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一、我国集装箱运输发展面临的机遇与挑战 随着全球综合物流时代的到来及国际集装箱多式联运的开展,件杂货运输的集装箱化程度越来越高。集装箱吞吐量已经成为衡量港口作用和地位的主要标志。 相似文献
一、引言自中国改革开放以来,国民经济迅速发展、进出口贸易大幅度增加和人民生活消费水平的提高,促进了我国航空运输业的迅速发展,特别是航空货运的发展已大大超过航空客运,近10年以来,我国航空货运量年均增长20%,为世界航空货运发展速度的3倍。在现代知识、信息社会中,航空货运市场的竞争愈加激烈,特别是中国即将加入WTO,世界上著名的货运航空公司将以更大的力度参与中国航空货运市场的竞争,中国货运企业面临的市场形式将是前所未有的残酷,货运企业必须以更规范、更先进的管理模式应对外部的变化,锻造企业的核心竞争力,而核心竞争力可以是多因素的综合集成,其中流程竞争力将成为其核心竞争力的重要内容。BRP理论(Business ProcessReengineering)企业业务流程再造理论是伴随管理信息系统在企业中的 相似文献
河南省南阳市道路客运车辆原来的行业流程是比较混乱的。大部分社会车辆的运行业务流程为:站外发车——沿街兜圈——中途倒客——站外停车。发车及到达时间无定点,“散、乱、失控”现象严重。国有企业车辆运行流程为:调度客车进站—进入站位—签发路单—发车—站外上人—到站。由于大量不进站、无班点社会车辆的干扰和影响,也存在压班压点、沿街揽客、 相似文献
谈港口企业收入业务流程再造 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目前 ,我国已成为WTO大家庭中的一员 ,各企业正加紧对企业机制及资源进行整合及业务流程再造 ,以此作为增强企业竞争实力和发展后劲的重要手段。本文针对与WTO密切相关的港口企业如何实现收入业务流程再造 ,提出了一些基本思路。 相似文献
铁路货运营业站的业务流程再造 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
铁路货运营业站是直接面对客户的前台窗口,其业务流程再造是提高铁路运输效益及竞争能力的有效手段和迫切要求。在讨论铁路货运站业务流程再造的内涵和主要原则的基础上,对货运受理业务流程再造、运到货物交付业务流程再造、货车配送与挂运业务流程再造等进行了具体改进研究。 相似文献
Petri网模型在铁路集装箱运输业务流程优化中的应用研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
集装箱运输作为适应现代物流发展的一种重要运输方式,在全球得到快速发展。在分析我国铁路集装箱运输流程存在问题的基础上,利用Petri网模型,对集装箱运输流程建立模型并进行仿真分析,进而提出流程优化方案。 相似文献
建立业务流程加强内业管理李焕科,王茉莉运输管理站层直接担负着公路规费征收任务,它运作的好坏直接影响着公路养建资金来源,但是,目前相当部分运管基层单位因缺乏管理,征管人员执行政策水平不高,黄源控制不了;公路规费流失严重;挪用规费现金现象时有发生。因此建... 相似文献
There have been a number of studies conducted on visitation patterns to the Wet Tropics rainforest in north-east Queensland, Australia. However, little has been undertaken in exploring the visitors' attitudes and behaviours (based on activities pursued) in the rainforest, and their ‘experience’ of this World Heritage environment. This papers sets out to advance research in this area by drawing on over 1000 surveys conducted with domestic and international visitors in various sites in the rainforest throughout 2008. Broad trends emerged that when on-site, visitors demonstrated a propensity to learn from the environmental and cultural information relevant to these rainforest sites. In terms of activities, visitors participated in a range of passive and active rainforest activities, the most popular of which included rainforest walks (76.4% of respondents), viewing scenery (72.6%) and viewing wildlife (59.3%). The significance of these findings is that they deepen our understanding of how ‘natural’ heritage visitor sites are gazed upon, experienced and consumed by visitors. 相似文献
阳春三月,伴随着自主创新研发的GPS货运管理系统平稳运行,日照港二公司各大散货堆场昼夜车水马龙、川流不息。每天通过该系统有序进入矿石疏港发运流程的上千台车辆,不用人引领,不用人指垛,即可各就各位顺利装车,安全高效顺畅地完成由各方货主委托承运的矿石中转任务。 相似文献
This article draws on ethnographic research of everyday mobilities to further understanding of interdependent mobilities practices in relation to normality, habit and routine. The contention here is that a rethinking of ‘normality’, ‘habit’ and ‘routine’ reveals how mobilities are interdependent, imagined and embodied. We draw from Lefebvre's (1991) notions of social space and rhythmanalysis to illustrate the relationality of these aspects of mobility. In doing so, we build on recent theorisations of habit in the field of mobilities, which have opened this concept as a key site for interrogating body–society relationships arguing that both ‘routine’ and ‘normality’ have similar potential in revealing the regulation and control of everyday spaces. We consider everyday embodied engagements with mobile space and how these become normalised, habitualised and routinised. This paper draws from a Research Council UK Energy Programme funded project, ‘Disruption, the raw material for carbon change’, which uses ‘disruption’ as a lens through which to reveal potential for changes in mobility practices that result in carbon reduction. Our exploration of interdependent, imagined and embodied mobilities concurs with existing scholarship in the mobilities field that argues for a rethinking of individualised conceptions of ‘normality’, ‘habit’ and ‘routine’ in seeking an understanding of mobilities that are socially, culturally and materially contingent. 相似文献
Since the 1970s, the African continent has experienced exponential growth in tourism, where growth in numbers of visitors has not necessarily meant economic, social or environmental benefits for the host community. A review of the literature concerning tourism development and its effects on local communities forms the basis for the investigation of the reasons behind community based tourism (CBT) being identified as a tool for development in Namibia. An assessment of the planning and implementation phases of the CBT strategy enables consideration on the role played by international and national governments and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in laying down policies and providing proactive support for CBT related projects. This paper presents the results of an ongoing empirical research conducted since 2003 in the Kunene region of Namibia, which is an important part of the overall Namibian tourism destination, with world-renowned resources such as Etosha National Park, the Himba culture, Epupa Falls, the desert-adapted elephant and the rhino, to name just a few. By attempting an overall assessment of the Namibian current CBT situation, a set of considerations are offered with regard to its practicalities and in terms of benefits, problems and future outlooks for this sector. 相似文献
Peter Mason 《旅游业当前问题》2013,16(2-3):181-194
Historically, visitor management in protected areas has been concerned largely with visitor impacts and emphasis has been placed on managing negative impacts. This has involved controlling visitor numbers, attempting to modify visitor behaviour and also modifying the resource. These approaches can be divided into ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ categories (Ling Kuo, 2002). ‘Hard’ visitor management approaches involve physical management, regulatory management and economic management. ‘Soft’ approaches make use of education and interpretation. While the approach of managing impacts has its merits, and has met with some success, it has tended to assume that the visitor is ‘guilty until proven innocent’ (Mason, 2002). Such an approach has also tended to ignore the role of visitor experience in relation to visitor management. This paper critically evaluates a number of ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ approaches to visitor management, focusing specifically on interpretation and codes of conduct in protected natural areas in New Zealand, Australia and Antarctica. It argues that the traditional approach of managing visitor impacts should be supported by a far greater emphasis on managing visitor experience. It proposes that placing emphasis on managing visitor experience should allow a more holistic perspective to be employed, in which the visitor can be put within a context that includes both the destination community and the environment visited. Such an approach, it is argued, should not only lead to better informed and behaved visitors, but a reduction in negative visitor impacts. 相似文献
本文分析了目前的金融形势,阐述了集装箱运输业的经营特点,对集装箱企业金融风险特征进行了详细分析,提出了风险管理现金及对策。 相似文献
系统指两个以上各不相同的元素(事物、部分等),按一定的秩序和内部联系而组成的,为达到共同目的,具有特定功能的一个有机整体。系统内元素之间的联系表现为:①系统中元素可以按一定的规律在一定的空间联系;②系统的元素也可按一定的规律在时间进程彼此联系,这时系统就被看成一个过程。系统对于外部环境的影响作出反应的能力称为系统的功能。从功能观点看,当一个实体,接受从外部来的信息、能量、物质(输入),根据某些规定而完成一个运转过程,以产生另一种信息、能量、物质,再送到外部去(输出),这样的一个实体也称为系统.例如一个装置,一个管理方案或决策程序、一个技术改革方案或设计等。 相似文献
‘Hazard perception’ has become an integral part of novice driver education and training. Cyclists are often identified as one of many ‘hazards’ to look out for. We speculate that constituting cyclists as ‘hazards’, something that presents a danger or threat, may foster negative attitudes toward cyclists. Rather than accepting cyclists as ‘hazards’, our study examined the conditions that have made it possible to identify cyclists as ‘hazards’ in novice driver preparation. Informed by Michel Foucault's work on discursive practices, the analysis focused on the ‘road safety’ literature (1900–2017), the changing context in which road safety knowledge has been produced and the implications for the production of road space. This literature is important given the authority of scientific knowledge in western societies and its role in managing and governing populations. We found a shift in the middle of the twentieth century from drivers being identified as ‘hazards’ to drivers being identified as perceivers of ‘hazards’. At this time, researchers began studying drivers for their ability to recognise hazards: cyclists were routinely listed among the ‘hazards’ drivers should perceive. Out of 200 articles published on drivers' ‘hazard perception’ since the 1960s, one third categorised cyclists as ‘hazards’. Such research has informed the development and implementation of ‘hazard perception’ tests and, following Foucault, it participates in producing road space and shaping how drivers can think about themselves and other road users. While ‘scientific’ studies constitute cyclists as potential threats or sources of harm they lend authority to negative views of cyclists. We suggest ‘traffic participation’ as a more inclusive approach to driver education and training. 相似文献