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就如何对产品设计开发过程进行质量管理,以有效控制设计质量的问题,从产品质量决策、设计评审、设计验证与设计确认、产品设计的经济分析、设计开发控制程序的建立等方面进行了详细地阐述。  相似文献   

正型号质量管理是贯穿型号产品研制全生命周期的质量管理思路、方法和实施过程,包括型号质量工作策划与型号质量过程控制;航天型号质量管理是围绕产品一次性高可靠飞行使用的特点和实现飞行试验一次成功的特殊要求展开的。因此,充分识别技术和管理风险,采取针对性管理措施,保证产品设计正确,保证产品生产和试验过程质量受控,从而保证实现飞行试验一次成功和研制任务顺利完成是航天型号产品研制质量管控的主题,需要型号研制单位在责任制体系、管理规范、实施管控等方面建立起一整套以强制性、预防性为特色的管理思  相似文献   

一项工程要达到优质,必须持续长久地加强过程控制,《项目精细化管理手册》更是明确了项目工程质量过程控制这一流程,可见过程控制对于质量管理的重要性。那么如何加强过程控制,笔者认为应把握以下几方面重点。做好前期策划。在项目前期的策划中,首先要对影响工程质量的因素进行分析,明确项目的质量控制重点,完善项目的质量管理制度,制定相应的工程质量控制措施,并提出相应的质量控制要点。做好培训教育。项目开工后,要立即对专职质检员、质量工程师、项目总工程师等管理人员进行开工培训,主要培训项  相似文献   

介绍了上海航天技术研究院在量化控制方面的工作策划和实践经验,通过全面策划,运用设计、工艺、过程控制三类关键特性的分析方法,对航天产品设计、工艺、过程控制的关键环节进行再分析、再识别、再设计、再验证、再确认,对设计、工艺和过程控制的文件进行了全面梳理和完善,实现了关键特性定量化、过程控制表格化、过程记录数据化,提高了精细化质量管理水平,同时总结了成果与经验,提出了后续工作的设想。  相似文献   

在井下套管阀产业化推广应用中,科学应用全面质量管理过程控制技术可有效提高技术服务水平。通过对井下套管阀制造、组装和技术服务的过程控制进行全方位剖析,形成了一套行之有效的作业规范。实践表明,全面质量管理过程控制可以保证产品出厂合格率及技术服务质量,产生良好的经济效益。  相似文献   

对压裂作业质量实行严格的过程控制,是保证压裂作业质量达标、提高压裂措施效果的重要手段。通过对压裂作业施工工序质量影响因素的分析,应用质量控制方法对压裂作业重点工序质量进行过程控制,总结各级监督在安塞油田压裂施工过程中的监督经验,为进一步改进井下作业质量监督方法、提升监督技能提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

石油化工工程作为一种特殊的产品,具有不定型、多样性的特点,它不同于一般产品可重复生产、可重视生产过程,这就决定了石化工程施工的复杂性。一项石化工程建成后能否一次投产成功,除了设计因素外,其主要取决于施工质量。如何保证石化工程的施工质量,关键在于搞好过程控制。本文根据我公司在石化工程施工过程中应用ISO9002标准进行质量管理的成功经验,阐述了石化工程施工质量过程控制中应注意的几个问题。人力资源的控制人力资源是施工质量过程控制中的主要因素,过程控制执行的好坏,很大程度上取决于人力资源的配置。施工单位应…  相似文献   

低渗透油田注水开发已逐渐成为石油开采的重要组成部分,如何控制含水上升,减缓产量递减,增加采收率,提高开发效果,是油田开发工作者最关注的问题。注水井调剖技术作为控水稳油的重要手段之一,在低渗透油田开发过程中逐渐得到了推广应用,通过对其过程控制,提高作业质量,保证措施效果。从措施选井选层入手,针对该项工艺技术关键及要点,分析质量控制的方法,论述调剖作业通过对地层深部的封堵,改变注入水流向,有效驱替剩余油,提高低渗透油田注水开发采收率。  相似文献   

国家玩具质量监督检验中心(汕头)/广东省汕头市质量计量监督检测所采用国际知名、世界认可的关键检测设备,可按国内、国际、美国、欧盟等玩具标准进行检测,产品覆盖电玩具、塑胶玩具、娃娃玩具、童车、童床、金属玩具、弹射玩具、模型产品,项目包括邻苯二甲酸酯增塑剂、有毒物质、噪声、电玩具安全等,可为企业产品设计开发提供产品质量的技术咨询和检i91,ltJ]~务,提供计量器具的检定、校准服务。,  相似文献   

企业为了确保在激烈的市场竞争中取胜,必须运用信息技术、计算机技术等先进技术提高企业质量管理的水平,增强质量保证和质量控制的有效性。现代制造技术系统CIMS的质量保证系统是在网络数据库的支持下,从产品设计、开发,到售后服务全生命周期中对质量有关的数据进行有效的采集、处理、评价和决策,对质量管理、质量保证、质量控制活动进行有效的管理,实现企业质量管理的整体优化.以达到全面满足顾客要求,提高市场竞争能力的目的。  相似文献   

为满足企业发展和质量管理提升需要,兰州石化分公司根据重组后的质量管理现状,从业务整合入手,建立了专业化、扁平化、一体化运行的质量管理新机制;通过导入“零缺陷”、“精细化”等管理思想和方法,推进卓越绩效管理模式,推进质量管理从符合向卓越型转变。从产品质量管理向企业质量经营转变,以全员、全过程、全方位管理为基本原则,以过程管理为基本方法,以质量攻关和QC小组活动为基本手段,以PDCA循环和持续改进为基本法则,建立了完整的质量指标体系和绩效评价体系,并有效应用于企业管理的全过程,企业质量经营绩效和客户满意水平大幅改进,达到行业领先水平。  相似文献   

产品标准与产品质量监督的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从产品标准与产品质量监督目的和对象的共同性、产品标准是实施产品质量监督的技术依据、产品质量监督是产品标准贯彻实施的重要手段、产品质量监督是产品标准更新和修改的原动力之一,产品标准的更新发展促进了产品质量监督水平的提高等五个方面,论述了产品标准和产品质量监督之间的相互关系。指出,产品标准和产品质量监督是一种相互依存、相互促进的关系。  相似文献   

The objective of this exploratory study is to add to our understanding of ongoing product design decision‐making to reduce eventual decision‐making bias. Six research questions are formulated with the aim to establish if and how functional membership and informal patterns of communication within an organization influence whether and why employees are willing to engage in product design modifications. We selected as a field site for our study an industrial company that had an internal research and product development operations and where the employees were located on the same site. A three‐step approach within the manufacturing case company was designed: (1) In‐depth interviews were carried out with managers and employees; (2) a survey questionnaire was sent out to all employees involved with a specific product that is subject to potential design modifications; and (3) a post hoc group feedback session was organized to further discuss our findings with the management. First, analysis of the nine in‐depth interviews establishes a taxonomy of product design decisions involving four types of criteria; product‐related, service‐related, market‐related, and feasibility‐related criteria explain why employees would engage or not in product design modifications. Second, it is demonstrated that functional membership has a significant influence on the concern for these decision‐making criteria as well as on the decision to proceed or not with product design modifications. In other words, functional membership influences whether and why employees are more or less willing to make product design modifications. In this manufacturing company, a global industrial player, the differences in concern appear especially for service‐ and market‐related criteria and pertain particularly to the research and development (R&D) and service function. Overall, even though the perceived performance of the specific product under study did not differ significantly among the different departments, it is observed that R&D employees were significantly less in favor of proceeding with product design modifications than other employees were. Third, using UCINET VI software, we provide some explanations for this finding. It is shown that informal patterns of communication (i.e., employee degree centrality) operate a situational opportunity to make modifications to an existing product and a cognitive opportunity influencing the decision to modify product design following an inverted U‐shaped function. Ultimately, we derive practical guidelines for an ideal product–team composition to reduce product design decision‐making bias.  相似文献   

There is a growing belief that investing in industrial design is beneficial to company performance. This article sheds more light on how and when integrating industrial design in the product development process can enhance a company's competitive position. The basic premise is that the impact of industrial design on company performance is not unconditional, but dependent on industry evolution and design strategy. We opted to define industrial design in a general way, namely as the activity that transforms a set of product requirements into a configuration of materials, elements and components. This activity can have an impact on a product's appearance, user friendliness, ease of manufacture, efficient use of materials, functional performance, and so on. The empirical data incorporated in this study stems from two Dutch manufacturing industries, namely home furniture and precision instruments. Home furniture and precision instruments were selected because the strategy of integrating industrial design in the product development process is rather mature in the first‐named industry and emerging in the second. We collected data from firms investing considerably in industrial design (n = 23) and firms investing little to nothing in industrial design (n = 24), using a semistructured questionnaire that was administrated during face‐to‐face sessions with senior managers. Two out of the three research hypotheses were supported. It was found that the extent to which firms integrate industrial design in new product development projects has a significant and positive influence on company performance (Hla), in particular when the strategy of investing in industrial design is relatively new for the industry involved (Hlb). There was no systematic pattern indicating that design innovation is more important in industries where the use of design is mature than in industries where the use of design is emerging (H2). Instead, we found that design innovation has significant positive performance effects in both types of industries. One important managerial inference from our study is that new product development managers should consider the changing nature of competition during industry evolution while developing strategies that encompass the use of industrial design in new product development. Another important managerial inference is that, besides being innovative in the field of products, being innovative with respect to design and design strategy can help to enhance competitiveness regardless of industry evolution.  相似文献   

Product development managers and academics like to assure themselves and each other that new product development is one of the most critical areas of company competence and contributes positively to company success. But does top management agree? Because if they do not, the consequences will heavily influence the resource allocation to product development and career possibilities of new product developments manager. This study examines how top managers view the importance of product development relative to other central competence areas. Although asking managers about their perception is one way of evaluating the importance, its contribution to company success is another important measure. In this study, the impact of product development, relative to other important competence areas, is measured to assess further how critical product development is for overall company success.The authors investigate these matters in a survey of top managers in 513 Danish production companies. Ten areas important for achieving company objectives are identified. These are product development, market intelligence, production management, strategy and vision, sales, market responsiveness, promotion, internal co-operation, image, and supply management. Product development is rated a fairly important competence as it ranks number four, with sales, market responsiveness, and production management ranking numbers one to three. Yet a distressing negative impact on overall company success is found for product development proficiency, whereas success is positively related to production management, image, and differentiation of products. Further analysis reveals that product development contributes positively to success by enabling product differentiation and enhancing promotion proficiency. Influenced by and influencing many other competencies, product development is found to be a central competence.Results support a nonfunctional and broad perspective of how bundles of competences interact and impact on success and establish a positive overall contribution to product development.  相似文献   

周杰  赵磊 《山东纺织经济》2013,(3):43-44,50
对制造型企业而言,成本无疑是重点关注的问题,但往往被忽视,注重质量成本不仅可以控制生产成本,还可以增加企业的收益。本文简要阐述了(纺织)企业质量成本的定义、目的及控制的重要意义,并结合工作经验详细阐述了质量成本的设计。  相似文献   

论述了设计院质量管理的主要控制环节,通过对培养质量意识,做好设计输入、设计评审、产品校审和确认等质量管理工作,提高产品质量,供设计企业的同行参考借鉴。  相似文献   

技术引进以来,江钻股份公司对产品制造质量的检验基本上采用的是专职检验人员把关的形式。但随着近年来企业产量的增加以及多品种、小批量、短周期等制造特点的日趋突现,目前的检验方式已不能完全满足制造企业的要求。为此,2007年江钻股份公司对这种把关式的质量检验模式进行了创新改善,确立了一个既能保证产品质量又能满足目前生产和质量控制要求的新的检验模式。创新的质量检验模式带动了公司的各项管理工作,优化了质量管理结构,提高了工作效率,促进了公司快速应对市场的能力。  相似文献   

There is strong evidence of the importance of good design to company success. However, it is apparent that despite this evidence, design skills are often marginalized in small and medium‐size enterprises (SMEs). This article presents a design audit tool that captures good design principles in a form accessible to industry. Previous audit approaches have focused extensively on the management of new product development (NPD). In this research, the audit tool is based on process maturity principles and explicitly targets the design related activities in NPD—specifically in small firms. The design audit has been developed iteratively by application in action research mode and is supported by evidence from literature and exploratory cases. This inductive development enabled the generation of a robust audit tool through intervention in small firms to improve design practices. The resulting audit tool is designed for use in a multifunctional workshop setting. Typical outputs from application include the generation of action plans for improvement in future performance. This audit tool is based around a model of good design that explicitly distinguishes between management and design related activities in NPD. The audit tool has succeeded in encouraging managers to pay greater attention to the design related elements of NPD. This complements the satisfaction of managerial goals typically emphasized in many NPD processes.  相似文献   

We describe an experiential approach to teaching new product design and business development in a year‐long course that combines intensive project work with classroom education. Our course puts together up to six teams of graduate students from management and engineering who work on projects sponsored by individual companies. Student teams work with faculty from multiple disciplines and personnel from the sponsoring companies. The year‐long format and involvement with company personnel provide opportunities for students to gain hands‐on experience in a real product development project. Time constraints, coupled with students' determination to demonstrate what they can accomplish, stimulate teams to learn how to compress the design and development cycle. To help students generalize from their own projects to a wider universe of product design and business development phenomena, students participate continuously in constructive critiques of others' projects; and in presentations, case discussions and workshops that help them learn about the product and business development process itself. This article describes course objectives, syllabus, projects, sponsors, faculty, students and our course administration. In an effort to move towards a “paperless” course, we have put as much of the course material as possible on the World Wide Web; relevant websites are referred to in the article. At the end of the course each team presents a prototype and a protoplan to the sponsoring company in a final report, which in many cases includes suggestions for the sponsor on how to improve its design and development process. Students' positive evaluations, along with their comments, indicate that they are attaining their educational goals. Course projects have resulted in commercialized products, patents, continuing development projects in sponsoring companies, and placements for students. The course has generated public relations value for the units involved and for the university as a whole. © 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

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