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本土市场效应及其对中国省间生产和贸易的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
张帆  潘佐红 《经济学》2006,5(2):307-328
新经济地理理论强调经济规模是地区贸易和国际贸易的驱动力,这种力量被克鲁格曼称为“本土市场效应”(home market effects)。本文直接从Fujira,Krugman and Venables(2000)一文中推导出经验检验模型,并把该模型与Davis and Weinstein(1996,1999)中的经验检验模型联系起来。使用这两个模型和中国1997年31个省(市、区)19个产业的生产、需求和资源禀赋资料,本文检验了中国各省生产和贸易类型到底是由比较优势决定还是由本土市场效应决定的问题。我们发现本土市场效应在决定中国地区间生产和贸易的类型上起着显著的作用。分产业的分析发现19个产业中至少有7个存在显著的本土市场效应。  相似文献   

本土市场效应作为新的贸易竞争优势来源,是提升我国机电产品贸易竞争力的一个有益尝试。文章阐述了本土市场效应的内涵,在剖析本土市场效应理论发展的基础上,构建了分析本土市场效应的理论模型,并结合我国机电产品贸易的实践,验证了本土市场效应在机电产品贸易中的存在性。  相似文献   

在产业升级过程中,本土市场的互动效应、市场规模的诱致效应与本土规模市场的终端需求效应能对其产生重要影响。这种影响集中体现为互动效应能够引导产业升级的需求发现,需求发现通过市场规模的相互催化为产业升级提供运营支持,终端需求效应通过参与式合作有助于发展产业升级所需的技术能力。我国市场规模巨大,产业升级应充分利用本土市场规模效应。这就需要建立正确的市场激励机制、加快本土市场发展,鼓励本土企业根植于国内经济的创新,推动本土企业与外来资本联合研发等。  相似文献   

目前我国对外贸易发展的国内外环境和条件均已改变,基于传统比较优势理论的贸易发展战略遇到了巨大挑战。本文力图从本土市场效应的角度,探讨市场分割状态下国内市场规模对我国制造业出口竞争力的影响,以便寻求中国制造业出口战略的调整方向。利用中国工业企业数据的实证分析发现,越依赖本地市场的企业或行业,在本地市场规模越大时,出口竞争力越大,这验证了"本土市场效应"的存在。这也表明了国内市场对我国贸易发展战略调整的战略价值。  相似文献   

外资对中国本土品牌的挤出效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2006年,多起外资并购国内企业案引发了社会各界极大的关注。外资进入是把双刃剑,在促进国内经济发展、产业结构调整的同时,也出现了市场垄断、品牌控制、产业控制等危及国家经济安全的负面影响。本文以江苏省为例,回溯了江苏知名品牌香雪海、孔雀、玉环等与外商合资中品牌受损的历程,指出跨国公司利用合资、并购等手段对本土品牌实行挤压、蚕食和消灭,达到其实现品牌控制的目的,致使本土品牌大量沦陷。以史为鉴,这对现阶段外资并购浪潮具有警示意义。  相似文献   

对于我国高增长低就业的现象,新古典经济学框架下对就业问题的解决常着眼于产业政策,而本文基于新经济地理学的框架,以本土市场效应为理论基础并加以拓展,说明了这种现象不仅仅是产业政策所致,而且更可能是由于不正确的空间政策的问题.认为从长远角度,我国应该主要依赖于国内市场需求来促进经济的发展和就业的提高,继而提出增加人口空间密度、减少要素空间流动壁垒、增大国内市场规模、推进城市化的建议.  相似文献   

随着中国经济的快速发展,人民生活水平的提高,中国的奢侈品市场也呈现出勃勃生机。而在奢侈品市场上,本土产品的无所作为使得我们失去了大量的消费品市场。文章就什么是奢侈品、本土奢侈品的现状和发展进行分析,并对奢侈品贸易发展趋势提出展望。  相似文献   

文章利用1992-2011年中国与31个国家(地区)的双边服务贸易的面板数据实证研究了中国服务贸易的本地市场效应,发现相对需求结构、需求规模作用的本地市场效应和以劳动力要素禀赋为传统的比较优势均促进了中国服务出口,并且后者促进作用大于前者;还发现需求规模作用的本地市场效应促进了中国的传统服务、新兴服务、生产性服务和非生产性服务的出口,其中对新兴服务和生产性服务出口的促进作用更为明显;需求结构作用的本地市场效应也促进了中国新兴服务和生产性服务出口,但促进作用较小,同时需求结构弱化了本地市场效应对传统服务和非生产性服务出口;最后发现中国的运输服务、旅游服务、建筑服务、通信服务、金融服务和保险服务都存在显著的需求规模作用的本地市场效应,而旅游服务、金融服务和保险服务则都存在显著的需求结构作用的本地市场效应,计算机和信息服务、专有权利及许可费、个人、文化和娱乐服务、其他商业服务的本地市场效应都不显著。  相似文献   

It is increasingly acknowledged that the financial structure of a firm is an important determinant of its production costs. This paper argues that the use of a firm's liabilities should be seen as a separate input in the production process. At the same time, the input of non-financial assets is limited to the value that is used up during the reference period. The paper elaborates on these ideas and shows their use in empirical work. It is concluded that the approach set out in this paper establishes a much closer relationship of general economic accounting and analysis to business economics.  相似文献   

A domestic ratification game nested within an international bargaining game establishes that domestic politics influences the outcome of international negotiations. When information on the domestic side is incomplete, an informational role of lobbies is established. Cooperation is more likely when domestic lobbies provide information to Congress about a treaty presented for ratification, especially when cooperation would not otherwise occur. As government becomes more divided, cooperation is less likely; when it does occur, the legislature is better off – internal divisions worsen the external leverage of states, while a united home front is the executive's best chance for obtaining her ideal agreement.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether health shocks influence labour supply. Estimates rely on detailed health measures that not only are more homogeneous than commonly‐used self‐reported health measures, but they also can be interpreted as plausibly exogenous with respect to labour supply. Further, this paper investigates the unique role that certain fringe benefits, namely health insurance and paid sick leave, play in the link between health shocks and subsequent employment activity. Results show that, compared to commonly‐used self‐reported measures of health, health problems defined by the US government as ‘priority’ conditions correlate with smaller labour supply shifts, but non‐work‐related injuries lead to larger shifts. Second, the arrival of a health shock appears to reduce the probability of remaining employed full time, while also increasing the likelihood of quitting work. Relatively few full‐time workers who acquire health problems switch to part‐time employment. Third, in the event of a health shock, sick leave appears to facilitate reductions in employment activities, while employer‐provided insurance appears to hinder such adjustments.  相似文献   

中国国有工业企业劳动力冗员问题研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
科尔奈发展的预算软约束理论提出了一个引人注目的关于国营企业冗员现象的解释。然而这类文献有时忽略这样一种现象,即政府、特别是转型经济中的政府往往会让国有企业(SOES)追求一些非经济目标,并通过补贴和政策性贷款来为此提供资助。通过对大约700家国有企业的研究,我们发现在不减轻企业社会负担的情况下,预算约束的硬化是直接导致九十年代初中国国企冗员上升的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

The paper is concerned with non-monetized transactions which are dimensionally important in developing countries. The notion of degree of monetization attaches to all real flows. It is necessary to analyze non-monetized transactions in order to a have a better understanding of the producing and consuming activities of households which contribute a large part of national product in less developed countries. Among different non-monetized flows, particular attention is paid to the use of the output of own production for different purposes. A survey of Indian information on the degree of non-monetization shows that it is different for different flows: highest for consumption, intermediate for current inputs and lowest for investments. Cross section Indian data indicate that the degree of non-monetization is expected to fall with the improvement in the average household expenditure and urbanisation but it may rise if development occurs largely through agricultural improvement. Some of the Indian findings may apply to other developing countries as well. Normally, estimates of expenditure elasticities based on cross section data are obtained from consumption expenditure on a particular item (e) and the aggregate consumption expenditure (E) without going into the question of the degree of non-monetization of either element. Since traditional models of consumer behaviour apply only to the relation between money expenditure on a particular item (em) and the aggregate money expenditure (Em), it is suggested that the relation between e and E should be broken down into relations between (i) em and Em, (ii) ek and Ek where these are the corresponding kind elements and (iii)among E, Em and Ek. Some estimates of elasticity based on this scheme are presented indicating that the procedure is reasonable and suggesting that this type of analysis would probably furnish a suitable framework for answering relevant questions in the field.  相似文献   

Recent papers by Lee and Petruzzi (1986) and Barsky and Summers (1988) provide rival theories of how the Gibson Paradox could result from the impact of changes in the interest rate on the real price of gold. This paper empirically tests each model and finds more support for the Lee-Petruzzi approach than the Barsky-Summers approach. The paper also suggests that Lee and Petruzzi may have used an inappropriate method to test their model, and that both papers employed inappropriate sample periods.  相似文献   

中国股票市场对政策信息的不平衡性反应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文将影响股票市场的政策信息区分为"好消息"和"坏消息"。通过 EGARCH 模型研究中国股票市场对"好消息"与"坏消息"的不平衡性反应,指出"好消息"对我国股票市场的影响大于"坏消息"的影响,这与国外股票市场的情况正好相反。根据这一结果本文创建了"信息效应曲线",具体分析我国股票市场对"好消息"与"坏消息"的不平衡性反应的特征,提出现有交易机制下的股价波动模式。  相似文献   

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