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Few scholars would dispute the argument that mergers and acquisitions (M&As) are different in China and the United States, but we know little about how they differ. This article reports one of the first studies that systematically compares and contrasts how M&As differ in these two countries. While prior research on M&As tends to emphasize economic and financial explanations while treating firms as atomistic actors severed from their institutional and network relations, we develop a new theoretical framework based on relational, behavioral, and institutional perspectives. We not only consider firms as learning actors embedded in network relations, but also compare and contrast their M&A patterns between China and the United States, two distinctive institutional contexts. We find that both a firm’s structural hole position and its learning orientation (exploration/exploitation) in alliances have direct and joint impacts on subsequent M&As. Further, such impacts differ across the two countries, due to their institutional disparities.  相似文献   

Developing theory from strategic management research in China   总被引:10,自引:9,他引:1  
What are the main approaches to theory development based on strategic management research in China? What are some of the recent efforts in developing theory in this area? What is our recommended approach? To address these questions, this article outlines the three approaches to theory development in China research, articulates the Chinese context within the global economy, and highlights two streams of recent work as examples of following the recommended, integrative approach to theory development.  相似文献   

Innovativeness: Its antecedents and impact on business performance   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this study, we address three research questions: (1) Why are some industrial firms more innovative than others? (2) What effect does innovativeness has on business performance? (3) Does the linkage between innovativeness and business performance depend on the environmental context? Accordingly, we draw on various theoretical perspectives to develop hypotheses that propose market orientation, entrepreneurial orientation, and learning orientation as key antecedents to innovativeness, as well as a direct relationship between innovativeness and business performance. A model is devised and tested that examines these relationships in general and in the context of varying market turbulence. Findings confirm the validity of the model and afford various insights on the role of market turbulence in the proposed relationships. Lastly, implications are offered on the antecedents and consequences of organizational innovativeness.  相似文献   

Prior research on M&As and invention outcomes has not systematically examined the influence of two types of knowledge differences. Knowledge relatedness has typically been equated with knowledge similarity and the separate influence of knowledge complementarity has been overlooked. Similarly, studies examining innovation outcomes of M&As have typically focused on the role of technological knowledge and overlooked the influence of scientific knowledge. We develop a model of relatedness and invention performance of high‐technology M&As that considers science and technology similarity and complementarity as important drivers of invention. We test the model using a sample of M&As from the drug, chemical, and electronics industries and a fine‐grained measure of knowledge relatedness that distinguishes between science and technology relatedness. We find that complementary scientific knowledge and complementary technological knowledge both contribute to post‐merger invention performance by stimulating higher quality and more novel inventions. This suggests that high‐technology firms seeking acquisitions should search for, identify, and acquire businesses that have scientific and technological knowledge that is complementary to their own. Our results also suggest that similarities in knowledge facilitate incremental renewal, while complementarities would make discontinuous strategic transformations more likely, and that absorptive capacity research should be expanded to consider complementarities as well as similarities. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The payment choice of mergers and acquisitions (M&As) influences firm performance and facilitates wealth transfer to shareholders and realises synergy through stakeholders' implicit contract. This study examines the choice of payment methods and firm-level characteristics of UK M&As during the financial crisis referring to the business-to-business (B2B) market in a broader sense. Further, conceptualising social innovation as a process-outcome-value construct, this study evaluates the choice of payment methods and firm-level characteristics of M&As through the lens of corporate social responsibility (CSR). The findings suggest that a stock payment method is favoured well over a cash payment method by the acquirers of M&A firms and firms that are pursuing social innovation through CSR activities. The results further document that a volatile market affected by the financial crisis reacts to the financing choice of M&As, making a sizable impact on firms' capital structure, ownership concentration, and asymmetric information. Acquiring firms that opt for stock payment methods register a significant increase in their firm-level characteristics, such as market-to-book-value, deal value, growth, and CARs compared to the cash payment method deals.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to explore how changes in organizing the alignment between Marketing and Purchasing (M&P) might be linked to new value creation. The issue of value creation and the specific role of inter-functional cooperation have been examined in depth in the marketing literature. However, the relationship between Marketing and Purchasing alignment and value creation has received only limited attention, even though the emerging role of purchasing is increasingly recognized. This work aims to address this gap using the analytical framework by Bocconcelli and Tunisini (2012) as a basis and adopting a process perspective. Specifically it intends to explore i) how companies over time manage the alignment of M&P and under which conditions/triggers; ii) whether different types of emerging organizational alignments between purchasing and marketing might result in different types of new value creation. To address these research objectives a qualitative methodology based on multiple-case study research is adopted. Four cases of mechanical firms – two large and two medium-sized – have been examined in depth. Results show that two trajectories – interactive alignment of M&P and structural alignment of M&P – have been implemented and that these paths are related respectively to value creation processes in terms of optimizing product delivery and managing product and solutions development. Market pressure and new competences are assessed as main relevant drivers, while organizational culture emerges as a meaningful barrier. Therefore this works provides a theoretical and empirical contribution further developing in a process perspective the analysis of M&P alignment and its effects on value creation. Results have also clear implications for practice: M&P alignment is necessary and beneficial for value creation. Changes, however, require time, organizational resources and a stronger awareness within the company.  相似文献   

Takeovers by telecommunications carriers have surged during between 1996 and 2005, stimulated by the Telecommunications Act of 1996. In this study, we hypothesize and test the short-term and long-term performance of telecommunications carrier mergers and acquisitions (M&As) between 1996 and 2005 according to three main categories (strategic types, bidder characteristics, and payment methods). For short-term performance, this study investigates abnormal market returns of bidding firms after M&A announcements and our study shows that telecommunications carrier M&A announcements do result in a significant increase in shareholder wealth in the short run. However, from a long-term perspective, which has been investigated in terms of the survival rate and the operating performance after M&As, the telcos experience a statistically significant decrease of up to 10%. The results also show that though strategic type, bidder characteristics, and payment method play an important role in the value creation of M&As in the short term, only the bidder size matters in the success of M&As over a long period of time.  相似文献   

As a result of the speed of information and communications technology convergence, the concept of the business ecosystem has been adopted for understanding the business value chain. Within the business ecosystem, keystones play a central role. Currently, Google and Apple are the keystones of the mobile ecosystem, and they have been quite active in acquiring firms over the past years. This study empirically examines the effects of these two firms’ mergers and acquisitions (M&As), especially the different effects on the acquirer and the rival depending on the type of target firm. After the target firms are classified according to the businesses of the acquiring firm that each target firm is related to, the study examines the effects of different types of M&As on the values of the acquirer, the rival, or both. The results provide a basis for understanding the complex relationship between two keystones within the mobile business ecosystem.  相似文献   

Do outside directors on corporate boards make a difference in firm performance during institutional transitions? What leads to the practice of appointing outside directors in the absence of legal mandate? This article addresses these two important questions by drawing not only on agency theory, but also resource dependence and institutional theories. Taking advantage of China's institutional transitions, our findings, based on an archival database covering 405 publicly listed firms and 1211 company–years, suggest that outsider directors do make a difference in firm performance, if such performance is measured by sales growth, and that they have little impact on financial performance such as return on equity (ROE). The results also document a bandwagon effect behind the diffusion of the practice of appointing outsiders to corporate boards. The article not only highlights the need to incorporate multiple theories beyond agency theory in corporate governance research, but also generates policy implications in light of the recent trend toward having more outside directors on corporate boards in emerging economies. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In most studies of ownership and firm performance, researchers have assumed different forms of ownership do not interact in their effect on firm strategy or performance. Focusing on the role of institutional owners, this study poses two related questions: (1) What are the relationships between outside institutional shareholdings, on the one hand, and a firm's capital structure and performance, on the other? and; (2) Does the size of stockholdings by corporate executives, family owners, and insider-institutions modify those relationships? The data, collected from 40 pairs of manufacturing firms selected from as many industries over a 3-year period, shows that the size of outside institutional stockholdings has a significant effect on the firm's capital structure. We have also found that family and inside institutional owners' shareholdings moderate the relationship between outside institutional shareholdings and capital structure. Likewise, corporate executives' shareholdings supplement the relationship between outside institutional shareholdings and firms' performance. These findings suggest that internal and external coalitions interact with each other to influence the firm's conduct.  相似文献   

Managerial ties are an area commanding managers’ attention in emerging economies. However, no previous study has drawn on cross-country data to address a crucial question: Are more developed market-supporting institutions associated with less use of managerial ties in emerging economies? Further, to strive for better performance, firms also need to develop market-based strategic initiatives. How do these initiatives impact performance? What role do managerial ties play in the relationship? Addressing these questions, this article extends research on managerial ties in emerging economies to an underexplored region—Central Asia and the Caucasus.  相似文献   

This paper reviews research on open innovation that considers how and why firms commercialize external sources of innovations. It examines both the “outside‐in” and “coupled” modes of open innovation. From an analysis of prior research on how firms leverage external sources of innovation, it suggests a four‐phase model in which a linear process—(1) obtaining, (2) integrating, and (3) commercializing external innovations—is combined with (4) interaction between the firm and its collaborators. This model is used to classify papers taken from the top 25 innovation journals, complemented by highly cited work beyond those journals. A review of 291 open innovation‐related publications from these sources shows that the majority of these articles indeed address elements of this inbound open innovation process model. Specifically, it finds that researchers have front‐loaded their examination of the leveraging process, with an emphasis on obtaining innovations from external sources. However, there is a relative dearth of research related to integrating and commercializing these innovations. Research on obtaining innovations includes searching, enabling, filtering, and acquiring—each category with its own specific set of mechanisms and conditions. Integrating innovations has been mostly studied from an absorptive capacity perspective, with less attention given to the impact of competencies and culture (including “not invented here”). Commercializing innovations puts the most emphasis on how external innovations create value rather than how firms capture value from those innovations. Finally, the interaction phase considers both feedback for the linear process and reciprocal innovation processes such as cocreation, network collaboration, and community innovation. This review and synthesis suggests several gaps in prior research. One is a tendency to ignore the importance of business models, despite their central role in distinguishing open innovation from earlier research on interorganizational collaboration in innovation. Another gap is a tendency in open innovation to use “innovation” in a way inconsistent with earlier definitions in innovation management. The paper concludes with recommendations for future research that include examining the end‐to‐end innovation commercialization process, and studying the moderators and limits of leveraging external sources of innovation.  相似文献   

Does it pay to acquire technological firms?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract The paper focuses on several research questions: How do the firms differ in terms of their strategic objectives for foreign acquisitions? What are the determinants of ‘success’ of acquisition? What are the differences between the American and German firms in terms of their acquisition strategies and successes? Our special interest was to get a closer look into the technological motive of the foreign acquisitions. This made a two-step procedure necessary. A first survey of 86 firms had to identify those acquisitions which were motivated by technological interests through a questionnaire. Findings: There are four classes of companies with different motives for acquisitions: Market oriented entrepreneurs, Short-term profit seekers, Technological acquirers, Preemptive market protectors. The second survey investigated the process and the results of acquisitions with a special view on the role of research and development through 60 interviews in 30 acquisition cases in both acquiring and acquired units. Findings: A network of variables explains the success. The most important are context variables (uncertainty, cultural differences), size of both firms, low degree of formalization, expertise, and lack of conflicts about technological philosophy.  相似文献   

This paper examines acquisitions of firms after they have undergone initial public offerings (IPOs). Combining insights from information economics with recent research on geographic distance in various market settings, the analysis investigates whether the presence or absence of different signals on IPO firms has an impact on the geographic proximity of acquirers. The central proposition we develop and test is that specific characteristics of IPOs—venture capitalist backing, investment bank reputation, and underpricing of issued shares—convey signals on these firms, which can facilitate acquisitions by more remote acquirers who are more likely to face the risk of adverse selection. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Food systems around the world experienced increased merger and acquisition (M&A) activity over the past decades. Based on a sample of 13,911M&A attempts worldwide during 1986–2006, this study provides an analysis of major determinants of M&A completion in the food processing industry. Friendly attitude, cash payment and experience with M&As emerge as strong deal facilitators. Bidding competition, pursuit of parallel transactions, target subsidiary status and acquirer public status are the most important deal breakers. Unlike the lenient antitrust approach of the Reagan administration, the 1998 UK Competition Act and various directives and regulations on food safety and quality associated with the completion of the internal European market in 1992 facilitated M&A completion. In contrast, the beginning of the Economic and Monetary Union, as marked by the introduction of the Euro in 1999, had a strong negative effect on completion likelihood. This study identifies substantial regional differences. Completion of M&As that involve Asian firms depends on distinct factors. Results for NAFTA are mostly in line with predictions derived from general economic theory, compared to other regions.  相似文献   

This paper examines the employment effects of acquisitions for acquired European firms, taking non-random selection of acquisition targets explicitly into account. Following the empirical firm growth literature and theories put forward in the mergers and acquisition (M&A) literature, we control for convergence dynamics in firm size and distinguish between different types of acquisitions. Empirically, we estimate an endogenous treatment model using accounting data for a newly created sample of acquired and non-acquired European firms. Our results reveal positive employment effects for different types of acquisitions indicating that M&As likely induce efficiency gains.  相似文献   

Technological innovation of firms in China: Past, present, and future   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
What do we know about technological innovation of firms in China? What are the directions for future research on this topic? This paper summarizes and discusses some of the newest literature on technological innovation of firms in China in the following three ways: (1) the influence of firms?? external factors, (2) the influence of firms?? internal factors, and (3) interfirm cooperation factors. Based on the analysis of these articles, we propose a framework which highlights these influencing factors, decision-making and implementation of technological innovation and innovation performance, in the context of China??s emerging economy. This framework sheds lights on future innovation research.  相似文献   

Since modern China was closed to the outside world until 1979, research on management issues within organizations operating in the Chinese context is a relatively recent phenomenon. In this study, we analyzed this body of research by performing a citation analysis on 226 research articles on this topic published in 20 leading English language academic journals over the past 16 years (1984–1999). The citation impact analysis identified the 52 most cited articles and the academic journals as well as the most influential authors on this research. We examined the issues or topics in these 52 influential articles and suggest some directions for future research.  相似文献   

This paper integrates institution-, industry-, and resource-based views of internationalization and demonstrates that industrial characteristics, firm resources, and institutional factors can significantly explain the differences and similarities of international expansion of Chinese and Japanese multinational enterprises (MNEs). In particular, this paper maps the growth of Chinese MNEs since economic reforms in 1978 and that of Japanese MNEs after World War II. We illustrate the similarities and differences between Chinese and Japanese MNEs with two case studies: foreign direct investment (FDI) of Haier and Matsushita. We suggest that how firms internationalize, in addition to being influenced by industry- and resource-based considerations, is inherently shaped by the domestic and international institutional frameworks governing these endeavors.
Yinbin KeEmail:

Xiaohua Yang   (PhD, University of Kansas) is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Management at Queensland University of Technology. She has presented and published her work in the leading management journals and conferences around the world. She has taught in the United States, Australia, China, and Taiwan and lectured in Europe. Her research interests are in the areas of global strategy, expatriate management and corporate social responsibility. Her current research is on internationalization of firms in emerging markets. Yi Jiang   (PhD, The Ohio State University) is an Assistant Professor at California State University, East Bay. She has published her research in leading management journals and presented her papers in management conferences. Her research interests are in the areas of international business, corporate strategy and corporate governance. Her recent research interests include privatization and corporate governance in emerging economies. Rongping Kang   is a Senior Researcher at Institute of World Economics & Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. His research interests are in the areas of Chinese corporate strategy. His current research is on internationalization of Chinese firms. Yinbin Ke   is an Assistant Chief Editor, Peking University Business Review. He graduated from Dalian University of Technology with a BSc. His research interests are in the areas of Chinese corporate strategy. His current research is on internationalization of Chinese firms.  相似文献   

“Green” supply chain management (GSCM) has often been associated with highly visible companies (Bowen, 2000) and firms within consumer-focused industries (Buysse & Verbeke, 2003; Hall, 2000; Roht-Arriaza, 1996). As such, GSCM has partly been led by development of consumer awareness of environmental issues (Beamon, 1999; Zhu et al., 2005). This suggest that firms operating in business-to-consumer (B2C) markets have strong incentives to implement GSCM, due to both institutional and stakeholder pressure. However, this leaves the role of GSCM in business-to-business (B2B) sectors relatively unexplored and to-date little is known about: 1) the relative engagement with GSCM among firms in business-to-consumer and business-to-business sectors; 2) the conditions that are necessary for successful implementation of “green” practices in B2B supply chains. This study addresses these issues within the context of 340 buyer–supplier relationships in the United Kingdom, using an innovative research methodology that captures firms' engagement with GSCM practices and minimizes social desirability and common source biases. Our results show that GSCM is relatively limited among firms in B2B markets compared to firms in B2C markets. At the same time, we show that developing trust with supply chain partners, while also having top management support, is a crucial driver of engagement with GSCM among firms in B2B sector but less important among firms in B2C sector. These findings provide considerable insights to managers and marketers of B2B supply chains that seek to respond to a growing interest of environmental performance of supply chain.  相似文献   

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