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随着旅游市场的发展。城市品牌与旅游品牌形象的构建受到业内人士的广泛关注,相应的研究和实践以不断在国内许多旅游城市均开展起来。辽宁作为东北三省的经济、政治、文化中心,模糊的城市品牌形象无疑阻碍了城市的发展。本文对辽宁旅游形象塑造存在的问题进行了详细的分析,在城市形象的塑造中导入企业的CIS理论,指出作为旅游目的地的城市要想赢得市场,前提就是实施整体旅游形象战略,提高辽宁旅游形象的知名度。  相似文献   

演旅游品牌共享型区域是一类特殊的旅游地域, 是从旅游品牌和区域两个视角出发对跨界旅游区研究的深化与拓展.旅游品牌共享型区域旅游经济发展过程中, 外部性问题表现突出, 并直接导致该类区域的不协调发展.文章在界定旅游品牌共享的内涵以及区域特征的基础上, 揭示了旅游品牌共享型区域旅游经济发展的外部性表现, 从市场外部性以及政府外部性两个层面探讨了外部性形成的原因, 并提出了区域外部性问题治理的具体措施.  相似文献   

旅游商品包装不仅具备使用、保护、促销等功能,它还肩负着文化传播、宣传旅游目的地等重要功能。基于文化视角,研究旅游商品包装是十分必要和有意义的。  相似文献   

基于现有旅游目的地形象相关研究成果,以张家界为例,运用结构方程模型探讨了旅游目的地竞争力的影响因素的构成及其相对重要性。研究结果表明,影响旅游目的地竞争力的因素主要包括旅游资源、旅游配套设施、基础设施、目的地的支持要素、目的地的管理、旅游服务质量等,并且这些影响因素对目的地竞争力的作用程度存在差异。  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨中华泰山·国泰民安品牌形象在旅游服装中的传承与创新价值。通过文献综述和案例分析的方法,研究了品牌形象理论与实践、中华泰山·国泰民安品牌形象以及传承与创新的关系。研究发现,中华泰山·国泰民安作为一个历史悠久且具有独特文化背景的地方品牌,在旅游服装中具有重要的传承价值。同时,通过对过去和最新的旅游服装设计案例的分析,发现中华泰山·国泰民安品牌形象在旅游服装中也存在着创新的空间和机会。针对中华泰山·国泰民安品牌形象在旅游服装中的传承与创新,提出了相应的营销策略,包括品牌定位与目标群体分析、传播渠道与推广策略以及品牌形象维护与管理。本研究对于进一步发展中华泰山·国泰民安品牌形象在旅游服装领域的传承与创新具有一定的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

传统营销方式已经无法解决品牌建设面临的核心问题,营销不再是简单的品牌定位,而是涉及到企业的再造,从根本上转变企业文化。  相似文献   

传统营销方式已经无法解决品牌建设面临的核心问题,营销不再是简单的品牌定位,而是涉及到企业的再造,从根本上转变企业文化。  相似文献   

研究品牌文化在服装营销中的重要性,提出服装品牌文化的五种体现途径,指明通过对品牌的文化建设引导服装品牌营销。  相似文献   

旅游商品作为旅游目的地的文化承载体,在旅游文化传承交流中扮演着重要角色。旅游商品开发要以深入挖掘旅游商品自身特性为基础做好旅游商品的包装设计,最大限度刺激旅游者的感官,以形成心理共鸣,引发心理扩张,产生消费欲望,实施消费行为。本文从旅游商品特性视觉对旅游商品的包装问题进行了解读。  相似文献   

如今,一谈到企业商标权或品牌资产的保护,我们常常只联想到法律层面的保护,而往往忽视了非法律层面的保护。品牌资产的法律保护的重要性无须多言,但企业从自身经营层面对品牌的保护绝不可小视,比如从技术层面、生产层面、营销策略层面对品牌资产进行自我保护,往往直接关系着一个品牌的生存和发展。  相似文献   

We study how demarketing interacts with pricing decisions to explain why and when it can be employed as the seller's optimal strategy. In our model, a monopolistic seller offers different price‐quality bundles of the product. A consumer's preference is private information. With demarketing, consumers must make a costly effort to purchase and/or utilize the product, whereas with marketing, the seller instead makes the effort so that the consumer's purchasing decision is independent of the cost of effort. Our result suggests that, for small or large effort costs, it is optimal for the seller to engage in marketing. For intermediate effort costs, however, demarketing can be optimal. With demarketing, the seller induces only the consumers with high valuation to make transaction effort. By doing so, the seller can price discriminate more effectively, thus extracting more surplus. We extend our analysis to the case where the seller can offer special deals through exclusive sales channels along with demarketing. Then, demarketing can be optimal even for large costs of effort.  相似文献   

讲述品牌故事 传递奢侈品理念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在物质极大丰富的今天,品牌故事化更能吸引消费者,奢侈品品牌故事通过一些故事要素传达了品牌所代表的一种精神、一种理念。透过奢侈品的品牌故事,企业将知道如何讲述自己的品牌故事。  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that building brand equity enhances the competitive advantage of retailers in B2B markets. However, limited attention has been paid to the concept of brand equity in B2B retailing contexts, particularly in franchise channels. This study seeks to understand how brand relationships can be leveraged to enhance brand citizenship behavior and ultimately brand equity in franchise channels. Accordingly, this study explores franchisees’ perceptions of their franchise brands, leading to a new conceptualisation of ‘franchisee-based brand equity’. An interpretive research design is employed, comprising of semi-structured interviews with key informants. Findings suggest that franchisors play an important role in promoting brand citizenship behaviour of franchisees, which in turn enhances brand equity. The study provides insight on how to effectively manage brand relationships to enhance franchisees’ brand citizenship behaviour and brand equity. The concept of brand relationships has been discussed widely in consumer markets, but has received limited attention in B2B contexts. In response, this study provides new insight in B2B branding and specifically, in how brand relationships may enhance brand citizenship behaviour and brand equity in B2B markets.  相似文献   

Brands have been developed by consumer companies but have been slow to develop in business-to-business marketing. This article explains the concept of brand equity in a specific industrial marketing setting. In addition, the sources of brand equity are investigated as well as the appropriate communications strategy and the relative importance of brand relative to other purchase criteria. The research method used was a conjoint analysis experiment. The subjects were decision-making unit (DMU) members of industrial companies in South Africa that purchase medium-voltage electrical equipment. Research results suggest that while brand equity has a role to play, price and delivery were more important. However, a price premium can be obtained when a company has high brand equity. Implications for managers are discussed.  相似文献   

扈静雯 《山东纺织经济》2013,(12):71-72,108
服装文化,是国家和民族对外展示生活习惯、风俗民情及对生活的理解和情感,也是人们自身品味的体现。在服装品牌经营理念日趋成熟的今天,企业为更好的宣传品牌,得到大众的认可,服装表演行业应运而生,通过模特表演提升品牌形象、凸显品牌价值。模特行业与服装产业是密不可分的,模特利用自身表现力把服装款式设计的独到之处淋漓尽致地展现在消费者面前,在感受服装与模特的融合之美的同时,产生购买欲望,促进消费。通过优秀模特的服装表演,在充分传达品牌设计理念凸显品牌形象的同时,创造出更多的商业价值、增加服装品牌的销售量。进一步论证时服装模特表演在很大程度上推动了服装品牌的销售发展,为企业服装品牌发展、服装业发展增添了无限的可能性和无尽的活力。  相似文献   

This study explores how network actors participate in branding in the context of SMEs operating in business markets. Branding is conventionally seen as an internally governed process and its exposure to external influences has been generally overlooked. By using narrative interviews this study analyzes the branding actions of network actors which impact on an SME's brand image. This article shows that social and business network relationships influence the SME's brand image, as does the nature of the company's internal branding decisions and identity. The findings propose and define the concept of a branding pool, expanding the focus of branding beyond the boundaries of an individual organization into the context of nets. An SME cannot manage its branding pool, but it can mobilize stakeholders in branding to improve the brand performance in the market.  相似文献   

广告诉求在广告学中是个非常重要的概念。广告必须了解受众的心理特点及心理规律,采取恰当的广告诉求,吸引目标消费者。本文通过分析研究,清理得到平面广告诉求的理论构成因素:广告信息和广告诉求方式。并根据服装品牌的特性,提炼出服装品牌平面广告诉求的理论构成因素,为服装品牌平面广告诉求构成因素的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

在明确服务品牌必须以品牌化的商品为支撑、以个性化的服务为特色、以市场认同为标准、以情感化的营销为载体、以知识化的技能为依托5个基本特征的基础上,阐述了在服务品牌的建设与经营过程中必须考虑的“五要素”及“五度”。提出在现代商业企业培育服务品牌资产、创建良好的服务品牌关系时应该从服务内涵内部化、差异化、建立情感联系、提升服务价值4个战略观点出发,建立商业企业品牌经营的观念,实施以CIS为核心企业形象的策划与宣传,建立以ISO9000为核心的质量管理和质量运行体系。在市场经济的催发下,市场各方主体为了争夺市场份额,抢得生存发展空间,必然产生竞争,为了效益,为了生存而竞争的市场环境使得市场主体创建服务品牌、建设服务品牌,经营品牌成为品牌建设和品牌经营的必然。  相似文献   

Given today's strong emphasis on segmentation and niche marketing, we often overlook the value of broad approaches to our served markets. Ann Keely feels that the buying process can sometimes create a number of opportunities for customers to consider purchasing a brand. In this article, she describes the concept of maxi-niching and shows how it can increase the odds that customers will select a particular brand. In its broadest sense, the process of maxi-niching involves developing perfect products. More realistically, it focuses on maximizing the number and diversity of strengths in the brand's profile. Thus, the brand occupies a varied collection of preference niches, increasing its odds of selection and tipping chance to its advantage.  相似文献   

介绍了质量文化建设的内涵,包括质量观念(理念)文化、质量行为准则、质量体系建设文化、质量创新质量文化、质量品牌战略文化、质量宣教培训文化。就如何培育优良的质量文化进行了初步的探讨,指出,"质量是企业的生命"的观念是质量文化建设的灵魂;领导观念创新是质量文化建设的关键;质量方针是质量文化建设的核心;质量管理创新是质量文化建设的源泉;质量品牌经营是质量文化建设亮点;实施卓越绩效管理模式是质量文化建设的动力;用户满意是质量文化建设的目标。  相似文献   

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