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近些年中国大力发展农业经济,农产品产业发展规模逐渐扩大,全面促进了中国农业经济发展水平的提升。而新时代人们的经济条件都得到了显著的改善,对于农产品质量和食用安全有了更多的关注,农产品的农药残留对农产品食用安全有严重的不良影响,人们若是食用含有农药残留的农产品,会严重危害身体健康。化学检测技术在农产品农药残留检测当中应用,能够有效提升检测准确性,具有应用优势价值。基于此,文章先对农产品农药残留检测重要性进行分析,然后对化学检测技术在农产品农药残留检测当中的具体应用和未来发展应用的建议进行阐述。  相似文献   

中药材中农药残留超标问题一直备受关注,农药残留超标不但影响中药的疗效,对人体健康造成伤害,同时也会制约中药材走向国际市场。文章研究了农药分类及特点,阐明了农药残留的检测方法和技术,为检测人员选择合适的检测手段提供参考依据;分析了中药材被农药污染途径,总结了中药材农药残留的预防手段和降解技术,为中药材种植、运输、生产加工和贮存企业降低农药残留提供技术支持,为中药材的科学监管提供技术保障。  相似文献   

视点一:绿色农药倍受关注2011年,国家高度重视农产品和食品安全,加强对农产品和食品安全整治,促进了我国农药行业的绿色化。多年来,农药残留污染已成为我国农业发展无公害农产品生产的极大障碍,同时,也成为危害人民健康的重要因素。  相似文献   

郁红 《化工管理》2012,(7):30-32
<正>近期的"茶叶农药残留"事件,再次将农药安全问题引入公众视线,议论之声不绝于耳。病从口入,公众对于农产品中的农药残留提出"零容忍"的要求。但是,"零容忍"并不能引申为"零使用"。上个月,农业部发布的农产品中的农药残留及安全问题问答指出,如果不用农药,我国肯定会出现饥荒。记者通过采访相关政府部门、企业和专家了解到,在有关农药残留问题上,社会公众确实存在一些误解。业内人士表示,行业上下一  相似文献   

源起农药有害化学合成农药是由人工研制合成 ,并由化学工业生产的一类农药。其分子结构复杂 ,品种繁多 (常用的约300种 ) ,产量大 ,构成了现代农药的主体。农药有害即主要针对此类农药产品。农药施用后 ,落在植物上和土壤中 ,或进入水中 ,散布在空气中 ,会不断地分解直至完全消失。在这个过程中 ,一些微量农药原体、有毒代谢物、降解物会慢慢地沉积下来 ,残存在生物体、农副产品和环境中 ,称为“农药残留”。由于对农药在自然界、生物体中的运动规律 ,诸如代谢途径、降解方式、残留积蓄等方面知识掌握不够 ,同时也由于早期对农药毒性的认…  相似文献   

为保证我国农产品在国际市场的竞争力,满足人民物质水平日益提高的要求,农业部日前发出关于加强农药残留监控工作的通知。《通知》提出了四个方面的具体要求:   一是提高认识,加强对农药残留监控工作的领导。我国是农药使用大国,年使用量 80~ 100万吨,居世界首位。由于农药品种结构不合理,加上有些使用者违规用药,以及对农药残留监管力度不够,致使我国农副产品中农药残留问题比较突出。随着世界经济贸易一体化的不断推进,农药残留作为技术壁垒在农产品国际贸易中起着重要作用,越来越引起各国政府的重视。   二是严格登记制…  相似文献   

目的探讨农药残留的快速检测方法.方法采用快速测定方法一酶抑制法.结果通过对五种添加农药的蔬菜测定,其回收率为85%~105%,与气相色谱法的测定结果基本一致.结论酶抑制法可以用于蔬菜中农药残留的快速测定.  相似文献   

农业部确定了 2001年我国农药管理工作的要点,全面启动农产品农药残留监控工作。根据农业部《关于加强农药残留监控工作的通知》精神,各级农药管理部门要重点抓好以下几项工作:   一、抓宣传、搞培训,利用各种媒介,采取多种方式,广泛宣传开展农药无残毒监控的重要性,扩大影响,争取领导重视、支持。同时要加强对农民的培训指导,增强农民安全合理使用农药的意识,提高科学用药水平。   二、树样板、抓基地,开展“无农药残毒放心农产品”活动。各地农药管理部门要根据当地的实际情况,以大型农产品生产基地和出口基地以及城市郊…  相似文献   

随着农业生产规模的增大,在农业上使用的农药种类越来越多,在各种农药类型中,有机磷农药应用的范围最广,毒性也最大。如果人类误食含有有机磷农药残留的食物会引起严重的食物中毒。农药残留严重威胁着农产品的质量安全以及人们的生命安全,因此对于农药检测必须加以重视。文章在此基础上,论述了农药检测技术的应用,并详细分析新技术应用的具体措施。  相似文献   

罗乐 《化工管理》2013,(4):119-119
目的对有机氮与菊酯类农药在蔬菜中农药残留的气相色谱法快速检测结果进行分析探讨,为今后的检验工作提供可靠的参考依据。方法通过反复试验,建立黄瓜、白菜、青椒等蔬菜中五氯硝基苯、β-六六六、百菌清、三唑酮等7种有机氮与菊酯类农药残留检测方法。结果利用乙腈对蔬菜样品进行提取、净化后,经气相色谱法展开农药残留测定,结果发现7种农药在蔬菜中的平均添加回收率在88.2%-109.7%之间,RSD在4.21%-7.68%之间,最低检出限在0.0002-0.001mg/kg之间。结论气相色谱法检测蔬菜中有机氮与菊酯类农药残留的方法准确,具有较高的精密度和准确度,操作简单快捷,值得推广。  相似文献   

We study levels and trends in agricultural pesticide use for a large cross-section of countries using FAO data for the period 1990–2009. Our analysis shows that a 1% increase in crop output per hectare is associated with a 1.8% increase in pesticide use per hectare but that the growth in intensity of pesticide use levels off as countries reach a higher level of economic development. However, very few high income countries have managed to significantly reduce the level of intensity of their pesticide use, because decreases in insecticide use at higher income levels are largely offset by increases in herbicide and fungicide use. The results also show very rapid growth in the intensity of pesticide use for several middle income countries such as Brazil, Mexico, Uruguay, Cameroon, Malaysia and Thailand. Complementing our analysis with data from the Rotterdam Convention on Prior Informed Consent (PIC), we show that hazardous pesticides covered in the PIC procedure are more weakly regulated in lower than in higher income countries. We discuss the policy challenges facing developing countries with a rapid growth in pesticide use and recommend a four-pronged strategy, including an environmental tax on pesticides with revenues allocated to long-term investments in awareness building, the development of integrated crop management methods and the setting of food safety standards. The interactions between these measures should help contribute to the effectiveness of the overall strategy package.  相似文献   

随着中国农产品物流规模不断壮大,农产品物流系统无法从源头保证产品采摘、包装、物流中的可信性。为了解决这个问题,提出一种现场作业可视化系统,即将可视化技术应用于农产品防伪溯源监控系统中,从而满足远程管理的需求。对相关可视化技术的一般方法进行了分析,选择COFDM作为主要解决方案。农产品防伪溯源监控系统有效克服了复杂环境下的各类干扰,将物流中的实时监控信息传送到中继通信和监控设备上,并依托公用通信网络或专用通信网络进一步实现广域范围内的实时高质量监控图像传输、存储和浏览。通过实时现场视频监控,消费者可以保证买到真实可信的高质量农产品;生产者可以提高农产品的生产、运输效率,还可以提升相应产品的信誉,促进高质量农产品的销售。  相似文献   

Ryan E. Galt   《Food Policy》2009,34(5):468-476
In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registers pesticides and sets crop-specific tolerances while the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) enforces EPA regulations by testing plant-based foods for pesticide residues. Pesticide treatment histories are almost always unknown, especially on imported produce, posing an empirical question: to what extent do FDA’s residue testing methods used on imported produce correspond to the pesticides used on the crops? In this article I show that FDA residue testing would have missed residues of the majority of pesticides used on two crops exported to the US from Costa Rica in 2003, suggesting that FDA residue testing on imported produce is inadequate in its coverage. Policy recommendations discussed include better communication of US tolerances to exporters around the world; increased testing for pesticides, especially fungicides, that are currently not part of FDA’s regular testing procedures; and the creation of price floors and fair trade relationships in the transnational vegetable market to support farmers’ attempts to comply.  相似文献   

生物农药——21世纪农药的生力军   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
生物农药是人们减少污染、回归自然的一个必然选择。与化学农药相比,生物农药具有无可比拟的优越性,在农作物病虫害的防治和清除杂草方面,生物农药的应用前景广阔。介绍了生物农药的种类(植物源农药,微生物农药,生物体农药),独特的作用机理和在可持续发展中的地位,并展望了它的发展前景。  相似文献   

Subjective risks of having contaminated apples elicited via the Exchangeability Method (EM) are examined in this study. In particular, as the experimental design allows us to investigate the validity of elicited risk measures, we examine the magnitude of differences between valid and invalid observations. In addition, using an econometric model, we also explore the effect of consumers’ socioeconomic status and attitudes toward food safety on subjects’ perceptions of pesticide residues in apples. Results suggest first, that consumers do not expect an increase in the number of apples containing only one pesticide residue, but, rather, in the number of those apples with traces of multiple residues. Second, we find that valid subjective risk measures do not significantly diverge from invalid ones, indicative of little effect of internal validity on the actual magnitude of subjective risks. Finally, we show that subjective risks depend on age, education, a subject’s ties to the apple industry, and consumer association membership.  相似文献   

中国以国家干预、政府主导为特征的农药管理政策,在维护国家粮食安全、环境影响控制和农产品质量安全方面已经取得了较大进展,但目前政府主导、事前监管为主的农药负面影响管理忽视了市场和组织的力量及其在事中和事后监管中的优势,效率亟待提高。文章构建了一个政府监督、调控衣药负面影响的分析框架,应用这一新的分析框架加强和改善政府对农药负面影响的管理和调控,就需要以政府为主体,创新农药管理体制;同时重视发挥、培育市场和组织的力量。  相似文献   

In recent years, labor-intensive agricultural products from developing countries have exhibited inferior performance in international trade due to quality and safety incidents, among which pesticide residue is a major issue. Aiming to improve food quality and safety in the context of cooperatives, we introduced three categories of control measures: outcome control, process control and social control. Based on the Pre-Harvest Interval Standard (PHIS), we selected three indices, farmers’ implementation rate of PHIS, absolute distance to PHIS and relative distance to PHIS, to evaluate appropriateness of pesticides use, reduction of pesticide residue and safety improvements of agricultural products. By using random sampling survey data, we empirically analyzed the marginal effects of control measures and their combinations on food quality and safety standards. The empirical results show that implementing process control, namely, unified production standards or supply of unified agricultural inputs, can comprehensively improve farmers’ implementation rate of PHIS, absolute distance and relative distance to PHIS respectively by 34.9%, 3.2 days and 46.0% on average. While the effects of outcome control (safety inspection) and social control (bonus-penalty incentive or training) are restricted to other measures. Therefore, we suggest cooperatives should take farmers’ features, implementation conditions and the effects of control measures into consideration in order to make a sustainable management plan for improving food quality and safety and enhancing competitiveness in international markets.  相似文献   

Brazil’s emergence as a primary global agricultural producer is often credited to production expansion into soils of the Brazilian savannah or Cerrado. These soils are, however, deficient in important nutrients and prone to degradation, requiring input-intensive processes that suggest a low level of productive efficiency. Employing a sequence of agricultural censuses and a biome approach for characterizing agricultural zones, the present study evaluates the Cerrado’s total factor productivity growth and productive potential. The analysis highlights the resource cost of Brazil’s “Cerrado Miracle,” the role of paved road infrastructure in expanding production opportunities, and the significant production gains that the Cerrado may yet achieve. Results suggest a substantial productivity gap between the Cerrado’s most efficient and average producers, implying that Cerrado production might well be further boosted if average producers succeed in adopting the technologies and management practices of the more efficient operators. More generally, and to the extent the Cerrado model is generalizable elsewhere, agricultural development of the world’s savannahs, such as Sub-Saharan Africa’s Guinea regions, into breadbaskets will be expensive in terms of material inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides, depending for their success therefore on the real prices of these inputs.  相似文献   

本文采用SWOT模型和定性与定量相结合的分析方法,针对新疆"红"、"白"特色农产品,发现品牌建设中存在地理劣势、人才劣势、产品结构劣势及品牌推广劣势的问题,并提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

从农产品物流供应链管理的最终目标:用系统的管理思想最大限度地降低农产品进入市场的成本(成本最小化),获得最大利润(利润最大化),同时使用户的价值最大化和用户的成本最小化出发,针对我国农产品物流供应链中存在的成本过高的问题,进行了分析探讨,提出了我国农产品物流供应链管理的对策。  相似文献   

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