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王鹤鸣 《中国海关》2012,(4):86-87,19
传统矿物能源的不可再生性,决定了过度依靠单一类型的自然能源所面临的系统性风险是无法回避的。"世界经济血液"的称号体现出石油在世界经济中的价值与地位,而华尔街的一句名言"千万不要试图预测油价",又令其充满了神秘色彩。  相似文献   

一手抓粮食,一手抓油料,这是基本国策之一。蓖麻是我国主要的油料作物,其籽含油量高,油虽非食用,却是现代化学工业的多用途用原料。作者试图小考历史并针对它的社会及经济价值“吹吹风”,使这一农业资源象一叶致富小舟鼓起前进的风帆。  相似文献   

We examine the effects of endogenously determined oil price fluctuations in a two-country DSGE model. Under incomplete financial markets, an oil market-specific shock that boosts the oil price results in a wealth transfer toward oil exporters, depresses the oil importer's consumption, and causes the oil importer's real exchange rate to depreciate. Although the oil importer experiences a deterioration in the oil component of its trade balance, an improvement in the nonoil balance substantially dampens the effects on the overall trade balance.  相似文献   

印度尼西亚盛产大米和棕榈油,是世界第3大大米生产国和第2大棕榈油生产和出口国,对世界植物油市场价格具有举足轻重的影响。农业历来在印度尼西亚国民经济中占有十分重要的地位。随着国家经济全面发展,政府对农业的支持力度逐步增强,农产品供应与需求形势不断好转。  相似文献   

日本油料发展政策及对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本是油料进口大国,近年来日本采取一系列的保护政策刺激国内油料生产,一方面以国内支持方式鼓励本国农民种植大豆等油料作物,另一方面利用边境措施来保护国内油脂加工业的发展.这些政策措施大大减少了植物油的进口量,保护了日本农民利益和促进了油脂加工业的发展.目前中国也是植物油的进口大国,进口量占到总需求量的一半左右.因而,学习借鉴日本油料发展政策,对于发展我国油料产业,保证食用油脂安全有着重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

One of the more unhappy effects of the recent, massive rise in the price of crude oil has been its impact on those developing countries not fortunate enough to be oil exporters themselves. The authors offer a proposal for rechanneling some of the oil revenues to the impacted developing countries.  相似文献   

在中东地区持续动荡的背景下,非洲石油因其独特的优势而使其重要性日益凸显。随着非洲本土石油公司的崛起,非洲石油经济的自主发展势头强劲。石油经济对非洲产油国经济社会发展的积极影响渐成主流。  相似文献   

Few industries have undergone such rapid changes during the last ten years as the international oil industry. During this decade, there have been radical changes in the conditions under which international oil companies acquire and trade crude oil. In addition to the changes in the upstream sector the two quantum jumps in oil prices have drastically altered the conditions of downstream operations. Since 1979 oil demand fell more sharply than total energy demand, thereby reducing its relative importance in the energy economy. These events initiated a far-reaching adjustment process which is likely to continue.  相似文献   

为了维护我国进口燃料油市场秩序,解决进口燃料油真伪性鉴别问题,本文通过简单试验方法,详细叙述了进口燃料油真伪性快速、准确鉴别过程。该方法简单可行、结果准确可靠,可为海关、检验检疫把关服务提供技术支持和法律依据。  相似文献   


This research aims at elaborating performance of an oil refinery owned by a Russian corporation in Lithuania. The article strives to trace how important Russian capital is for the Lithuanian oil business. The study examines the development of the oil refinery: (1) from its initial state-ownership to (2) privatization conducted by an American private company and, finally (3) to its acquisition with the Russian capital. This case study illustrates the importance of foreign direct investment, namely Russian FDI.  相似文献   

文章利用1992~2018年中国从80个国家石油进口的非平衡面板数据,实证考察出口国发生局部地区冲突对中国石油进口的影响,并对其异质性特征和可能的影响机制予以识别。研究表明,出口国局部地区冲突会给中国石油进口带来显著的负向冲击,该影响主要是局部地区冲突引起出口国石油产量下降所致。局部地区冲突不会通过国际油价和中国石油对外直接投资影响中国石油进口。石油资源禀赋和"一带一路"倡议能够在一定程度上对冲局部冲突对中国石油进口的负向影响。局部地区冲突对中国石油进口的冲击具有明显的阶段性特征,并且随着中国石油进口依存度的攀升逐渐增强。在当前国际油市深度调整的现实背景下,该研究为深刻认识一系列国际重大突发事件对中国石油进口的影响、保障中国石油进口安全提供了科学借鉴。  相似文献   

Few industries have been pressured to develop corporate social responsibility (CSR) standards and policies like oil and gas. This has translated into the creation of non-governmental organizations and branches of the oil and gas firms focused on CSR. However, given the intrinsic complex characteristics of this industry, its global reach, and the fact that its operations affect and involve a wide variety of stakeholders, CSR issues cannot be defined and implemented exclusively at the industry or firm levels, but require the participation of other actors affected directly or indirectly by oil and gas activities. In this paper we argue, first, that oil and gas CSR issues are collectively constructed through meta-organizations (organizations composed by other organizations), and, second, that the complexity and variety of CSR issues require companies to build industry-specific and non-industry-specific collective actions. Based on how oil and gas firms participate in this multi-level co-construction of CSR issues, we created a typology of meta-organizations as infra-sectoral, sectoral, cross-sectoral, and supra-sectoral meta-organizations.  相似文献   

食用油质量检测需要按照相关的技术指标,凭借可靠的检测方法进行。基于此,针对食用油质量检测的相关技术指标进行简要介绍,然后从电导法、色谱法及光谱法等方面,逐一阐述食用油质量检测的不同方法及其具体运用,以期给予相关工作者一些参考,能够不断提升食用油质量检测工作效率,保证食用油质量安全。  相似文献   

冰区和冰级简介据了解.世界冰区主要分布在南北极附近水域.英国劳氏船级社(LR)列出了包括波罗的海、北极水域和鄂霍次克海在内的主要冰区分布,见表1。  相似文献   

This paper inspects the asymmetric effect of oil price on prices level in Qatar. To achieve that, we proceed by employing a nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approach on data during the period 1990Q1–2014Q4. The estimation results show evidences of an incomplete and asymmetric influence of oil price on price level in the long term. Moreover, we find that price responses to negative changes in oil price is greater than its response to positive changes. Given Qatar’s economic features, a decrease in oil price could cause lower imports and production prices and consequently a substantial influence on domestic prices level. However, the lower effect of positive oil price changes on consumer prices can be explained by the subsidies system, the consumption patterns, and the exchange rate regime.  相似文献   

海洋油田破乳剂应用综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了中国海洋油田的特点、原油处理工艺以及原油品性,并根据渤海油田特点,着重介绍了原油破乳剂在海洋油田的应用情况。通过优化破乳剂的类型和用量来保证油田的正常运行,并实现节能减排的目的。  相似文献   

石油是关系到国家安全的战略资源。近年来,我国石油进口的依存度不断提高,石油安全问题日益突出。我国的石油安全有其特殊性,既存在经济安全,也存在政治安全。经济安全是表象,政治安全是实质。这是我国在国际上特殊的政治和经济地位决定的。近些年来美国战略部署的调整及我国周边的形势的恶化,反映了我国政治安全的严峻。由于我国经济的不断发展及国内石油资源及储备不足,未来对石油进口的依存度会进一步提高。保障石油来源地和运输线路的安全应当成为我国石油安全战略的重点选择。  相似文献   

近年来愈演愈烈的石油贸易中的"亚洲溢价"问题严重损害了亚洲石油进口国的利益。随着我国石油需求的增加和进口量的增长,从中东进口原油量也逐年增加,"亚洲溢价"对我国的影响也越来越大。作为全球第二大石油消费国,我国应该充分重视这一问题,并结合自身石油贸易r具体情况找出症结所在,采取相应措施予以解决。  相似文献   

The objective of the study is to analyze the competition between palm oil with its substitute and between Indonesia's and Malaysia's palm oil in China and India. An import demand equation using Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) is constructed. The result indicates that Indonesia's palm oil is more elastic in China and India. Moreover, in China, Indonesia's and Malaysia's palm oil complement each other.  相似文献   

由蓖麻油酸生产癸二酸,属于蓖麻油的第三代衍生产品,工业用途广而重要,文章对其物化性质、制取方法作了系统介绍,意在推动蓖麻种植、蓖麻油产业发展,为化学工业提供再生原料,并与油脂工作者同瞻蓖麻油的开发前景。  相似文献   

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