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李建华 《旅游时代》2013,(5):21-23,20
百龄坛(Ballantines)始创于1827年的著名苏格兰威士忌品牌百龄坛,由乔治·百龄坛(George Ballantine)先生在苏格兰首府爱丁堡酿造出的第一瓶佳酿揭开了该品牌辉煌荣耀的历史传奇。时至今日,这一传统苏格兰调和型威士忌的卓越代表,仍世代延续180年不变的酿造传统和超凡口感,以"真正的苏格兰威士忌"享誉全球。而到今天,百龄坛已经占领了欧洲大部分市场,成为了一个全球性品牌。现代百龄坛的成功始于20世纪70年代,当时百龄坛总部所在的丹巴顿地区建立了被誉为欧洲最好的混合灌装厂的工厂,到2005年,百龄坛被法国葡萄酒与烈酒  相似文献   

20世纪90年代,在江西腹地交通罕至的一片地方,有个保存完好的古村落被外界发现,因其悠久的历史与严谨的宗族传承、完整的建筑群落被冠以千古第一村中国传统农业社会的最后标本等美名。这个村庄地处抚州市乐安县牛田镇,名日流坑。至今那里的交通还是令游人头痛的,无论从南昌、吉安,还是鹰潭、抚州,  相似文献   

“N+3+4”:旅游目的地需求导向发展新框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对旅游目的地发展从"供给导向"(卖资源)到"需求导向"(卖体验)的转型,笔者近年整理出一个旅游目的地市场、营销、品牌的框架体系,概括起来就是:N维市场分析 3地营销建设 4步品牌提升,在这里不揣冒昧提出来供大家讨论.  相似文献   

正中国旅游研究肇始于20世纪80年代,是随着中国旅游业的发展应运而生。虽然中国旅游业是改革开放后第一个"睁开眼睛看世界"的行业,但中国旅游业的发展路径与大多数发达国家迥然不同,中国是在短缺经济的环境中优先发展入境旅游的。随着中国社会经济由双轨制逐渐并轨成单轨制,旅游市场由入  相似文献   

韩亮 《旅游时代》2012,(5):14-15
人们都知道前苏联的一部著名小说《钢铁是怎样练成的》,其实不仅是钢铁,世界上任何一样事物的成长过程都是十分曲折和坎坷的,但其中也往往存在着智慧。洋河从中国传统八大名酒中,一跃而成为了茅五洋三分天下之一的一方诸侯,它究竟是怎样练成的呢?近年来,洋河凭借蓝色经典系列在几年的时间内迅速跻身中国白酒前三强,成为一线高端品牌。洋河成为中国老八大名酒品牌重塑的典范,也成为  相似文献   

李正曦 《旅游时代》2012,(11):14-17
四川剑南春集团有限责任公司是中国著名大型白酒企业,位于历史文化名城——绵竹,地处川西平原,自古便是酿酒宝地。公司以酒类经营为主业,总资产90亿元,现有员工10000余人,其中从事酒类生产经营的约7000人。目前,剑南春的生产规模和贮存规模居全国白酒行业第二位。多年来,剑南春集团公司保持了持续稳步发展的好势头,是中国白酒行业的前三强。剑南春是古代史书有记载的中国名酒,具有悠远的历史以及厚重的文化底蕴。在经历了现代市场经济的考  相似文献   

喜欢购买信任产品是中国内地游客跨境购物的一大特点,其根源主要在于国内信任产品行业危机,这场危机的重要原因就是制度信任的缺失.研究认为,在跨境购买信任产品的情景下,制度信任会通过调节产品外部属性对购物意愿的作用,从而在境内外的老字号与初创品牌之间形成一种强者愈强,弱者愈弱的“马太效应”.通过两个情景实验,探讨境内外不同的制度信任对品牌历史、用户规模和参考群体这3个产品外部属性的调节作用.结果表明:(1)制度信任会调节品牌历史和用户规模对购买意愿的影响,也会调节品牌历史和参考群体对购买意愿的影响.(2)对于老字号而言,制度信任会增强消费者的从众效应和外群体从众效应,从而对老字号产生“锦上添花”的作用.(3)对于初创品牌而言,制度信任会弱化消费者的从众效应和外群体从众效应,从而对初创品牌产生“雪上加霜”的作用.  相似文献   

This article provides a synthesis of the factors governing Polish international tourism, set against a background of 40 years of post-war development followed by the political and economic crisis of the early 1980s. Tourism fell sharply in the early 1980s but had already begun a rapid recovery by 1983–1984. Official agencies, and cooperative and private-sector enterprises cooperate closely in the provision of tourism services and management. Poland has an “open-door” tourism policy and participates in a variety of international tourist organizations and agreements. This account demonstrates the close relationship between international tourism and the economic, political and social situation of the destination country.  相似文献   

Integrated rural tourism:: Concepts and Practice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A model of integrated rural tourism, which took account of the various resources (cultural, social, environmental, economic), their use, and the role of pertinent stakeholders, was developed to explore effective methods of promoting tourism as part of a rural development strategy. “Strategic fit” was used to assess the effectiveness of the model in adding value locally in the context of an established tourism area in western Ireland. The model reveals considerable robustness in identifying features that promote the adding of value in a holistic way and in identifying the pertinent stakeholders and issues that require attention to meet objectives more effectively.  相似文献   

Ethnic tourism development:: Chinese Government Perspectives   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ethnic tourism is often used by governments to facilitate development and to preserve heritage. This paper examines the relationship between government and tourism in Xishuangbanna, China. Different levels of government play key but different roles in development through regulation of production, consumption, and investment. Their policies and decisions tend to create tensions when they promote tourism as a regional development strategy as a result of contradictions in regulations, ethnic rights, and relationships with entrepreneurs. It is concluded that more nuanced government policies could mitigate many of the issues. Future tourism planning should provide greater control of tourism by local ethnic people, cultural preservation, and public participation in decision-making processes.  相似文献   

This research explores tourism policy making, from the perspectives of policy makers using grounded theory. It focuses on Leeds, a city in the North of England, which is characterized by its turbulent environment. The paper identifies themes around policy making, including low status, lack of clarity, uncertainty, lack of consensus and congruence and complexity. Its findings indicate policy making is essentially a social process, involving communication and negotiation between people in the context of wider change. It suggests a social conceptualization, and further research to investigate the communications involved in producing policy rather than the focus on the tangible outputs of the process such as a plan or a physical development.  相似文献   

State Slogans:     
State tourism advertising slogans fail to communicate Unique Selling Propositions (USP). This is mostly due to the fact that states themselves are geologically and culturally diverse entities whose many and diverse appeals cannot be captured in a single slogan. We make two basic recommendations to remedy this. First, we recommend breaking states into smaller regions that can legitimately present a unique selling position to prospective tourist. Second, we recommend that geologically and culturally similar regions in adjoining states band together in strategic alliances in order to share advertising expenses and reduce unnecessary advertising clutter. Both suggestions require at least some decentralization of state tourism bureaus.  相似文献   

This article traces the growth of resort timesharing to its present position as a major element in the tourism field. It documents this growth in spite of an unfavorable public image produced by unethical and insulting sales practices common to some in the industry in its formative years. The author draws from several surveys of timesharing buyers and the public conducted by Ragatz Associates, a Eugene, Oregon, survey and research firm prominent in the resort development industry. He suggests that the trend in "vacation ownership," as timesharing is now being called, is away from fee simple ownership of a specific timeshare week to more flexible concepts providing more affordability and use options.  相似文献   

Bermuda Tourism:     
Segmentation strategy has become increasingly important for successful marketing planning in the tourism industry. This paper discusses the historical development of national tourism strategy and policies for Bermuda and the effect of these in creating and sustaining a single segment tourism destination. This effect is validated by reference to data collected by the Bermuda Department of Tourism from 1980 through 1989.  相似文献   

In collaborative alliances as a management strategy and as an object of scientific inquiry is on the rise in the tourism field. Rapid economic, social, and political change is providing powerful incentives for tourism interests to recognize their interdependences and to engage in joint decision-making. Whether the issue is multi-national firms, tourism coalitions, or cooperative marketing strategies collaboration is the common ground linking these recent trends. This paper provides a framework for understanding this trend toward collaborative action. Constraints to collaboration are identifies as well as societal forces prompting collaborative responses from tourism stakeholders. Basic assumptions underlying scientific inquiry in this area are outlined and a theoretical process model of collaboration is presented. Implications for management strategy and research are discussed.  相似文献   

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