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The U.S. government has ended all pending decisions to impose quotas on Chinese textile imports and let go part of the goods blocked at the port, said the official website of the Mthistry of Commerce (MOFCOM),  相似文献   


Western Europe is in the process of an entrepreneurial renaissance. An integral part of this renaissance is the emergence of a venture capital industry in Europe. Although the venture capital institution in Europe is very much modeled along the lines of its American counterpart, it is significantly smaller in size both in absolute terms as well as in relation to the size of the economy. Substantial differences in venture capital activity are also found to exist within Europe,it is most prevaient in the United Kingdom, France, and Netherlands. Surprisingly, it is less developed in West Germany, particularly given the size of this country's economy.Venture capital in Western Europe shares some characteristics with that in the United States. Its investment focus is in high technology, and syndication between funds is common. Unlike the United States, however, banks are a major source of venture capital funds. Surprisingly, in spite of the economic integration to which the European Community aspires, the mobility of venture capital across national boundaries is low.The authors try to explain differences in venture capital activity in several countries of the European Community by examining four aspects of each country's environment. In particular, the size of the technology sector, the cultural influence on entrepreneurial risk-taking, the government's policy to stimulate risk capital and entrepreneurship. and finally, the ability of venture-backed firms to turn to publicly traded markets as a source of future financing. One common factor shared by the three countries with the highest level of venture capital activity is the presence of a secondary stock market geared to the needs of a small, relatively new venture contemplating an initial public offering. The Unlisted Securities Market in the United Kingdom, the Seconde Marché in France, and the Parallel Market in the Netherlands serve these needs and provide the mechanism by which venture capitalists can liquidate their equity position after the venture is quoted on these financial markets. To the venture it provides access to public financing for funding continued growth.In the United Kingdom and Netherlands, the business enterprise has historically been regarded as a tradeable entity and hence the concept of ownership by passive investors is well accepted. In France, where this is a relatively recent phenomenon, the government has played a strong role in stimulating an interest in stock market investing in general. It has also created some extremely attractive fiscal incentives for investors in venture capital funds.  相似文献   

Independently of the results of the Summit Conference in Paris it can be said that the entry of Great Britain, Ireland and Denmark into the EEC and the Free Trade Treaties between the enlarged Community and the remaining EFTA countries have decisively advanced the integration process in Western Europe.  相似文献   

This paper explores investment patterns of Western firms which became active in Eastern Europe since the fall of the Soviet Empire. Strategic market characteristics and resulting entry strategies are depicted. Contrary to general belief, the conclusion is drawn that weak, not strong, companies have invested, bearing severe implications for financiers.  相似文献   

There is growing awareness that some fundamental change has for some time been affecting the major European economies, involving a shift of manufacturing away from the developed market economies of Europe towards the developing countries. The following article analyses the process of European deindustrialisation and discusses some of the possible consequences.  相似文献   

曾培炎 《中国市场》2010,(33):90-95
<正>连载1内容简介2010年是西部大开发十周年,年初中央举办了隆重活动,纪念西部大开发十年来走过的不平凡道路。曾培炎同志长期担任国家计委主任、国务院副总理等重要职务,是西部大  相似文献   

曾培炎 《中国市场》2010,(37):91-96
<正>西气东输是将新疆塔里木等西部气田的天然气,输送到长江三角洲等中东部地区的宏大工程。它包括气田开发、输气管道建设、天然气利用等项目。其中输气管道工程干线全长近四千公里,是我国目前已建的距离最长、管径最大、输气量最大、施工条件最复杂的天然气管道。在西部大开发战略中,西气东输是起步之  相似文献   

曾培炎 《中国市场》2010,(42):91-95
<正>2000年6月,江泽民同志在谈到西部大开发的前景时曾提出:"力争用五年到十年时间,使西部地区基础设施和生态环境建设有明显进展,加快资源优势向经济优势转化的进程,初步形成具有西部特色的地区经济,使西部与东、中部地区差距扩大的趋势得到控制。"  相似文献   

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