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Whether companies are extending or defending international markets, decision makers often are advised to carefully consider their products' country-of-origin images for their marketing and sales activities. Although extensive research shows the dominant effect of country-of-origin images in consumer markets, some doubt arises when shifting to business markets. Here, image differences may weaken due to longstanding practices of market interaction between customers and suppliers, and the discriminatory power of country-of-origin image may fade. To shed light on this issue, the authors first propose the novel concept of the supplier-country-image (SCI). They develop a corresponding SCI measurement scale and empirically validate it. Their survey of 157 German and French purchasing agents from automotive and machinery manufacturers yields a database of 628 ratings for four supplier countries of origin: Germany, France, the United States, and Japan. The authors then use the scale to provide evidence that SCIs indeed vary when purchasing agents evaluate suppliers from different countries. These agents exhibit cross-national invariance in their SCI, such that the authors are able to use the German and French rater subsamples to create manifest SCI profiles for the four supplier countries of origin.  相似文献   

Simons J  Stipp D 《Fortune》2004,150(9):90-2, 94, 96-7 passim

We examine an incumbent's trade-off between the improved efficiency that business expansion facilitates and the signaling role that business expansion plays in conveying information to potential entrants about the state of demand. We demonstrate that both separating and pooling equilibria survive the Intuitive Criterion. Essentially, in contrast to models with asymmetric information about unit cost, incumbents' benefits from investing in a signal are not necessarily monotonic in the state of demand. We investigate how the extent of informativeness of the outcome depends on the enhanced efficiency that the incumbent's expansion facilitates and the priors of the entrant.  相似文献   

There have been considerable changes in the way that Research and Development (R&D) has been managed over recent years, many of which have been influenced by the external environment. These have been discussed in a number of publications with much of the debate centring around the movement from the so‐called first generation to fifth generation models of R&D management.
What has not been debated to the same extent are the implications of recent and likely future trends in R&D management for the way performance is, and should be, measured. In this paper we focus on these implications, drawing upon both the existing literature on performance measurement (PM) in R&D and our own research into organisations which have chosen to move towards a more profit‐centred approach to the management of their technical resources.
Finally, we present and discuss the findings of our review, which indicate that although there are common features, some differences, requiring careful consideration by management, can be identified when movement from a cost‐ to a profit‐centred approach occurs.  相似文献   

Simons J 《Fortune》2002,146(1):89-90, 92, 94

One of the major obstacles to effective pricing emanates from difficulties experienced in predicting business buyers' price sensitivity. With a view to obviating these obstacles, this study examines the effect of five key physical distribution service quality dimensions on price sensitivity from the perspective of small and medium retail buyers. Based on a survey of 233 cellular phone retailers in China, the authors articulate how the five salient service quality dimensions exert either direct effects on price sensitivity or indirect impacts through perceived value and customer satisfaction. Theoretical and managerial implications are also provided for effective retailer relationship management, profitability improvement, and customer segmentation in distribution channels.  相似文献   

The article describes Vietnam's economic prospects. Using the World Bank model (1993), the study is based on a documentary research and interviews carried out in Vietnam. The inadequate business environment in Vietnam which is highlighted, implies that Vietnam far from being a tiger should be described as a young jaguar, following in the footsteps of Thailand or Indonesia, all of which are trying to catch up with the four tigers.  相似文献   

In a widely cited paper, Rumelt (1991) presents estimates of the relative influence of corporate, business unit, and other influences on business unit profitability and finds the corporation explains almost none of the variability in business unit profitability. Using a Monte Carlo simulation, we examine the relation of variance component magnitudes to other indicators of the importance of a particular effect. Our results demonstrate that variance components can be an extremely nonlinear indicator of importance. We also question whether Rumelt's corporate effect represents the possible contributions of corporate strategy to business unit performance. This addresses a puzzle raised by Rumelt (1991) concerning the small effect of corporations in explaining performance, and suggests that Rumelt's findings should not be seen as demonstrating the insignificance of corporate strategy. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Over the last decade or so, the term ‘dark-side’ in referring to business relationships has been increasingly used in academic discourse. Despite such a growth in the number of studies, relatively little critique has been offered among scholars. The fact that effectively managing the dark side of business relationships has potentially greater influence of contributing to inter-organizational success beyond more focus on the positive side necessitates an urgent critique surrounding ‘what is dark about the dark side of business relationships?’ Thus, we aim to provide an overview relating to the ‘dark side’ of business relationships in a quest to generate greater debate on the subject.  相似文献   

Digital transformation is requiring companies to rethink and innovate their business models (BMs). However, small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have scarce time and resources for experimenting with their BMs and implementing new strategies. This paper examines whether SMEs that undergo digital transformation perform better if they allocate more resources for BM experimentation and engage more in strategy implementation. An empirical study was conducted on 321 European SMEs that actively use social media, big data, and information technology to innovate their BMs. Furthermore, structural equation modelling showed positive overall firm performance effects of more resource allocation to BM experimentation and more engagement in practices of strategy implementation. These effects were mediated by BM experimentation practices and company innovativeness. Moreover, fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) revealed the presence of equifinality by identifying different configurations in which these antecedent conditions affect overall firm overall performance. The results of two methodological approaches showed that SMEs may take different routes to improve their performance when digital transformation is changing their BM. This paper is one of the first to analyse how SMEs can handle the impact of digitalization by spending more time and effort on innovating their BMs. Practical and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite an increasing variety of technological means enabling business people to exchange information without ever meeting in person, the events industry continues to grow. To help to understand why this is, a study was conducted based on 35 in-depth interviews with attendees and event organizers. The findings highlight the main types of value individuals extracted and identify the implications for measurement practice for what, where, how and when to assess value. These insights can help in determining the ROI of networking events for businesses.  相似文献   

This paper explains why the coordination of satellite orbits and spectrum use among nations may become more contentious and protracted. The potential for greater risks, delays, and conflicts may occur, despite treaty-level commitments by most nations to promote the peaceful uses of outer space and access to radio spectrum and satellite orbits free of signal interference and collision risk. Heretofore, specialized sectors of the United Nations (“UN”) have worked effectively in forging multilateral consensus on these matters.Since the onset of artificial satellite technology, the UN has created five space-related treaties covering such issues such as freedom of exploration, liability for damage caused by space objects, the prevention of harmful interference with space activities and the environment, the notification and registration of space activities, exploitation of natural resources in outer space and settlement of disputes. The International Telecommunication Union (“ITU”), a specialized agency of the UN, has largely achieved the goal of preventing harmful signal interference, formulating technical standards promoting equipment compatibility, and establishing uniform, operational rules of the road. Until now, month long ITU spectrum planning conferences have reached closure on both mundane and critical matters, albeit at a slow and methodical pace.The paper explains how several chronic and emerging factors challenge the successful record of multilateral consensus building on space and spectrum resource management issues. The probability of collisions of spacecraft with other objects, including space debris and harmful signal interference has increased, because the United States has opted to make domestic satellite rules and frequency allocations and in advance of final ITU consideration. Additionally, initiatives by China and Russia to expand the ITU’s mission to include elements of Internet governance could promote balkanization of Internet access and recognize the sovereign right of individual nations to surveil and control access to broadband networks.The paper assesses whether and how UN agencies can continue to establish timely and effective policies and procedures for reducing space debris and the potential for spacecraft collisions, and preventing harmful signal interference. The paper concludes that China, Russia, and the U.S., should renew efforts to promote collegiality, consensus building, and longstanding, shared goals at UN and ITU conferences.  相似文献   

Despite being still under development, it is envisaged that 5G networks will provide a ‘fibre-like’ experience to mobile users. As such, they are expected to accommodate services with very different requirements in terms of latency, bandwidth and reliability, among others, for the vertical sectors. However, the European Union has just approved the Telecommunications Single Market Regulation, which enshrines the network neutrality principle and guarantees that ‘all traffic through the Internet is treated equally’. This article explores the potential conflict between net neutrality regulation and future 5G services, particularly regarding network virtualisation. We present a discussion on the challenges of building net neutrality upon judgements on whether traffic optimisation is objectively necessary. This proves complex in a technological environment that envisions network ‘slices’ created and priced on-demand according to the Quality of Service (QoS) required by specific applications at any given time. In addition, we argue that the ‘anything-as-a-service’ paradigm might turn into an important source of innovation for the future Internet infrastructure layer, and thus for the ecosystem as a whole.  相似文献   

Who will win the bidding to become the sole producer of a new product: the monopolist of a related product or a new entrant? When there exists potential entry to the monopolist’s existing business, the standard result that monopoly persists (Gilbert and Newbery, ‘Preemptive Patenting and the Persistence of Monopoly’, American Economic Review, 72, pp. 514–526, 1982) may or may not hold, depending crucially on how the new product relates to the existing product of the monopolist. The monopolist tends to win the bidding and to dominate both products if the two products are strategic complements; and the entrant tends to win the bidding if the two products are strategic substitutes.  相似文献   

Usually, the development of a technology interacts with the development of business methods, which are needed to enter the application fields. For some years now, it is possible to analyse their interaction as, next to technological innovations, business method innovations can be patented. To investigate this interplay, we select the case of radio frequency identification devices (RFID) – a technology that first emerged many years ago, but is still undergoing further development. We analyse approximately 37,000 patents related to RFID technology from the period between 1990 and 2014, differentiating between technological and business method patents, by means of bibliographic and semantic analyses, using one well established and one novel informetric measure. Contrary to our expectations, the results point to technological innovations that are not ensued but constantly accompanied by business methods. Furthermore, we identify two types of players, that is technology and application specialists. There is a clear distinction between these two types, though all companies of both types apply for technological as well as business method patents. As our semantic analysis reveals, RFID were successively introduced in their application fields between 1998 and 2008, starting with industrial applications, and then moving on to service applications. In future, technology managers should develop strategies based on the interaction between technological and business method patents, keeping in mind the early start and sequential development of different application fields.  相似文献   

Coopetition interactions are traditionally divided into competing activities close to the customer, called output activities (e.g., sales and marketing), and cooperating activities far from the customer, known as input activities (e.g., logistics, production and R&D). In many coopetition networks, most of the cooperation has been in input activities, essentially meaning that little research is conducted in coopetition business networks with cooperative activities close to the customer. This article closes the gap by investigating coopetition in an ICT business network comprising small-to-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the B2B sector. The purpose of this paper is to increase understanding of cooperation between competing firms by analyzing the success factors of cooperative activities close to the customer that lead to a positive outcome of coopetition. The results of the study show that some case companies are more competition oriented, whereas the others are more cooperation oriented. At the activity level of analysis, cooperation occurs in branding, marketing, joint customers, and delivery of services; whereas companies compete in local services, marketing campaigns, and pricing. In addition, our study shows that certain success factors for coopetition are highlighted, particularly in output activities such as activeness, geographical distance and personal resources.  相似文献   

Food price volatility and high transactions costs remain major problems in African food markets. These persistent problems provide a strong theoretical justification for the development of commodity exchanges. However, the majority of African commodity exchanges remain underdeveloped. Through a case study of the Zambian Agricultural Commodity Exchange (ZAMACE), this article explores why agricultural commodity exchanges in the region have thus far failed to develop into sustainable trading platforms and identifies the most important changes needed to enhance their performance.  相似文献   

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