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Q:Just a few days ago,Huawei withdrew its application for acquiring the technological asset of 3 leaf under the pressure of CFIUS,and actually this was not the first time for Huawei to fail its acquisition of the American companies. In 2008,it also confronted setbacks when joining with Bain Group to acquire 3com.So how could you comment on Huawei's deal? What do you think are the most important factors accounting for the failure of Huawei's two deals? A:In general,for Chinese companies going to the US ma...  相似文献   

Want to buy a house in China? As an expat, you have to wait at least one year to qualify for leasing after going through a series of complex procedures. If you are a newcomer to China or are staying here temporarily, in the light of the high costs of hotel accommodations, perhaps renting an apartment is your best bet.  相似文献   

对话 Dialogue 吉姆:我想买一部笔记本电脑,哪有又好又便宜的? Jim:I want to buy a set of laptop.Where could I get a good also cheap one? 林涛:当然是中关村了.你去过吗? Lin Tao:It must be Zhongguancun.Have you ever been there?  相似文献   

Widely known for Flamenco music and dance,bullfights, fantastic beaches and lots of sunshine,Spain offers much more than that.It has been for thousands of years as one of the cultural centers in Europe. Be there, you will not only enjoy the sunshine, delicious food and warm services, but also realize the palm of life,the most significance of life. If you are willing to visit places of interests, Spain is the best choice for you.Impressions on cultural heritages and diversified civilization intrigue you a lot. When intoxicating in the beautiful sceneries, you will have fun to share the joys with local people, be familiar with folk custom.It is a fascinating country to know and to know more about it.  相似文献   

China three years from now!The world's fastest growing large economy,1.4bn+ people and you expect numbers?Forget it - a veteran economist of my acquaintance once warned me to be wary of any forecast data out of China beyond six months and never,ever trust any forecast with a decimal point.But still 500 words (approximately) are demanded.  相似文献   

When walking into a familiar restaurant near your home,you must be glad to see a waiter knowing your name,calling you by it like an old friend,and furnishing your most favorite dishes and beer without your specific instructions.However,how would you feel if you were in a large crowd and a stranger called your name loudly and exactly? You might feel shocked and offended.If finally finding that such person is a sales agent who totally didn't have any connection with you before,you might feel unsafe,angry,or even desperate when it happens repeatedly.This story reflects the difference between customized services provision and privacy infringements.Where does law enforcement draw the line between privacy infringements and legitimate data collections aimed at providing tailored services,especially under the internet environment?  相似文献   

Solid Sizy Bars     
The solid sizy bars developed by the Zhong Nan Polytechnic have good stability in form and a strong sizy nature. Small in size, they are easy to carry and use, will not be affected by the climate and can be kept in storage for a long time without deforming. When used, they will not crease the paper and will not spoil or pollute it. Using high molecular resin intermixing substances as the sizing agent, long chain carbonate as the solidification agent and an organic solvent as the  相似文献   

This is a book for people who sell (whether they know it or not). It's for people who own their own business and people who are just starting out. It's a book about communication and relationships, which means that you can use it to connect with your customers, bosses, employees, children, and parents, too. If you volunteer for a cause you're passionate about, or if you've got a great idea but you don't know how to start marketing it, this book will help you. This book is for entrepreneurs, politicians, venture capitalists,  相似文献   

Would you like to choose a 10-yuan or 100-yuan umbrella? If the question was asked a couple of years ago,people might bluntly choose the former. As they saw it,an umbrella was just a temporary tool in life which should be taken with for the convenience of traveling when the weather report said it would  相似文献   

"I want to remind China's investors to go to Ukraine as soon as possible, otherwise, the market will be occupied by western investors and the opportunities for China's invest-ments will disappear soon", said H.E. Mr. Serhiy Kamyshev, Ambassador of Ukraine to China when interviewed by China's Foreign Trade in February. Ukraine, a country which has very good traditional friend-ship with China, has many similarities with China in quite a lot of fields, and it is also carrying out the economie reform. Therefore, the Ukraine Central Government's attitude to the people is very similar to the Chinese Central Government. Mr. Serhiy Kamyshev said. The interview with Mr. Serhiy Kamyshev, l feel, was done in a very friendly and leisure atmosphere,but the communication was very good. - By Reporter  相似文献   

Reporter: Light industry, as the new growth sector of China's economy, saw good development in 1996. As the President of China National Council of Light Industry, I'm sure you would like to say something about this.  相似文献   

Officials and Friends:I am very happy to attend 2003 Sino-Vietnamese Senior Seminar, thank you for giving me this opportunity to introduce Shanghai GM Wuling. World economy has been developed rapidly in the 21st century, thanks to China be a formal member of WTO which offers more opportunities for us. However, severe challenge will be also encountered, China's auto industry bears heavy task and long way. Facing world matured and high intensive auto industry, China's auto industry realizes pressure, only  相似文献   

The China Aero-Technology I/E Corporation (CATIC), ranked 20th among 500 enterprises with the largest volume of imports and exports in the past three years, founded the CATIC Group in August 1993. Not long ago, our correspondent visited Mr. Li Zhoushu, Deputy Director of the Management Board of the Group. Reporter: What was the aim in founding of the CATIC Group? Mr. Li: CATIC, founded in 1979, is a State-owned enterprise integrating  相似文献   

On November 8, 2004, CEIBS will be celebrating its 10th anniver sary. Young as it is, CEIBS is already the number one business school in mainland China and recognized as one of the best in Asia. In recent annual world MBA ranking released by the prestigious British newspaper Financial Times, CEIBS advances to No. 53 in the world and No.1 in Asia. The school‘s other two major programmes, the EMBA programme, and executive education programmes, are all ranked among the world‘s top 50. After a decade of hard work, CEIBS has been widely recognized at home and abroad for its achievements. It is the only mainland business school to earn accreditation from the European Quality Improvement System  相似文献   

对活二服务Dialogue 2 Services (大为房间的空调坏了,他给服务台打电话。) (There is something wrong with the air conditioner in Da- vid's room. He is calling the front desk.)服务台:您好,服务台。先生,有事么? Reception: Front desk. Sir, may I help you'? David:这间房间的空调好像坏了,请帮忙检查一下。David: The air conditioner in my room doesn't seem to be working. Can you please help me to inspect it?服务台:好的,工作人员马上去。  相似文献   

正展会实用句式:1.参展商(Exhibitors)I'd like to sign in.我想报名。I、d like to book a booth.Are there any left in Area B?我想预定展位,在B区还有剩余展位吗?Have all the end-cup booths been ordered?所有的三面开口形展位都被预定了吗A raw space will be fine.一块光地就够了。Could you recommend some booths to me?你能为我推荐一些展位吗?  相似文献   

Walking through the Wuyi Mountains,Fujian province in summer,you can smell the fragrant aroma of Shanshui Tea every- where.Within the 70 square kilometers of the park,most people are drawn to a slogan stating there have been"A Thou- sand years of Confucianism,but 10,000 years of Shanshui Tea",it also tells of a  相似文献   

As a small, beautiful and picturesque country, Slovenia makes a great tourist destination. Mountains, lakes, waterfalls, forests, caves, hills, plains, rivers and the sea - you name it, you can find it all within a modest 20.273 km2, as well as many natural and landscape parks. You can ski in the morning and surrender vourself to the luxury of the Adriatic Sea.  相似文献   

As a small, beautiful and picturesque country, Slovenia makes a great tourist destination. Mountains, lakes, waterfalls, forests, caves, hills, plains, rivers and the sea - you name it, you can find it all within a modest 20.273 km2, as well as many natural and landscape parks. You can ski in the morning and surrender yourself to the luxury of the Adriatic Sea.  相似文献   

Traditionally, Chinese people regard Jiangsu as a rich area with long-lasting elegant culture manifested with typical picture of small bridge, flowing brook and graceful young lady. However, it is not the whole picture. "We Jiangsu province is divided into two parts: north Jiangsu and south Jiangsu" said Miss Xu who denied to show name and her hometown is Suzhou city, where the art ot gardening is worldwide renown, when I was a little girl, my mom always scared me with the words that don't cry, Jiangbei (short term for North Jiangsu) Wideman will catch you, and I would stop crying. Actually, it has the same effect with the big wolf will come."  相似文献   

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