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The central argument of the article is that bad governance has been both the source and the consequence of the economic underperformance of African countries. Economic development is the end to be achieved in a sustainable way and this cannot be guaranteed without strong institutions under the conditioning of good governance and if possible democracy. Thus, at the heart of achieving economic development as indicated by East Asian countries and some countries that are able to register economic development in Africa recently, such as Ethiopia and Rwanda among others, they are building the appropriate institutions and policies, which are key to the process of economic growth by affecting the incentives to accumulate, innovate, and accommodate change. The article compares and contrasts governance and economic development between Africa and East Asian countries. It also reflects the lessons learned from East Asian countries to bring rapid economic growth and development in Africa.  相似文献   

This article retests the separability of China’s rural households in light of growing doubt about the sustainability of high economic growth in China.If a household’s production decisions are "separable "from the household’s consumption decisions,generally this suggests there is no surplus labor.Many scholars aver that China’s surplus rural labor has spurred rapid economic growth,but concerns have arisen as to whether China still has surplus labor available.We investigate this issue using rural household panel data from 1993 to 2009.The regression results confirm that households in rural China have progressed from being non-separable to separable.The estimation results for both the entire country and regions reject the separability hypothesis before 2004 but fail to reject the hypothesis after 2004(with the exception of the central region).These results suggest that China ’s surplus labor supply is dwindling,especially in the eastern and the western regions.The sustainability of China’s high economic growth is questionable in the absence of a large reservoir of surplus rural labor.  相似文献   

The strong economic growth in China is difficult to reconcile with its inefficient financial system. The puzzle of China's financial development and growth can be explained through a dynamic criterion of adaptive efficiency, rather than through allocative efficiency. Using the framework of an autoregressive distributed lag model, the present paper tests the hypothesis that the GDP growth rate is dependent on financial development along with other variables in China and Pakistan. The hypothesis cannot be rejected in both cases. However, the results show that economic growth has a negative relationship with credit to the private sector in China. We conclude that financial development is a source of China's high growth rate and that the banking system is still under an evolutionary process, involving the pursuit of social objectives instead of the sole objective of profit maximization. Our results provide some implications for other developing countries like Pakistan.  相似文献   

The wave of economic globalization moves to all the countries in the world to be integrated with multilateralism and by promotion of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade/World Trade Organization (GATT/WTO). Meanwhile, the growth of regional economic integration has been one of the major developments in international economic relations, and undoubtedly regionalism is a part of the global economic environment. The objective of the paper is to review the trends and highlight the prospects for enhancing economic integration in East Asia. This paper has argued that the emerging East Asian economies have achieved sustained economic development and poverty reduction through domestic structural, institutional and governance reforms as well as through market-driven integration with the global and regional markets. Though this process was temporarily interrupted by the Asian financial crisis in 1997-1998, the economies have pursued further liberalization and reforms, deepened economic integration through trade, FDI and finance, and regained dynamic growth. The author argues that the reasonable choice for Eastern Asian countries is to deepen their economic integration and the optimal strategy is fostering economic integration with institutional cooperation.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this paper is to examine the effectiveness of governance quality on the volume of money in the group of selected countries with middle-income1 through using panel data. This paper adopts Random Effects model and Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) as its methodology. Furthermore, the most important factors influencing on the volume of money in the group of selected countries with middle-income have been identified by econometric method. The results of the estimation method with Random Effects and GMM models show that the governance quality has a significant negative effect on the changes of the volume of money in the group of selected countries with middle-income from 1996 to 2009. It is worth considering that the quality of governance in most of these countries lies within the lower level.  相似文献   

China's economy in 2006 continued to register high growth of 10.5 to 10.7 percent with low inflation (CPI at 1.3 percent),dissipating fears of a hard landing. Since its accession to the WTO,China has become a significant global economic player,and is the favorite destination for many regional and global production networks. China is now a truly economic power (jingji daguo). China's economic leadership is also increasingly confident of its ability to manage China's domestic economic growth and its growing relations with the outside world. Although China's growth is expected to slow down in 2007 to approximately 9.5 percent,the national mood now is one of "more balanced" growth rather than "fast growth". Therefore,the building of a "harmonious society" is to be emphasized in China,while letting economic growth solve the burning social and environmental issues. In 2007,the government will also need to deal with various internal and external macroeconomic imbalances. The renminbi will be under even stronger pressure to revalue,given China's record trade surplus of US$160bn and foreign reserves of US$1tn.  相似文献   

In this study the authors make efforts to survey the impact of foreign direct investment and trade on the economic growth of five East Asian countries, China, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand. Using an augmented production function (APF) growth model, the authors apply panel data Method and data span is from1980 to 2006. The required data are extracted from World Development Indicator 2008. The result shows that a co-integration relationship between growth and its determinants in the APF model is supported. Firstly, the study shows that with the increasing the inflow of foreign direct investment, positive impact on growth in Thailand, Korea and China is proved. However, this impact is negative in Philippine and Malaysia. Also the impact of trade on economic growth has the same result with FDI impact in sign. Further, the impact of labor force on growth is not significant in these countries and the effect of gross fixed capital on growth is positive and has a very high impact on selected countries.  相似文献   

The process of economic growth and industrial structure upgrading is essentially a process of the formation and replacement of high growth industries. After steady operations over the past three years, China's industrial growth structure has undergone significant changes, with a number of industries (automobile, machine-building, real estate and tourism) accelerating to become a major force in fueling national economic growth. Whether or not the high growth of these industries will persist so that they become pillar industries in the new round of growth is the key to determining both the nature and the formation of the engine of the new round of growth.  相似文献   

In the framework of different countries' international comparison, the objective of this paper reflects research topic of investigation--the identification of small countries, revealing features of economic development and business growth in economic history context of small economies classification. The object of investigation focuses on West European and Nordic countries' small economies. The hypothesis of the article is that small states under consideration are developing as the business competitive peripheries areas due to the special Scandinavian capitalist model development characterized by high level of social capital. The statistical data base includes Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development indicators, World Bank parameters and Nordic transnational corporation's annual reports. The paper considers the following research questions: (1) the critical overview of the mainstream academicians opinions concerning different-scaled economies, (2) classification of small states and clarification of different groups of the small-scaled countries role in the world and regional economy through historical context, (3) estimates and variants of small countries' social-economic development in accordance with different parameters, (4) consideration of Nordic European countries coming to the business model of the competitive peripheral social-economic development. The main summing up conclusion is that small economies of Nordic Europe are converting nowadays into the experimental laboratory of the European and world economy due to the specific model of their social-oriented economic and business growth, their geopolitical location between developed European integration complex embracing presumably small-scaled states from one side and large-scaled emerging market economy of Asian continent from the other side.  相似文献   

This paper applies a structural vector autoregression analysis to quantify the impact of the global financial crisis on China. It is found that the impact is indeed sizeable: a 1-percent decline in economic growth in the USA, the EU and Japan is likely to lead to a0. 73-percent decline in growth in China. The article discusses whether the current measures of fiscal stimulus are adequate to offset the sharp decline in external demand Although there is little doubt that the massive fiscal stimulus will largely offset the significant shortfalls in external demand, the current growth pattern in China will be increasingly unsustainable in the long term. China "s reform cycles suggest that external shocks are often opportunities for structural reforms. Therefore, the crisis could also be a catulyst for rebalancing China 's economic structure so as to return the economy to a sustainable path.  相似文献   

Based on economic growth theory and the World Bank's analytical framework relating to the quality of growth, the present paper constructs a framework that encompasses physical, international, human, natural and knowledge capital to synthetically interpret economic development. After defining the five types of capital and total capital, we analyze the dynamic changes of these types of capital in China and in other countries. The results show that since China's reform and opening up, knowledge, international, human and physical capital have grown rapidly, with speeds of growth higher than that of economic growth. As the five types of capital have all increased at varying paces, the savings level of total capital in China has quadrupled in 25 years and overtook that of the USA in the 1990s. The changes in the five types of capital and total capital reveal that there are progressively multiple driving forces behind China's rapid economic development. Implications for China's long-term economic development are thereby raised.  相似文献   

Slums are a major concern for the contemporary urban planners, especially in the developing world. They typically represent an imbalance between migration into cities and economic growth of the city. For a long time, governments have tried to improve the quality of life for the slum dwellers, with varying degree of success. Such efforts understate the need to continually understand various aspects of the slum economics. This article is an attempt to comprehend the socio-demographic and economic patterns of the population in slums of Delhi, India. The study employs the use of field survey technique comprising of questions that tapped the education level, income, gender and occupational status of the respondents. The sample consisted of 5053 participants and further classified as working and non-working population. On the basis of the survey, the occupational patterns are analyzed and classified at three different levels (macro, meso and micro). The study reveals high degree of positive correlation between the education level, economic status and gender parity in the slums.  相似文献   

This article seeks to develop a conceptual and policy framework for understanding China’s role in the global economic imbalances.China’s contribution to these imbalances via recurrent trade and financial surpluses corresponds with a phase of deepening structural risks to China s economic growth and development.These structural challenges include:the composition of growth resulting from China’s dynamic internal transformation,China’s trade orientation,the trajectory of resource use and Commissions,welfare problems relating to distribution and international constraints.This article develops a conceptual framework for examining the relationship between the processes of long-run structural transformation in China,its economic imbalances,and the role of institutional reform in dealing with these structural challenges.As such,economic policy should extend beyond short-term macro management to pursue an institutional reform agenda to facilitate broader structural change to mitigate constraints to future growth and to improve economic welfare.  相似文献   

Since 2003, the Chinese Government has included land policy as an important component of macroeconomic policy. The present paper analyzes the impact of the expansion of construction land on economic growth in terms of the capital-output ratio. Using provincial panel data for China from 1999to 2005, we conclude that the excess expansion of China's construction land led to an increase in the capital-output ratio. Therefore, expanding construction land has made little contribution to economic growth. This paper argues that contractionary land policy does not deter high economic growth, and is a necessary condition for sustainable economic growth.  相似文献   

One of the missing pieces preventing us from understanding recent Chinese economic development is the role played by openness and capital accumulation in this process. The question is whether the sharp economic' growth that the Chinese economy has experienced is another case of export-led growth due to the open-door policy or whether, on the contrary, this growth has been caused by high domestic savings and investment rates (and the consequent capital accumulation). To answer this question, we employed an empirical framework of the cointegrated vector autoregressive model. The empirical results show that both investment (in physieal capital and R&D) and exports, as well as the exchange rate policy, are relevant factors in explaining China's long-run economic growth over the past 4 decades.  相似文献   

China contributed a majority of the growth in global greenhouse gas emissions in the first 11 years of this century The trajectory of emissions has changed radically since then, as China has irrplemented its Cancun 2010 commitment to reduce the 2005 emissions intensity of economic activity by 40-45percent by 2020. The change in trajectory has been reinforced by China's new model of economic growth, with its greater emphasis on equity in income distribution, consumption and services. The large-scale deployment of low emissions technology in China is lowering the cost of transition to a low carbon economy all over the world. China ' s new emissions trajectory improves the opportunity For the international community to meet the 2℃ climate target. It is essential that the changes in China are brought to account in shaping global mitigation ambition.  相似文献   

China's foreign trade has entered a new stage, marked by some profound changes since 2003. After 5 years 'consecutive high growth, China's foreign trade experienced a significant slowdown in growth following the onset of the global financial crisis in 2008. The purpose of this article is to present a review of the development in China's foreign trade over the past l O years, and to explore important changes that have taken place during this period of time. A majorfinding of the presentpaper is that the traditional forces driving the high export growth in China, that is, low-cost labor, low-cost resources and low-cost money, have been disappearing. The policy implication is that over the next l O-15 years, the most important conditions for sustaining high export growth will be promoting the development and export of private enterprises in traditional heaw industries and high-technology industries, and relying on technological progress and high produc6vity to propel export expansion.  相似文献   

Fuelled by high domestic investment and rapid export expansion, China "s economy grew by ll.4 pereent in 2007, the highest increase since 1994 and the fifth eonseeutive year of double-digit growth. Such spectacular growth performance is unprecedented in the world's economic history. However, the Chinese Government is again worried about a possible "hard landing"for the economy, as no economy can sustain very strong growth for extremely long period without overheating. Cracks in China "s economy are indeed emerging. The eonsumer priee index shot up to 6.9percent in November 2007, the highest level in a decade, with the annual inflation for 2007 rising to 4.S pereent, well above the government's "comfort level" of 3 percent. This prompted China's top leadership to declare that reducing economic overheating and curbing inflation would be the top poliey priorities for 2008. To contain such cost-push inflation, the government has to tackle its root causes, such as excessive liquidity, which is caused by the undervaluation of the renminbi, which in turn is attributable to China's chronic external and internal maeroeeonomie imbalances~ High growth is likely to continue in 2008, at around l O pereent, with inflation of S-6 pereent expected, despite the anticipated tighter maeroeeonomie control measures and the more troubled external economic environment (e.g. the expected US economic slowdown). Regardless, China "s fundamental problems associated with runaway growth will largely remain. In addition, if the US economy slips into a serious recession, the Chinese economy will not be able to deeouple from it and escape unscathed.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the convergence of GDP per capita across Mongolia's twenty-two aimags and five regions. According to international and domestic surveys, one third of the Mongolian population is living under the poverty line. Specifically, poverty is deeper in rural areas than in urban areas. Thus, one main objective of economic growth should be reducing the cross-regional income differences and maintaining real long-run per capita income growth. However, in Mongolia there is almost no research on regional economic development and regional income disparities. It is the first time that the speed of convergence to the steady state has been estimated, using a Mongolian cross-regional data set (1989-2004). The results show that there is convergence across all Mongolian aimags and regions. The speed of convergence towards the steady state position is 3 percent in the Solow model and 4.3 percent in the Ramsey model. That is substantially higher than other convergence studies. The study also finds that migration has played an important role in the evolution of regional disparities.  相似文献   

China: Unscathed through the Global Financial Tsunami   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
This paper investigates the reasons behind the resilience of China's economy to the global financial tsunami. China 's economy is lowly leveraged in its banking, household, public and external sectors and, therefore, is less plagued by the global deleveraging than most developed economies. Chinese domestic sectors have improved significantly over the past decade, giving them larger capacity to cope with external shocks than during the Asian financial crisis a decade ago. Contrary to the conventional wisdom that China's economic growth is highly dependent on exports, we find that the main growth engine for China is domestic demand. Destocking, rather than falling exports, was the main cause of the sharp economic slowdown in China in late 2008 and early 2009. Therefore, the global economic slowdown should have limited impact on China's economy. We forecast a sustained eeonomic recovery in China in 2009-2011, with real GDP growth exceeding 10 percent in 2010.  相似文献   

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