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5月18日,由江苏省扬州市人民政府主办,扬州市维扬区委、区政府承办的“第四届中国扬州毛绒玩具礼品节”在五亭龙国际玩具礼品城开幕,同时举行了扬州市文化创意产业园成立、扬州市五亭龙国际玩具精品馆开馆仪式,并启动扬州市文化创意产业联盟。中国礼仪用品工业协会副理事长、秘书长曾会师,扬州副市长王玉新,维扬区委书记姚苏华等领导和来自海内外数百名玩具采购商参加,开幕式由维扬区区长杨蓉主持。  相似文献   

中国轻工联合总会将正式授予扬州市维扬区“中国毛绒玩具礼品之都”称号,此举从此奠定了扬州市毛绒玩具产业在全国的“老大”地位。但就在最近一段时间,媒体传出南方一些玩具生产企业对“中国毛绒玩具礼品之都”定都扬州“表示不服气”的消息。  相似文献   

4月28日,“中国毛绒玩具礼品之都”授牌仪式在扬州市五亭龙国际玩具礼品城举行。中国轻工业联合会副会长兼秘书长王世成代表中国轻工业联合会将“中国毛绒玩具礼品之都”荣誉称号授予扬州市维扬区,扬州市维扬区区长刘在  相似文献   

4月28日,首届“中国扬州玩具礼品博览会”在扬州五亭龙国际玩具礼品城开幕,1000余名来自海内外的嘉宾在此共同见证了中国轻工业联合会授予扬州市维扬区“中国毛绒玩具礼品之都”的历史时刻,这标志着中国毛绒玩具礼品正式“定都”扬州。扬州毛绒玩具礼品产业历史悠久,工艺精湛,经过多年精心培育与扶植,目前已成为与漆器、玉器、剪纸齐名的工艺精品,扬州也因此成为闻名遐迩的“世界玩具之乡”。2005年扬州毛绒玩具供应量占全球的三分之一,出口达55亿元,当地维扬区更是扬州毛绒玩具产业最集中的区域,国际玩具市场上已经形成了“世界毛绒玩具在扬州,扬州玩具在维扬”的共识。  相似文献   

由中国礼仪用品工业协会、中国工业设计协会、江苏省扬州市人民政府主办,江苏省扬州市维扬区人民政府、江苏省玩具商会、江苏省扬州市玩具协会、江苏省扬州五亭龙国际玩具礼品城共同承办的“五亭龙杯”中国扬州毛绒玩具礼品设计大赛将在2月——5月期间举办。  相似文献   

毛绒玩具礼品产业是扬州的传统特色产业,生产历史悠久,产业集聚度高。2006年4月,扬州市维扬区获得了中国轻工业联合会授予的“中国毛绒玩具礼品之都”称号,并成功举办了首届中国扬州毛绒玩具礼品节暨博览会。2007年,维扬区毛绒玩具出口值达58亿元,名列全国同类出口产品第一。  相似文献   

本文导读: 1、扬州毛绒玩具礼品展示贸易交流的高端平台: 扬州五亭龙国际玩具礼品城盛大开业 2、本刊专访扬州市人民政府副市长张厚宝: 在新的起点上唱响“中国毛绒玩具礼品之都”品牌 3、“中国毛绒玩具礼品之都”缘何花落扬州?  相似文献   

五亭龙国际玩具礼品城对扬州乃至对中国的玩具礼品的影响诚然是非常大的,在“中国毛绒玩具礼品之都”的授牌仪式和“扬州毛绒玩具礼品节暨博览会”这样特殊的时候,我们采访了五亭龙国际玩具礼品城即这次盛会的承办方的董事长金兴国和总经理白建国,了解了五亭龙和扬  相似文献   

8月3日,江苏扬州召开玩具工艺品座谈会,扬州市副市长张厚宝和全国玩具行业信息中心主任彭德骏等领导冒着酷暑带队调研了扬州玩具行业情况,检查、指导玩具协会工作。扬州的毛绒玩具生产,历史悠久,已经形成了一种文化氛围,在这样的良好条件下,申报“中国毛绒玩具之都”有着丰厚的基础。在座谈会中,各与会代表纷纷发表自己的看法和建议,此  相似文献   

2006年4月28日,“中国毛绒玩具礼品之都”的授牌仪式和扬州毛绒玩具礼品节暨博览会的降重举行,成为扬州毛绒玩具礼品业发展史上的一大历史性的盛事。来自全国各地的嘉宾在“烟化三月”纷纷“下扬州”前来祝贺。在这样一个具有纪念意义的时刻,扬州市人民政府副市长张厚宝在百忙之中抽空接受了我们的采访,他真情地回味了这  相似文献   

平扳电脑、智慧电话的出现,引起全球各地人才撰写创意应用程式的热潮。创意产品大行其道,单是喝茶用的杯子便能找到不同形式的产品;电脑动画也广泛应用在电影制作上,可以,创意时代真的来了!与此同时,一个新名字——“文化创意产业”不断在各国政府的经济政策中出现。  相似文献   

唐小西 《中国纺织》2005,(11):122-124
沙溪镇——隶属广东中山市,地处珠三角,面积55平方公里,常住人口6.1万人。从2000年开始举办中国休闲服装博览会。虎门镇——隶属广东东莞市,位于珠江口东岸,面积170平方公里,常住人口11万人。从1996年开始举办中国(虎门)国际服装交易会。大郎镇——隶属广东东莞市,总面积144平方公里,常住人口6.2万人。2001年举办首次广东(大朗)毛织产品展示会,从2003年开始,广东(大朗)毛织产品展示会更名为中国(大朗)国际毛织产品交易会,每年举办一次。均安镇——位于广东顺德市西南部,面积81.3平方公里,常住人口8万多人。2003年开始举办国际牛仔博览会。大唐镇——位于浙江诸暨市西南部,面积53.8平方公里,人口6.9万人。2000年开始举办中国国际袜业博览会。……………  相似文献   

It is usually held that creative thinking is carried out by way of intuition, whose largely uncontrollable and unpredictable nature leads to the assumption that it is essentially not a logical process. A framework is presented which challenges this view, analysing creative thinking as the outcome of ten logical phases. By examining the logical operation of each phase and formalizing their logical relations, adequate heuristic programmes can be devised which, if supplemented with suitable mathematical models, open the way to simulating logical phases of creative thinking on the computer. An understanding of the logical laws of creative thinking has the potential to create a revolution in human thought, with far-reaching consequences for productive activity, and hence for the nature of society.  相似文献   

走出小城镇建设的误区--关于搞好小城镇建设的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章分析了当前小城镇建设中的问题,提出了促进我国小城市建设健康发展的措施。  相似文献   

Infusing creative thinking competence through the design process of authentic projects requires not only changing the teaching methods and learning environment, but also adopting new assessment methods, such as portfolio assessment. The participants in this study were 128 high school pupils who have studied MECHATRONICS from 10th to 12th grades (16–18 years old). By the end of 12th grade, the pupils had created 57 authentic projects. The intervention program had two parts: first, the pupils documented their project according to a creative design process that had been introduced to them. Second, the projects were assessed according to a creative thinking scale. This scale was designed to assist pupils in documenting the design process. It could be used as a guideline for teachers and pupils during the course of the project. The research examined pupils’ performance during project-based learning. The research tools included: observations of class activities, portfolio assessment, and external matriculation assessment. The findings show first that pupils learned to document their design process. Second, pupils’ projects demonstrated various levels of creative thinking skill. Evidences for high-level documentation of the projects were found in pupils’ portfolios. On the other hand, there is much to be learned about documenting teamwork and pupils’ reflection. This research could assist researchers and teachers who are interested in assessing engineering education outcomes.  相似文献   

The design and development processes of instructional materials might be considered simple and clear because the pre-established instructional goals can lead the way. However, in practice, there are lots of issues to be considered during these processes. The quality of the material, appropriate visual design, usability, and acceptable amount of cognitive load are some of these issues. On the other hand, an instructional material needs to be as original as possible. In this study, we focused on the creativity of the instructional materials designed and developed by second year students from the Computer Education and Instructional Technologies (CEIT) department. We divided students into two groups: (1) CEIT students designing and developing materials about Information Technology (IT); (2) CEIT students designing and developing materials about Math. The main aim of this study is to understand how CEIT students’ instructional materials differ when they design and develop materials, which are out of their field of experience. In other words, we tried to compare how the creativity of materials change when students create materials with familiar domain (IT) in comparison to unfamiliar domain (Math). Students worked on ten instructional materials such as digital story, animation, and worksheet for 14 weeks. The materials of students were evaluated in terms of creativity, and then they were interviewed. The students worked in groups of 4–5, and during the material development period, we as researchers observed and took notes about the whole process. The findings indicated that materials developed in familiar domain were higher in creativity than those of the unfamiliar. Students’ explanations of creativity and their evaluations about the process helped us to understand the reasons of the produced materials’ creativeness. Technical skills, authentic contributions, material type, and the boundaries of the content or familiarity were found as the primary factors affecting the design and development of creative instructional materials.  相似文献   

当下的玩具产业竞争已逐渐达到了白热化的程度,众多品牌均在寻求差异化的竞争路线,有些瞄准高端市场,有些坚持传统路线,有些潜心独辟蹊径,有些主打面向大众………曾经是孩子童年中最好伙伴的玩具,如今的发展早已突破了儿童的界限,在成年人中形成了一种新的潮流。从特征上分析,玩具已成为了创意产业的一个重要组成部分。  相似文献   

张荣刚  李胜  秦英福 《中国纺织》2005,(12):144-147
虎韵霓裳羽衣曲,十载激情谱华章M 11月,中国(虎门)国际服装交易会将迎来它的十岁华诞,一个激动人心的消息像一份不期而至的大喜贺礼在她的生日到来之际传来--国家统计局公布最新测评结果,全国综合实力千强镇名单新鲜出炉,虎门荣登榜首!  相似文献   

随着市场经济对企业创新的要求与日俱增,建立学习型企业已成为管理界和企业界的共识。党的十六大把“形成全民学习,终身学习的学习型社会,促进人的全面发展”作为全面建设小康社会的目标之一。作为国有大型企业,无论是贯彻落实十  相似文献   

The theory of contestability ’attempts to base a model of economic efficiency on oligopolistic markets, thereby justifying adoption of laissez-faire policies in the absence of atomistic competition. The analysis is similar to Schumpeter’s condemnation of government intervention in the theory of creative destruction: both theories claim that superior economic performance is associated with concentrated rather than competitive market structures. Yet in many respects the contestability analysis is less convincing than Schumpeter’s. Whereas Schumpeter admitted the existence of short rum profits and restrictive strategies, arguing that these inefficiencies, are outweighed in the long run, the theory of contestable markets is based on short run efficiency and cannot accommodate evidence of excess profits nor many of the existing models of oligopolistic strategies, including collusion and predatory pricing. Furthermore, the theory lacks a logical explanation of investment, by entrants and convincing empirical support for its claim that concentrated markets maximize consumer welfare.  相似文献   

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