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绿色营销中政府、企业和消费者的角色定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绿色营销作为一种全新的经营理念,对于协调企业、消费者、社会利益具有重要作用。发展绿色营销,是走可持续发展道路的必然选择,针对目前尚未形成的绿色消费需求和绿色营销理念,应该细化政府、企业和消费者三方面角色定位,共同协作来寻找对策,从而使经济健康、快速发展,构建和谐社会。  相似文献   

目前 ,绿色营销已经成为一种重要的企业营销理念 ,实施绿色营销策略需要基于“绩效改善策划 (简称PIP)” ,构建企业绿色营销绩效系统 ,这一系统是由绿色营销环境超系统、绿色营销理念系统、绿色营销执行系统和绿色营销控制系统构成的 ,系统要素之间具有一定的制衡机制  相似文献   

绿色营销是社会营销观念的进一步发展,是促进生态平衡、实施可持续发展战略的重要内容。企业绿色营销体系能否建立的关键在于是否形成了政府、企业、消费者和社会的良性互动机制。本文从经济学角度分析企业进行绿色营销的障碍,并提出积极的对策。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的快速增长,消费者逐渐呈现出由非绿色品牌向绿色品牌转换的消费趋势。为了更好地提高绿色营销绩效,须从基本因素、强化因素、深化因素三个层面,分析和研究消费者绿色品牌转换过程影响因素的作用,在此基础上从绿色产品生产控制、企业绿色产品宣传推广、绿色产品监督管理、绿色环保的社会宣传等方面出发,构建绿色营销下的消费者品牌转换促成机制,以期望规范企业绿色营销活动,为企业更好地实施绿色营销战略提出建议。  相似文献   

绿色营销创建环境友好型社会研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于晶利  韦明 《商业研究》2007,(6):158-161
绿色营销思想的产生发展,带来的不仅仅是营销观念的革新与深化,更重要的是它符合以人为本的发展观,对构建可持续发展的环境友好型和谐社会具有重要作用。所以必须从绿色营销模式分析出发,对绿色营销与环境友好型社会构建关系进行积极的探索。  相似文献   

建立科学的绿色营销绩效评价体系与绿色营销体系,可以促进我国酒店业的可持续发展。根据现代酒店环境发展的要求,响应低碳经济,建立了包括酒店绩效、社会绩效与生态环境绩效在内的酒店绿色营销绩效评价三大指标体系及其评价模型;提出包括完善政府绿色政策、实施绿色管理、构建绿色营销组合以及培育绿色营销理念等系列酒店绿色营销策略。  相似文献   

刘刚  朱有余 《商业时代》2015,(8):139-140
京津冀地区农业现代化必须走一条绿色农业发展道路,在京津冀协同发展过程中要构造绿色农业分工协作机制。从实际情况来看,在绿色农业发展过程中,京津冀在农业经营者层面、产业层面、政府层面都有初步的协作。但是,这些协作无论从深度、广度和实质内容来看都不够,还没有构建起一体化的紧密型分工协作机制。当前,要加快形成京津冀紧密型绿色农业分工协作机制。  相似文献   

侯玉刚 《商业科技》2008,(26):35-36
绿色营销是连接企业内部绿色管理活动和消费者绿色需求的空中走廊。它是对企业实行绿色管理效果的检验也是促使企业走绿色化道路的重要诱因。企业实施绿色营销无论是对企业的持续发展还是对社会的发展,都有深远影响。企业绿色营销运作机制完善与否将对企业生存和发展起着决定性的影响。  相似文献   

绿色营销是连接企业内部绿色管理活动和消费者绿色需求的空中走廊。它是对企业实行绿色管理效果的检验也是促使企业走绿色化道路的重要诱因。企业实施绿色营销无论是对企业的持续发展还是对社会的发展,都有深远影响。企业绿色营销运作机制完善与否将对企业生存和发展起着决定性的影响。  相似文献   

构建绿色供应链体系是人类社会可持续发展的必然需求,具有重大社会效益,对全社会树立正确的消费观和社会价值观具有积极的现实意义和长远的历史意义。绿色供应链体系包括绿色战略、绿色设计、绿色材料的选用、绿色物流、绿色生产、绿色营销和绿色回收等基本内容,而构建绿色供应链体系必须从构建企业内部绿色供应链体系、加强外部供应链的绿色管理、强化消费者绿色消费意识、加强制度建设等多方面着手。  相似文献   

修辞的原则是修辞界讨论较多的内容,但把修辞的原则分解为潜性原则和显性原则采讨论,尚不多见。修辞应该有潜性原则和显性原则之分。修辞的潜性原则是诚信,它是内在的,看不见,摸不着的;修辞的显性原则是得体,它是外在的,听得见,感受得到的。诚信是表达的出发点和落脚点。得体是诚信的结果和表现形式。诚信必须通过得体这个美丽的外衣来显现。但诚信和得体之问是非对称关系,因此,不可逆向推断。  相似文献   

周军宜 《北方经贸》2002,(1):100-103
自我评价是一种诊断性评价 ,对于企业的持续改进和市场竞争力的提升具有非常重要的作用。模型的建立是任何类型评价进行的重要前提。因此 ,应建立一种自我评价模型 ,并从企业系统的各个方面对模型进行详细的说明 ,然后总结其主要特征。  相似文献   

正义感是人类以实现正义为目的的一种美好情感,是人的一种最基本的道德情操。一个以正义感调节的社会,人民幸福,社会稳定有序。和谐社会是一个制度正义的社会。制度正义既以正义感为前提,又以正义感为当然表征。因此,和谐社会亦是一个充满正义感的社会。在当前,正义感的培养显得格外重要和紧迫。对于道德教育来说,这既是挑战,又是机遇。  相似文献   

We study convex risk measures describing the upper and lower bounds of a good deal bound, which is a subinterval of a no‐arbitrage pricing bound. We call such a convex risk measure a good deal valuation and give a set of equivalent conditions for its existence in terms of market. A good deal valuation is characterized by several equivalent properties and in particular, we see that a convex risk measure is a good deal valuation only if it is given as a risk indifference price. An application to shortfall risk measure is given. In addition, we show that the no‐free‐lunch (NFL) condition is equivalent to the existence of a relevant convex risk measure, which is a good deal valuation. The relevance turns out to be a condition for a good deal valuation to be reasonable. Further, we investigate conditions under which any good deal valuation is relevant.  相似文献   

It is a fundamental tenet of modern management theory and practice that managers matter, and that a management change involving a transfer of authority will improve performance. In fact, there are two other possibilities, the management change may have no or even a negative effect. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of a management change (succession) in the retail service branch banking context. The study is based on historical operational data and is longitudinal in nature. Specifically, the inter-relationships between pre-succession performance, predecessor tenure, reason for succession, origin of successor and organisational change were evaluated in 38 branches of a bank during a two-year period. The results indicated a strong association between pre- and post-succession performance, and that pre-succession performance is a predictor of successor origin, as is predecessor tenure which in turn influence post-succession performance.  相似文献   

"营销的本质"和"营销与销售的区别"是市场营销理论和实践的基本问题。从制度经济学的视角看,营销的本质是企业的一种管理交易,而不是产品买卖交易。营销具有管理交易的本质特征:生产性、效率性和层级性,而销售具有买卖交易的本质特征:分配性、价格性和平等性。营销本质上是生产者的行为,是产业资本的行为,而销售本质上是商人行为,是商业资本的行为。  相似文献   

This paper considers a duopoly with product differentiation and examines the interaction between merger and innovation incentives. The analysis reveals that a merger tends to discourage innovation, unless the investment cost is sufficiently low. This result holds irrespective of whether side payments between firms are allowed. When side payments between insiders within the merged firm are permitted, a standard result in the literature is reconfirmed, which suggests that a bilateral merger-to-monopoly is always profitable. When such side payments are not permitted, however, it is shown that a merger is not profitable when the efficiency of the new technology is relatively high and the investment cost is below a particular level.  相似文献   

An important concern for service businesses is how to develop an appropriate segmentation and relationship marketing strategy that is tied to the value contribution of the customer base. This article presents a case study of the relationship marketing strategy for a division of a leading, worldwide financial services provider. The case firm segments customers into three tiers, using a framework similar to the one established by Berry and Parasuraman. Potential revenue from the customer is the primary segmentation variable used to assign customers to one of the three tiers, while the customer service response is tailored for each tier based upon customer information capabilities and needs. Although information is normally thought of as a supplemental service, rather than a core service, this case study shows how information is central to providing effective customer service and is a key to relationship marketing. The study also demonstrates how social and structural bonds can be used to refocus a customer's thinking from a cost perspective to a value perspective.  相似文献   

美国公共政策学的教材建设有其特色与优势:一是教材作者的资深化和高水平化,二是教材内容的本土化和案例化,三是教材的学术价值高,四是教材语言生动、简洁明了、图文并茂,版式编排人性化。对比美国公共政策教材,不难发现我国公共政策学教材建设的差距和不足,从中也可以得到一些启示与借鉴:一是应当重视专家学者在公共政策学教材建设中的作用,二是应当高度重视公共政策学教材内容的本土化和案例库建设,三是应当提高公共政策学教材的学术含量,四是应当重视公共政策学教材的编写形式。  相似文献   


In the pharmaceutical industry, a reverse payment (pay-for-delay) is a payment from an originator to a generic producer to delay her entry. In some recent cases, the US and EU antitrust authorities have banned these agreements per se, while in others they have used a rule of reason. This paper analyzes their dynamic effects and shows that a ban per se may reduce consumer surplus when the generic producer may go bankrupt and her financial situation is private information. Reverse payments are more beneficial when competition among few players is soft, the economy is in a downturn, and the period of drug usage after patent expiry is long. Results suggest that a rule of reason is more suited than a ban per se.  相似文献   

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