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如何强化员工的知识分享和创新绩效来建立企业的核心竞争优势并维持较高的创新水平,是企业面临的重要挑战。本文对社会资本的基本理论及其与个体创新绩效相关的文献进行了回顾,同时就知识分享和组织学习型文化相关的文献进行综述发现,组织环境因素能够对个体创新绩效产生直接影响,但更重要的是通过其与个体因素的交互作用,共同对个体创新绩效产生影响。因此,推导出一个跨层次研究模型,建立了个体层次的知识分享与组织层次的学习型文化对个体层次社会资本与创新绩效交互作用的影响模型与假设。本研究拟使用社会网络分析软件UCINET、统计软件SPSS以及多层线性模型分析软件HLM对实证模型进行分析。以期验证组织层次的学习型文化通过组织共有的思维模式和行为规范来影响个体层次的个体成员的知识分享和创新绩效,使个体和组织得到共同的成长与发展。  相似文献   

The restructuring of the financial landscape that has occurred in the last three decades, has led to a reassessment of co‐operative models of organization. An outcome of this process has been the demutualization of mutual financial organizations. Using a case study approach this paper analyses the pressures on mutual structures encountered by Australian mutual life insurers. Such an approach provides a number of insights into the way in which firms adjust to changes in regulatory and competitive environments. It is concluded that a number of exogenous and endogenous forces combined to drive the process of organizational change.  相似文献   

Casida J 《Nursing economic$》2008,26(2):106-110
Organizational culture consists of the deep underlying assumptions, beliefs, and values that are shared by members of the organization and typically operate unconsciously. The four organizational culture traits of the Denison Organizational Culture Model (DOCM) are characteristics of organizational effectiveness, which include adaptability, involvement, consistency, and mission. Effective organizations demonstrate high levels of the four cultural traits which reflect their ability to balance the dynamic tension between the need for stability and the need for flexibility within the organization. The Denison Organizational Culture Survey (DOCS) is a measurement tool that was founded on the theoretical framework of the DOCM, and in the field of business, is one of the most commonly used tools for measuring organizational culture. The DOCS offers a promising approach to operationalizing and measuring the link between organizational culture and organizational effectiveness in the context of nursing units.  相似文献   

"组织学习"的最普适性、最具辩证意义的解析,应该是社会生态学意义上的.近年来关于"学习型组织"理论的提出,实际上也主要是基于组织特定生命周期上管理行为的运作阶段和背景来说的.基于赫斯特组织生态循环周期模型,组织学习包括由情景激发的自发性组织学习、基于经验和专业化知识的常规性组织学习以及回归价值理性的创新性组织学习等基本类型.  相似文献   

组织创造力是组织创新的基础,是组织保持并提升竞争优势的关键因素。从知识治理视角,构建一个中介效应模型,提出并验证知识治理模式及其交互作用通过组织学习方式对组织创造力的影响,检验创新型文化对影响路径的调节作用。研究发现,正式知识治理和非正式知识治理都能显著提升组织创造力,但二者的交互作用对组织创造力的影响并不显著;探索式学习、利用式学习及平衡式学习对组织创造力具有显著正向作用;不同的组织学习方式在正式知识治理与组织创造力之间、非正式知识治理与组织创造力之间的关系中起部分中介作用;创新型文化仅在知识治理与组织学习之间起调节作用,对组织学习与组织创造力之间的关系调节作用不显著。  相似文献   

组织双元学习是企业获取持续竞争优势的根本途径,企业与学研机构能力不匹配而产生的结构化困境是困扰企业组织学习的核心议题。基于产学研合作知识耦合视角,探讨产学研合作知识耦合对组织双元学习的作用机制以及信任对产学研合作知识耦合与组织双元学习关系的中介作用。基于226份产学研合作配对数据构建理论模型,利用层次回归法进行实证检验。结果发现,产学研合作知识耦合对探索式学习和利用式学习具有显著正向影响;产学研合作知识耦合对认知信任有显著促进作用,但对情感信任的促进作用不显著;同时,信任类型与组织双元学习方式匹配相对应,情感信任对探索式学习具有显著影响,认知信任对利用式学习具有显著影响;仅认知信任在产学研合作知识耦合与组织学习关系中发挥部分中介作用。  相似文献   

基于组织学习时空理论的空间维度,提出了组织从外部学习的模型。研究内容包括两个方面:一方面,基于外部组织类型的视角,以企业为例,探讨了组织向外部不同类型组织的学习——具体包括组织向政府、供应商、顾客、竞争者和合作者的学习,组织在向外部不同类型组织的学习中获取知识的维度和方式,知识的整合以及从外部学习与从内部学习的结合;另一方面,基于组织嵌入网络的视角,进一步探讨了组织与外部其他组织建立的网络,网络连带的强度、网络密度和组织在网络中所处的位置对组织从外部学习的影响,网络结构的决定因素,以及组织在网络中的权力和地位。最后总结了理论和实践贡献,并指出了存在的不足和未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

What are the most effective learning strategies for firms given the characteristics of their knowledge environment? This paper addresses this question by documenting the major changes in the knowledge environment of the pharmaceutical industry, with a particular emphasis on the period since the emergence of biotechnology, and discussing the related changes in the learning strategies of established pharmaceutical firms. Both the historical analysis and a review of the empirical research on organizational learning and knowledge transfer reveal a strong emphasis of firms on external learning through interfirm collaborations and sourcing of external knowledge. This learning strategy seems to be driven by the speed, uncertainty, and dispersion of knowledge developments in the industry. Studying the connections between the knowledge environment and the effectiveness of organizational learning processes is important to understand organizational change and adaptation, and is an area of research that deserves further attention.  相似文献   

高质量的审计信息,有利于研发团队调整创新产品生产计划、市场战略与研发策略,有效激发组织学习意愿并明确学习目标,获取更多异质性知识,进而促进创新绩效提升。首先构建概念模型,研究企业如何通过内外部审计知识积累与传播直接影响创新绩效,以及如何通过加强组织学习间接影响创新绩效;然后,使用非上市高新技术企业数据,采用bootstrap方法与逐步OLS回归方法,验证内外部审计质量对创新绩效的直接与间接正向作用,以及内部审计质量与外部审计质量对提升创新绩效的互补效应,为促进高新技术企业创新发展以及提升内外部审计质量提供了新的依据。  相似文献   

群体学习研究前沿述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
组织中的各种群体成为影响组织绩效的重要部分,理解组织中的群体是否发生了学习以及如何学习,对预测组织绩效有重要作用。群体学习的前沿成果对该理论统一了理论标准,从认知角度分析群体学习的细节过程,本文在此基础上分析了一些未来的研究展望。  相似文献   

实验型文化是一种新兴的组织文化,对组织即兴发挥、组织变革、组织创新等都有极大影响,从而受到广泛关注。针对当前实验型文化维度结构尚不明晰的局限性,基于扎根理论研究方法,对国内16家企业中高层管理人员进行半结构化访谈,并对访谈资料作了细致编码和深层次分析。研究发现,促进行动、容忍错误和信任支持是中国情境下实验型文化的3个主要维度,具体内涵包括鼓励尝试、包容犯错、开明式领导等,在此基础上构建了实验型文化维度结构模型。  相似文献   

动态能力是新创企业生存发展的重要基础。新创企业组织学习应以动态能力提升为导向,围绕创业机会的识别、获取与开发进行。新创企业组织学习主要受创业者知识基础、心智模式及其战略共识以及新创企业知识管理能力、组织文化与社会资本的影响。因此,创业者应时刻保持学习的状态并积极引领组织学习,强化知识管理基础,做好组织学习规划,加强员工组织学习相关指导与培训,将新创企业打造成学习型组织并加强社会资本开发与利用。  相似文献   

Technology is crucial for organizations in the knowledge society, but little empirical research has been conducted on technology absorptive capacity and technology proactivity. Based on existing theoretical studies, this article formulates a global model to analyse how technology absorptive capacity and technology proactivity influence organizational learning and organizational innovation, and how these dynamics capabilities affect organizational performance. The model also shows how organizational learning affects organizational innovation. The hypotheses are tested using data from 246 Spanish technological firms. The paper discusses the findings and provides several implications for future research. The findings are important for management practice, especially for firms where technology is the main strategic element.  相似文献   

谦卑型文化是组织生存与发展的内在精神动力。作为组织文化理论研究的新兴主题,谦卑型文化研究正处于起步阶段。整合社会交换和内在动机理论,旨在探讨谦卑型文化影响知识型员工创新绩效的心理中介机制。采用问卷配对法调查268对有效知识型员工及其直接领导的研究结果表明:谦卑型文化对知识型员工创新绩效具有显著正向影响;情感信任和风险承担意愿在谦卑型文化与知识型员工创新绩效关系中发挥链式中介作用,即谦卑型文化通过增强知识型员工对组织的情感信任,提高其风险承担意愿,进而促进其创新行为。研究结果首次从谦卑型文化视角探索知识型员工创新绩效的影响因素和诱发机制,可为组织创新管理提供理论指导。  相似文献   

开放知识具有多源性、开放性与价值性特点。为提高开放知识导入情景下的组织间知识转移效率,融合知识管理、生态学等理论,将开放式创新下组织间知识转移归结为组织间的知识转移和开放知识与组织之间的知识转移等两种生态关系,基于改进Lotka-Volterra模型分别构建了相应的知识转移生态学模型,进行了定量分析和数值仿真验证。研究表明:知识转移系数、知识溢出系数、最大知识存量等因素对知识转移演化及均衡具有正反馈作用;知识链成员通过外部学习,在多点吸收开放知识,形成“互利共生+多元共栖”的生态关系,并借此实现知识链高效率转移均衡,提高知识资源的社会化配置效率。  相似文献   

This paper discusses a consultancy project for a large multinational-manufacturing client. Style is explored as a concept originatirg in 'cultural' rather than economic disciplines. Three interpretations of culture are explored which have differing, complementary implications for managing style in technology-related organizational learning. The overall intenlion is not to identity and install a global 'best' style or a universal model of IT-related organizational culture. Rather it is to develop heuristics, which highlight what may require attention and handling in a practical situation, within a dialopue-based and learning-oriented approach to global-local strategy in complex production systems.  相似文献   

Technology is crucial for organizations in the knowledge society, but little empirical research has been conducted on technology absorptive capacity and technology proactivity. Based on existing theoretical studies, this article formulates a global model to analyse how technology absorptive capacity and technology proactivity influence organizational learning and organizational innovation, and how these dynamics capabilities affect organizational performance. The model also shows how organizational learning affects organizational innovation. The hypotheses are tested using data from 246 Spanish technological firms. The paper discusses the findings and provides several implications for future research. The findings are important for management practice, especially for firms where technology is the main strategic element.  相似文献   

为解决组织跨层级学习转化理论及测度方法匮乏的现实问题,在诠释并分析组织学习的3种跨层面转化和互动的基础上,构建组织跨层级学习的知识共享过程模型,并从知识提供、知识传递和知识获取3个方面提炼组织跨层级学习转化效率影响因素。结合DEMATEL方法和DEA方法,构建能够辨析要素间复杂网络化关系、反映偏好约束的综合效率评价模型,并结合实际企业进行应用。结果表明,上述理论方法有效、可行,对企业组织学习效率提升和竞争优势创造具有一定的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

This paper introduces the idea of using a complex biochemical model as an alternative method for modeling managerial constructs in order to incorporate change within organizations. To illustrate the potential of using this type of modelling, two well established managerial concepts (strategic orientation and corporate culture) are reviewed and the differences and similarities between the constructs discussed. Traditional simplistic models are presented and the limitations of these for dealing with change within and between organizations are discussed. A more complex model based on enzyme action is presented, and integrated with case study material which allows rich, complex and dynamic modeling including the incorporation of evolutionary and co-evolutionary change within organizations.  相似文献   

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