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利用2015年"中国企业-员工匹配调查"(CEES)数据,本文对参与技能培训对员工工资的因果效应进行了实证检验,结果表明:参与技能培训对员工工资具有稳健的正向因果效应,平均处理效应(ATE)在6.3%~7.3%之间;不同技能培训对员工工资存在异质性影响,与母语技能和专业技能培训相比,英语能力、管理技能和交流沟通培训对员工工资的促进作用更加显著。 相似文献
在宏观经济发展进入新常态、去产能、去库存、去杠杆、降成本和补短板的背景下,清理处置僵尸企业成为必然。在本文的调查样本中僵尸企业的比重达到10.08%。遵循内生增长学派企业家活动配置的理论逻辑,本文研究僵尸企业形成的内生因素。Probit回归结果表明,企业家非生产性活动的投入过高会对创新式的生产性活动产生挤出效应,这是僵尸企业形成的内在原因。进一步OLS回归发现,具有政治关联的民营企业更偏向于通过参与非生产性活动来获取发展资源,尽管国有企业的僵尸占比高于非国有企业,但其非生产性支出没有显著高于非国有企业。据此,本文认为:企业家作为企业发展的重要生产要素,应当将更多的能力与精力投入到生产性活动中来,通过提高创新能力,形成核心竞争优势;同时政府应退出对市场的过度干预,完善竞争型政策,缩小寻租空间,为市场主体创造有序、良好的退出机制。 相似文献
作为人力资本非认知能力(non-cognitive skills)的重要因素,人格经济学已成为劳动力市场研究的新兴热点。在系统梳理现有研究成果的基础上,本文运用中国企业—员工匹配调查(CEES)数据,就大五人格特征对于劳动力工资的影响效应进行了基于微观一手调查数据的实证检验。基准回归结果表明,开放性、严谨性等积极的人格特征对于劳动力工资具有显著的促进作用,而对于现阶段中国劳动力市场而言,以开放性为代表的创新型人格特征较为稀缺,其对于工资收入的边际贡献更为明显。在此基础上,本文以开放性人格特征为例,选取处理效应的识别策略,就人格特征对于劳动力工资的因果效应进行了稳健性检验。估计结果表明,开放性人格特征对于工资收入的促进效应均在至少5%显著性水平上满足因果推断的统计要求,而以员工冒险精神、风险偏好指数作为开放性人格特征的替代变量,也得到了相似的估计结果。 相似文献
民营中小企业制度创新:一个基于企业家的解释 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
关于民营中小企业制度创新过程中企业家如何定位,到底肯定还是否定了企业家以及制度缺失等问题,本文从另一个角度做出了客观评述,认为民营中小企业家在制度创新时不应只是简单地退休到“幕后”-交出经营权,而是应作为企业制度创新的主导力量。因此本文把企业家创新视为民营中小企业制度创新的关键核心部分,并提出了相应的战略路径安排。 相似文献
企业家精神与经济增长:企业家创新行为的经济学分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
企业家精神是企业家群体所共有的价值观体系,体现为他们所共有的特质,如创新性、抗风险性、工作态度和自身价值感等等。这些特质会影响企业家的创新行为,是决定内涵型经济增长的重要因素。增强国民的企业家精神,促进国民创新投入的增加,是提高中国全要素生产率和实现经济又好又快发展的关键。 相似文献
通过构建动态面板模型,利用Sys-GMM实证检验了企业家精神对水足迹的影响,结果发现,企业家精神提高了中国水足迹,其通过经济增长效应、出口规模效应、水污染效应和产业结构效应促进了水足迹提高,该提高作用高于其通过要素配置效应、技术进步效应和产业集聚效应对水足迹的降低作用,其中,企业家创业精神促进了中国水足迹提高,企业家创新精神有利于中国水足迹降低。分地区来看,三大地区企业家精神均促进了水足迹增长,东部地区企业家精神对水足迹的提高作用较小;三大地区企业家创业精神也促进了水足迹提高,东部地区企业家创业精神对水足迹的提高作用较小;三大地区企业家创新精神则有助于水足迹降低,东部地区企业家创新精神对水足迹的降低作用较大。 相似文献
发现。为此,本文的政策建议是:政府应该将政策重心从产业政策转向竞争性政策,通过构建公平竞争的市场环境,厘清政府与市场二者的边界,避免企业家依靠政治关联对政府资源的“俘获”。只有构建公平竞争的市场经济秩序,企业家的创新潜能才能得到充分释放,并从微观机理上解决我国的产能过剩问题。 相似文献
企业家精神与中国经济增长——基于C-D生产函数的实证研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
本文试图研究企业家精神对中国宏观经济增长的影响。通过对企业家精神衡量标准的比较分析表明,企业进入情况较好地反映了中国转轨时期企业家的创新行为。因此,企业进入比率是衡量企业家精神的较好尺度。将企业家精神纳入到C-D函数中,假定企业家精神与经济增长存在线性关系,通过实证研究表明,企业家精神对中国经济增长的贡献显著。从企业进入情况来看,在资本、劳动力以及技术因素不变条件下,企业进入比率增加1个百分点,经济增长率提高0.54个百分点。 相似文献
ABSTRACTThe existing literature suggests that worker’s cognitive and non-cognitive abilities have a significant impact on wages. However, presently there is little research in this area of ??China’s labor force, due to scanty data. To this end, this Paper conducted a CEES-based data research, which found that, the cognitive and non-cognitive abilities of male, skilled workers have a greater impact on their wages, as compared with those of the female, unskilled workers. The OLS regression based on the Mincer Wage Equation found that, the impact of non-cognitive abilities on wages is generally larger than that of the cognitive abilities. All cognitive abilities have a positive impact on wages, wherein English proficiency has the greatest elasticity of wages, which is 12.1%. Of all non-cognitive abilities, Conscientiousness has the highest wage elasticity, which is 13.6%, whereas Agreeableness has a negative wage elasticity of ?6.32%.Abbreviations: CEES: Chinese Employer-Employee Survey OLS: Ordinary least squares 相似文献
ABSTRACTHow international trade fosters firm innovation is crucial in understanding how economic integration boosts productivity growth. This study uses the Chinese Employer-Employee Survey data set, which contains detailed, firm-level information on exports, imports, and innovation. The study documents several stylized facts characterizing the interaction between international trade and innovation among Chinese firms. The main findings are that exporters and importers are exceptional in production and innovation; exporters are more inclined to import material and machinery inputs; domestic and private firms do not seem to be more innovative than their counterparts.Abbreviations: CEES: Chinese Employer-Employee Survey; FIE: Foreign investment enterprise; NBS: National Bureau of Statistics of China; SOE: State-owned enterprise 相似文献
企业家与企业家型中小企业 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
时代变化使得企业家的作用越来越突出,甚至可以说我们迎来了一个企业家时代,而企业家型中小企业是企业家时代的核心。企业家型中小企业的特征主要体现在注重创新,敢于冒险等方面。我们培育并促进更多的企业家型中小企业健康发展。 相似文献
Bing Ma 《Frontiers of Economics in China》2012,7(1):70
This paper presents a systematic analysis of the impact of socioeconomic status (SES) on overweight and obesity in China and investigates how and why the SES-obesity gradient differs with age. Using a longitudinal sample drawn from the China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS), I find that body mass index (BMI) is positively associated with SES during early childhood but becomes inversely related to childhood SES as children age into adulthood. Estimation results show that children from low SES families are less likely to be overweight or obese than their median and high SES peers. The results from subsamples stratified by living area reveal that the SES gaps of obesity are generally larger for urban residents than rural residents. Females are significantly less likely to be overweight than males in China. The SES during childhood has independent effects after controlling for respondents’ contemporaneous SES. The relationship between the contemporaneous SES of a male adult and his chance of being overweight or obese is significantly positive, while the contemporaneous SES of a female adult is negatively related to her chance of being overweight or obese. 相似文献
Kunyuan Qiao 《Frontiers of Economics in China》2013,8(1):91
We investigate consumption inequality in China both theoretically by constructing a theoretical model that delineates the transmission channels by which income shocks affect consumption and empirically through an Unequally Spaced Dynamic Panel Data model estimation. We find that China is experiencing consumption inequality with the full partial insurance of consumption against both permanent and transitory income shocks, although the impact of both types of shock are larger than the case of the United States. The results are due to precautionary savings motives of the Chinese. We further document how income becomes more dispersed in China and show how the family background of a child affects his outcome to a large extent. Policy implications based on our findings are proposed. 相似文献
In this paper we estimate relative consumer price levels as of 2008 for 36 major Chinese cities, using an innovative method purposely designed to rectify three main defects of the existing literature, which are (1) the under-representation of marketized services in the sample data, (2) biased consumption weights, and (3) a mismatch between sample classification and consumption weights. Our estimation results show the “subnational Penn effect” as defined by Tang (2012), i.e., strong inter-city correlations among population size, the relative price level, per capita nominal and real income, and human capital stock, thereby showing that the theoretical model of inter-city price dispersion proposed by Tang (2012) is applicable in China. Our conclusion, methodology, and estimation results have important implications for various aspects of the Chinese economy including the regional, urban and real-estate economies. 相似文献
营商环境、企业寻租与市场创新——来自中国企业营商环境调查的经验证据 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
本文旨在考察优化营商环境是否有助于消除寻租影响、促进企业市场创新。基于世界银行对中国企业营商环境的调查数据,利用二值选择模型研究发现,在市场机制尚未健全的转型经济中,寻租作为非正规补偿手段和"关系资本",一定程度上对市场创新产生了扭曲的正面影响;优化营商环境显著影响企业寻租与市场创新的关系,对消除寻租影响、促进创新有积极作用。分样本研究结果表明,优化营商环境显著调节寻租对企业不同创新活动的影响,有利于无寻租企业开展自主创新。本文结论为持续优化营商环境,消除体制性的负面产物,进而提高市场创新活力提供了政策启示。 相似文献