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When social enterprises, being defined by their social mission and profitability, internationalize, they need to respond to institutional logics in the host country. By juxtaposing institutional logic and entry mode choice literature, this paper shows how social enterprises accommodate different institutional logics when they enter foreign markets. We collected data on Chinese healthcare reform, governmental policies and their changes, and conducted 36 in-depth interviews and three expert group meetings. By analyzing five non-Chinese hospitals entering China, we show how social enterprises, as hybrid organizations, respond to governmental, commercial, and social institutional logics, when entering a foreign market.  相似文献   

浅析外贸企业出口收汇风险的防范   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
及时、安全和足额出口收汇既是外贸企业发展的重要保证,也是我国外经贸事业健康发展的重要标志。针对目前我国出口收汇中存在的较高欠款、坏账,作者提出了应加强对进口商资信调查研究,建立出口信用风险管理体制;选择合理的国际结算方式;通过国际保理业务;以及投保出口信用保险来降低和规避出口收汇风险,尽量减少坏账、欠款的发生,从而提高出口收汇质量。  相似文献   

外贸经营权放开对民企外贸的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新的《对外贸易法》实现了外贸经营权的全面放开和外贸经营资格由审批制向登记制的转变,外贸经营权的放开促进了我国外贸主体多元化的结构更趋合理,尤其释放了以集体和私营为代表的民营企业的发展潜力。  相似文献   

This article examines the role of ownership for the relationship between innovation and exports. Analyzing a large firm-level data set on Chinese manufacturing firms during 2000–2007, we find that state ownership has a positive moderating effect on the innovation–export relationship. We ascribe this effect to state-owned firms’ privileged access to complementary resources and networks that strengthen their ability to use innovation to generate exports. In contrast to many earlier studies, we also find that foreign ownership has a negative moderating effect. One likely reason is that indicators of local innovation do not reflect the flows of knowledge between foreign-owned firms and their parent companies. This finding highlights the fact that innovation and production may be geographically separated within multinational enterprises. A policy implication of the analysis is that public support to innovation is likely to have stronger effects on exports when it targets firms that carry out most of their activities in domestic market.  相似文献   

中国经济持续强劲增长和巨大的潜在市场,正产生对外商强大的投资与经贸吸引力。然而,在外资投资新一轮热潮中,也出现外企“逆动”新行为,值得我们的企业和有关方面高度关注。专家指出,当前外企在华出现的贸易垄断、相互结盟、资本转移、本土挖才和技术壁垒等五大“逆动”行为,已在经贸、投资与技术产权等领域,形成对  相似文献   


Since the mid‐1980s many innovations and developments have taken place in Hungarian retailing, notably because of the recognition by the government that weaknesses in the distribution system can be a fundamental handicap to the efficiency of the whole economy. Some of the changes in Hungarian retail organization date back to the two periods of reform in 1968 and the early 1980s. Those reforms which in the retail sector were designed primarily to encourage innovation and diminish the bureaucracy of large organizations are examined, as well as the major factors in the economy which continued to frustrate many of their beneficial effects.

The subsequent effects of deregulation measures since 1985 on retailing are analysed, particularly the main changes which have occurred in the structure of retailing, e.g. accelerated establishment of private retailers; the expansion of self‐service; the forward integration of importers, manufacturers and wholesalers; the hiving off of the small units belonging to large state multiples and cooperatives. In addition, how these governmental market‐oriented policies have affected the marketing strategies of some of the major Hungarian retailers, and the relationships they arc now forging with foreign retailers are also examined. Finally, the various entry methods utilized by foreign retailers are assessed, and the constraints in the retail infrastructure which still remain to be overcome if more foreign retailers than hitherto are to be encouraged to enter this market.  相似文献   

深入了解和运用原产地规则,能够有利于企业按照国际规则调整自身的产品结构和经营策略,在参与国际市场竞争和实现可持续发展方面意义重大。  相似文献   

Inthewakeoftheyear-longnationaleconomicdownturn,themeasurestohelptheeconomyrecovcerbyrelaxingthemoneymarketandacceleratingfiscalinvestmentadoptedbythecentralgovernmentin1998haveprovedeffective.Themarketdemandforelectronicsandinformationproductsandmoneysupplyin1999willbebetterthanthatin1998.SpecificFeaturesandTrendofElectronicsandInformationProductsin1998In1998,therewerethefollowingnewspecificfeatUresonthemarketforelectronicsandinformationproducts:1.IncreasingconflictbetWeendemandandsupplyon…  相似文献   

现阶段,全球的企业都已经意识到减少生产流程对环境影响的实践意义,我国的外贸企业也越来越清楚地感受到来自于国外买家、国外投资者或相关监管机构的压力。对外贸企业来说,环境管理可谓是一把双刃剑,既充满挑战又蕴含机会。如果相关企业能掌握环境管理这个新工具,并将这个工具整合成高效集成的产品解决方案,那么这对企业来说不啻又是一种新的出口利器。为此,本刊记者特别请CSA集团的相关专家为企业支招。  相似文献   

At the central financial work conference held late last year, the Government decided to continue the set financial policies that stress the need to expand domestic demand, maintain stable monetary policies, safeguard financial risks, guarantee necessary governmental support to economic growth, and keep reasonable currency increases. Based on this, China's monetary policies this year will basically  相似文献   

This paper describes the demographic and economic factors underlying the reform of public pension programmes in Europe. It examines the policy response, both at the Europe‐wide level and within individual European countries. Several programme reform strategies that have been implemented are evaluated. These strategies are the greater pre‐funding of public pensions and expanded second‐tier private pension components, ‘parametric’ reforms to existing programmes, and the development of formula‐driven ‘actuarially fair’ public programmes. Efforts to provide greater incentives for individuals to postpone retirement are also discussed.  相似文献   

史炜 《大经贸》2001,(3):24-28
加入 WTO,中国经济要闯四大关:电信业、商业、金融业、保险业、这四大关也是外商觊觎的四块肥肉,而今中国人已闯过了前两关,后两关也已进入全面反攻中。外资如何较量中国吃到肥肉?能牛气十足吃还是得调整战略方向,请看专家点评。  相似文献   

The introduction of the euro has been overshadowed by the controversy over the appointment of the president of the European central bank and the possible implications for the bank’s policies. The effects of the launching of the single currency on growth and employment depend on a multitude of factors, however. Professor Welfens analyses the potential benefits of EMU and discusses the problems to be solved.  相似文献   

我国外贸企业应谨防国际贸易欺诈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国外贸额的不断增长及更多的企业开始从事国际贸易业务,我国外贸企业正在越来越多的成为国际不法商人欺诈的对象。本文从国际贸易合同主体欺诈、海运欺诈、结算欺诈三个方面论述了我国外贸企业所可能面临的欺诈风险以及相应的防范措施。  相似文献   

在国际贸易中,对外投资有广义与狭义之分。从狭义的角度来讲,对外投资亦是对外直接投资:它是指投资者在国外直接开办企业或收购企业部分股权或采取其他方式获得企业经营权的投资行为,是将资金直接投放到生产经营中的经济活动。自上世纪80年代以来,国际直接投资逐渐取代国际货物贸易而成为挤占国际市场的一种重要手段。在这期间,我国积极顺应对外开放的发展要求,在对外直接投资方面有了较快的发展。据外经贸部统计显示,2001年经外经贸部批准和备案的境外投资企业共计312家,协议投资总额9.7亿美元,其中中方协议投资额7…  相似文献   

Japan’s metamorphosis from a less developed country to one of the world’s most Important industrial nations was closely connected with increasing foreign pressures. Where did they result from and what will be their consequences for the country’s economic policy?  相似文献   

中国分税财政体制:问题成因和改革建议   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:27  
杨之刚 《财贸经济》2004,(10):60-65
1994年实行的分税财政体制,最突出的两个问题是导致了基层财政困难和地区间差距的扩大.对此进行体制上的成因分析,可以为分税财政体制的进一步改革提供可参考的建议.除缓解基层政府的收支矛盾外,更为重要的改革目标是:确定基层政府职能,配合较为规范的转移支付制度和较为完善的地方税体系的建立,构建具有自律机制有效运行的基层财政体制.  相似文献   

根据国际货币基金组织协定第6条款第3节的规定:“成员国可对国际资本运动采取必要的控制,但是任何成员国对这类管制的实施不得限制经常性交易的支付或过分延迟资金的转移以及各项承诺的交割……。”可见,基金组织并不强求成员国实行资本项目可兑换。我国是发展中国家,目前已实现经常项目可自由兑换,但资本项目自由兑换的条件还不成熟。  相似文献   

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