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80%以上的发展中国家和经济转轨国家正在进行着某种形式的分权试验。以11个国家(拥有全球森林总量60%以上)为例,简要描述了实施联邦制的主要林业国家当前的森林行政管理类型以及施政形式,认为分权后强化了跨部门联系的重要性,许多政府机构都介入了有关森林资源的各项决策;有效的森林治理取决于各种管理机构的能力;私营部门和民间组织在成功治理各种森林资源中也发挥着重要作用。从11国经验中分析了各种潜在优势、潜在危险,指出分权管理减少了中央政府的官僚和决策障碍,但会使全国性的政策协调、实施和监督变得困难。  相似文献   

近 2 0年来 ,森林资源下放给当地社区管理已成为世界的趋势。我国从 1980年开始林业“三定”以来 ,为发展林业 ,鼓励造林 ,出台了许多林业政策 ,也产生了多种形式的森林资源分权管理模式。如何系统地探索森林资源分权管理的效果及其影响因素 ,以期为当地的森林资源管理提供有效的信息 ,成为人们关注的热点。本文首先就系统地探索森林资源分权管理及其效应的体系进行了论述 ,然后以大土村作为案例 ,就有关内容进行了探讨  相似文献   

森林资源分权管理是我国农村经济体制改革的产物。对森林资源分权管理政策在贵州实践20年来所取得的成就、经验和问题进行了系统的分析与评价,并就如何进一步改善贵州森林资源分权管理政策进行探析。  相似文献   

总结了约20个发展中国家林业部门分权管理的研究结果,并通过对在森林治理中起到主要作用的机构和参与者的分析,探讨了成功和失败的范例和主要的因素。研究表明,执行民主分权的案例并不多见,表现在:真正的决策权力、森林资源及其效益仍然是集权管理、选择处理的当地参与者往往不具有代表性或不负责任。现行政策有时伤害了当地的穷人。强调了全国性的对话和对公民社会特别是边缘群体的授权的重要性。研究结果证明,林业分权管理应当始于与当地民众一起工作,建立和完善他们已有的机制;具有代表性和负责任的地方政府将成为这一过程最适合的对话者。  相似文献   

研究目的:剖析金融分权对地方政府土地资本化形式选择的影响机理。研究方法:联立方程模型。研究结果:(1)影响机理为:金融分权通过为相关行业和部门提供融资便利,影响地方政府对土地资本化形式的选择。(2)时间特征为:整体时段,金融分权主要促使地方政府选择土地金融;2012年之后,金融分权促使地方政府选择商住用地生租。(3)空间特征为:东部地区,金融分权促使地方政府选择商住用地生租,中西部地区金融分权则促使了地方政府选择土地金融。研究结论:金融分权不但是地方政府选择土地金融的关键影响因素,还是地方政府选择商住用地生租的重要推手,鉴于此,金融分权亦可被视为土地资本化的重要成因之一。  相似文献   

论和谐社会构建中森林资源资产产权变动管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对我国当前的森林资源资产产权变动管理存在的山林权属不清、政策法规滞后、中介服务机构缺位等诸多问题,提出了加强森林资源资产产权变动管理,促进和谐社会建设的一系列对策,主要有:坚持正确的产权流转变动指导思想;切实搞好山林权属的界定与登记工作;建立和完善产权流转市场和各种服务中介机构;规范产权流转的程序和范围;建立和健全相关的法律、法规及其实施细则;强化政府对产权流转的宏观间接管理。  相似文献   

分权管理作为改进治理的民主进程和资源的公平分配或有效性的方法而受到广泛的讨论。分权管理的目标和主要原则(如辅助作用等)已是众所周知的,但付诸实施却总是不很成功。分权管理的途径有时从概念上设计得很好,但因各种原因并未按照设计去执行,从而出现了造成冲突和混乱的严重缺陷,导致目标未能实现。通过对亚太地区案例研究的正面和负面的经验进行了回顾,对森林经营和可持续性的影响给予了关注。成功的分权管理途径需要反映国家所关心的地理、文化和机构方面,以及相关的各种施政、市场和信息功能。分权管理有多种形式,其可以包含地域层次和联邦层次,也可以包括地方政府或不符合常规施政的地域。但所有的分权管理形式都必须做好准备工作,且分阶段实施非常必要。总结案例研究的教训为森林可持续经营提供了制定未来分权管理途径的基础和避免缺陷。  相似文献   

论述了有效的分权管理的中心条件——代表制。代表性是分权管理公式的关键,将代表性分为反应性和问责性是非常有用的。分权管理的结果似乎是代表性的功能和管理动机。为了评价选择的地方机构是否能够形成有效的分权管理,关键的问题是选择的机构是否对他们管理范围内的人民负责。许多国家缺乏可持续的具有代表性的地方政府。不管有或没有代表性的地方政府,也不管是哪个权威掌握对环境的权力,问责性措施都可以培育政府一定程度的向下的责任。选举并不是达到这样的问责制的唯一形式。分权管理改革的安全性和可持续性,大部分取决于中央政府向其它实体转移权力时采用的方式。制度转移是最安全的也是最具可持续性的。分权管理的有效和公正的潜力取决于地方机构的代表性。但是在几种情况下,选择民主负责的地方机构然后赋予其民主权力。  相似文献   

罗马尼亚是一个由计划经济向市场经济过渡的转轨国家,是欧洲森林资源较丰富的国家之一。在森林资源的经营、管理及保护等方面建立了一整套完整、科学并符合林业发展规律的法律、法规、规章及相关工作规定。合理的林业管理体制机制,促进了罗马尼亚的林区经济社会发展和森林资源的保护与合理利用。罗马尼亚在发展林业生产及森林资源的经营和管理等方面的经验值得学习和借鉴。  相似文献   

介绍了白水江社区共管的产生及过程安排,对白水江森林资源社区共管初始、计划、审批实施3个阶段的分权问题、信息问题、持续性问题进行了分析,提出解决白水江社区共管问题的相关建议:健全管理体系、完善社区管理数据库、创造可持续投入的共管资源。  相似文献   

潘海英  陆敏 《水利经济》2019,37(3):49-54
选取2002—2015年我国30个省际面板数据,应用系统GMM估计方法,实证检验了环境分权的水环境治理效应。研究结果显示,环境分权与工业废水和生活污水排放、工业废水氨氮排放量及工业废水化学需氧量三类水污染指标呈现显著且稳定的正向关系,这意味着赋予地方政府过高的环境管理自主权将不利于改善水环境治理效果;财政分权对水环境治理效果产生负向效应,随着财政分权程度的提升,环境分权对水环境治理效果的不利影响得以强化。分组检验结果表明,中央政策干预和环境管理体制改革促使财政分权对水环境治理效果的负面作用逐渐趋于不明显,且有效削弱了财政分权对环境分权与水环境治理效果两者关系的调节效应;在东部沿海地区,环境分权可一定程度上降低水污染排放,其治理效应总体上优于中西部内陆地区,而财政分权对水环境治理效果的负向作用及其调节效应在中西部内陆地区更显著。  相似文献   

我国北方农牧交错带的土地利用研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
分析了我国北方农牧交错带土地利用的新要求。简介了FAO土地 可持续 利用的评价原则及国内外土地可持续利用的研究动态,在总结国外成功模式与国内探索经验的基础上,讨论了21世纪我国北方农牧交错带土地可持续利用用必须面对的问题。  相似文献   

Utilizing a newly created data set the authors examine the relationship between routine/everyday violence and fiscal decentralization in 98 districts of the Indonesian island of Java. By examining possible relationships between fiscal decentralization and routine violence, this paper fills a gap in the literature where the analysis of the relation between fiscal decentralization and violence is relatively scant. Routine violence, which is different from both civil war and ethno-communal conflict, centres around group brawls, popular justice or vigilante violence. Despite the uniform implementation of fiscal decentralization, subnational entities exhibit varying experiences with decentralization, but a common consequence is the increased size of local government. Fiscal decentralization, and the increased size of local government, can alleviate pent-up frustrations with a centralized state, as local government expenditure is seen to satisfy the needs of communities with which people identify more closely. The authors also find that the greater the share of locally generated revenues, the lower the number of violent incidents; but this capacity to generate more local revenues mainly lies in richer districts. Therefore, richer districts are likely to have a lower incidence of violence.  相似文献   

Decentralization has been widely implemented throughout the developing world. Its proponents, notably international donor agencies, claim that democratic local government is more responsive to local citizens' needs, inclusive of those of the majority poor, thus resulting in poverty reduction. Yet evidence remains far from conclusive and this paper challenges such claims. After reviewing recent surveys of the linkage between decentralization and poverty reduction, this paper undertakes a case study of Ghana. Findings from primary data indicate that the impact of the District Assembly system on local poverty has been limited, at best. In seeking to explain such limits to poverty reduction, attention is focused on the national context of decentralization where structural constraints are identified, which are largely intended to maintain central government control. Such obstacles challenge some of the assumptions and expectations of decentralization advocates. It is concluded that the notion of “decentralization from above” is paradoxical, with genuine devolution of power and local poverty reduction likely to require political struggles from below.  相似文献   


In 1983 decentralization was already being described as the latest fashion in development administration and it has been gaining in popularity ever since. This theoretical concept has been embraced world-wide and incorporated into economic and political reform plans. In this paper, the proclaimed desire for decentralization in Peru's public administration is tested by reviewing the example of its agricultural policy and in particular its strategy with regard to public agricultural subsidies. The objectives of the paper are: (1) to illustrate the discrepancies between the theoretical objectives of decentralization and how it is implemented in practice; (2) to analyse the structure of Peru's agricultural support policies, evaluate the process of decentralization in this sector and subsequently identify possible problem areas and make policy recommendations; and (3) using the regionally differentiated public expenditures for the agricultural sector in the period from 1993 to 1998, to cross-check the lip-service paid to decentralizing agricultural policy in Peru.  相似文献   

自然资源在当地民众的生计中具有决定性的作用,他们理应参与当地自然资源的管理和决策。分权改变了当地自然资源管理的制度框架,而民主分权是分权的最有效形式。概述了全球自然资源分权改革的实施情况,并对改革效果进行了评价。认为建立民主的地方机构将成为民主分权的主要机制,而责任、自行决定权和安全性是民主分权的3个基本问题,分权过程中中央政府需要有效的分权配套办法,并发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

对JesseC.Ribot“自然资源的民主分权:民众参与的制度化”一文进行了评论,认为分权管理是从制度层面保障民众真正参与自然资源管理的重要措施。结合我国分权管理的实践与探索,讨论了保障落实分权管理和构建分权配套办法的有关问题。  相似文献   

In the 1990s, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) suffered from severe food shortages and large-scale deforestation, which triggered a stage of rural conservation reform. Since 2004, with support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), North Korea’s Ministry of Land and Environmental Protection (MoLEP) has implemented a Sloping Land Management Program (SLMP). The SLMP established sloping land user groups and granted these groups the right to use marginal land for agroforestry development. This devolution of land rights from state control onto local groups is a landmark in North Korea, and this decentralization initiative has now expanded to over eight counties to involve thousands of households. It has also led to the launch of a National Agroforestry Policy and Strategy. Drawing from both qualitative and quantitative data collected from 2008 to 2014, this paper documents the process and effects of the SLMP. It argues that the decentralization reform in land management has contributed to not only food security with increased food crop diversity and productivity, but also notably forest recovery through an expansion of tree plantations and agroforestry practices on degraded sloping lands. However, an insufficient power transfer in the form of a lack of timber rights granted to the local user groups has hampered the effectiveness of the SLMP. There are also institutional and geopolitical challenges that are limiting further scaling-up of land-use decentralization across the country. The policy implication calls for more international investment as well as national land-use policy reforms in order to promote and facilitate further decentralization of sloping land management and to secure greater use rights for sloping land user groups.  相似文献   

Considerable increases in food consumption, shifts in consumption patterns and changes in the entire food system have occurred globally. These changes, initially limited to the industrialized world, are now being experienced at an even faster pace in many of the advanced economies of the developing world. The past evolution of this transition in nutrition and lifestyles is by now well documented. Based on FAO's outlook for global food and agriculture, this paper outlines the likely future changes in food consumption patterns and the global trajectory of the nutrition transition over the next 30 years. It presents the main drivers of the nutrition transition and examines their influence on the prospective changes in consumption patterns. The paper illustrates how the current burden of undernourishment and malnutrition in developing countries is likely to compound the adverse effects of the nutrition transition, notably the increasing prevalence of obesity and non-communicable diseases (NCDs); it shows how and where the current problem of undernutrition could create a growing future burden of overweight, obesity and NCDs and that both undernourishment and overnutrition are likely to co-exist for a long time in the vast majority of developing countries, creating a widespread double burden of malnutrition.  相似文献   

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