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深入做好优质服务工作。供电企业的优质服务主要体现在为用户排忧解难,要真正做到一切为用户着想,让用户感到用电的方便、可靠、快捷、清洁、安全。营销部门的工作人员要勤于走到用户中去了解用电情况,做好用电咨询、普及用电安全知识等工作。南通供电局领导明确提出,搞好电力需求侧管理就是高质量的服务。该局营销人员在大用户提出用电申请后,主动上门服务,帮助用户算经济帐,为用户提供合理、经济的供电方案,同时提供从设计到施工的一条龙服务。  建立促进用电基金。主要用于扶持电器生产厂家、科研院所、高校开发用电设备的新…  相似文献   

企业的管理人员要彻底改变过去的管理思想观念,结合当前市场经济的形势,学习先进的管理方法并付诸运用。管理队伍要成龙配套结构合理,才能发挥巨大的管理作用。在管理过程中应脚踏实地从大处着眼、小处着手,扎扎实实地做好管理工作,提高企业的经济效益。  相似文献   

全面质量管理是发达国家在市场经济高度发展条件下产生的科学管理方法 ,是企业建立并实施完善的质量保证体系 ,提高管理水平 ,保证产品质量 ,增强市场竞争能力 ,提高员工的整体素质和企业质量信誉 ,并取得质量认证的基础工作。一、全面质量管理的特点1 鲜明的目的性。全面质量管理的内在作用 ,在于组织企业全体职工和各有关部门参加 ,综合运用现代科学和管理技术成果 ,控制影响质量全过程的各因素 ,以经济地研制、生产和提供用户满意的产品和服务为目的。一语道出全面质量管理的目的就是为用户提供满意的产品和服务 ,而这种鲜明的目的正是市…  相似文献   

水电科技档案是企业档案的重要组成部分,它具有储备科技资源、传播科技知识、追溯科技史实的作用。为此,结合工作实践,就水电勘测设计企业改进水电科技档案管理工作提出了一些建议。档案部门一要转变观念,主动为企业生产、经营、管理服务,由过去“坐等调档”的被动服务转向“面向生产,多方联系”的主动服务:二要研究服务对象,深化服务水平,即要研究档案用户类型,根据不同类型的用户及使用档案的不同特点,有针对性地提供多种形式的服务,研究并转化“潜在用户”;三要发挥科技档案网络作用,提高服务质量。  相似文献   

南方电网广东电网公司韶关始兴供电局沈所供电所积极探索政企合作新路线,将供电服务融入当地村社体系,畅通服务渠道,不断提升用户的电力获得感。为进一步做好基层供电所的用户服务工作,南方电网广东电网公司韶关始兴供电局沈所供电所通过积极对接当地村社网络,协作开展网格服务管理,加强与用户的沟通,更高效地解决用户的用电诉求,以此提升用户电力获得感。供电所服务存在的问题一是供电服务不及时。  相似文献   

在市场经济下,农产品市场化程度越高,商标在促进农业发展增收中的作用就越重要。充分发挥工商部门商标管理工作职能,大力做好证明商标工作,努力运用证明商标促进农民增收,是当前工商部门服务“三农“经济、解决“三农”问题的一个重要的切入口和突破口。福建省工商行政管理部门利用职能,强化措施,做好服务,帮助企业及农户注册、使用证明商标,提高了农民的收入,  相似文献   

瓦轴物流部坚持以市场和效益为中心,以优化物流服务为主线,全力做好各项工作,为用户提供物流增值服务。在满足市场需求上,瓦轴物流部对公司大客户实施门到门配送,落实十项增值服务措施,合理做好发运组织,与市场同步调度,紧急情况快速反应,全力以赴做好配送服务。在生产服务上,瓦轴物流部做好原材料入库、发放等项工作,重点抓配送及时率,紧跟生产节拍,在风电产品、客户急需产品原材料配送方面周密安排,昼夜值班,24小时绿色畅通保供,  相似文献   

水利档案能充分反映和记录工程建设全过程,管理并应用好水利档案能更好地为水利事业服务。结合实例阐述水利档案对实际工作的指导与运用,提出如何做好档案收集整理工作,开发档案利用价值。  相似文献   

做好离退休人员的管理与服务工作是我国不断提高人力资源管理水平的重要内容。随着我国人口老龄化程度的加深,离退休人员的数量逐渐增多,做好离退休人员管理与服务成为国企工作的重要组成部分。本文就重点分析了如何做好国企离退休人员的管理和服务。  相似文献   

标准化工作是提高石油工程技术服务质量、促进企业发展的有效途径。做好标准化工作是企业实现现代管理和科学管理的需要。面对加入WTO和市场放开的严峻形势,中小型石油工程技术服务企业要适应市场的需求,建立适应市场经济的企业标准体系,用标准化工作促进技术创新,加强服务意识,提高人员素质,改进技术装备,做强做专石油工程技术服务的主营业务。  相似文献   


This paper scrutinizes the effects of the European Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market on platform competition. Platforms that are online content-sharing service providers must have a license agreement with collective management organizations that control the content platform that users may – or must not – upload to the platform. The paper shows that the new directive may imply market concentration and an aggregate welfare loss. The reason is that only users of the large platform (in a dual platform setting) will be allowed to upload content if the content assets are sufficiently valuable and if network effects are strong.


大庆测井公司数解一站以一体化质量管理作为质量控制的出发点和落脚点,通过提高质量意识、完善质量管理制度、推动创新成果应用、加大员工培训和树立典型等强有力的措施,构建基层单位质量文化,为用户提供优质的测井解释服务,使数解一站质量管理水平有了质的飞跃和发展。  相似文献   

针对油套管质量问题,从生产、使用、检验等方面进行了调研,查明油套管质量下滑原因,提出了建立健全进入中国石化各油田的油套管市场企业的准入机制,规范采购行为;全面开展重点产品的驻厂监造工作,制定切实可行的补充技术要求,满足特殊工况要求;加强管理部门、设计部门、采购部门、生产企业和油田最终用户的技术交流、协商;加大管理力度,增强风险责任意识,提高检验能力的建议。  相似文献   

Peering points between different Internet service providers (ISPs) are among the bottlenecks of the Internet. Multihoming (MH) and content delivery networks (CDNs) are two technical solutions to bypass peering points and to improve the quality of data delivery. So far, however, there is no research that analyzes the economic effects of MH and CDNs on the market for Internet connectivity. This paper develops a static market model with locked-in end users and paid content. It shows that MH and CDNs create the possibility for terminating ISPs to engage in monopolistic pricing towards content providers, leading to a shift of rents from end users and content providers to ISPs. Implications for future innovations are discussed.  相似文献   

工程建设企业在管理提升活动中必须正视全面质量管理工作中存在的不足,正确处理全面质量管理内容与形式的关系、全面质量管理体系与HSE体系的关系,采取转变管理思路、健全规章制度、完善管理机制、规范业务流程、量化工作标准、注重务实操作、细化质量标准、强化监督检查、注重体系融合、建立长效机制等一系列措施,通过与先进企业的对标管理和内部管理短板的纵向查找,全面提升工程建设企业全面质量管理水平。  相似文献   

Operators of telecommunications networks, network systems manufacturers and policy markers have placed their hopes on ISDN for a stable and brilliant telecommunications future. However, non-voice service providers, customer premises equipment manufacturers and large users fear that the envisaged network approach will not serve their future requirements. Telecommunications networks will have a strategic importance in national economic development. It is important not to constrain that development by tying them to an inappropriate and inflexible network structure. In this article the uncertainties of the ISDN network are reviewed, questions are raised and the evolution of the network is examined, from the perspective of the actors involved in the sector: large users, equipment manufacturers, policy makers and service providers.  相似文献   

The current convergence between information and communications technology (ICT) and medical fields reflects a shared vision of seamlessly connected sensors and devices that can improve healthcare services, and an expectation of the emergence of Internet of Things (IoT) healthcare. This study provides a relevant guide for IoT healthcare service developers, from the perspective of the technology user. Particularly, we propose critical factors that will potentially influence users’ acceptance of an IoT lifestyle disease management service. Information on the profession of service providers, task scope, devices, expert support, and a range of shared personal medical data were suggested as important attributes. Conjoint analysis was adopted to estimate the relative importance of proposed attributes and preferences for service specifications. Data and medical history were collected from 435 respondents. The model was analyzed and compared between the groups with different medical histories, respectively. The results showed that potential users, in general, require a safe and trustworthy healthcare service, rather than greater functionality, while medical history has a considerable influence on the perceived importance of the proposed attributes.  相似文献   

Mobile instant messenger (mIM) service providers are extending their online services to the offline platform. Asia's largest mIM service providers, LINE and Kakao, are brining life to its signature characters such that they appear not only on the text screen but also on offline character flagship stores. This study investigates mIM users' motives in visiting the store and identifies the role of mIM characters in facilitating users' loyalty toward the mIM service provider. To comprehensively understand users' motivations in visiting the offline flagship store, the study conducted a focus group interview and used the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to identify seven key motivations. The empirical findings are drawn from 332 Korean respondents that use the mIM service and have experience in visiting the character flagship store. The study finds that users who actively use mIM services and emoticons are likely to visit the store due to the identified factors. A virtuous cycle of loyalty from online to the offline platform, and vice versa was also found. Findings of this study confirm that mIM character flagship stores are a strategic way for mIM service providers to communicate with users and create their unique brand identity.  相似文献   

This paper describes the evolution of the mobile Internet in terms of three concepts: the startup problem, standard setting, and mental models. Products in which there is little or no value to the first users due to the existence of strong direct (e.g., telephone) or indirect (complementary products) network effects face a large startup problem. This paper divides the startup problem for the mobile Internet into two stages. Japanese and later other service providers solved the first startup problem with entertainment content that was supported by a micro-payment system (service providers collect and pass on content fees to content providers) and custom phones that displayed this content in a consistent manner.  相似文献   

How would abandoning Internet net neutrality affect content providers that have different sizes? We model an Internet broadband provider that can offer a different quality of service (priority) to heterogeneous content providers. Internet users can potentially access all content, although they browse and click ads with different probabilities. Net neutrality regulation effectively protects innovation done at the edge by small content providers. Prioritization, instead, increases both infrastructure core investment and welfare only if it sufficiently stimulates innovation from the large content provider.  相似文献   

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