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消费者对企业日益提高的期望使企业慈善比以往任何时候都更为重要。但是,本次调查的许多受访者表示,他们的公司并未能卓有成效地实现社会目标或满足利益相关群体的期望。那些表现良好的公司正在采取一种更具战略性的方法。  相似文献   

<正>全球经济活动正逐渐由发达经济体向发展中经济体转移,伴随而来的是新兴市场中消费者数量的持续增长。全世界的高管们一致认为,在未来五年内,这两个全球发展趋势不但是影响全球商业发展的最重要因素,而且是对企业盈利能力最为有利的因素。此外,高管们还指出,全球化另  相似文献   

<正>今年以来,多数高管首次预计消费者对他们的产品的需求近期内会上升。受访者对经济表示了相对乐观的看法,表示他们现在可以制定更长期的战略计划。然而,许多人预计,今后两年的投资决策会受到汇率波动加剧的影响。根据12月第2周进行的调查,随着动荡的一年临近尾声,高管们对所在国家的经济以及其企业的前景持适度乐观态度。略多于一半的高管继续表示,现在的经济状况要好于2008年9月,多数高管今年首次预计,消费者对他们的产品的需求近期内会上升。此外,寻求并获得外部资金的企业比一年以前要多得多。高管称,相对于2009年初偏重于短期  相似文献   

同情弱者是人类的天性,但只有强者才能真正获得尊重。中国不仅获得了世界的同情,也赢得了世界的尊重。  相似文献   

美国《商业周刊》全力推出的全球100个最响亮的品牌又一次吸引了整个世界的目光:可口可乐依然身披着传统的红色盛装站在百强的排头,紧随其后的是始终觊觎着宝座的微软,然后是逆水行舟的IBM......除了人们熟知的这些品牌先锋外,2001年有26家新入围的品牌企业给世界经济写上了新的注脚。旧经济依然统治世界虽然经济正在经历着一次严重的感冒,美国仍然在100个全球最知名的品牌中占据着62个席位,其中前10名中仍然有9个贴着″美国制造″的商标。第一名是百年老字号″可口可乐″,虽然身价缩小5%,但仍然保持了689亿的品牌价值。把…  相似文献   

晓岩 《沪港经济》2006,(8):33-33
2006年6月15日,世界首富比尔·盖茨宣布准备逐渐淡出商界,专心于慈善事业.10天后,世界"二富"沃伦·巴菲特宣布,准备将自己拥有的85%股份--价值约370亿美元的巨额资产,逐步捐赠给慈善事业,其中大部分将捐给比尔·盖茨夫妇的慈善基金会.  相似文献   

全民积极参与、富豪慈善家层出不穷的慈善事业,已成为体现西方发达国家社会文明程度的一个重要标志,对于缩小贫富差距、缓解社会矛盾、和谐人际关系、促进文明进步起到了重要作用。对于我国来说,要实现全面小康社会和构建社会主义和谐社会的战略目标,同样需要慈善事业的兴旺发达。但令人遗憾的是,与西方国家相比,我国的慈善事业在慈善意识、慈善组织、捐赠机制、  相似文献   

企业慈善捐赠逐渐发展成为企业与社会交叉领域研究的热点问题,但已有的研究却很少考察企业高管团队对企业慈善捐赠决策的影响作用。而高阶理论是高管团队研究的主导范式。因此,高阶理论为企业慈善捐赠研究提供了一个新的研究视角,可以通过研究高管团队的背景特征变量与企业慈善捐赠行为的关系来深入揭示高管团队对企业慈善捐赠决策的作用机理。  相似文献   

全球创意产业贸易的现状、趋势及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
聂聆 《亚太经济》2012,(1):65-69
近年来,随着创意经济的日益兴起,创意产品在国际贸易中的地位逐步提升,已经取代传统的制造业产品成为国际贸易中最具活力的领域。本文研究了全球创意产业贸易的发展现状和发展趋势,提出拓展我国创意产业贸易,提升其国际竞争力的政策建议。  相似文献   

中国企业品牌运营现状的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国市场已向世界全面开放,市场竞争阵地已从传统的产品、价格转移到以品牌为核心的较量。面对国外品牌的冲击,中国企业必须在充分认识品牌运营现状的基础上,积极开展品牌运营,提高品牌竞争力,才能在国际市场竞争中立于不败之地。  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of male corporate managers' physical appearance—classified into unattractive, average-looking, and attractive—on the philanthropic decisions of Chinese listed firms. We find that compared to average-looking managers, those who rated as attractive do not engage more actively in corporate donations. On the contrary, the probability of donating is approximately 5% higher for unattractive managers than for average-looking managers; further, unattractive managers donate 95% more in charitable giving. To explain these findings, we propose a psychological channel through which physical appearance may influence male managers' charitable donations: Because altruistic behaviors may aggrandize individuals, managers conscious of deficits in their own physical attractiveness may engage in prosocial behavior to increase their attractiveness in the eyes of others. We find consistent evidence that the effect of managers' unattractiveness on philanthropic decisions is stronger in firms with weaker corporate governance; further, we find that the positive impact of corporate donation on financial performance observed in firms led by attractive and average-looking managers is substantially weaker in those firms led by unattractive managers.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of corporate philanthropy on trade credit financing for listed private firms in China viewed from the heterogeneous perceptions of credit suppliers. A positive relationship is found between corporate philanthropy and trade credit financing, suggesting that in general firms donating more can obtain more trade credits. However, this relationship is significant only for those firms with positive free cash flows and no political connections. It is striking to find that such a relationship does not exist when firms have negative free cash flows or political connections. Moreover, the relationship between corporate philanthropy and trade credits is affected by the local social trust environment. A good social trust environment is amicable for firms to use corporate philanthropy in obtaining trade credits. The research findings have important policy implications. This paper makes valuable contributions to the current literature through highlighting the importance of supplier heterogeneous perceptions towards corporate philanthropy as well as the effect of the local trust environment on the effectiveness of philanthropy in trade credit financing of the Chinese listed private firms.  相似文献   

Conclusion The results from this initial attempt to explain church giving are heartening, especially the explanation of giving to the church for philantropic purposes. The “parsimonious” model outlined explains much of church giving. Those who would encourage philanthropic giving to the church should encourage joint consumption but discourage joint investment. Expenditures for “stones and mortar” discourage philanthropic giving in the church.  相似文献   

王大伟 《走向世界》2014,(42):24-25
"和很多运动一样,就世界范围而言,帆船运动的发展是很不平衡的,有着明确的层次。欧洲自然是帆船运动的顶尖层次,海水环绕的大洋洲,也有相当好的基础,美国在大帆船运动上可以媲美任何国家,亚洲属于新兴力量,发展很快,但是与欧美还是有很大的差距。"作为中国帆船运动的领军人之一,国家体育总局航海运动学校副校长曲春对帆船运动的发展了如指掌。在国际帆联世界杯帆船赛再度来到青岛之际,一起跟随他来认识一下帆船运动的世界格局。  相似文献   

新开放经济宏观经济学:研究文献综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1995年Obstfeld和Rogoff提出了Redux模型,将名义粘性和不完全竞争纳入到建立在坚实微观基础上的动态一般均衡模型中,从而开辟了“新开放经济宏观经济学”的研究方法。此后,沿着这一方向,出现了大量的文献,将研究进一步推向深入。“新开放经济宏观经济学”将开放经济下宏观经济学的发展带入了一个全新的时代,成为当前研究的一个主导方向,本文将对这一方向的产生和发展作一较为系统全面的综述。  相似文献   

In this paper, we attempt to reconcile the mixed effects of political connections on corporate innovation. Using the China Employer-Employee Survey (CEES), we find political connections contribute to innovative activities for those firms with innovative entrepreneurs but impedes innovative activities for those without innovative entrepreneurs. After solving the endogeneity problems and correcting the sample selection bias, the baseline results do not change much. Moreover, we find political connections can help firms obtain economic benefits such as tax preference and government subsidies which, however, are utilized by firms to increase fixed asset investment. But such positive effect of political connections on fixed asset investment greatly reduces when the firm's entrepreneur has a strong spirit of innovation. These results provide a reasonable explanation for the change in the direction of the effect of political connections on corporate innovation. This paper succeeds in reconciling the mixed effects of political connections on corporate innovation by taking the entrepreneur's innovative spirit into account.  相似文献   

作为中国最大的商业银行,同时也是世界上市值最大的银行,世纪之交的中国工商银行感到自己国际化发展的不足。2000年以来,工行从中国香港等亚洲地区开始,利用全球资本市场,以兼并收购和设立分支机构并重的方式,摸着石头过河,循序渐进地在各大洲实现了战略布局。  相似文献   

社会距离对自愿合作的影响:文献综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会成员之间的自愿合作对社会和谐运作具有重要意义,本文根据自愿合作的不同行为基础,从两个角度分析了社会距离对自愿合作效率的影响:社会距离首先会影响互利均衡的协调,其次会影响社会认可的供给与需求,进而影响社会规范的执行。创造同质群体、重视长期关系、加强社会互动、重建社会规范等可以缩短社会距离,提高合作效率。  相似文献   

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