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The separation between the ownership and control is an important character for modem firms. Since Modern Firm and Private Property written by Berle and Means was published, the study on the relationship between the ownership and corporate performance has become a front porch task in modem firm theory. In this paper, firstly, we review the argument on this topic among the western researchers and the achievements in recent 20 years. Then we evaluate all the results about this topic and show some valuable advice for the continuous study. Finally, we forecast the research foreground on this topic.  相似文献   

In the published literature, the differences in environmental performance across countries are typically explained using the Environmental Kuznets Curve. The Environmental Kuznets Curve states that pollution initially increases with economic growth. Once GDP per capita reaches a certain level, the relationship reverses. In the present paper, we provide an alternative hypothesis, where budget structure plays an important role in explaining the variations in pollution across the world." the lower the business-related taxes as a share of total tax revenue, the higher the property tax in total tax revenue and the higher the ratio of public health expenditure in total expenditure, then the stronger the incentive of pollution control and the lower the pollution level. Our empirical findings reveal that the budget structure does have an important impact on pollution control. The policy implication of this research is that effective control of environmental pollution requires changes in tax structure and expenditure assignment. This research has important policy implications for China "s tax system reform and pollution control efforts.  相似文献   

I. Two Populous GiantsIt has been conventional wisdom to make comparison between the two geographicallylarge and populous countries, which share a long common border, have entrepreneurialtrading heritage, enormous internal diversity, large agricultural sectors, ancient culturesand almost five thousand years of histories. Both were noted for their economic prowess inthe past, albeit their more recent history of the last two centuries has been replete withdistressful colonization of one and eco…  相似文献   

This paper applies a structural vector autoregression analysis to quantify the impact of the global financial crisis on China. It is found that the impact is indeed sizeable: a 1-percent decline in economic growth in the USA, the EU and Japan is likely to lead to a0. 73-percent decline in growth in China. The article discusses whether the current measures of fiscal stimulus are adequate to offset the sharp decline in external demand Although there is little doubt that the massive fiscal stimulus will largely offset the significant shortfalls in external demand, the current growth pattern in China will be increasingly unsustainable in the long term. China "s reform cycles suggest that external shocks are often opportunities for structural reforms. Therefore, the crisis could also be a catulyst for rebalancing China 's economic structure so as to return the economy to a sustainable path.  相似文献   

I. Introduction The township and village-owned enterprises (TVE) in rural China have ever been both an engine of the Chinese economy and an important contributor to the success of Chinese economic reform. They were established by the township and village authorities in the 1980s to achieve three main purposes: to provide government revenue, to increase ruralresidents’ income, and to create employment opportunities for the tremendous rural surplus labor force. The extent of the achievements…  相似文献   

A partial convergence of the Indian and Chinese growth models is likely. Judging from China's experience, sustaining India's impressive economic performance of recent years will require a significant further opening of its economy (externally and internally), higher savings and investments, especially in physical infrastructure and social services, and stronger labor absorption in the modern sectors. The base of India's current economic boom - software, IT-related services and high-end manufacturing - is narrow compared to China's. Poor performance in agriculture is responsible for still significant poverty in many parts of rural India. Bilateral India-China ties, including trade and investment, are increasing rapidly and could help to bring about the structural economic changes India needs. Through its exports to China, India is becoming linked to global supply chains centered on China. The notion that India-China relations are, or are bound to become, fundamentally antagonistic, held by many in the USA, is mistaken and potentially dangerous.  相似文献   

Independent Directors (IDs), also known as outside directors or non-executive directors, are those who are independent of the company's shareholders and who hold no post in a joint-stock company. Unlike internal directors who are under the control of dominant shareholders and a company's leading group, IDs are in a position to play a favorable role for the company to independently judge and determine its business. The introduction of the ID system in the corporate  相似文献   

The banking sector plays the critical function of financial intermediary in a nations economy.In the past few years, as a result of the rapid growth of the Chinese economy andaccommodating monetary policy, Chinas banking sector has experienced remarkableexpansion.1 However, many issues still remained in Chinas banking sector, such as assetquality, capital adequacy, management and risk control. These issues, if not appropriatelydealt with, may hinder the sustainable development of, and even im…  相似文献   

In Central Asian Turkish culture, Turkish nomadic and hunting strategies in the war hold an important place in the affected areas. Lightweight equipment and horses and horseback archery have gained importance in the battle field; factors such as the independence and freedom of the Turkish military have been a source of their courage. Metehan, Oguz, Kursad and 40 warriors on the battlefield have been found in this direction and their struggle for independence period with the Central Asian countries has played an influential role in determining the boundaries. In this research, it has been tried to mention the structure of the Central Asian Turkish army, the structure of the Turkish army and logic of the war psychology.  相似文献   

In this paper, one vital point of the strategic marketing structure is its definition, marketing activities should be defined from "closed marketing activities" that are limited to the business and sales division to "open marketing activities" that can be performed through steady linkage with all other divisions in a company-wide framework. The aim is for an "Evolution of Market Creating" through "High Quality Assurance and Innovating Advertisement, Product planning and Dealers' Sales Activities" by utilizing the scientific approach of Advanced TMS. So, the authors present an "Intelligent Customer Information Marketing Model, ICIM" which takes the form of strategic marketing. As an example of the application of this research, the authors apply this model to advertising, product planning and dealers' sales activities and obtained the results shown.  相似文献   

“樊记腊汁肉”不再姓樊 2011年5月24日,这一天,在西安人嘴里,变成了一包五味杂陈的怪味豆。从这一天起,誉满天下的,让西安人充满了自豪感的地方风味名小吃,荣获商业部“金鼎奖”金牌小吃,“樊记腊汁肉”从此不姓樊了。  相似文献   

I. Introduction When Indian Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh announced in 2005 that Mumbai will be like Shanghai for India, a trigger was fired. Little did he know that his statement would be taken out of context and interpreted differently than what he had meant. Since then, the term “Shanghaing Mumbai” has caught on in the city development discussions in India.The Chief Minister of Maharashtra said that he would do his best to fulfil the dream of making Mumbai into a World Class Ci…  相似文献   

Customer satisfaction and loyalty is subject to the influence of different types of customer complaints and will be with different results. In this paper, according to the hypotheses about the relationship of complaint, satisfaction and loyalty, a Structural Equation Model based on PLS (Partial Least 2 Squares) is built. By using the PLS Graph, these hypotheses are empirically tested by the data from China's mobile phone consumers. The study suggests that direct complaint should have a positive effect on satisfaction. However the degree of effect depends on the result of dealing with complaints. So the number of direct complaints should be controlled within the enterprise's ability of dealing with complaints. Meanwhile, comparing with directly complaining customers, indirectly complaining customers are more likely to repeat the purchasing and become loyal customers.  相似文献   

十八大报告提出推进经济结构战略性调整,成为当前加快转变经济发展方式的主攻方向。调整经济结构主要是改善需求结构、优化产业结构、促进区域结构、推进城镇化等为重点,着力解决制约经济持续健康发展的经济结构不平衡问题,确立正确的经济结构调整方向。  相似文献   

现代企业组织结构形式变迁的趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在市场经济条件下,市场需求和技术进步是推动企业组织结构变革的两个最关键因素.19世纪中叶工业革命后,生产、通讯、交通等方面的科学技术日新月异,生产力飞速发展,消费水平日益提高,消费需求不断发生变化.在需求的不断变化和技术进步的不断推动下,新的组织结构形式不断产生.  相似文献   

试论经营结构理论的起源与模块化困境的突破   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
模块化理论已成为组织管理和产业组织理论的前沿,但模块化本身却无法突破网络锁定和系统创新的瓶颈。以产品结构为核心内容的经营结构理论,从企业内创和上下游相关企业共创的视角,对此进行了全新的阐释和探索。本文通过对模块化创新困境的剖析,阐述了经营结构理论的起源及其主要思想,并在对模块化理论和经营结构理论进行比较以后,指出了经营结构理论应继续关注的领域。  相似文献   

谢圣杰 《魅力中国》2010,(5):106-106
结构的加固与改造是针对结构存在问题的处理,包括施工图设计和施工操作,是对全套技术先进性、科学性和合理性的验证阶段。结构的检测与加固技术可细分为检验测试技术、鉴定评估技术和加固改造技术。检验测试技术的基础,为鉴定与评估工作提供必要的信息和基本数据。鉴定与评估技术是该项技术的关键.是连接检验测试技术与加固改造技术的重要环节,通过计算、分析、比较和论证,确定影响结构性能的因素、各因素影响的程度、存在问题的性质,确定问题的处理方案。  相似文献   

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