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在经济高速发展、国际形势日益变化的今天,人们不仅能享受到丰富的物质文化成果,也日益感到保护自身利益的重要性。不仅在发达国家,即使在发展中国家和地区,安防市场也正在迅速增长,而这正是中国企业大力拓展海外市场的良机。本期最佳商展将悉数分析全球知名安防展  相似文献   

美国安防市场概况9·11事件彻底改变了美国对恐怖主义的看法,政府和企业都在寻找与恐怖主义威胁作斗争的工具,安防市场从此一片繁荣。由励展博览集团主办、美国安全工业协会协办的美国国际保安产品展览会(ISC)凭借着美国安防市场的繁荣,顺势而上,得到了快速发展。在ISC展上我们可以看到最新安防技术,以及越来越高  相似文献   

2012年中东迪拜安防展览会(Intersec Middle East)于1月15~17日在阿联酋迪拜国际展览中心举办,中东迪拜安防展览会是中东地区规模最大的专业安全消防产品展览会。该展由德国法兰克福展  相似文献   

李璐 《进出口经理人》2007,(12):I0006-I0006
随着全球安防市场的发展,中国安防产品出口前景乐观。本期《借展出海》介绍了世界最大的德国Security Essen安防展;每年2次,分别在美国东、西海岸举办的北美第一大品牌安防展ISC;俄罗斯安防市场异军突起的SST在内的全球顶尖安防展览。希望能够帮助中国企业进军国际安防市场  相似文献   

白龙 《进出口经理人》2014,(6):I0016-I0016
2014年4月8~10日,第12届墨西哥安防、消防、防护展览会在墨西哥城Banamex展览中心成功举办。该展由励展(REED)墨西哥GIPREX展览公司主办.拉美安防协会(ALAS)和Ventas de seguridad安防杂志社协办。  相似文献   

2008年下半年,我从同事手中接过了美国西部光电展(PHOTONICS WEST)的接力棒,启动了和科技展会的首次亲密接触。如今,该展已成长为我所负责的光电行业展会中的主力军,也孕育了很多新的枝丫幼苗。  相似文献   

细分市场作为市场营销的一个重要手段,尤其是作为确定目标市场的依据时,对企业的发展的影响日益突出。本文通过对市场细分概念、原理和基本依据的研究在提出市场细分原则的基础上,从市场细分对企业营销机会、发挥自身优势、扩大市场占有率、等方面分析了市场细分对企业发展的影响。  相似文献   

安晓燕 《商业科技》2014,(13):84-85
市场细分(market segmentation)是市场营销学中一个核心概念之一,细分市场作为市场营销的一个重要手段,尤其是作为确定目标市场的依据时,对企业的发展的影响日益突出。本文通过对市场细分概念、原理的研究,从市场细分对企业营销机会、发挥自身优势、增强企业竞争力等方面分析了市场细分对企业发展的影响。  相似文献   

励展博览集团(Reed Exhibitions)旗下ISC系列国际安防展日前在墨西哥新增了两个安防与安全展会。同地联合举办的墨西哥安防展(Expo Seguridad Mexico)和墨西哥工业安全展(Mexico Safety Expo)是励展博览集团旗TISC系列安防展(美国及全球实体安防系列展会)的最新成员。  相似文献   

或许是竞争过于激烈,或许是市场变化太快,着眼于未来的发展,很多企业将目光盯上了细分市场。  相似文献   

在全球化的背景下,生产要素跨越国界流动,使得产生于经济全国化背景下的国家社会保障制度面临着越来越大的挑战,需要国际层面的制度安排来建立社会保障领域的国际秩序.但是由于外部性和搭便车、缺乏权威性的实施制度变迁的主体、变革成本高等因素的影响导致社会保障全球治理制度供给不足.本文从新制度经济学及博弈论的相关理论出发,对全球化背景下国家社会保障制度的困境以及社会保障领域国际无秩序的原因进行了系统分析,做出了新的阐释,并就如何走向社会保障全球治理提出了相应的对策.  相似文献   

This research shows that perceptions of bank service quality are segment specific. Different segments use different ser- vice determinants in evaluating their overall perceptions of bank ser- vice quality and the satisfaction of their banking relationship. In addition, different determinants affect their willingness to recom- mend the bank to a friend. Understanding these differences can make the bank more effective in delivering a high level of service.  相似文献   

The proliferation of sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) has resulted in an unstable political, legal, and regulatory environment for this form of foreign direct investment (FDI). This article explains SWF growth over the last half‐century; discusses issues surrounding SWF “transparency” and host‐country national security risk; reviews the legal and regulatory structures governing FDI in major national economies; examines proposed regulatory approaches to structure the FDI environment; and concludes with a discussion of SWF regulatory policy recommendations addressing corporate governance principles, national security restrictions on equity investment, and investment reciprocity, and suggests recommendations for executives considering engaging an SWF investment partner. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Multichannel Shopper Segments and Their Covariates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

2010年即将过去,世界经济在缓慢复苏中度过,世界商展也在平稳中闪出亮点.我们发现,在世界商展百强的很多热展中,欧美展商有所减少,亚洲展商则积极进取.世界商展重心东移加速,欧洲品牌展览加速向亚洲移植,开办子展;新能源、环保、工程机械、汽车、石油、医疗、游戏和珠宝等行业展览加速扩展;中国展览跃过成长关键期,中国国际机床展览会(CIMT)等一批名展跨入世界商展百强行列.一扫年初的担忧,中国出口企业表现相当活跃,2010年赴境外参展人数增加,参展面积加大,很多大展的展位都早早售罄.参展的地区更加多元化,出口企业不仅仅瞄准欧美,中东和中国香港地区,东盟、中亚的一些重点国家,以及日本、巴西、俄罗斯等国家也成为出展企业选展的重点.此外,中国在国外自主举办商展的数量增多,其中的佼佼者已经崭露头角.  相似文献   

不断上升的石油价格以及硫化物和二氧化碳等排放附加费的增加有可能进一步推高实际燃油成本.要应对这一挑战,海事行业必须前瞻性地采用新技术。日前,德国劳氏船级社(GL)在上海召开第十六届中国委员会会议,来自中国造船和航运行业的100多位委员及代表参加了会议。会上,GL的专家与参会者分享了一系列提高船舶能源利用效率的创新解决方案,  相似文献   

The proliferation of new touchpoints empowers today’s customers to design their own journey from search to purchase. To address this new complexity, we segment customers by their use of specific touchpoints in the customer journey, investigate the association of several covariates with segment membership, consider the rise of mobile devices as potential “game changers” of existing segments, and explore how the relationships among product satisfaction, journey satisfaction, customer inspiration, and customer loyalty differ across segments. Based on anticipated utility theory and using latent class analyses on large-scale data from two samples of 2,443 and 2,649 journeys, we identify five time-consistent segments―store-focused shoppers, pragmatic online shoppers, extensive online shoppers, multiple touchpoint shoppers, and online-to-offline shoppers―that differ considerably in their touchpoint and mobile device usage, their segment-specific covariates, and their search and purchase patterns. The five segments remain unchanged in the two data sets even though the usage of mobile devices has increased substantially. Furthermore, we find that the relationships between various loyalty antecedents and customer loyalty differ between the segments. The insights from this paper help retailers develop segment-specific customer journey strategies.  相似文献   

国际分部报告准则的最新发展及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>2006年11月30日IASB发布国际财务报告准则第8号——经营分部报告(IFRS8),IFRS8将于2009年1月1日起在年度财务报告和中期报告中使用,在此之前鼓励使用。IFRS8的发布是基于国际会计准则第14号——分部报告(IAS14)与美国财务会计准则第131号——企业分部和相关信息的披露(SFAS131)的比较修订而来。  相似文献   

Segments of sustainable food consumers: a literature review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sustainable food consumption is an important aspect of sustainable development. When adopting a sustainable food lifestyle, consumers are confronted with complex choices. Today's food consumption is too complex to be explained by socio‐demographic factors exclusively. A broader perspective is needed. In order to explain behaviour across different consumer segments better, relatively homogenous segments of food consumers were identified by segmenting food consumers based on a wide range of variables. The current study aims to provide an overview of published studies that have segmented consumers with regard to sustainable food consumption. The literature review has been conducted by searching SciVerse Scopus for all relevant articles available until November 2010. The main criterion for including a specific study was the inclusion of empirical analyses of primary data, resulting in consumer segments with regard to sustainable food consumption. Sixteen articles were incorporated in the final analysis. First, the variables used for segmentation and profiling in the included articles have been categorized into three levels of abstraction: personality characteristics, food‐related lifestyles and behaviour. The three levels of abstraction proved to be helpful in categorizing the segmentation studies. The findings indicate that variables on all three levels were efficient in differentiating consumer segments regarding sustainability. In addition, the importance of price and health differed across the segments, although these variables are only indirectly related to sustainability. Second, the three most frequently identified consumer segments with regard to sustainable food consumption were: ‘greens’, ‘potential greens’ and ‘non‐greens’. These segments differed from one another on all three levels of abstraction. This implies that future segmentation studies should include variables on all levels of abstraction to get a complete picture of existing sustainable consumer segments. Marketers should be aware that targeting specific segments based on socio‐demographic variables exclusively is not sufficient. Personality characteristics, lifestyle and behaviour are all important to take into consideration. Attempts at stimulating sustainable consumption might be most effective when differences across consumer segments are taken into account. Future research is needed to explore the characteristics of different sustainable food consumer segments with respect to their potential contributions in promoting sustainable development.  相似文献   

本文对调味带鱼软罐头常压杀菌工艺进行了较系统的探讨,并对其影响产品质量的关键工艺参数进行了研究。实验表明:带鱼块经油炸后,在pH为4.2、盐度为2%、糖度为16%的调味液中调味,接着在60℃~65℃的条件下烘干脱水至鱼块含水量为40%~42%,然后抽真空封口,并于100℃的水中杀菌40~45分钟后可达到商业无菌并长期保存的目的。  相似文献   

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