditions. Using data on Korean overseas manufacturing subsidiaries, we find that MNCs choose either more-local-embedded small investments or less-locally-embedded large investments under high demand uncertainty and GDP growth rates. We also find that this choice is moderated by host market political risk and competition. Our findings imply that MNCs consider both uncertainty-driven flexibility and growth rate-induced commitment when selecting international investment modes. This consideration allows MNCs to gain flexibility as well as an enhanced ability to expand in the future. This study contributes to the literature on real options and entry modes in the international business area by showing how host market conditions and investment decisions are related.  相似文献   

In the early years following the financial collapse, federal officials and others believed that banks were not making loans to creditworthy small firms, who have accounted for most of the job creation in the United States in recent decades. Acting on this belief, a number of programs were created to increase bank lending to small firms. Overall, however, the data collected since the 2007/8 financial crisis suggest that the explanation for slow loan growth in the small business sector is not a result of supply constraints but rather a result of anemic loan demand among small firms. Thus, recent programs intended to increase small business borrowing through easing credit supply were doomed to fail. The weak demand for credit among small firms is representative of the sluggish performance of the small business economy postrecession, a marked contrast to the robust performance of larger firms and a reflection of a bifurcated economy.  相似文献   

分税制以后,经济增长的主要政治推动力从中央政府转到地方政府。政府行为的市场化不仅为地区经济增长提供了推动力,也为地方政府官员运用现有权力和可控资源进行寻租提供了可能。从地市级层面上探究地方政府行为对银行信贷与经济增长关系的影响,并将官员腐败纳入地方政府产生干预行为的动机,可以发现,地方政府在多重利益驱动下产生的银行信贷干预行为,会对不同地区和不同类型的地市经济产生不同的影响。财政激励、晋升激励、腐败都会对银行信贷与经济增长的关系产生重要影响,但在地区之间存在差异,而且三种利益动机驱动下产生的信贷干预行为的影响程度同样存在差异,其中晋升激励和腐败行为的影响更大。  相似文献   

This paper develops a model of entrepreneurial start ups in an economy with costly firm creation, costly entry to the skilled labor market, and a mismatch between skilled workers and available jobs, as prevailing in many developing countries. It examines several mitigating policies, such as improving the business environment, reducing tax rates and cost of starting business, and subsidizing entrepreneurial search and skilled employment. To be effective, policies need to target the most binding constraints to productive entrepreneurship. When the constraints are on the side of firms, search subsidies would be more effective in encouraging productive start ups than subsidies to skilled employment, although fewer entrepreneurs may choose to operate in the formal sector than under the latter. Both types of subsidies should be phased out with reforms of the business environment and improved labor markets.  相似文献   

U.S. commercial banks are increasingly using small business credit‐scoring models to underwrite small business credits. The paper discusses this lending technology, evaluates the research findings on the effects of this technology on small business credit availability, and links these findings to a number of research and policy issues.  相似文献   

Since small businesses typically rely on small banks as their primary source of financing, there are concerns that the wave of bank consolidation of the 1990s may have reduced the availability of loans to small businesses in the US. Using a panel of state-level banking information over 1993–2002, this paper shows that the Riegle–Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act of 1994 reduced the number of small banks, but not the amount of small business lending. We also show that small banks are participating less in small business lending. These results imply that the bank-lending channel of the monetary transmission mechanism became less important in the US in the late 1990s as a result of more firms borrowing from large banks that are less sensitive to monetary shocks.  相似文献   

美国的小企业融资体系是建立在发达的资本市场基础上的、以市场为导向的政策性金融体系,以及与之相配套的法律法规与政策支持体系。系统研究美国小企业金融体系的法律与政策体系、服务体系以及发达的多层次资本市场与创业投资市场,对于中国发展科技金融支持中小企业创新,促进经济增长方式转变具有现实的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Microentrepreneurs have considerable difficulty accessing capital from mainstream financial institutions. One key reason is that the costs of information about the characteristics and risk levels of borrowers are high. Relationship‐based financing has been promoted as a potential solution to information asymmetry problems in the distribution of credit to small businesses. In this paper, we seek to better understand the implications for providers of “microfinance” in pursuing such a strategy. We discuss relationship‐based financing as practiced by microfinance institutions (MFIs) in the United States, analyze their lending process, and present a model for determining the break‐even price of a microcredit product. Comparing the model’s results with actual prices offered by existing institutions reveals that credit is generally being offered at a range of subsidized rates to microentrepreneurs. This means that MFIs have to raise additional resources from grants or other funds each year to sustain their operations as few are able to survive on the income generated from their lending and related operations. Such subsidization of credit has implications for the long‐term sustainability of institutions serving this market and can help explain why mainstream financial institutions have not directly funded microenterprises. We conclude with a discussion of the role of nonprofit organizations in small business credit markets, the impact of pricing on their potential sustainability and self‐sufficiency, and the implications for strategies to better structure the credit market for microbusinesses.  相似文献   

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