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基于互联网企业轻资产、高估值、迭代快以及风险大等特点,比较传统价值评估模型与Schwar-tz-Moon等实物期权价值评估模型,分别运用于评估案例企业泛微网络价值.结果发现,相较于传统现金流贴现模型,实物期权价值评估模型评估结果更接近于公司实际价值.三种实物期权模型敏感性分析表明:Schwartz-Moon模型评估误差最小,且模型稳健性最强,适用于不确定性高的互联网企业估值.  相似文献   

就企业价值评估方法而言,现金流量折现法无疑是其中基本的、成熟的一种,该方法是国外现行资产评估中使用的主要方法,也适用于我国大部分被评估企业的情况.但是随着经济社会的进一步发展,现金流量折现法的局限性逐渐显现,对其进行补充和创新是当前我国企业价值评估亟待解决的问题.于是,实物期权法作为一种创新的企业价值评估方法应运而生了.  相似文献   

王钰 《中国外资》2011,(10):228-228
就企业价值评估方法而言,现金流量折现法无疑是其中基本的、成熟的一种,该方法是国外现行资产评估中使用的主要方法,也适用于我国大部分被评估企业的情况。但是随着经济社会的进一步发展,现金流量折现法的局限性逐渐显现,对其进行补充和创新是当前我国企业价值评估亟待解决的问题。于是,实物期权法作为一种创新的企业价值评估方法应运而生了。  相似文献   

特定条件下企业股权价值的评估:期权定价模型的运用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

2016年上半年中国电子商务交易规模达10.5万亿元,同比增长37.6%。电商的迅速发展使得电子商务企业的价值评估受到越来越多的关注。电子商务企业的发展具有较大的不确定性,其增长速度、盈利模式等与传统企业有较大的不同。因此,传统的企业价值评估方法对于电子商务企业价值评估来说适用性较差。本文针对电子商务企业的具体特点,分析电子商务企业中的实物期权,选择合适的实物期权模型,对电子商务企业的价值进行评估。  相似文献   

评估师的工作就是为客户提供有关资产的最有价值的信息.而在目前的评估报告中,评估结果仍以一个单一的评估价值来表示,并且只附加了简单的解释,这种评估对客户的来说使用价值相当有限,由于客户不知道单一的评估价值所处的合理价值范围以及相应的概率,在做出投资决策时选择余地很少,有时甚至会产生误导.资产评估中不可避免会存在一定程度的不确定性,当市场和资产条件未发生变化时,评估师本可以做出正确的估价,但当条件变化时,他无法对评估结果的准确性及可靠性发表意见.本文主要探讨的是"正常的不确定性",亦可以简称为"不确定性".不确定性是评估中普遍存在的一种现象,不确定性的描述和鉴别对客户会有很大的帮助,同时也可以提升评估师工作的可信度.  相似文献   

谢晓霞 《中国保险》2007,(11):29-32
股权现金流量折现模型由于其内在的合理性,使其成为目前我国保险企业价值评估中最适合的价值评估方法。同时为了更加全面地反映我国保险企业的价值内涵,在股权现金流量折现模型对保险企业现有资产未来获利能力的现值进行预测的基础上,引入期权定价模型对保险企业未来潜在获利能力所产生的价值进行评估,将进一步完善我国保险企业的价值评估方法,使保险企业的价值评估更趋合理和完善。  相似文献   

实物期权评估已成为企业价值评估中的一种重要方法,但模型中涉及许多参数的确定,参数的确定会直接影响到评估结果的可靠性与合理性。本文通过对M企业评估案例的分析,认为参数中的收益波动率对期权价值的敏感性要远低于标的资产价值与执行价格现值的影响,因此在评估实务中可以予以简化。  相似文献   

本文采用实物期权法,建立了企业并购中目标企业的价值评估模型,认为并购中目标企业的价值不仅包括企业自身的价值,还应包括由于并购的实物期权特征和协同效应产生的目标企业的附加价值。目标企业自身的价值由传统的折现现金流法计算并通过实物期权理论调整;并购附加价值由实物期权法,改进的折现现金流法和专家评分法进行计算和分配。  相似文献   

在激烈竞争的市场环境下,客户资源已经成为金融企业发展的重要因素,对这一特殊资产进行准确而有效的评估自然成为金融企业评估中不可或缺的组成部分之一。本次研究结合以往的传统评估理论,并应用战略不确定性理论对金融企业客户终身价值评估模型进行了修订,力求为金融企业的评估提供理论支持。  相似文献   

不确定条件下的生产外包具有期权特征。考虑价格与成本都具有不确定性,借助实物期权方法建立了生产外包决策模型,对外包时机进行了研究,得到了期权价值与外包阈值公式。通过数值模拟,分析了相关系数、波动率对阈值及波动率对期权价值的影响。  相似文献   

A simple valuation model for callable warrants is derived and tested. The model is expressed in closed form except for one term which can be evaluated numerically. Predictions of 78 warrant prices are compared to market prices and the average error is -.224 percent. By contrast, the Black-Scholes model applied to the same warrants produces an average error of 31.44 percent. Thus the callability feature cannot safely be ignored in determining warrant values.  相似文献   

为什么中央银行在制定货币政策时往往是比较谨慎或保守的?从具体的货币政策规则的经验估计如泰勒规则看,这些货币政策比具体经济模型所要求的最优货币政策更为保守。本文从模型不确定性及决策者对不确定性态度变化的角度,运用美联储数据进行实证来解释这一现象。经过分析发现,若与降低利率的变动相比,央行更为关心产出缺口的稳定性,则央行对模型不确定呈厌恶或呈中性将会大大降低泰勒规则中的反应系数,随之产生较为保守的货币政策,若央行对不确定性呈偏好,则产生较为积极的货币政策。  相似文献   

The IASC recently recommended that employee compensation in the form of stock options be measured at the 'fair value' based on an option pricing model and the value should be recognized in financial statements. This follows adoption of SFAS No. 123 in the United States, which requires firms to estimate the value of employee stock options using either a Black‐Scholes or binomial model. Most US firms used the B‐S model for their 1996 financial statements. This study assumes that option life follows a Gamma distribution, allowing the variance of option life to be separate from its expected life. The results indicate the adjusted Black‐Scholes model could overvalue employee stock options on the grant date by as much as 72 percent for nondividend paying firms and by as much as 84 percent for dividend paying firms. The results further demonstrate the sensitivity of ESO values to the volatility of the expected option life, a parameter that the B‐S model or a Poisson process cannot accommodate. The variability of option life has an especially big impact on ESO value for firms whose ESOs have a relatively short life (5 years, for example) and high employee turnover. For such firms, the results indicate a binomial option pricing model is more appropriate for estimating ESO value than the B‐S type model.  相似文献   

Xu Guo 《Quantitative Finance》2016,16(10):1529-1539
In the present work, we concentrate on the analytical study of American options under the CGMY process. The decomposition formula of the American option and the integral equation for the optimal-exercise boundary are established in explicit forms. Moreover, an analytical approximation formula is obtained for the American value. This approximation is valid when time to maturity is either very short or very long. Numerical simulations are provided for European options, optimal-exercise prices and approximate values for American options.  相似文献   

This paper examines the cross-sectional variability in the market valuation of R&D expenditures in the pre-packaged computer software industry. Consistent with some prior research, this paper argues that R&D spending is valued heterogeneously by the stock market, and derives hypotheses regarding the determinants of the cross-sectional heterogeneity in the market valuation of R&D. The empirical tests use an extensive database containing product level information of software firms between 1994 and 1998, along with accounting and stock price data of the same period. The test results, consistent with our hypotheses, show that R&D spending is more valuable for firms with larger market shares, higher percentage of technical employees, and those that have diversified into different product categories. The results also indicate that market valuation of R&D spending is a function of product life cycle.  相似文献   

依据典型周期性行业上市公司潍柴动力2011—2020年的财务指标及相关宏观经济指标数据,运用H-P滤波法、岭回归分析和灰色新陈代谢马尔可夫模型,改进传统收益法估值模型。结果显示:宏观经济因素作为影响周期性行业公司价值的重要变量,对周期性行业公司的折现率具有显著的解释能力,对其永续增长率解释能力不显著;岭回归分析法和H-P滤波法能量化宏观经济对估值模型参数的影响,采用灰色新陈代谢马尔可夫模型预测自由现金流可提高估值精准度。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the valuation accuracy of the price-earnings (P/E), the price-book (P/B) and a combined price-earnings and price-book (P/E-P/B) benchmark valuation methods. Performance of the benchmark valuation methods relies on the definition of comparable firms. In this paper, comparable firms are selected based on industry membership, size and return on equity as well as combinations of industry membership with size and with return on equity. We find that within the P/E and P/B benchmark valuation methods, the best definition of the comparable firms are based on industry membership combined with return on equity. However, only the industry membership is necessary to define the comparable firms for the combined P/E-P/B method. In sum, the results suggest that, when firm's value is unknown, the combined P/E-P/B valuation approach selecting comparable firms based on industry membership performs the best among all the approaches evaluated in this paper.We also find that the P/E benchmark valuation method performs better than the P/B benchmark valuation method and the combined method outperforms either the P/E or the P/B method. These results imply that earnings are more important than book value as a single-number firm valuator over our sample years (from 1973 to 1992) and that both earnings and book values are value relevant, one does not substitute perfectly for the other.  相似文献   

Abstract:   This study uses Ohlson's (1995 and 2001 ) accounting‐based equity valuation model to structure tests of four explanations for the anomalously positive pricing of dividends reported by Rees (1997) and Fama and French (1998) . First, we find that dividends are not simply a proxy for publicly available information that helps predict future abnormal earnings. Second, although dividends act as if they signal managers' private information about future profitability, they remain positively priced for firms with low incentives to signal. Third, dividends do not signal management's willingness to abstain from incurring agency costs. Fourth, however, controlling for one‐year‐ahead realized forecast errors yields a pricing of dividends that is very close to that of dividend displacement. After showing that dividends are not simply a proxy for analysts' misforecasting, we conclude that dividends appear to be positively priced because they are a proxy for the mispricing by investors of current earnings or book equity.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the pitfalls in the pricing of barrier options using approximations of the underlying continuous processes via discrete lattice models. To prevent from numerical deficiencies, the space axis is discretized first, and not the time axis. In a Black–Scholes setup, models with improved convergence properties are constructed: a trinomial model and a randomized trinomial model where price changes occur at the jump times of a Poisson process. These lattice models are sufficiently general to handle options with multiple barriers: the numerical difficulties are resolved and extrapolation yields even moreaccurate results. In a last step, we extend the Black–Scholes setup and incorporate unpredictable discontinuous price movements.The randomized trinomial model can easily beextended to this case, inheriting its superior convergence properties.  相似文献   

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